G r a d u a t e Academic Catalog G r a d u a t2 0e 0 5 - 2 0 0 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS General Information . .1 Westminster Choir College . .2 Business Administration . .3 Calendar . .4 Degree Programs . .4 Application Procedures . .6 Course Descriptions . .8 Education and Human Services . .15 Calendar . .16 Programs of Study . .17 Course Descriptions . .34 Procedures and Policies . .51 Campus and Facilities . .56 Directories . .59 Index . .75 Guide to the Catalog . .77 Travel Directions . .78 For further information, contact: Rider University 2083 Lawrenceville Road Lawrenceville, New Jersey 08648-3099 Office of Graduate Admission 609-896-5036 Graduate Programs in Business Administration 609-896-5127 Graduate Programs in Education and Human Services 609-896-5353 or visit our Web site: www.rider.edu GENERAL INFORMATION Mission Statement Historical Sketch School of Education holds the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Rider University enables its students to Rider University is an independent, private, Education Programs (CACREP) national acquire knowledge, think critically, com- institution founded in 1865 as Tre n t o n accreditation. Rider University is regionally municate clearly, and lead effectively so they Business College. Soon after the turn of the accredited by the Middle States Association may enjoy fulfilling lives and successful c e n t u ry, teacher education was added to a of Colleges and Schools. careers. A challenging and caring institu- c u rriculum that had focused on training tional environment encourages and supports young men and women for business care e r s . students as they recognize and develop their The first baccalaureate degree was off e red in Memberships unique potentials. Through its curricula, 1922. In 1957 offerings in liberal arts, sci- s u p p o r t services and activities, the ence and secondary education were added. Rider is a member of the Association of University meets the distinctive needs of its Four separate schools emerged as a result of American Colleges, the American Council undergraduate and graduate students. a re o rganization in 1962. The well-estab- on Education, the New Jersey Association of The Rider University community fulfills lished schools of Business Administration Colleges and Universities, the National this mission by: and Education were joined by two new Commission on Accrediting (not an accred- • p r oviding educational opport u n i t i e s schools–Liberal Arts and Science and the iting agency), the American Association of through rich and varied curricula that Evening School. The schools of Business Colleges for Teacher Education, the encourage students to learn deeply and Administration and Education have each National Association of Business Teacher broadly in response to their particular since added a division of graduate studies and Education, the Middle Atlantic Association needs and interests; the Evening School has been re o rganized into of Colleges of Business Administration, •encouraging caring, compassion, and the College of Continuing Studies. In 1988, AACSB International - The Association to justice in a stimulating learning com- the School of Education was renamed the Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, and munity that embraces and values the School of Education and Human Services to the National Association of Schools of diversity of its members; reflect the scope of its curricula. In July 1992, Public Affairs and Administration. •motivating students of varying back- Westminster Choir College in Princeton, NJ, Rider University is also a member of the grounds, interests, and abilities to fulfill m e rged with Rider to become We s t m i n s t e r National Collegiate Athletic Association the special potential in each of them; Choir College, The School of Music of Rider (NCAA) Division I for both men’s and •guiding students in the practical appli- C o l l e g e . women’s athletics. The University offers 20 cation of knowledge in preparation for On March 23, 1994, the New Jersey Board varsity sports – 10 men’s and 10 women’s the workplace; of Higher Education designated Rider a teams – and is a member of the Metro •introducing students, through a variety teaching university pursuant to N.J.A.C. Atlantic Athletic Conference (MAAC). of educational experiences, to institu- 9:1-3.1 et seq. On April 13, 1994, Rider’s tional resources and services that enable name was officially changed to Rider them to make early and effective use of U n i v e r s i t y. To d a y, the University’s academic Professional Outreach the many learning opportunities avail- units are the College of Business and Service Programs able to them; Administration; the College of Liberal Art s , • o ffe ring each student curricular and Education, and Sciences (including the In Rider’s efforts to fulfill one of its stated extra-curricular opportunities to develop School of Education and the School of Liberal objectives, that of “seeking and implement- leadership and interpersonal skills; A