Uomrouth, Til the Herald For Local News The Week-end Weather. .Sewing Summit for 64 fmrt Today mostly cloudy, wtedjr«» , coU. Tomorrow and Saturday, {pi witb slowly rifting temper»taftt ami Summit Record 64th Tear—N©. 4S SUMMIT, N.&, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1953 Entered »• Second CUM WtatOr It the Pwtofflt* at Summit H. J. Under t)t« Act of Much 3 iai» $4 A YEAR 10 CHIT* ii • - 9 Many Local Case Butler Declines Backers Express Motor Vehicle Gilson Admits Former ADA Tic Forbes Sentiment Agency Office Burgher Hits Housing Projecf A large segment of Summit Hie pout of Summit area motor voter* awoke last Thursday morn- veMcle «g«nt wa» towed back into Ing to find theoMelv«a. without * th# political hopptr laat waek candidate in the GOP primary elec- when Edward A. Butler Mated Candidates Quizzed on Backgrounds, tion for Governor M word wea re. that he would not accept hi* af>> | t.i\i(S that Congressman Clifford polntment for the Job beoatwe he Issues at Young Republican Meeting |j\ Ot-M? of Railway had with- would "lose money" by running n from the. race the night fee- the office. ... ,'....• Admissions of a past affiliation with Americans few [oro brcause of an Inability to Butler, who operates a real es- Democratic Action and of support of two Democratic presi- the nectary f unfa to eon- tate ana insurance btwln«!*» at f dential candidates made by William R. Gilson and an [ duct hla campaign. •; ' Becchwoodi road, won the indorse- admission by Vincent A. Burgher that he ia "bitterly op- pulling out of, the guber-, ment of the Republican City Own* posed" to the Summit Cooperative, Inc., plan for an last contest left Turnpike Coia- mlttee from a field of nine as- ^ __ _ , ^ — Summit iow cost housing project r Paul • I*. Troaat and p'iranta and \va» named to fill the pj : Somerset County Senator MaJ- pfrrt by State Motor Vehlds Com* hjghU§htcd a candidates' meeting' hl-ld last Thursday evening at the j co!m S, Forbes the strongest con-i l*oa»rd rniasioner Dearden only « week Burgher Refutes lender* for the local support of; ago- . •"•••.-.• ;; $\*t hackers, - . ' He explained that an examln- The meeting, sponsored by the Summit ^ Area.. youRg_Rej>flbi,li5fl,jt The 'Summit Case" for Governor atioh'df t»¥-msttmim mmm Club and attended by about ?5 anuaitt£L,»NMiJ... immediately.. dte-Famed World War 2that he could not operate the of* j banded hut the* majority of those !i« *t «l^ftt He Said he bad Veterans Chorus between Gilson"and Burgher, both I candidacy here expressed fin In- pay about |4,0O0 per year but that Tfficent A. Burgher, 'candidate tt tention.to switch allegianceto the he had discovered that it would for rcnominatlon «s Councilman- d!man-at-Large in the April 21 I Forbes cnmp and organize a new To Sing Here be considerably kss than that at-Lnrgc In the April 21 Repub- Republican primary election, figure. ' ,k: lican primary election, this week Tho meeting ako produced an Ijroup to locally back Forbes. A. native- ofr Summit and one of Local motor vehicle agents are in a statement to the Herald an- admlasion by Gilson that he had Meanwhile it WM learned thta ' the world's top choral directors, v paWon a perccniage- baai#"f6r'ttie swered his opponent, William R. not studied the Board of Recrea- • ttk that Summit followers of Leonard di Paur, will present a number of items handled annually. Gilson, former city clerk, on the tion's plans for ita proposed, civic- rews were making, any <u fast concert . with his chorus of 33 Laat year H is reported that the Issue of the Board of Recreation's recreation building ia East Sum- - possible and seeking to sign tip World War 2 veterans at the Sum- Summit office handled 31,000 itema proposed East Summit civic - rec- rait and a charge by Recreation s rnaiiy Case followers ail po£fil> mit High School on 'Monday at which would include registrations, reational center. Board Ernest P. Patten that Gl]- t A Summit Troaat for Governor 8:30 p.m. renewals, transfer, bills of sale, A GIFT TO AID OTMBES-Qlrl Scout Troop 13.' member, Rue Madonna, was absent. The donation! Burgher charged that Gilson's son's figure of $10,000 peryeftr cuiqmr-tcra is. scheduled to open The concert, under the auspices etc The percentage h baaed.upon !sPon»ore^ by «• Teresa'* Church, presents Post- was part of tne troop's celebration of its 13th birth-j statement oh the eubject as print- maintenance costs for the build- -."i 'within a few days. 01 8101 aiei of the Summit Community Can-. thhdle total dollal r voluml e of these I * " V* •*• J^^ittttick with a $5 check fur; day. The girls earned