Planning Committee PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED DATE: Wednesday 15 September 2010 PLANNING COMMITTEE APPLICATIONS TH WEDNESDAY 15 SEPTEMBER 2010 PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED SECTION 1 - MAJOR APPLICATIONS SECTION 2 - OTHER APPLICATIONS RECOMMENDED FOR GRANT SECTION 3 - OTHER APPLICATIONS RECOMMENDED FOR REFUSAL SECTION 4 - CONSULTATIONS FROM NEIGHBOURING AUTHORITIES SECTION 5 - PRIOR APPROVAL APPLICATIONS ______________________________________________________________________________________________________th ___________ Planning Committee Wednesday 15 September 2010 i PLANNING COMMITTEE TH WEDNESDAY 15 SEPTEMBER 2010 INDEX Page No. 1/01 ST GEORGE’S CHURCH SPORTS P/1546/09/AH HEADSTONE GRANT 1 GROUND, PINNER VIEW, HA1 4RJ SOUTH SUBJECT TO LEGAL AGREEMENT 1/02 GOODWILL TO ALL PUBLIC HOUSE P/1676/10/AR MARLBOROUGH GRANT 27 HEADSTONE DRIVE, HARROW ,HA1 4UN SUBJECT TO LEGAL AGREEMENT 1/03 1-5 SUDBURY HILL, HARROW, HA1 3SB P/1989/09/IH HARROW ON THE GRANT 55 HILL SUBJECT TO LEGAL AGREEMENT 1/04 1-26, 28 & 30 DOUGLAS CLOSE, P/1794/10/ML STANMORE PARK GRANT 82 STANMORE, HA7 3SP SUBJECT TO LEGAL AGREEMENT 1/05 NORTH LONDON COLLEGIATE SCHOOL, P/1460/10/NR CANONS GRANT 108 CANONS DRIVE, EDGWARE, HA8 7RG 1/06 NORTH LONDON COLLEGIATE SCHOOL, P/1467/10/LH CANONS GRANT 108 CANONS DRIVE, EDGWARE, HA8 7RG 1/07 SIGNAL HOUSE, 16 LYON ROAD, P/2872/09/ GREENHILL GRANT 126 HARROW, HA1 2AG SUBJECT TO LEGAL AGREEMENT 1/08 BENTLEY PRIORY, THE COMMON P/1452/08/CFU/DT2 STANMORE GRANT 147 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________th ___________ Planning Committee Wednesday 15 September 2010 ii STANMORE, HA7 3HH PARK SUBJECT TO LEGAL AGREEMENT 1/09 BENTLEY PRIORY, THE COMMON P/1453/08/CLB/DT2 STANMORE GRANT 147 STANMORE, HA7 3HH PARK SUBJECT TO LEGAL AGREEMENT 1/10 HARROW CENTRAL MOSQUE, 24-34 P/0338/09/AH MARLBOROUGH GRANT 196 STATION ROAD, HARROW, HA1 2SQ 2/01 RAF BENTLEY PRIORY, THE COMMON, P/1926/10/ML1 STANMORE GRANT 219 STANMORE, HA7 3HH PARK 2/02 RAF BENTLEY PRIORY, THE COMMON, P/1935/10/LH STANMORE GRANT 219 STANMORE, HA7 3HH PARK 2/03 BENTLEY PRIORY OPEN SPACE, PRIORY P/2292/10 STANMORE APPROVE 237 DRIVE, STANMORE PARK 2/04 16-24 CANNING ROAD, WEALDSTONE, P/1546/09/AH MARLBOROUGH GRANT 240 HA3 7SJ SUBJECT TO LEGAL AGREEMENT 2/05 1 MARLBOROUGH HILL, HARROW, HA1 P/1682/10/GL GREENHILL GRANT 260 1UD 2/06 181 UXBRIDGE ROAD, HARROW WEALD, P/2184/10 HARROW WEALD GRANT 271 HA3 6TP 2/07 HARROW SCHOOL SPEECH ROOM, HIGH P/0868/10/LH HARROW ON THE GRANT 279 STREET, HARROW ON THE HILL, HA1 HILL 3HQ 2/08 230A KENTON ROAD, HARROW, HA3 8BY P/1316/10/ML1 KENTON WEST GRANT 284 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________th ___________ Planning Committee Wednesday 15 September 2010 iii 2/09 TENNIS CLUB CUCKOO HILL ROAD, P/1283/10/IH PINNER SOUTH GRANT 303 PINNER, HA5 1AY 2/10 OBSERVER HOUSE, 34 GREENHILL WAY, P/0675/10/IH GREENHILL GRANT 312 HARROW, HA1 1LE 2/11 41 WETHERAL DRIVE, STANMORE, HA7 P/1466/10/NR BELMONT GRANT 322 2HQ 2/12 70 WELBECK ROAD, SOUTH HARROW, P/1940/10/SMC WEST HARROW GRANT 327 HA2 ORR 2/13 106-108 WEALD LANE, HARROW, HA3 P/1725/10/GL WEALDSTONE GRANT 332 5EZ 2/14 29-31 PINNER ROAD, HARROW, HA1 4ES P/1636/10 HEADSTONE GRANT 341 SOUTH 2/15 1 – 3 BOUVERIE ROAD, HARROW, HA1 P/1957/10/SB5 WEST HARROW GRANT 348 4HB 2/16 40 FONTWELL