4 No. 42402 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 15 APRIL 2019 GOVERNMENT NOTICES • GOEWERMENTSKENNISGEWINGS Transport, Department of/ Vervoer, Departement van DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT NO. 585 15 APRIL 2019 585 South African National Roads Agency Limited and National Roads Act (7/1998): Declaration Amendment of National Road N1 Section 16X: Amendment of Declaration No.’s 177 of 2009 and 1086 of 2007 42402 I AMENDMENT OF DECLARATION No.'s 177 OF 2009 AND 1086 OF 2007. By virtue of Section 40 (1)(b) of The South African National Roads Agency Limited and National RoadsAct, 1998 (Act No. 7 of 1998), I hereby amend (i) Declaration No. 177 of 2009 in its entirety, (II) DeclarationNo. 1086 of 2007 from its start up to points L173 and R168 on sheet 4 of Plan No. P602/06, bysubstituting all sheets of their respective Plans with the accompanying sheets 1 to 18 of Plan No. P1052/18. I MINISTER i F TRANSPORT I This gazette is also available free online at www.gpwonline.co.za STAATSKOERANT, 15 APRIL 2019 No. 42402 5 DEPARTEMENT VAN VERVOER NO. 585 15 APRIL 2019 585 Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Padagentskap Beperk en op Nasionale Paaie (7/1998): Verklaring Wysiging van Nasionale Pad N1 Seksie 16X: Wysiging van Verklaring No.’s 177 van 2009 en 1086 van 2007 42402 WYSIGING VAN No.'s 177 VAN 2009 EN 1086 VAN 2007. Kragtens Artikel 40(1)(b) van die Wet op die Suid -Afrikaanse Nasionale Padagentskap Beperk en op Nasionale Paaie, 1998 (Wet No. 7 van 1998), wysig ek hiermee (I) Verklaring No. 177 van 2009 deur dit in sy geheel, (II) Verklaring No. 1086 van 2007 vanaf die begin tot by punte L173 en R168 op vel 4 van Plan No. P602/06, deur alle velle van huile respektiewelike Planne te vervang met meegaande velletot 18 van Plan No. P1052/18. I k This gazette is also available free online at www.gpwonline.co.za 6 ,c) No. 42402 NBURG 681 PTN 1L221)L1 ... L2 L3 PTN L4 15 VERGE68 REM ..........::-:::-:.:-:-:::::-:."... - L6 L7 LB R2 R3....0414111"9"1"13d56"4":=31":"IirdPTN101R4 - - --- - ------- - - - --' R7PTN 84 RB L9 DECLARAT1352/2016N1/16NO. ION \\ \ \ \ N. fR2421-R1 - - --- - -- R9 R1O PIN 85 r/ GAZETTE, GOVERNMENT r--.-Q-.-.-7777-7:4P'77:-'L10 L11 VERGENOEGREM 689 ,..., :',:'.'.' APRIL 15 2019 ._.' " .'.. v.% - . .".*. R11 R12 PTN R13 R14 E.P.L SERV. R15 .....PIN 84 . ' ... Ts std l die podreserwe voor von 'n gedeelte Vel/s, van DieThe Suid South Afrikaanse African NasionoleNational Roads Padagentskop Agency MSSOC E1 Ltd Bpk TheDie figuurfigure getoon shown vonofrepresents National Nosionale Route the Roete rood reserveNi of oSectionSeksie portion 16X PionSheetP1052/181 of 18 This gazette is also available free online at www.gpwonline.co.za 4. ;1, 4.ji- REM AL33.t.I-.R4849 VERGENOEGREM 689 BALLYMENAREM 1243 L31 R46 STAATSKOERANT, L3 / PIN 1 L12 X 128 L29 R44 R45 1- L13 R43 APRIL 15 2019 --.. -- .... Lii - - P, TN 1,_trl.fc.