gzikp ;oeko (Gkos) Government of Punjab (India) g≥ikp ftZu u[D/ j'J/ tkjhekoK dk gfotko pZiN Family Budgets of Selected Cultivators in Punjab 2006-07 nkofEe ;bkjeko g≥ikp ;oeko u≥vhrVQ Economic Adviser to Government Punjab Chandigarh noE ns/ nzeVk ;zrmB, gzikp (Gkos) Economic & Statistical Organisation,Punjab (India) gqekÙB BzL 920 Publication No.920 g≥ikp ftZu u[D/ j'J/ tkjhekoK dk gfotko pZiN Family Budgets of Selected Cultivators in Punjab 2006-07 nkofEe ;bkjeko g≥ikp ;oeko, u≥vhrVQ. Economic Adviser to Government Punjab, Chandigarh. PREFACE The report on 'Family Budgets of Selected Cultivators in Punjab' is prepared annually by Economic and Statistical Organisation Punjab. This report is based on the data pertaining to Family Budgets of 152 cultivators (4 Bullock Operated, 74 Semi-mechanised and 74 Tractor Operated holdings). The present report deals with the following aspects :– 1. Income of farmers from different sources; 2. Cost of various items of household expenditure and 3. The extent to which the commodities were (i) produced on the farm and (ii) purchased from outside. The report is prepared in four parts. Part-I deals with the family budgets of families with bullock operated holdings, Part-II deals with the family budgets of families with semi- mechanised holdings and Part-III deals with the family budgets of families with tractor operated holdings. In Part-IV comparative study of family budgets of all the three types of families has been depicted. I am thankful to Deputy Economic & Statistical Advisers and their staff posted at district level who helped in supervising the recording of data by the cultivators as well as the selected cultivators for extending cooperation in maintaining records of daily operations and other accounts in prescribed proformae. The report has been prepared under the supervision and able guidance of Sh. Tirath Singh Joint Director and Sh. Gurcharanjit Singh Khosa, Deputy Economic and Statistical Adviser. Acknowledgement is also made to the work done by Sh.Gurmeet Singh and Smt.Rajinder Kaur Research Officers for drafting the report, Smt. Urmila Devi S.A, Smt. Harbhajan Kaur and Smt. Sat Kiran Lilly, Investigators for compilation and tabulation of data and Smt. Mohinder Kaur Senior Scale Stenographer and Smt. Krishna Devi Jr. Scale Stenographer for computerising the report. Chandigarh : Urmiljit Khosa Dated:25.9.2009 Economic Adviser to Govt.Punjab. w[Zy pzX fog'oN “g≥ikp ftZu u[D/ j'J/ tkjhekoK dk gfotko pZiN” noE ns/ n≥eVk ;≥rmB, g≥ikp tb'A jo ;kb fsnko ehsh iKdh W. fJj fog'oN u[D/ j'J/ 152 tkjhekoK (4 pbdK tkbhnK, 74 ;?wh- w?ekBkJh˜v ns/ 74 No?eNo tkbhnK i'sK) d/ gfotko pZiN vkNk s/ nXkos W. fJj fog'oN j/m fbyhnK wZdK Bkb ;p≥X oZydh W L- 1a fe;kBK dh tZy-tZy ;kXBK s'A nkwdBl 2a xo/b{ you dhnK tZy-tZy wZdK dh bkrs ns/ 3a fe; jZd sZe t;s{nK (i) ckow s'A gqkgs ehshnK rJhnK ns/ (ii) pkjo'A yohdhnK rJhnK. fog'oN uko GkrK ftZu fsnko ehsh rJh W. Gkr-I pbdK tkbhnK i'sK, Gkr-II ;?wh- w?ekBkJh˜v i'sK ns/ Gkr-III No?eNo tkbhnK i'sK tkb/ gfotkoK d/ gfotko pZiN Bkb ;p≥Xs W. Gkr-IV ftu fs≥B/ gqeko d/ gfotkoK d/ gfotko pZiN dk s[bBkswe nfXn?B W. w?A