H11612 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 14, 2005 one we do not like so we are antici- ble of fraud. Evidence points to pos- lution sends a very strong message, pating that by suggesting that they sible fraud by the supreme electoral and I think we need to pass it. better get their act together, meaning council in the most recent election, the Mr. LANTOS. Mr. Speaker we have let anybody win except the opposition 2004 municipal election. Now the su- no additional requests for time, and I because that obviously would be un- preme court, controlled by Roberto yield back the balance of my time. democratic. Rivas, is extremely corrupt and influ- Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speak- Mr. Speaker, there has to be a reason enced by the Ortega side of the Pact. er, I yield myself such time as I may why Latin America went from military Fully three members of the supreme consume. dictatorships to so-called democracies court of Nicaragua have had their U.S. Let me just end by saying, thank you to again electing leftist leaders. Either visas permanently revoked. And the to Mr. LANTOS, my very good friend, something is in the water of Latin court recently suffered the embezzle- for his leadership and his hard work on America or people are fed up with con- ment of over $600,000 in confiscated this and a lot of other legislation. Let ditions. So what do we do? Instead of narco-trafficking funds allegedly by me just say that Mr. LANTOS and I were saying they are electing leftist govern- Sandinista officials of the court. both here back in the 1980s when the ments and we should find out why and Democracy is indeed in danger in war took place in Nicaragua and El support the elected leaders in their de- Nicaragua, but I am pleased to see that Salvador, and we saw the horrible re- sire to bring up the poor, we say be- efforts of civil society, groups like the sult of dictatorships. We saw the hor- ware Chavez, beware Bolivia, beware Movimento de Democracia and other rible result of civil war, and democracy Peru, beware Chile, beware everybody, groups, particularly the government of has changed that whole region down and especially beware Nicaragua: we Nicaragua under President Bolanos to there. And we think it is extremely im- did it to you once; we can do it to you create free and fair and transparent portant that we do everything we can again. If you do not elect the kind of elections continues to push for true de- to support democratic institutions so government we want, you are in deep mocracy. The United States must ac- that we do not have the bloodshed that trouble with us and you are not demo- tively support democracy. The United we saw back in the 1980s and we do not cratic. That is not democracy. States must actively support the rule see the massive flight of people leaving Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speak- of law and human rights in Nicaragua that region to get to the United States er, I yield 4 minutes to the gentleman and to work with international organi- and elsewhere to get away from those from Illinois (Mr. WELLER), vice chair- zations, especially the Organization of wars. So I think this resolution sends a man of the Western Hemisphere Sub- American States, to ensure the condi- strong message. Once again, I thank committee. tions exist for democracy and to ensure Mr. LANTOS. Mr. WELLER. Mr. Speaker, I thank the integrity of the election process. I Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance the gentleman from Indiana for bring- am particularly pleased that the Inter- of my time. ing this resolution to the floor. I am a national Democratic Institute and the The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. strong supporter of this resolution. International Republican Institute are CONAWAY). The question is on the mo- Democracy in Nicaragua has been both involved, and I hope the Organiza- tion offered by the gentleman from In- and continues to be under threat from tion of American States becomes fully diana (Mr. BURTON) that the House sus- something known as ‘‘the pact.’’ The engaged now, sooner rather than later, pend the rules and agree to the concur- pact is an agreement based on corrup- in ensuring a transparent and fair elec- rent resolution, H. Con. Res. 252, as tion and desire for power between two tion process. amended. men: former President Aleman and Mr. Chairman, I commend you for The question was taken; and (two- former dictator Ortega, known locally bringing this important resolution to thirds having voted in favor thereof) as the party caudillos, strongmen, the floor before us today. Democracy the rules were suspended and the con- party bosses; and they are both cor- has had a good start in Nicaragua. It is current resolution, as amended, was rupt. under threat because of the Ortega- agreed to. Let us be clear: the pact today con- Aleman