’'*., ' ;V '1^,' '5. ^...l X, • ■• .> J BATURDAT, OtlVVEH M, ‘ /■ .Average Daily Circulation The Weather . / / "X Manchester Evening Herald FACE FOUBTEEJ! ^ '------------------- --------- Far Uw Moatk of Septenher, 1S44 Forecast ol U..S. Weath.r Bamiu ■am* tima, we nnderatsund, be­ 60 Jamaicans tween a nmaber dC the male sex Former Local Soldier Honored LECLERC 8,908 Fair and rontinuad coM to­ AKouljTown Heard Along Main Street and one aa tba aide in a lo­ FUNERAL HOME. Menhet at the Audit night; ' fair and warmer Tuaaday. cal establishment. Although both -- r, T o Lodge H ere Baieaa of Cfamtottoas work in different departments 23 Msin Street A n d o n jo m eo f Manchester's ^ide Streets, Too every time they sight each other > Manchester— A City o f Village Charm J U r and Mm . Harold W. TUl- Phone 5269 in cb^ of 11 Hemlock atrwt are ona of them adds fuel to the Decide to Work on To­ to Oraaawich today for y** flames. It does not - require too (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENT'S killing rats this way, but boy and much Imagination on the part of V0L.LXIV„N0.25 (ClaaalSad AdvartMng rage /i t ) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1944 at Mr. TllUnahaat« cousin. Charles MaVbe he wanted to see how his ‘ dog like it, nevertheless and they bacco in Sheds and in either to get some subject about __________ __________________________ ■....... Clark, whose" death .. occurred fo r m i otvlllan dress felt, anyhow, j are rapidly clearing all the ro­ Tt we saw a soldier walking dw-n the dents out of the Line street hen­ which they differ. The Warehouses. y r ThuMday. ____ The other day a fellow worker street the other day w '«rl"R „ * house. FOR YOUR NEW Durinr last night’s servlose at civilian white dress •hl«"t—collar in the same department as the The Smith garage on Blsaell President Osmeua Starts Back to Philippines M d all. In these days of snbducd male had a bag of grapes which Temple Beth Sholom, special pray- A newspaper man meets more street, which haa 1»een used as a Rail Escape Route eM were said in observance, of khaki or serge, he sure looked be was. dlatribuUng about the de­ AND Nazi Lowlands Stand crackpots in a day's travel than partment. The • feuding male lodging house for Jamaican work- Navy'sDay. and for the average man meets In a life­ H^tii Shotom eengregatlea serv ^'*Which opens up the subject of time and a newspaper office seems suggested that tome of the grapes -ers will be maintained during the OLD WORK the boys coming home ''"''"'I to be the target for every scheme be left on the desk of his female winter. Many of the yorkera have tog in the fJayy. their old civilian clothes lor the hatched in or out of a bughouse. foe and that in some way w-ord left the itate, but many others are Blocked by RMs; few days they are hei-e. It is a be conveyed to her that it was See The marriage of Miss This week a letter came from custom with the Navy lads to ay in the form of a peace offering to remain and help fuWher on to­ Cut into 4 Pockets; Plano and Charles Gulnipero ^11 one Robert J. McLaughiin, of 73 plaee on Monday, October 30, aside their blues for the mobning West End avenue, Manhattan from her adversary. bacco. ' About half of the men who lived at nine o’clock in St. James s period and don their Beach, Brooklyn, (291 N. Y. It is The plot was c.arried out by the William Kanehl More Gains Made <work uniform! or coveralls for the dispenser of the grapes and the at the Bisaell street place have de­ church. entitled "The Ezekiel Wheel" and General Contractor work around the house. hold yonr hats, it tells about an fair recipient threw them in her cided to remain. It la dxpccted that Many a soldier, sailor or Mai me about 60 men will occupy the ga­ 519 Center SU TeL 7773 Robert F. Hawley. 