
... " F_n_da_;-,_Jllll_e_9,_19_;,v____________________________ ___:_ _______T_H_E __ I_S_R_A_E_L_I_T_E __ P_P._.E_S_S _____________________________ Page S 0 rt"---·---------·-------·-··· ..., _____ .. _... ____ ,,.. ____ .,. _______ will t,ik,• pbct' in th.- lattt•r at C.,•neral Ho:-pital. A part ,,i Jun,•. br,,tlll'r t,, 1-'IUrie. 1 ·-~ KE:-.OR:\. Ont - '\Ir. and '\lrs.. h-y ::-tain ( nl',' ..\mw '\Ir. 11nd '.\In-. ::-idney Chap­ :s;urgitz). fornwrly ,,f \\'in­ man 11w,· E:-tlwr '.\lt>ll011). of - : ~ -~ -,'-= nipeg. are rect.')ivin~. con1!Ta­ ::-te. :\. -1\1 I Burrows A.ve .. ar,, re.:ei,·ing roni::-ratul:1.tions 0n tj ~ t ulat ion~ on the hirth l~f h ~1_111, Jerome David. at 1'.tlnora. the birth of a d:H1ghter. Caro• l ~ . line Deborah. ,,n :\lay 31, • at &-•-------·-...- ... ·-••&b••.. -· ......... ,,u... , ............................. ~ ................... c;-, \Ir · nd \Ir- Ila\D \ltn1 an the \'il"toria lln:-pital; a si~- 1\lr. and Mrs. Murray B. nie Ta,a. on ::11:iy ~~- at th,• I<\ '[;~it ..\\'t•": ann~u~1,.,, ~h~ ter to Barry and Lyn. Senens announce the forth-' !llaternity Pavilion. \\'innipeg · • coming marriage of their General Hospital. liirlh of their daught,•r. (;er- Honoring :\l;s. Charles lls- daughter, Ruth Pearl, to Jack• . • • . airline Janet (Gerry) 011 '.\lay roYit,:h, a bride-,•le{"t of April. Ward, son of l\lrs. Nathan'. ;\hss Bella Raber le!t. I'<'- :~11 at the ::llaternitv Pa,·ili<111. at the home of her mother. \\'ard, St. Paul. Minn. Nup- centlz ~n an extended ,·1s1t to \\'innipeg General· 110:spital. :\!rs. H. Snider. ~!li Bovd tials will take place on June. the l rnted States and ..\lont- 0 'T.0-'\I. d 'I A \'e .. ~0 members of Alivah 11 at Temple of Aaron .in. St. real. TOR :... ·. r. an ·' rs. Chapter of '.\lizrachi. of \\.in- Paul. i ;\lo_nte Hall of l pper Ca_nada J1ipeg ent,•rtained at a tea in • • ,. Leah and. Zwi ~ef~er of llnve, Toru_nto, are recel\:rni:- :\la,· and presented her with ,. d "lrs J Ba . h an-! Hasho:-e: K1bbut_z. 1_n 1,roo½- cong-ratulat10ns on the birth -11 ,;ift. "r.1 an " • • ns Jyn, N.\ .. are ,·1s1tmg then· of a daughter, Joanne, at the. .. • nou_nce the engagement _of mother, Mrs- A. Karlin:sk,· of1 Toronto \\"es tern (Private· Mr. and ;\Ir~ joseph Olm therr elder daughter, E,·el)n, i 423 Dufferin Ave. · Patients . Pnvilion) Hospital have returned from a three- . to Leo, younger, . son of Mr., • • • . on Juiie "'·v _,"' fii•at,, ..!!'rand"lii'ld , months' visit· to Califon1ia 1\ S and " 1rs. etsS. , .,.. I r. and 'Ia rs. S"d'1 hev . 1·\OS:! t • f or .'\I r. an d 'I,, rs•. '.\I • H • Hal · and ::llmne,;ota.. and are rt\n' k - REHOYOTH," I~rael-Born j s~y are receivi1;1g congratula-. parin of \\'innipeg. , ing their home at Ste. 1, 3,,'J to Nisson and ToYa Elfan-; ttons on the birth of a son, Scotia St. um of Rhovoth, a daughter: Thomas Ber. t, on l\_l_ay 2i,_at :\Ir. and :\lrs.· :\I. H. Hal- • , • baon May ? Tova is the form-· the Matermty Pa\'lhon. \\ m- parin returned \~·\dne:-day' Mrs.~ Myron S. Feinstein • -T·h9 d ) F" h · nipeg General Ho~pit-il from an extended v1s1t to To- (nee Selma ..\brnms) and er Theo ( eo ora 1s man,• ' ' ' · ronto where the,· vi,;ited with small daughter Barbara Ann, daughter. of l\lr; af!d Mrs.; • . _ 'their children l\limte and Bob.: of Boston, Mass., are visiting George Fishman of \\ ynyard,; l\lr. and Mrs. Nathan hat 7: . • • • , : with her parents. J\lr. and S'.1~k:· ,,·?o are at present ann_ounce the engagemen\ ot '.\Ir. and '\!rs. Allun <, ooper, l\lrs. s. L. Abrams, 154 Ban- v1s1ttnir m Israel. Mr. and their daughter, Dorene Eve-. ( nee Ann Shuster), St_e. 1,' nerman Ave., for the summer Mrs. Fishman are expected to lyn, to Hy Haber, elde~t son Burrows Court. are recet\'lng i months return either at the end of, of l\lr. llild :'llrs. 1\1. Haber, congratulations on thC' birth j '" · June or in July. I Fort \\'illiam. The wedding of a son, Richard, on :\lay 21, More Personals, Page -t • • • Mr. and Mrs. B. Mitchell: A PLANT PROBLEM holds the attention of Myer air-conditioned plant in which some 330 men and women announce the engag~ment of' Baka! as he confers with one of his skilled workmen in' are employed, producing the famed Insul-Paca parkas their youngest daughter, the Olympic Sports Togs plant on :\IcDermot Avenue. and Roy Rogers wear for youngsters, as well as other to eldest In the background can b<: seen part of the bright, fully widely-accepted sportswear items. Myrna, Harry