This meeting will be taped Please turn off all electronic communication devices and place cell phones on vibrate Ogle County Board Meeting Agenda Tuesday, July 21, 2020 at 5:30 p.m. Ogle County Boardroom - 3rd Floor - Courthouse DUE TO THE LIMITED AMOUNT OF SPACE TO ACCOMMODATE PUBLIC MEETING AND SOCIAL DISTANCING, THE PUBLIC IS ADVISED TO "CALL IN" Audio Meeting Information: Dial: 312-626-6799 Meeting ID: 843 0703 9863 Password: 260655 Please remember to mute your phones if you are not speaking. Those who would like to make statements or express views can email the following email address up to 1:00 p.m. on Monday, July 20, 2020, and they will be read during the Public Comment portion of the Agenda – [email protected] or the public will be allowed to comment during public comment. Call to Order: Roll Call: Invocation & Pledge of Allegiance: Smith PUBLIC HEARING GRANTS: Downstate Small Business Stabilization Program through the Community Development Block Group Fund offered by the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity. Presentation - Kyle Auman, Ogle County Health Department Administrator - COVID-19 Update Consent Agenda Items – by Roll Call Vote 1. Approval of June 16, 2020 Ogle County Board Meeting 2. Accept Monthly Reports – Treasurer, County Clerk & Recorder and Circuit Clerk 3. Appointments - Board of Health - Theresa Krueger - R-2020-0706 4. Resignations - None 5. Vacancies - Zoning board of Appeals (Alternate 1) - 1 Vacancy Board of Health - 1 Vacancy Mental Health 708 Board - 2 Vacancies Housing Authority Board - 1 Vacancy Franklin Grove Fire Protection District -1 Vacancy Application and Resumé deadline – Friday, July 31, 2020, at 4:30 p.m. in the County Clerk’s Office located at 105 S. 5th St – Suite 104, Oregon, IL 6. Ogle County Claims – o Department Claims - June 2020 - $65,058.49 o County Board Payments – $90,090.53 o County Highway Fund – $40,131.00 7. Communications - o Sales Tax for April 2019 $33,243.52 and $77,554.17 o Sales Tax for April 2020 $19,357.22 and $62,463.62 Zoning - 001-20AM - Swanson - O-2020-0701 #001-20 AMENDMENT – Bruce Swanson, 7393 E. Wildwood Rd., Stillman Valley, IL for an Amendment to the Zoning District to rezone from AG-1 Agricultural District to R-1 Rural Residence District on property described as follows and owned by the petitioner: Part of the Southeast Quarter (SE1/4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW1/4) Section 26, Township 25 North, Range 11 East of the 4th P.M., Marion Township, Ogle County, IL, 4.0 acres, more or less - P.I.N.: 05-26-300-007 - Common Location: 7400 block of E. Wildwood Rd. Zoning - 002-20AM - Gibson - O-2020-0702 #002-20 AMENDMENT – Ruth Gibson, 7661 N. Stillman Rd., Stillman Valley, IL for an Amendment to the Zoning District to rezone from B-1 Business District to R-2 Single-family Residential District on property described as follows and owned by the petitioner: Part G.L. 2 of the Northwest Quarter (NW1/4) Fractional Section 07, Township 42 North, Range 1 East of the 3rd P.M., Scott Township, Ogle County, IL, 2.47 acres, more or less P.I.N.: 11-07-100-018 - Common Location: 7661 N. Stillman Rd. Public Comment – Reports and Recommendations of Committees – Finance & Insurance: o Ogle