Pact. We must do everything The title of the concurrent resolution trols the Supreme Court of Nicaragua, we can to support true democracy and was amended so as to read: ‘‘Expressing the pact controls the Supreme Elec- ensure free, fair and transparent elec- the sense of Congress that the Govern- toral Council, the pact controls the Na- tions, and that is why I strongly sup- ment of the United States should sup- tional Controllers Board, and the pub- port this resolution and urge bipar- port democracy, the rule of law, and lic prosecutor’s office. These two cor- tisan support. human rights in the Republic of Nica- rupt caudillos have divided up power so Mr. LANTOS. Mr. Speaker I yield 1 ragua and work cooperatively with re- they control it for themselves. minute to the gentleman from Ohio gional and international organizations to bolster Nicaraguan efforts to estab- b 2130 (Mr. KUCINICH). Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I want lish the requisite conditions for free, The Pact is alive and well. A side to thank the gentleman from Cali- fair, transparent, and inclusive presi- agreement to weaken President fornia. dential and legislative elections in Bolanos failed largely because of civil I want to say that I was greatly con- 2006.’’. society, but control of the country’s in- cerned hearing the comments of my A motion to reconsider was laid on stitutions, those I named, still con- colleague from New York who raises the table. tinue. So democracy continues to be some valid points about the United f threatened in Nicaragua. What is the States’ interventions in Latin Amer- REMEMBERING AND COMMEMO- goal of the Pact? To manipulate the ica. Now, I think that, you know, on RATING THE LIVES AND WORK 2006 elections for their benefit, for the one hand, the sponsors of the legisla- OF UNITED STATES CHURCH- benefit of former dictator Ortega and tion have already achieved their ends, WOMEN EXECUTED IN EL SAL- former President Aleman, to feed their and I just wonder if the gentleman VADOR IN 1980 corruption. The Pact wants to stay in from Indiana would yield to a question. power, including through controlling Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speak- Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speak- the supreme electoral council. Now, er, I will be happy to yield to my col- er, I move to suspend the rules and what type of people make up the su- league. agree to the resolution (H. Res. 458) re- preme electoral council? I would note Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Chairman, you membering and commemorating the that two out of seven of the members have sponsored a resolution here that, lives and work of Maryknoll Sisters have had their visas permanently re- as I indicated earlier, the sponsorship Maura Clarke and Ita Ford, Ursuline voked by the United States. And ac- moved some policy change. In light of Sister Dorothy Kazel, and Cleveland cording to a survey published Sep- that, would you have any interest in Lay Mission Team Member Jean Dono- tember 19 of this year by La Prensa, withdrawing the resolution and declar- van, who were executed by members of the leading newspaper, three-fourths, ing victory? the armed forces of El Salvador on De- 74 percent of Nicaraguans believe that Mr. BURTON of Indiana. I do not cember 2, 1980, as amended. the supreme electoral council is capa- think so at this time. I think this reso- The Clerk read as follows: VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:28 Dec 15, 2005 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00106 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14DE7.174 H14DEPT1 December 14, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H11613 H. RES. 458 Whereas the families of the four United The Chair recognizes the gentleman Whereas on December 2, 1980, four United States churchwomen appreciate the ability from Indiana. of those harmed by violence to bring suit States churchwomen, Maryknoll Sisters GENERAL LEAVE against Salvadoran military officers in Maura Clarke and Ita Ford, Ursuline Sister Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speak- Dorothy Kazel, and Cleveland Lay Mission United States courts under the Torture Vic- tim Protection Act of 1991 (28 U.S.C. 1350 er, I ask unanimous consent that all Team Member Jean Donovan, were violated Members may have 5 legislative days and executed by members of the National note); Guard of El Salvador; Whereas the lives of these four United within which to revise and extend their Whereas in 1980 Maryknoll Sisters Maura States churchwomen have, for the past 25 remarks and include extraneous mate- Clarke and Ita Ford were working in the par- years, served as inspiration and continue to rial on the resolution under consider- ish of the Church of San Juan Bautista in inspire Salvadorans, Americans, and people ation.
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