<::.,7,a, )71.-1.A...,:f ..- R42 .... .... -. PIN IV A rg NOTRE DAME 1576 R20 .."" 13 r. PIN 101R21 -.-.R22' '":::- ' ': 7'9.: ir..,....t.è...,,7,10.. >c( REM DORPSGRONDENP TN 89 E.P.LSERV. R23 R24 R25 R26R27 47=ID CA27 41 W I NBURG 681 R28 R29 13 12 Vel N920van DieThe Suid South Afrikaanse African NasionaleNational Roads Padagentskap Agency SOCMSS LtdBpk TheDie figuurfigure getoonshown vonrepresentsstelof Notional Nasionoledie padreserwe Route the Roete road voor reserve vonN1 'nof gedeelte aSectionSeksie portion 16X SheetPlan P1052/182 of 18 No. 42402 7 This gazette is also available free online at www.gpwonline.co.za 8 Y -3 REM BELLEVUE 5 No. 42402 PIN R50L35 L36 R52 L37 138-L39 140 L41 L42 "3 PTN 1 L44 L45 L46 L47 148 NOTRE DAMER53 1576 R54 R55 R56 R57 03w 11031 N3 Cr. R62 R63 R64 Y -3 REM REM GAZETTE, GOVERNMENT -4-a PLOT 11 Y -3 000 KLEINFONTE N S.H REM PL OTREM/PLOTPTN 2 1/ PLOTREM/ 4 PLOTPLOTPTNREM/ 51/ PLOTREM/ PTNLOT 1/ SERv./PLOTPLOTREM 1022 \ BELLEVUE 5 L57L58 L61 6263 PL OT 1 L70PLOTPTN 1/ 41-rWawaNexpur,dr Noce=ita.ter PLOTPTN 231 / \ L49 L50REM 154 L55PIN L56 120 R7464 R75r. , R76 R77 -4 -4 L74 PLOTr 101or APRIL 15 2019 Y -3 R65 R66L51 152 R67L53 R68 R69 R71 KLEINFONTE N 808PIN 2 R78 R79 R80 R81 R82 oUl *so DieThe Suid South Afrikaanse African NasionaleNational Roads Podagentskap Agency MSSSOC BpkLtd TheDie figuurfigure getoonshown vonstelofrepresents National Nosionaledie padreserwe Route the Roete road voor reserve vanN1 'n of gedeelte aSectionSeksie portion 16X PlanSheetVel P1052/18 3vonof 18 This gazette is also available free online at www.gpwonline.co.za PLOTREM/ 22PLOTPLOT 27 R.O.W24 PLOT 25PLOTL84 26L =5s;0PLOT\`rmm r 42L88 PLOT 43 KLEINFONTEIN S.H PLOTPLOTL81 1023 L82SERV., 1.83 R83 R84 R85 R86 R87 R88 R89 R90 L89 GOEDGENOEG 2249 00- PTN 2 x1 KLEINFONTS N 808 R94;GROOTDAMPTN 3 6R951 -3500 REM PTN 1 ,2,999"A999" \ S' o GOEDGENOEG 2249 VAALSPRUIT2250 L90 STAATSKOERANT, R98 R99 R100 , GROOTDAM 611 l \ó REM5od PTN 1 APRIL 15 2019 VAAL2250 SPRUIT-PIN 1.o(00oLIVERSAGEREM PTN 1 225 PTN 4 c L104 L105 L91z L92o.:....._:.........._.I Q399 R108L94 33w..mT., R112 R113L102 R114 L103R115 R116 R117 R118L1 6 R119 áN criO PTNR107 3 ío 4 PIN Y I P- I -ADDY #1,,VOGELFONTE OPTN 1 PTNREM1 - MIDDLE OF STREAM 943 1970 I N REM GROOTDAM 611\ stel dieREM padreserwe voor van\°c/2 'n gedeeite Vel van\ DieThe Suid South Afrikaanse African NotionalNasionole Roods Padagentskap Agency SOC MSBLtdBpk TheDie figuurfigure getoonshown ofvanrepresents Notional Nosionole