f˜bQk gZXo T[s/ skfJBks T[g noE ns/ n≥eVk ;bkjekoK ns/ T[BQK d/ nwb/ d] X≥Btkdh jK fiBQK B/ u[D/ j'J/ tkjhekoK d[nkok gfotko pZiN d/ n≥eV/ doi eoB ftZu fBrokBh ns/ ;jkfJsk ehsh W ns/ Bkb j] u[D/ j'J/ tkjhekoK d] th X≥Btkdh jK fiBQK B/ fdZs/ gq'ckofwnK ftZu o'˜kBk d/ T[go/ÙB ns/ nekT[AN; GoB ftZu ;fj:'r fdZsk W. fJ; fog'N ˘ fsnko eoB ftZu Ùqh shoE f;zx whs vkfJo?eNo ns/ Ùqh r[ouoBihs f;≥x y';k, T[g noE ns/ n≥eVk ;bkjeko dh :'r nrtkJh, Ùqh r[owhs f;zx ns/ ;qhwsh okfizdo e"o y'i n¯;o tb'A fog'N fsnko eoB ns/ Ùqhwsh T[ofwbk d/th nza;, Ùqhwsh joGiB e"o ns/ Ùhqwsh ;fs feoB fbbh, fJBt?;Nhr/NoK tb'A v?N/ d/ ;≥ebB ns/ ;koDheoB dk e≥w ns/ ;qhwsh wfjzdo e"o ;hBhno ;e/b ;N?B'rqkco ns/ ;qhwsh feq;Bk d/th i{Bhno ;e/b ;N?B'rqkco tb'A fog'N B{z ezfgT{NokJhi eoB dk ezw th Ùbkxk:'r W. u≥vhrVQ L T[ofwbihs y';k fwshL25.9.2009 nkofEe ;bkjeko, g≥ikp ;oeko. CONTENTS Sr.No. Chapter Particulars Page No. 1 Chapter-I Introduction 1-3 2 Chapter-II Summary of the Report 4-7 3 Chapter-III Part-I 8-26 Family Budgets of Selected Cultivators with Bullock Operated Holdings 4 Chapter-IV Part-II 27-75 Family Budgets of Selected Cultivators with Semi- mechanised Holdings 5 Chapter-V Part-III 76-124 Family Budgets of Selected Cultivators with Tractor Operated Holdings 6 Chapter-VI Part-IV 125-128 Comparative Study ftÙk ;{uh bVh BzL nfXnkJ/ t/otk gzBK BzL 1 nfXnkfJ-I G{fwek 130-132 2 nfXnkfJ-II fog'oN dk ;kozÙ 133-135 3 nfXnkfJ-III Gkr-I 136-143 pbdK tkbhnK i'sK tkb/ u[D/ tkjhekoK dk gfotko pZiN 4 nfXnkfJ-IV Gkr-II 144-160 ;?wh-w?ekBkJhiv i'sK tkb/ u[D/ tkjhekoK dk gfotko pZiN 5 nfXnkfJ-V Gkr-III 161-175 No?eNo tkbhnK i'sK tkb/ u[D/ tkjhekoK dk gfotko pZiN 6 nfXnkfJ-VI Gkr-IV 176-179 s[bBkswe nfXn?B CHAPTER - I INTRODUCTION General :– The report on family budgets of selected cultivaters deals with 152 cultivating families i.e. 4 bullock operated (Non-mechanised), 74 Semi-mechanised and 74 Tractor operated (Mechanised). The report on family budgets of bullock operated holdings was used to be prepared annually since the partition of the country. Later on study of tractor operated and semi- mechanised holdings were also added. The budgets were maintained by the cultivators in special sets of performae supplied to them for this purpose. This report is a companion to the Farm Accounts report. The cultivating families whose budgets have been studied correspond to those in the 'Farm Accounts' for agricultural year 2006-07 as shown below :– Name of the village for the selected family Sr. Zone District Tehsil Non- Semi- No. Mechanised Mechanised Mechanised 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I Gurdaspur - Babbri Klanaur Pathankot Anial Amma gurjan Kirre khurd 1 Gurdaspur Batala - Sangat Pur Kohali Dhar Kalan - Shahpur Kandi Dhar Kalan Dera Baba Nanak - Dharamkot Ghanni-ke-Bet Hoshiarpur - Pakhowal Mahina Dasuya - Bajwa Zia Natha 2 Hoshiarpur Garh Shankar - Jaitpur Nahar Colony Mukerian Batwada Jandwal Bela Sariana 3 Roopnagar Roopnagar - Katlee Shampura Anandpur Sahib - Singh Pur Simbal Majra Chamkaur Sahib - Fateh Pur Fatehpur S.A.S. S.A.S. Nagar - Diery Diery 4 Nagar Kharar - Gharuan Gharuan Dera