ACCESS OF YOUNG PEOPLE TO CULTURE Final Report - Annexes EACEA/2008/01 (OJ 2008/S 91-122802) ACCESS OF YOUNG PEOPLE TO CULTURE FINAL REPORT ANNEXES EACEA/2008/01 (OJ 2008/S 91-122802) ANNEXES 1 ACCESS OF YOUNG PEOPLE TO CULTURE Final Report - Annexes EACEA/2008/01 (OJ 2008/S 91-122802) ANNEX I. REFERENCES .................................................................................. 3 1. Bibliography ........................................................................................................................................3 2. European Guidance Documents.........................................................................................................28 3. Other reports......................................................................................................................................29 ANNEX II: TABLES ......................................................................................... 33 Table 1. Ratification, accession or succession of some international treaties and other instruments on culture, children and youth protection by the Member States of the European Union ..........................33 Table 2. Legal elements related to access and participation in cultural life in the European Constitutional framework ......................................................................................................................34 Table 3. Elements related to access, cultural rights and young people in constitutional provisions......36 Table 4. National bodies specialised in youth policies and affairs ........................................................41 Table 5. Other national ministries envolved in youth policies...............................................................43 Table 6. National bodies responsable for research, gathering and disssemination of information related to the access of young people to culture................................................................................................45 Table 7. Institutions and actors at sub-national level.............................................................................47 Table 8. National youth institutions.......................................................................................................50 ANNEX III: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ...................................................... 55 1. Definition of youth in Europe ......................................................................................................55 2. National Studies and statistics ...........................................................................................................57 ANNEX IV: NATIONAL BEST PRACTICES.................................................... 76 ANNEX V: CASE STUDIES........................................................................... 183 1. Museum Online ...............................................................................................................................183 2. Chitalishte System and Agora Platform...........................................................................................186 3. People in Need.................................................................................................................................191 4. Youth Initiatives Project..................................................................................................................195 5. Netari - Online Youth Work in the Internet.....................................................................................198 6. La Jeunesse (ça) se cultive (Jeunesse Ouvrière Chretienne)............................................................200 7. The StrangerFestival........................................................................................................................203 8. Unidos por el Flow ..........................................................................................................................206 9. Young Tate ......................................................................................................................................209 ANNEX VI: RELEVANT DOCUMENTS......................................................... 212 Summary of the Access to Culture Platform Policy Paper ..................................................................212 General Comment 21: The right of everyone to participate in cultural life.........................................214 ANNEX VII :QUESTIONNAIRE ..................................................................... 233 VIEWS OF YOUNG PEOPLE ON ACCESS TO CULTURE.......................... 238 2 ACCESS OF YOUNG PEOPLE TO CULTURE Final Report - Annexes EACEA/2008/01 (OJ 2008/S 91-122802) ANNEX I. REFERENCES 1. Bibliography Aapola, Sinikka & Kaarninen, Mervi (2003): Nuoruuden vuosisata. Suomalaisen nuorison historia, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, Helsinki. Abrams, M. (1959): The Teenage Consumer. London: Press Exchange. Adorno, T. and Horkheimer, M. (1979): Dialectic of Enlightenment. London: Verso. Arts Council of England (ACE) (2007): More than potatos. Making the most of the arts in early years settings, ACE, London. Arts Council of Northern Ireland (2007): Investing in Youth Work, Belfast. Arts Council of England (2006): Children, young people and the arts: West Midlands Strategy, ACE, London Arts Council of England (2006): Children, young people and the arts: Yorkshire Strategy, ACE, London Arts Council of England (2006): Every Child Matters. Beyond enjoying and achieving. Children, young people and the arts. (film) Arts Council of England (2006): The Young People’s Arts Award Pilot. Arts Council of England (2005): Children, young people and the arts, ACE, London Arts Council of England (2005): Children, young people and the art: South East Regional Strategy, ACE, London Arts Council of England (2005): Children, young people and the arts: London Regional Strategy, ACE, London Arts Council of Ireland (2005): Guidelines for the protection and welfare of children and young people in the Arts Sector, Arts Council of Ireland, Dublin. Arts Council of Wales (2006): Participation in the Arts by Young People. Arts Council of Wales (2006): The Arts and Young People in Wales. Assathiany, Laurent (2006) : L'engagement des jeunes dans les pratiques culturelles en milieu rural à travers l\'action des Foyers Ruraux. Associazione per l’Economia della Cultura (2008): Economia della cultura, monographic issue dedicated to the theme “Youth cultural consumption and creativity”, Ed. A. Cicerchia, n. 1/2008, Il Mulino, Bologna. Associazione per l’Economia della Cultura (2006): Economia della cultura, monographic issue dedicated to the theme “Access to culture”, Ed. C. Da Milano and M. De Luca, n. 2/2006, Il Mulino, Bologna. 3 ACCESS OF YOUNG PEOPLE TO CULTURE Final Report - Annexes EACEA/2008/01 (OJ 2008/S 91-122802) Associazione per l’conomia della Cultura (2004): Economia della Cultura, monographic issue dedicated to the theme “Culture and socail inclusion”. Associazione per l’Economia della Cultura (2006): “L’Accesso alla cultura/ Access to culture”, in Economia della cultura, n.2/2006, Edizioni Il Mulino, Bologna. Augé, Marc (1987): El viajero subterráneo en el metro, Gedisa, Barcelona. Autio, Minna & Eräranta, Kirsi & Myllyniemi, Sami (2008): Polarisoituva nuoruus? Nuorten elinolot -vuosikirja 2008, Nuorisotutkimusseura/Nuorisotutkimusverkosto, julkaisuja 84 & Nuorisoasiain neuvottelukunta & Stakes, Helsinki. Autorengruppe Bildungsberichterstattung (2008): Bildung in Deutschland 2008. 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Chicago: Free Press. Beke, Marton (2006): "Children and Youth Civil Sector", New York Review, IV, Volume 4, 2006, The Annual Civil Youth Report 2005, 2005, pp. 92-102. 4 ACCESS OF YOUNG PEOPLE TO CULTURE
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