rts and Sciences); the College of Continuing ing effective means for bringing the •fostering an awareness and understand- Studies; and Westminster Choir College. resources of the institution to bear on the ing of social issues and global concerns needs of the broader society,” Rider engages to encourage students to be responsible in activities that do so while providing addi- contributors to their communities; Accreditations tional study and training opportunities for •promoting inquisitiveness, openness to both faculty and students. change, and a commitment to life-long The University’s many specialized accredita- The Business Advisory Board facilitates learning; tions attest to the quality of its academic the exchange of ideas and advice between •holding teaching excellence paramount programs. Rider is among the select busi- prominent leaders of the business communi- while balancing the complementary ness schools to have attained AACSB ty and Rider faculty, students and staff. The commitments to scholarly activity and (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools b o a rd provides a range of current and service; of Business) accreditation and one of only emerging business insight as input to devel- • recruiting, retaining, and developing a two schools in New Jersey to hold the spe- opment and advancement of the Rider busi- superior faculty and staff dedicated to cialized AACSB accreditation in account- ness education experience. Similarly, the the intellectual and personal growth of ing. Elementary and secondary education Accounting Advisory Council works closely students; and programs and their applicable graduate pro- with the accounting department on issues • adhering to sound fiscal and managerial grams on both campuses are accredited by specific to the M.Acc. program and account- policies and practices as an essential pre- the National Council for the Accreditation ing in general. A specific service function is condition to the realization of each of the of Teacher Education (NCATE). The under- performed by the accounting department’s foregoing. graduate and graduate music programs of participation in the Volunteer Income Tax The mission statement was adopted by Westminster Choir College are accredited Assistance (VITA) program. Each year, the Rider Board of Trustees on December 2, by the National Association of Schools of accounting majors reach into the communi- 1993, and amended on April 7, 1994. Music (NASM). In addition, Rider’s gradu- ty by helping (free of charge) elderly and ate counseling services program in the low-income persons complete their tax p a g e 1 GENERAL INFORMATION returns. The students, in turn, benefit from arts, and special education, as well as educa- Philadelphia, and Washington. It has also special IRS training and the opportunity for tional specialist degrees in counseling servic- performed in New York with many touring field experience. es and school psychology. orchestras such as the Atlanta Symphony, Los The Science Advisory Board provides a The School of Education also offers numer- Angeles Philharmonic, Berlin Philharmonic, unique interface between Rider and the scien- ous graduate-level teaching cert i f i c a t i o n s , and Vienna Philharmonic. Virtually every tific and business communities. The board early childhood education cert i f i c a t i o n , major conductor of the 20th century, from was established to provide advice and counsel teacher of students with disabilities certifica- Toscanini and Walter through Bern s t e i n , on the continuing development of underg r a d- tion, programs leading to certification as a Muti, and Masur, has conducted the uate science education at Rider and to eff e c t school supervisor, assistant superintendent Symphonic Choir during the 78 years of the cooperative eff o rts between the scientific and for business, director of student personnel college’s history. business communities. services, reading specialist, school psycholo- M o re complete information about the The Education Advisory Board meets twice gist and several more. For School of Westminster program may be found in its a year. It makes connections with alumni, Education and department of education and separate catalog or online at g o v e rnment, schools, professional agencies, human services academic assistance and http://westminster.rider.edu. business and industry, and the general public guidance, call 609-896-5353. to promote the interests of the pro f e s s i o n a l p rograms and facilitate support for them. Westminster Choir College Office of Graduate Admission Westminster Choir College of Rider University is a professional college of music Rider University offers several graduate located on a 23-acre campus in Princeton, degree and graduate-level certificate pro- NJ, seven miles north of Rider’s grams. For graduate admission information, Lawrenceville campus. The Master of Music call the office of graduate admission, 609- degree is offered with majors in sacred music, 896-5036.
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