the money for the contribu*: 0(j In last week's issue was Inac- ing was ''pulled .out of thin air." Otinty Forbes.Club Formed t'trts Association, lj the third and items. the polio fund. Front row from left to right are: tion aa well as for. their membership dues in the[ curate and contained "conclusiona All candidates for municipal of- nmnignoiit.Union County Ca»e last of this ^canon's series spon- Russell Mentioned Sue Brcnn, Barbara Nolan, Carol Dorsl, Mr. Fte- national organization'by sponsoring a dance and; unsupported by fact" He also ac- fice, with the exception of Mayor atrlclt CaMl roupf disintegrated and the sored by the Association. Butlers move now places the ; PPatrick, Carol KwMo *"d Patricia Martin. Back from the troop's aharc of the annual cookie aale.; cuaed Gilson of'urfnjt the subject Percival M. Bland who introduced Misty committee. -. headed* by row In tbe «ame order: Elizabetlte beth Fitzpatrick, Car- Mrs. Frank Pecca ia leader.and Mrs. Felix Masi.j The Summit boy who became the post back with the City Commit- & a h FiUpatrick Car Mrs Frank Pcca ia leadrand Mrs Flix Mai| a political football." the speakers and Eugene F. Daly, "narlc^. A. Pocrr of Westfield, held meila. Poll, Ann. Rlsswrdl, and Jean Luria. Another assistant leader. I candidate *or Councilman from distinguished director of the dc tee. The group will meet tonight Mr. Burgher's statement, print- Ward 2, gave five minute talke on Paur Infantry Chora* is a familiar j to recommend another name. It Is ed in full, Is as follows: 1 home but no action was i i platform^ «nd personal history* figure in motion pictures, opera, j reported that LeRoy Hujsell, Jr., tkon. Dcwrr announced that those 'The statement by Mr. Giteon These included Donald H. Lawley, concerts and radio. vic« chairman of the City Com- which appeared In tho last issue of uniting were in general agree- mittee and a previous candidate Summit Chorus and Colonial City's Quota for candidate for Councilman from At an early ago, he IT? ! with the Summit Herald contains so i«n: Dm tlir rare was between for the office, haa considerable Ward 1; Herbert G. Kenagy, can-, his family to Trenton wiwrc his many inaccuracies and conclusions •'«-! Mini Forbrs'. but that no support among various Commit- didate for Counciinjan from "Ward fathrr practiced Saw. He returned unsupported by fact that I feel it "intimity WHS indicated for either. tee members. Russell received the Symphony Plan Concert Cancer Drive 2; and Harry C. Katc^ candidate to Summit during: the summer^ my duty to call attention to some I- .•.;.'ti ailUed that tbe Cast? fjroup second highest number of yotea for City Clerk. V'rcj.-.ui rcisciitrnent at "forces until he became'a music student The Summit Community Chorm her- composltioR5 at a Koruin of the more glaring misrepre- when the Committee made its se- Frank Curtis, chairman of th« '•'Kn the county and elsewhere at Columbia University end the will join the Colonial little Sym- ' Concert of the International St>- Raised to $6,500 sentations. , lection last week. Young Republican Club, presided ! rht jitato" which led to Juilllnrd School of Mit.sic. Liter he phony for the lattw's concerts cieJy for Contemporary Music in Joseph Boak. 3rd, of Springfield To bo sure, Mr. Gifcsort was care- at the meeting. joined tbo famed Hall Jnhr.i>on When Butler received his ap- which will be given at the Sum-; New York, and last month she pointment he immediately an- We. will be local campaign cMaJr- ful to profane most of his aaser- Choir, nnd in ft short time became mit'High School «n A'irtf'"'& ar.<1 i played her own works on radio tlon^ by such terms a*, "I believe" Was on ADA Tour simultaneously with the dis- nounced that the office would be man for the *ccond consecutive ita associate'director. at the Mortlstown t>gh •fr.'">o* , station \VNYC. or "A* I understand the o" or "So During a question period v.tlc3». I'imcnt of Caw groups, .Mayor Bt6ved from 1U present location et <m April a p •*•»" for the annual fund drive of far as 1 know" and "I followed the customary presents* K'.vard Bicrtttempfel of Union Wartime Butir* 107 Summit avenue to the Eastern i Dr. Newlin b an associate pro- The featured work will be Bee-; fe&sor of music at Drew Univer- the American Cancer Society in On a matter «ts serious aa this, It tion of biogriaphfeal date toy th# 'Continued on page 5) In 1942, Mr. ic I'aur enlisted .as [Fuel Company offices at 233 thoven's Choral Fantasy directed sity. Prior to eoroing to Dr«w,«he Summit, which will be a mail cam- toeaut that Mr.
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