20 ^ h u ro auto this man invented that is waste basket. Drive Gaining Speed dreams of the day when he can powered by the moon. He declares The next day her arch-foe man­ rage during the winter. road, will visit his son Da^d. at come home, slip on a comfortable H ^ ’ Wilbraham Academy on Fathers that Lunar is a "centrifugal pen­ aged to work the subject of grapes Reds Stand Old pair of pants and soft, easy-on- dulum. and as it careens through into convensatlon within her hear­ W >S^wd. today and tom o^w ^ the-feet shoes, stick his feet "P on FatheM’ Week-end has been a the sky. It swingsrfrst to the right ing. She said that the deteated —Berlin Reports Soviet, HpOn P arley German Forces Below the porch rail and watch the folks and then to the left. This indicates custom at WUbraham for many grapes and never ate them. Japanese Flee Arms^Ban \ pass by the house. that the hidden hemisphere, which It was then suggested that a Penetration to Priek-j Maas Disintegrating veaH and this year about one hun- Many of them are shy on meet­ SAVE 30% FUEL! S S T ’dads will visit the ^ “ demy. we never see, is heavier than the fellow worker In the department ule Area Southeast o f, ing folks, too. They would much side showing the smiling features for whom she has a high regard AND ENJOY GREATER COMFORT * I\etV UpSet Under (/lonceiitrated many oC- whom will spend the rather sit at home with Mom and Into Hills: Try May Bring m S t HlghllghU of the program of the "man in the moon.” gave them to h e r- as he actually Baltic Port of Liepaja. | — — Air Attack and Drive Pop and the rest of the family and After that simple Introduction, did. She immediately did an SfsaturdTy s!Je the football gmne talk—about anything ekeept the RUSCO 3-WAY COMBINATION WINDOWS with M t Hermon, a Fathers CTub Brother McLaughlin continues: about face and said that if this Refuses to Attend Avia­ O f Allied Armies Rac* war. Their tastes'are almpie. for '"That brings us to the Ezekiel F.XPER’TLT INSTALLED C T F F I London, Oct. 30.— (A*)— | Barge Escape On Crisis ^ t l n g at Fisk Hall led hy m s l - it is the simple things they want man gave them to her she would WITH THE EXCLUSIVE O I EElw dent m vld O. LJunKberg M Wor­ Wheel which appeared suddenly The last rail escape route for i tion Conference Be­ iiig to Escape Britlge at most of all with that home tang on the plains of Mesopotamia in eat them cester, moving plctw at Fij^k Now co-workers are wondering I. No Draft! No Rain Veotllatlon! Germans in northeastern Moerdijk; Push to A|h Hftll w»d a Social Hour at the 59S B. C. It propelled four air­ whether the girl really detesta cause Portugal, Spain MacArthur Holds Two- l)e Gaulle Order Appar­ ^°But we still believe that the sol­ ships which had flown down from 8. Change Screen to Storm Saah In V, Mlu- Hungary was blocked by the Field House. At Chapel se^lce on grapes or just the supposed giver. Check dier with the white shirt and col­ outer space." _ . , ttie From INSIDE Voar Home! Russians today with capture And Switzerland Bid. Thirds of Strategic ently Directed at De­ proachiiig Conclusion. Sunday morning Dr. Robert s. lar on the other day w as overdoing nitogworth of CTark UniveMlty. Skipping from 595 B. C. to June I. No Bulky Window* to Store In Cellar! of Csap (Cop) on the upper 18, 1944, Brother McLaughlin An elderly couple from the west, These Leyte and Has Stran­ fiant Communist Par­ another member of the F ^ e r s it a bit. on a visit here, were invited to din­ No Fuxa — No Ladder* — Ultle Tlniet Tisza river, while to the .Washlngton, Oct. 30 —HT) London, Oct. 30.-—(/F>— Club, will-speak on ’’Man’s Great­ moves from lire plains of Mesopo­ tisan Elements Alone. tamia to his apartment on Miin- ner where s leg of lamb was the 4. Pay* for Itxelf In Fuel Saved! north Berlin reported further Russia hung a question mark over gle Hold on Samar. The German stand in the est' Enemy." George Besietle of Da'*' main dish. S.-iid the westerners: Features 5. No Down Payment—58 Month* To Pny! southwestern Lowlands had reporU he has s novel method ^ hattnn Beach. Here he said he Russian gains in the liquida­ her western European diplomacy "Set to work with aluminum sheets "That sure was a dandy piece of MacArthur's Headquarters, Phil­ Paris. Oct. 30—(4*)—Predictions been cut in four dwindling exterminating the **5! mutton.” Pvt. George Coulter, of Plalnville, Conn., formerly of Manchester, Let U* Show Ton a Ru*co 5-Way Combination Window! tion of an eatimated 100,000 Nazi* today just as affairs th the Balk­ to make my Ezekiel Wheel. The pinned against the Baltic *ea. of nationwide demonstration* ac­ den variety of bam or henhouae •'Mutton,” screamed their host. is shown above, right, as iie was preaenteed with the Presidential r. H. A. FINANCED — Xfl MONTHS TO PAT. ans slid into a groove of oolla ippines, -Oct.
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