County as Trustee - 14-16-262-005 - R-2020-0707 o C-Pace (Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy Program) R-2020-0708 Long Range Planning: o Long Range Bills R-2020-0709 o Judicial Center Annex Capital Expense Bills - R-2020-0710 o Project Update Executive o Resolution of Support (CDBG Funds) - The Dogwood Inn - R-2020-0701 o Resolution of Support (CDBG Funds) - National Bus Trader, Inc. - R-2020-0702 o Resolution of Support (CDBG Funds) - Public Auction Service - R-2020-0703 o Resolution of Support (CDBG Funds) - Semwieg Inc. D/B/A Maxon's Restaurant - R-2020-0704 o Solar Farm - Special Use Conditions -R-2020-0705 o County Noise Ordinance -O-2020-0703 Unfinished and New Business: Chairman Comments: Vice-Chairman Comments: Adjournment: Motion to adjourn until Tuesday, August 18, 2020, at 5:30 p.m. Agenda will be posted at the following locations on Friday after 4:00 p.m.: 105 S. 5th Street, Oregon, IL General Fund Budget Performance Fiscal Year to Date 06/30/20 Exclude Rollup Account Adopted Budget Amended Current Month YTD Budget - YTD % Used/ Account Account Description Budget Amendments Budget Transactions Transactions Transactions Rec'd Prior Year Total Fund 100 - General Fund REVENUE Department 00 - Non-Departmental 3098 Estimated Beginning Balance 150,000.00 .00 150,000.00 .00 .00 150,000.00 0 .00 3110 State Income Tax 2,500,000.00 .00 2,500,000.00 144,694.86 1,361,522.40 1,138,477.60 54 2,446,427.74 3120.10 Sales Tax $.0025 Portion 950,000.00 .00 950,000.00 68,495.81 532,726.04 417,273.96 56 950,558.67 3120.20 Sales Tax 1% Portion 500,000.00 .00 500,000.00 24,471.61 240,746.53 259,253.47 48 433,187.14 3120.30 Sales Tax Local Use Tax 775,000.00 .00 775,000.00 73,265.46 504,878.35 270,121.65 65 748,742.49 3123 Cannabis Use Tax .00 .00 .00 845.65 5,728.96 (5,728.96) +++ .00 3125 Property Tax 4,475,000.00 .00 4,475,000.00 758,104.21 758,104.21 3,716,895.79 17 4,292,499.13 3128 Building Rent 11,400.00 .00 11,400.00 .00 7,600.00 3,800.00 67 2,850.00 3129 Video Gambling Tax 20,000.00 .00 20,000.00 .00 12,616.00 7,384.00 63 19,332.06 3131 COVID-19 & other related reimbursements .00 .00 .00 .00 398.15 (398.15) +++ .00 3330 Cable TV Franchise Fees 98,000.00 .00 98,000.00 .00 48,663.10 49,336.90 50 98,245.85 3372 Administrative Court Fee 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 .00 .00 1,000.00 0 .00 3380 Restitution 1,500.00 .00 1,500.00 .00 .00 1,500.00 0 150.00 3900.140 Interfund Transfer In County Officers 1,350,000.00 .00 1,350,000.00 .00 600,000.00 750,000.00 44 1,332,467.16 3900.180 Interfund Transfer In Long Range Capital Improvement 275,000.00 .00 275,000.00 .00 750,000.00 (475,000.00) 273 271,008.64 3900.184 Interfund Transfer In Revolving Vehicle Purchase Fund .00 782,000.00 782,000.00 .00 740,000.00 42,000.00 95 .00 3900.400 Interfund Transfer In Interfund Transfer In Health 48,490.00 .00 48,490.00 4,050.00 29,435.00 19,055.00 61 46,935.00 3900.420 Interfund Transfer In Animal Control 25,000.00 .00 25,000.00 .00 .00 25,000.00 0 20,000.00 3900.430 Interfund Transfer In Solid Waste .00 30,000.00 30,000.00 .00 .00 30,000.00 0 40,780.41 3900.905 Interfund Transfer In Personal Property 410,000.00 .00 410,000.00 .00 410,000.00 .00 100 410,000.00 3999 Other