•pate Today f*> Decide Bus Strike Issue 4- SEE STORY Gearing, Cold Gradually clearing and cold- FINAL er today. Fair and cold to- Red Bank, Freehold night Becoming cloudy to- EDITION morrow. I Long Branch (Bee DettIM, Pve « Monmouth County9* Home Newspaper for 89 Years VOL. 91, NO. 153 BED BANK, N.J., FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1969 24 PAGES 10 CENTS West Monmouth Plan Hit MILLSTONK'TOWNSHIP- 000 acres of land would be has a high priority were ac- north as we believe any jet- By the early 1980's the The committee anticipates Albert Blomoulst, technical built with C runways with cepted. port site should be placed.'! committee expects the state that by that tittle the now consultant to the state Jet- room for 4 more to be added In reply to a question from The study committee has to be completely urbanized facility would have to handle port Study Committee, last later, Mr. Blomquist said. The Mr; McNeill, Mr. Blomquist recommended creation of a with a population of over 10 bigger aircraft and a large night addressed 80 officials runways would be in north- said that the . sites now New Jersey Airport Authority million. .proportion of overseas traffic. from 14 communities in cen- east-southwest directions. recommended in order of to select the site and acquire Even with improvements in Job Benefits tral New Jersey, the area The new facility would also choice were: , the lands for the proposed La Guardia, Kennedy, New- The jetport would benefit being considered for the site have to control 53,000 acres — The McGuire Air Base- jetport. ark and Philadelphia airports, the state, Mr. Blomquist said, of what is planned to be the of surrounding land as a buf- Lakehurst Naval Station area. Tells Method Mr. ' Blomquist said, New by generating 550,000 jobs and: largest Jetport in the world. fer zone, Mr. Blomquist said. — Allentown, which he said Mr. Blomquist explained Jersey "will be shy to handle adding 4.6 per cent to the The meeting was held in the ' Mayor's Action he preferred to call Roosevelt that the methods used by the 134 million air passengers gross income. " Millstone School. The meeting was organized site since it begins at the study committee were: and 28 million tons of air At one point during the Monmouth County repre- by invitation from William D. southern edge of that bor- — To analyze the lands in freight." question period, State Sen. sentatives from the state McNeill, mayor of Millstone ough. use and what remained that The plan is to find a site Alfred N. Beadleston, R-Mon- legislature, the county Plan- Township. A large part of — Toms River.- could be developed. and buy Hie land now for mouth, drew applause. - He ning Board and the Board of this agricultural community Referring to Allentown- — To forecast population construction to begin seven said the current jetport bill Freeholders also attended. would become airport if the Roosevelt, Mr.' Blomquist and industrial growth. to 10 years from now, he In. the state Senate was an Assemblyman Lonis R. AiUns . The proposed Jetport on 22,-; Allentown site proposal which said: "This site is as far — To study air traffic. said. (See JETPORT, Pg. 2, Col. 6) Sen. Alfred N. Beadtarton Plane Is r»« •WASHINGTON (AP)' - Impetus today with Nixon's on repeatedly pledged an all-. bank holdups have more than raises.. But he said part of President Nixon has asked planned statement to Con- out effort to combat crime, tripled. .. that extra spending would be Secretary of Defense 'Melvin gress, calling for more po- particularly in Washington On the draft question, the offset by reduced training ' 'MIAMI, Fla. (AP) - A R. Laird to set up a special licemen, judges and prosecu- which he said should be a White House said Laird "was co/sts* .:• ;•.„-. •.........-,- National Airlines DC8 with commission "to develop a de-. tors to curb crime in the na- national model advised of the President's Along with the request for 63 persons aboard was hi- tailed plan of action for end- tion's capital. Nixon ordered Attorney conviction that- an all-volun- an end-the-draft commission, jacked off the coast of. Louisi- ing the draft." That late afternoon mes-. General John Mitchell earner teer armed force be estab- th» White House said, Nixon ana today by a "roan with The request announced by sage was on a schedule in- this week to map an urgent lished after the expenditures has called for, studies or rec- a gun at the head of- the the White House yesterday cluding a trip to the Pentagon program against crime in the for Vietnam are substantially ommendations involving elec- stewardess'* and .flown to represented one of several for a briefing with the Joint capital where homicides