April 21, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 7081 work on cleaning up our rivers. He to show some blue collar voters that he a nonpartisan primary and he was de- stood with us when we blocked efforts was proficient in the use of a blow feated by two other individuals. One that would have prohibited EPA from torch, accidentally set his hair on fire. was a Member who served in this doing more to clean up the air that we But Clevelanders love to tell the House, Ed Feighan, and the other is my all breathe. story about when Mayor Perk, a Re- very distinguished greater Clevelander, He stood with us on protecting chil- publican, was invited to a State dinner the gentleman from Ohio (Mr. DENNIS dren’s health from asthma caused by by then President Richard Nixon, and KUCINICH), who then went on to serve airborne pollution, illness caused by it conflicted with his wife Lucy’s bowl- as mayor of Cleveland, and now serves food poisoning, and pesticide poisoning, ing night, so he was not able to be in with us in the House. permanent damage caused by toxic attendance on that particular evening. I yield to my friend, the gentleman wastes let loose in the environment. Mr. Speaker, Ralph Perk was vintage from Ohio (Mr. KUCINICH) for his The Vice President stood with us on all Cleveland, and he will be greatly thoughts and remembrances of Mayor those issues. missed. He is best known as Cleveland’s Perk. The American people want clean air mayor, but he had a distinguished ca- Mr. KUCINICH. I thank the gen- and water. They want freedom from reer as a public servant. He began his tleman for yielding to me, Mr. Speak- pollution and contamination. They political career in 1940 as a Republican er. want protection of our beautiful public precinct committeeman, and was ap- Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman lands and forests, and they want pro- pointed to the staff of the Ohio Attor- from Ohio (Mr. LATOURETTE) also for the opportunity to share in this very tection for our wildlife. AL GORE wants ney General’s Office in 1950. He then them, too, and he wants all of them to went on to represent the Broadway important reflection on a former have them as well. He is willing to East 55th Street area of Cleveland as a mayor of the city of Cleveland, Mayor Ralph J. Perk. stand up and fight for it to see that councilman from 1953 to 1962. Ralph Perk leaves us at a time when they get it. He was then elected to county-wide the world could use the message of his He has been a very big help by having office, and served as the county auditor life, which was to unite people across for 9 years. When he was elected the courage to say no and to mean it. racial and ethnic lines. For generations mayor, Mayor Perk had the distinction I am looking forward to seeing what he he led us in celebrating the beautiful of being the first Republican mayor of can do when he gets the opportunity to cultural mosaic that is our inheritance Cleveland since the 1930s. In fact, only say yes. in greater Cleveland. He understood two Republicans have served as the Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I want the beauty and the strength of each in- mayor of Cleveland in my lifetime, to thank the gentleman, and everyone dividual expressing his or her own Ralph Perk and also our new Senator who participated in this special order uniqueness. this evening. It is the eve of Earth Day. from Ohio, GEORGE VOINOVICH. I shared with Ralph many a platform, Earth Day is tomorrow. I think there is God love Ralph Perk, Mr. Speaker. festooned with colorful flags, many an a lot of talk up here about what the He was a Republican in the days when ethnic picnic, many polka-filled mo- truth is. being a Republican was not very cool. ments. He had a great enthusiasm for The truth is that the health of our His political base was found in Cleve- life. He was a wise and dedicated public environment is in jeopardy at the land’s heavily Democratic ethnic com- servant who served Cleveland long and hands of the Republican majority in munities, which supported him regard- well as a city councilman, a county the Congress. The truth is that the less of party label. He won folks over auditor, and mayor. His greatest Democrats and the Clinton-Gore ad- with his heart and his ability to be just strength was his common touch, his ministration are the true protectors of like everyone else, to connect with his ability to stay close to the life of the environment for this Earth Day fellow man without pretense. Cleveland’s neighborhoods. and the Earth Days in the future. If another mayor had turned down a Throughout his long life he never left f State dinner at the White House be- the city he loved, and because of his cause of his wife’s bowling engagement, dedication to Cleveland, his memory ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER it would have been a serious breach of PRO TEMPORE will never leave us. My deepest sym- etiquette. To Ralph Perk and the city pathies go out to his dear wife, Lucy, The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. of Cleveland, it is a badge of honor. and to his children. BASS). The Chair will remind all Mem- Mayor Perk served as mayor from I will miss Ralph, but I shall never be bers to address their remarks to the 1972 to 1977, at a time when the city able to think of him without smiling Chair, and not to refer to residents of was developing some financial difficul- about this engaging, energetic, pas- the gallery. ties, but Ralph Perk was able to work sionate public man and dear friend. Members should also not make per- with the Federal Government and the f sonal references to Members of the Nixon White House to secure funding Senate. to alleviate a number of those difficul- U.S. FOREIGN POLICY AND NATO’S INVOLVEMENT IN YUGOSLAVIA f ties. He is credited with establishing a re- AND KOSOVO A TRIBUTE TO MAYOR RALPH J. gional sewer district, and he is also The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under PERK credited with paying off the bonds, the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a using city funds to pay off the bonds of uary 6, 1999, the gentleman from Texas previous order of the House, the gen- the financially strapped Cleveland (Mr. PAUL) is recognized for 60 minutes. tleman from Ohio (Mr. LATOURETTE) is Transit Authority to create what is Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, supporters recognized for 5 minutes. now the Greater Cleveland Regional of internationalism celebrated NATO’s Mr. LATOURETTE. Mr. Speaker, to- Transit Authority. 50th anniversary with the Senate’s 1998 night Cleveland, Ohio, is much poorer Mr. Speaker, although it has been overwhelming approval for expanding than it was yesterday because of the more than 20 years since Ralph Perk NATO to include Eastern European passing of Mayor Ralph J. Perk. If we served as the mayor of our fair city, he countries. This year’s official inclusion were to ask residents of the city of has never been nor will he ever be for- of Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Re- Cleveland about its recent history, gotten. He was a true Cleveland origi- public made all NATO’s supporters they might point us to the bridge at nal, a man who loved his hometown proud, indeed. But in reality, NATO State Route 21 over the Cuyahoga with all of his heart and served it with now is weaker and more chaotic than River as the point where 25 years ago great spirit and dedication. He will be ever. the Cuyahoga River caught on fire, or sorely missed. In the effort to expand NATO and they might direct us to the factory Mayor Perk was reelected as mayor promote internationalism, we see in re- where Mayor Perk, while attempting in both 1973 and 1975. In 1977, there was action the rise of ugly nationalism. VerDate jul 14 2003 10:02 Sep 29, 2004 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00058 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR99\H21AP9.002 H21AP9.
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