Revenue 10,000.00 .00 10,000.00 14,787.39 17,095.24 (7,095.24) 171 6,422.44 Department 00 - Non-Departmental Totals $11,600,390.00 $812,000.00 $12,412,390.00 $1,088,714.99 $6,019,513.98 $6,392,876.02 48% $11,119,606.73 Department 01 - County Clerk/Recorder 3129 Video Gambling Tax 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 .00 .00 1,000.00 0 975.00 3530 Liquor License 20,000.00 .00 20,000.00 1,500.00 2,650.00 17,350.00 13 23,075.00 3542 County Licenses 2,231.00 .00 2,231.00 175.00 1,350.00 881.00 61 1,525.00 3999 Other Revenue .00 .00 .00 133.12 133.12 (133.12) +++ .00 Department 01 - County Clerk/Recorder Totals $23,231.00 $0.00 $23,231.00 $1,808.12 $4,133.12 $19,097.88 18% $25,575.00 07/14/2020 Finance Committee Page 1 of 14 General Fund Budget Performance Fiscal Year to Date 06/30/20 Exclude Rollup Account Adopted Budget Amended Current Month YTD Budget - YTD % Used/ Account Account Description Budget Amendments Budget Transactions Transactions Transactions Rec'd Prior Year Total Department 03 - Treasurer 3310 Copies 4,500.00 .00 4,500.00 550.00 5,068.85 (568.85) 113 4,788.95 3483 Indemnity Cost 6,500.00 .00 6,500.00 .00 6,480.00 20.00 100 5,720.00 Department 03 - Treasurer Totals $11,000.00 $0.00 $11,000.00 $550.00 $11,548.85 ($548.85) 105% $10,508.95 Department 06 - Judiciary & Jury 3218 Public Defender Reimbursement 44,110.00 .00 44,110.00 3,675.58 25,621.96 18,488.04 58 42,734.71 3900.350 Interfund Transfer In County Ordinance .00 85,000.00 85,000.00 .00 50,000.00 35,000.00 59 .00 Department 06 - Judiciary & Jury Totals $44,110.00 $85,000.00 $129,110.00 $3,675.58 $75,621.96 $53,488.04 59% $42,734.71 Department 07 - Circuit Clerk 3361 DUI Education Fee .00 .00 .00 133.00 1,962.50 (1,962.50) +++ 1,411.50 3362 Police Vehicle Fee 8,000.00 .00 8,000.00 127.50 800.00 7,200.00 10 7,431.00 3375 Public Defender 2,500.00 .00 2,500.00 64.88 333.88 2,166.12 13 801.75 3385 Street Value Drugs 5,000.00 .00 5,000.00 206.48 2,094.67 2,905.33 42 5,056.49 3390 Criminal Fines 100,000.00 (25,000.00) 75,000.00 1,603.09 29,865.99 45,134.01 40 79,823.48 3395 Traffic Fines 380,000.00 (200,000.00) 180,000.00 6,436.32 95,980.52 84,019.48 53 363,089.71 3396 County Fee -(Traffic) 140,000.00 (140,000.00) .00 181.77 2,774.22 (2,774.22) +++ 100,546.72 3397 Arrest Agency Fee .00 45,000.00 45,000.00 .00 2,159.00 42,841.00 5 .00 3900.550 Interfund Transfer In Document Storage 45,000.00 7,500.00 52,500.00 .00 52,500.00 .00 100 45,000.00 3900.555 Interfund Transfer In County Automation - Circuit Cler 45,000.00 7,500.00 52,500.00 .00 52,500.00 .00 100 45,000.00 Department 07 - Circuit Clerk Totals $725,500.00 ($305,000.00) $420,500.00 $8,753.04 $240,970.78 $179,529.22 57% $648,160.65 Department 08 - Probation 3215 Probation Salary Reimbursements 377,497.00 .00 377,497.00 141,389.90 256,695.32 120,801.68 68 265,441.08 Department 08 - Probation Totals $377,497.00 $0.00 $377,497.00 $141,389.90 $256,695.32 $120,801.68 68% $265,441.08 Department 09 - Focus House 3215 Probation Salary Reimbursements 254,262.00 .00 254,262.00 87,326.32 172,204.73 82,057.27 68 188,196.20 3271 School Reimbursements 23,400.00 .00 23,400.00 4,100.00 4,100.00 19,300.00 18 21,300.00
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