CLOSE, HARROW, HA3 P/1658/10/AH HARROW WEALD GRANT 363 6DE 2/17 LAND AT BRIDGE HOUSE, 125 WAXWELL P/1967/10/SB5 PINNER GRANT 367 LANE, PINNER HA5 3ER 2/18 LAND AT BRIDGE HOUSE, 125 WAXWELL P/1323/10/SB5 PINNER APPROVE 373 LANE, PINNER HA5 3ER 2/19 LAND REAR OF 47-51 GAYTON ROAD, P/1754/10/GL GREENHILL GRANT 381 HARROW, HA1 2LT ______________________________________________________________________________________________________th ___________ Planning Committee Wednesday 15 September 2010 iv SECTION 1 – MAJOR APPLICATIONS Item: 1/01 ST GEORGE’S CHURCH SPORTS P/1546/09/AH GROUND, PINNER VIEW, HA1 4RJ Ward HEADSTONE SOUTH OUTLINE REDEVELOPMENT OF ST. GEORGES FIELD TO PROVIDE 7 X 1 BED FLATS, 8 X 2 BED FLATS, 4 X 3 BED HOUSES, 8 X 4 BED HOUSES; EXTENDED ACCESS ROAD; DETACHED DOUBLE GARAGE; ALTERED PARKING FOR ST GEORGES CHURCH HALL AND RETENTION OF 0.8 HECTARES OF OPEN SPACE Applicant: St Georges Parochial Church Council Agent: Mr Charles Campion Case Officer: Abigail Heard Statutory Expiry Date: 21-OCT-09 RECOMMENDATION GRANT permission subject to authority being delegated to the Divisional Director of Planning in consultation with the Director of Legal and Governance Services for the completion of the s106 and issue of the planning permission subject to minor amendments to the conditions or the s106 legal agreement. Heads of Terms of s106 Agreement • Transfer of the area of proposed Open Space detailed in the application to the Council subject to agreement of acceptable terms for such transfer; to include provision for the improvement of the land for use as open space and any related further contributions to its maintenance • Provision of 52% Affordable Housing (70% social rent and 30% intermediate) • Payment of Harrow Council’s reasonable costs in the preparation of the legal agreement • Payment of Planning Administration Fee If members of the planning committee are minded to approve this planning application it will need to be referred to the Government Office for London as the proposal forms a departure from the adopted development plan policy Reason for Approval: - The decision to GRANT planning permission has been taken having regard to Government guidance contained within PPS1, PPS3, PPS9, PPS5, PPG17 and PPG13 the policies and proposals in The London Plan 2008 and the saved policies of the Harrow Unitary Development Plan 2004, listed below, and all relevant material considerations including any comments received in response to publicity and consultation. The loss of the open space whilst in conflict with policy EP47 of the UDP will be outweighed by the community benefits of the open space being accessible for all, the improved layout of the open space and the affordable housing proposed as part of the development. The layout of the development is acceptable and will not be to the detriment of highway safety. The development will not result in an increased flood risk and will reduce the opportunity for crime through natural surveillance of the open space. A number of conditions are recommended to be added to the permission to ensure that the carbon footprint of the proposal is reduced. ________________________________________________________________________________________th Planning Committee Wednesday 15 September 2010 1 Item 1/01 : P/1546/09/AH continued/… National Planning Policy Planning