Route the Roete rood reserveN1 of aSectionSeksie portion 16X PlanSheetP1052/18 4 of 18 No. 42402 9 This gazette is also available free online at www.gpwonline.co.za 10 REM X 2251 TAA I BOSCHKU IL MOO I PLAAT No. 42402 _6 000 REM 1 PTN 1 844 ZA1 846 oo PIN 1 L110 4411i441$ L111 ROO I KOPP I ES 749 PTN 4 1 ..13110. r R124 L112 REM I1 1-- IV' N L127 1131114L115L116 PIN 1 L121 L122 R140 14i R142PTN 1 PTN 1 rS3 ......,"upittissunowisma.,L117. ---1 'L118. L119 L170 R138 R139PIN 2 LO 4 .34 R135 R136R13( , VOGELFONTEREM IN 1970 REM RE'SE%'.... HELPMEKAAR TAAIBOSCH43 REM GAZETTE, GOVERNMENT -6 500 " 1 La 708 PINPIN 3 IS3 1,1 REM PTN 1 lo MOO I PL AAT 846 to Y 00q orst lingeou,atkiiPIN REM .1121".ineavIT3 thPTN 3 ocnIM SMALDEEL,REM 2298 R143L128R144 L129R145 R146L130 L131 I L133Ri47 L134 L135 L136 L138 APRIL 15 2019 PIN 1 R148, R152PTN PINA f153 nis4 R155 TAAIBOSCHREM 43 PINPIN 2 'As3 ESPERANZA 1553 Y-6 500 DieThe Suid South Afrikaanse African NasionaleNotional Roads Padagentskop Agency SOCMSB LtdBpk TheDie figuurfigure getoonshown vanofrepresentsstel National Nasionaledie padreserwe Route the Roete road voor reserve vonN1 'nof gedeelteaSectionSeksie portion PlanSheetVel P1052/18vanof 18 This gazette is also available free online at www.gpwonline.co.za SMALDEELREM 2298 \ OIn PIN KEEROM 2297 Y 000 r PINr, 1, SERV.CL 80.00m --D 03in REM ifw ?_. T..... L143 L144 I1 // PIN 1 U03M 0,3y 0m-:. UIwI:4 L145 R160 L146 L147\- I /1152 1153 L154R168 R169L155 L156R110 L157R171 R172 ESPERANZAPIN 1553 R161 R162 mR166m R167 REM Y -6 500 u CYFERFONTE631 IN STAATSKOERANT, PIN 1 REM KEEROMREM 2297 STILLE WONREM INC 1462 PIN 3 PIN 2 L160PINL1611162L1631164 L165 LI67 L168 L169 1170 L171 1172PTN 1L173 1174 L175 APRIL 15 2019 L158R173L159R174RI75RI 76R177 R178R179 R180 R182 R183 RI84 R185 R186 R188 L180 ,".ASO° REM REM 00° 030 stel diepodreserwe voor von 'n gedeelte Vel van No. 42402 DieThe Suid South Afrikoanse African NationalNasionale Roads Podagentskop Agency SOC MSB Ltd Bpk TheDie figuurfigure getoonshown ,........... vanrepresentsof NotionalNasionale theRoute Roete rood reserveNi of o SectionSeksieportion 16X PlanSheetP1052/18of 18 11 This gazette is also available free online at www.gpwonline.co.za 12 No. 42402 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 15 APRIL 2019 01 P TN o Ui L207 if)01 ur CC o R217 N oz CC Z R216 Of (NI CO- R215 O_ rej CC o L205 214 L234 cL L204 L233 L203 R213 L202 :.* o R212 L1223321 o- L201 z R211 L23 Ui ir X 0_ (.0 L200 L228 C Cr M L227 R237 0 c L199 / 1 .11 o 1-1.J 236 / O u o, -0O. 0 op a C/) I Di o Ln e, o o )b > a_ N Iz- p 0_ 0 0 > J R207 . n7 'V 0 `;8 11 R206 Iz - 04) Ui 0_ o IX al .. gn 2 CC -c CV . 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