and reduced." toral reform, a possible hike Cuba. small steps taken at the same Chiefs of Staff and a pep talk rapes reached record totals During the campaign, Nix- in maximum. Interest paid by ; The plane, Flight 44 from time to redeem campaign to lower echelon defense of- last year, robberies in De- on estimated creation of a banks on savings deposits, all San Francisco to Miami with pledges. ficials. cember were double the same - volunteer army would' cost ?5 aspects of the program to de- a stop scheduled at Tampa, These steps gained added During the campaign, Nix- month a year before and billion to ?7 billion in pay velop a supersonic airliner, carried 55 passengers and a improvement of. the .postal crew of, eight, the airline, service, the wisdom of thor- said. The plane landed in " oughly; revising the Johnson Havana at 6:58 a.m., EST. administration's proposed Capt. C. Leeds, pilot of the ' budget for the coming fiscal 11th airliner hijacked to Cuba year and a.Variety of others.: this month, told the control PostaiasterGeneral Winton tower in Houston at 5:35 a.m.: M; Bltrant told White House "I am diverting to Havana. reporters yesterday that he I have been hijacked." OIL SLICK MENACES CALIFORNIA COAST-Crudo and his aides were" try Ing to Other members of the crew oil gushes from "an unJeriea fissure near a* hew wall - find ways to -cut Post Office- To Get Birth Control Data Department costs with the were listed by National _-as upper right creating a 160-square mile slick that is First Officer W. Pavfley, hope of avoiding a one-cent approaching the California coast near Santa Barbara, TRENTON '(AP) - New It does not limit casework- ameliorating the. family's. or'serVice" from thft; welfare Flight Engineer G, Roper, w. increase ia the present six- Jersey welfare recipients are ers to giving advice on the probleiQv" . ; . agency. ' . ; centiirstclass mail rate. The Stevens, an extra man in the the Coast Guard said. A Union Oil Co, spokesman going to be advised about availability of family plan- ' The regulatJpa..emphasizes "Advice shall be ggiven so increase toss' recommended crew; and stewardesses P. B. said the leak was spurting 500 gallons of oil a day." birth control when they re- that acceptance Dy any indi- t t b i iti ning services to individuals as not to be in ananyway way inuinti- earner this'month by John- Tarleton, L. J.' Anderson, D. The well is 5'/> miles offshore, in the Santa Barbara quest such information or vidual .of :any family planning midating, nor to invade ththe _, ^ •• D. Goldinher and P. K. Hing- who request it. son Channel. fAP Wirephoto) when, in the professional service "shall be completely privacy and conscience of the Blount also announced five opinion of the caseworker, it The welfare worker is spe- voluntary on the part of the individual against his wish" Nixon, nominations for top will help improve their family cifically directed to give fami- Individual and shall not be, es," it states. Post Office positions, includ- situation. ly planning service advice- if or shall not be made to ap- Assemblyman Phillip Kal- ing thit of Elmer T. Klassen, The Department of Institu- in his professional judgment pear to be, a prerequisite to tehbacher, R-Essex, who esti- former president of the Amer- tions and Agencies revealed it is "an appropriate element eligibility for, or to the recipi- mated that he had spent "ov- ican Can Co., to be deputy yesterday that it has adopted of the social service plan for ent of, any other assistance (WELFARE, Pg. 2; Col./*) postmaster general. Drivers Vote Today a public policy directing wel- fare workers to provide fami- ly planning service informa- tion. The new state regulation, Students in Atlantic City Test On Bom Bus Pact Which represents reversal of the state's long - standing "no By PAUL KERN would be curtailed if the men Several men from'the as- policy" position on birth con- RED BANK .— Today's went on'strike..: • i sociation claim they have trol is designed to meet re- With all. the elaborate bgen told ithere-will-be a gen- quirements of the 1987 amend- contract vote by the Boro eral fock out, and ho buses Find Races Can Live Together plans, many drivers still hope, ments to the federal Social _Busses~Assoclation...will. des; a strike can be averted-and- running Saturday if -the con-' Security-Act-that the-states-- "Afi^ma'OTY-^ The 65~youths; from the • wBte and~Ne- • cjde if the buses run' Mon- some are holding, out for a . tract isn't signed. However, offer family planning servic- 1 vthe'initiap l phase of a' prop - • Smithyy 15, said the expert- city's Negro slums and White : gro,. stayed in.
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