Kreel, son of Mr. and l\lrs. B. Kreel, '.ontlnutd from Pai~ Z Regina, Sask. The wedding will take place June 29 at the Ashkenazi SY,llagogue. • • • SALES VOLUME HITS MILLION TORONTO-Mr. and Mrs. Olympic nles volume up to the m11- called"s""mlng"-handicaps. saw the Olympie's designs and nre smiling young wir,ners, a boy and a Isaac Shenfeld of Toronto, 11on-<iollar mnrit, boosted plallt ca­ First of all, it is important to note I now copying th~m. girl, so proudly bedecked in Roy formerly of Leader, Sask.. pactty by more than three tim('.r.. and that the Roy Rogers franchise "'as After develop,:ig his own designs, Rogers finery. announce the engagement of Jnrre-~ed th':' number of pt·r:irjns that and nothing more. No design- choosing materials and colors, In- their daughter, Anne Rose, employed t.o the 330 mark. ers, :io prepar .d styles or materl4l,; stnll1ng the necessary equipment Nation-Wide to Al son of Mr. and Mrs. ;or a<lvrnisul" methods came along and machinery ~nd organizmg the Isaac 'Levman. The wedding · with It. ., ,entire production Job, the next step That is one example of the pub- h What Handicaps? · k b k" e ,,,1·11 take place June 21 at t e , -possibl Y th e ·ma e-or- rea on ·ucity the Roy Rogers line is recelv- ' On invoices, letv:rs, rretght bllls. Americans Copy I-was merchandising. ing. _~Iur~ayTHouste, 207 Beverley the name Olympic travelled Inv, the If no more were told than that .:,t., m oron o. lar corner• or Canada, from :-/cw- The first Job Myer Bnkal had to Simpson's and the Hudson's Bay Here •re some more examples, all • • • loun,l!and to Vancouver J.sland. 1:1 do was to style and design the kind Company were "sold" on the . Roy la tribute to the business acumen o! Mr. and Mrs. Israel Gold- the "trade" ancl ,,mong businessmen o! sl:!rts and Jeans and Jackets nnd Rogers line and gave it probably the I Myer Baka! and his Ol)'mpic Sport stein (nee Miriam Pergamit) • In general, the name or Myer Baka! hats and the other dress accessories bi1<sost play ever gi\'en a line of ,Togs: 299 Inkster Blvd., announce was being menllorll'd more and more that make up the "Western Look." youngsters' wear-that would be ' the birth of a daughter, Jen- olwn. Wmnipt·g had miirched good proor or success. • L.'1 Windsor. the . largest de- ahead again, and ,ts hnalc! wa·, Myer Baka! developed Olympie's partment store, C. H. Smith and e In Winnipeg, the Hudson's Mrer Dnkal. ow,:, deslKns !or Roy Rogers items But thst would be telling only a Company Limited, Inst month in- Bay company boys' department was in Canada. How successrul he was small part or the story. Winnipeg- stalled its Roy Rogers display. flooded by thousands of boys and The st.ory or the Roy Rogers vo:i- can be seen by the "layman" through gers may remember reading in this 1 (Some of the pictures accompany- girls, art.er the firm advertised the turo in Can4da 1.s still un!oldlng. \'isl ting one of the hundreds or i week's Tribune or the winners being Iing this story are graphic evidence Roy Rogers contest. Already, however, it has chalked up stores in which they are displ4yed. , a..'lnounced In that newspaper's "Roy of the bold and effective conception • In Toronto, the Robert Simp­ ENTHUSED YOUNG \VINNIPEGGERS get their chance to see The Pony, a some record, in it.s field. And the Possibly the best sign of how sue- Rogers Coloring Contest." They that goes Into such a project.) In son Company store drew whnt was major attraction in the Roy Rogers Conal set up in .the Hudson's Bay Company •tory, thou~h still new, Ls a lesson cessful he was, can be appreciated , probably also remember the picture the first four days, the boys' de- said to be the largest crowd ever to store here. Old and young alike were fascinated and turned out in the thousands to in what local Industry can do, des- , from the fact thnt American manu- , (with the story, on Pnge I or the partment showed a 90 per cent in- respond to a commercial project of get ~ taste of the Old \Ves.t-done up in m:>dern style. pile ob\·loW<-01" should they be , !ncturers of th~ Roy Roge1'll line 1Tuesday, June 8, !•sue) of the two crea,,e in business. See DYNAJIIIC, Page 4 lifff'lt·tl lffffl HI HO, BOYS! VISIT THE BA YI SEE THE DANDY,. ROY ROGERS COWBOY OUTFITS WE HAVE-FROM HATS TO CHAPS! The Bay has everything that young make-believe cowboys want. Every item· made for real service and moderately priced.
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