Policy Statement 1 – Delivering Sustainable Development Planning Policy Statement 3 – Housing Planning Policy Statement 9 – Biodiversity and Geological Conservation Planning Policy Guidance 13 – Transport Planning Policy Statement 5 – Planning for Historic Environment Planning Policy Guidance 17 – Sport, Space and Recreation Planning Policy Statement 25 – Development and Floodrisk The London Plan 2008 3A.1 Increasing London’s supply of housing 3A.2 Borough housing targets 3A.3 Maximising the potential of sites 3A.5 Housing choice 3A.6 Quality of new housing provision 3D. 8 Realising the value of open space and green infrastructure 3A. 18 Protection and enhancement of social infrastructure and community facilities 4A.1 Tackling climate change 4A.4 Energy assessment 4A.7 Renewable energy 4A12: Flooding 4A13: Flood Risk management 4A14: Sustainable Drainage 4B.1 Design principles for a compact city 4B.5 Creating an inclusive environment 4B.6 Safety, security and fire prevention and protection London Borough of Harrow Unitary Development Plan 2004 D4: The Standards of Design and Layout D5: New Residential Development – Amenity Space and Privacy D9: Streetside Greenness and Forecourt Greenery D11: Statutorily Listed Buildings D12: Locally Listed Buildings D10: Trees and New Development EP20: Use of Previously Developed Land EP12: Control of Surface Water Run-Off EP27: Species Protection EP28: Conserving and Enhancing Biodiversity EP47: Open Space H7: Dwelling Mix T11: Cycle and Motor Cycle Parking in Public Places T13:Parking Standards T6: The Transport Impact of Development Proposals ________________________________________________________________________________________th Planning Committee Wednesday 15 September 2010 2 Item 1/01 : P/1546/09/AH continued/… MAIN CONSIDERATIONS AND POLICIES (National Planning Policy, The London Plan 2008 and the saved policies of the London Borough of Harrow Unitary Development Plan 2004) 1) Principle of Development (UDP policies EP20) • Loss of Open Space and Sports facilities (PPS1, PPS17, The London Plan Policies 3D.8, 3A.18 and UDP policies EP20, EP47) • Housing Need (PPS1, PPS3, The London Plan policies 3A.1, 3A.2, 3A.3, 3A.5, 3A.6) 2) Design and Layout (PPS1, PPS3, The London Plan policies 4B.1, 3A.5 UDP policies D4, D10, H7, D11, D12, SPD: Accessible Homes (March 2010) ) 3) Impact on Neighbouring Occupiers (PPS1, UDP policy D5) 4) Traffic and Parking (PPG13, UDP policy T6, T13, T11) 5) Water Resources and Flood Risk (PPS25, The London Plan policies 4A.12, 4A.13, 4A.14 UDP policy EP12 ) 6) Biodiversity (PPS9, UDP policies EP27, EP28) 7) S17 Crime & Disorder Act (UDP policy D4) 8) Sustainability and Climate Change (PPS1, The London Plan 4A.1, 4A.4, 4A.7, SPD: Sustainable Building Design (May 2009)) 9) Consultation Responses INFORMATION This application is required to be determined by the planning committee as it is a major application. In addition a petition with more than five signatures objecting to the proposal has been submitted to the Local Planning Authority. a) Summary Statutory Return Type: Major Planning Application Council Interest: None b) Site Description • The application site is an area of open space associated with St Georges Parochial Church • The site is private land bought in 1923 by the applicants.
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