Bassi Dihar Pragpur Nawan Nawan Shehar - Garhi Bhartti Kang 5 Shehar Balachaur - Sarhoa Sarhoa II Amritsar-I - Manawala Manawala Kalan Amritsar Amritsar-II - Kaler Mangat Nagnavan 6 Ajnala - Teran Kalan Teran Kalan Baba Bakala - Dhardeo Dhardeo Tarn Taran - Pandori Gola Pandori Gola 7 Tarn Taran Khadur Sahib Khadur Faloke Malchak Patti - Katcha Pucca Katcha Pucca Jalandhar-I - Partap Pur Partap Pur Jalandhar-II - Kotli Sajawar Kotli Sajawar 8 Jalandhar Phillaur Partap Pura Ganna Ganna Pind Nakodar - Mehsam Pur Mehsampur Shahkot - Bajwa Kalan Bajwa Kalan Kapurthala - Ghalu wal Thikri Wala Phagwara - Rawal Pindi Rawal Pindi 9 Kapurthala Sultanpur - Shahwala Gill Bhulath - Khassan Khassan Ludhiana East - Raian Chhindra Ludhiana West - Mansuran Khanpur Khanna - Kishangarh Kot Sekhon 10 Ludhiana Payal - Jandali Kila Hans Samrala - Kulewal Chakrodhi Raikot - Abuwal Abuwal Jagraon - Sheikh Daulat Raowal 1 Fatehgarh Sahib - Adam Pur Adampur Fatehgarh Amloh - Salana Dullo Salana Dulla 11 Sahib Khamano - Gaggarwal Kalewal Bassi Pathana - Dhunda Lohari Kalan Patiala - Gaju Majra Dhablan Rajpura - Sardar Garh Bhadwal 12 Patiala Samana - Shah Pur Mial Kalan Nabha - Khurd Tarkheri Kalan Patran - Bras Daftri wala III Sangrur - Kapyial Dhadarian Malerkotla - Ahmed Pur Kuthala Sunam - Lad Banjara Karial 13 Sangrur Dhuri - Bhullarhery Bhojowali Moonak - Ramgarh Dhindsa Barnala - Guram Jangiana Mansa - Thuthianwali Dulowal 14 Mansa Budhlada - Phulluwala Phullunwal Dod Sardulgarh - Mian Mian Bathinda - VirkKalan Bath 15 Bathinda Rampura Phul - Ghuraily Mehraz Talwandi Saboo - Jatari Shergarh Faridkot - Dab Guru Ke Dab Guru Ke 16 Faridkot Jaito - Kothe Kehar Kothe Kehar Moga - DhoorKot Chotian Khurd 17 Moga Bagha Purana - Budh Singh Budh Singh Nihal Singh Wala - Jawahar Singh Jawahar Singh Muktsar - Varing varing 18 Muktsar Malaut - Kheo Wali Kheowali Giddarbaha - Husner Husner Ferozpur - Haziwala Haziwala Abohar - Giddrawali Daragwala 19 Ferozpur Fazilka - Kandhwala Arniwala sheikh Zira - Boorewala GurditiWala Jalalabad(E) - Gunder Dhandi Gunder Dhandi Objectives :– The main objectives of the survey are:- (i) To assess the extent of income accruing from different sources. (ii) To examine the level of expenditure on various household items of consumption. (iii) To determine the extent of surplus/deficit of family budgets. (iv) To find out the extent to which the goods consumed were produced on the farm or purchased from outside. 1.3. Scope and Coverage:– The study covered the entire State of Punjab. Data from 4 selected bullock operated, 74 semi-mechanised and 74 tractor operated holdings were collected for the purpose of this study. The data collected from all the districts had been compiled in three zones depending upon the agro-climate conditions, nature of soil and irrigation facilities etc. Zone-I Submountain and plain region comprising Gurdaspur, Hoshiarpur, Roopnagar S.A.S.Nagar and Nawan Shehar districts. Zone-II Central plain region comprising Amritsar,Tarn-Taran, Jalandhar, Kapurthala, Ludhiana, Fatehgarh Sahib and Patiala Districts.
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