All the News Without Fear or Favor The Cambodia daily Volume 66 Issue 14 Monday, November 21, 2016 2,000 riel/50 cents Director of Surrogacy Firm Arrested After Ban By Phan Soumy the cambodIa daIly Less than a month after a ban was announced on surrogate preg- nancies, an Australian and Cambo- dian nurse and Commerce Min- istry official were arrested by anti- human trafficking police in Phnom Penh on Friday evening for operat- ing a surrogacy clinic, officials said yesterday. Keo Thea, chief of the city’s anti- human trafficking bureau, said that Australian national Tammy Davis-Charles, 49, who is listed as director of the Fertility Solutions PGD clinic, was detained on Russ- ian Boulevard while she was trav- Reuters eling toward Phnom Penh Interna- Rescue workers search for survivors at the site of a train derailment in Pukhrayan, India, which killed at tional Airport after being moni- least 90 people and injured more than 150 others, yesterday. (Story on page 17) tored for 10 months. Two Cambodian nationals, Penh Rithy, 28, an officer at the Com- merce Ministry, and Samrithchan Park Was Accomplice in Graft: Prosecutors Chariya, 35, a nurse at the Phnom ReuteRs Park’s close friend Choi Soon-sil seong to a considerable degree,” Penh Referral Hospital, were de- SEOuL - South Korean prosecutors and former presidential aide An Lee said at a news conference. tained at separate locations in the said yesterday that they believed Chong-bum were charged with Jeong, also one of Park’s former capital earlier in the evening, he President Park Geun-hye was an abuse of power by pressuring com - aides, was indicted for leaking clas- said. accomplice in a corruption scandal panies to contribute funds to foun- sified information to Choi. “In this case, we conducted a pri- that has rocked her administra- dations at the center of the scandal, Park’s lawyer Yoo Yeong-ha re- mary investigation because we tion, in a heavy blow to her fight for said Lee Young-ryeol, head of the jected the asssertion that she was knew that there are ringleaders per- political survival. Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ involved, calling it an “imagina- suading women to be surrogates,” The prosecutors’ comments, Office. tion” and saying prosecutors “have Mr. Thea said, adding that Ms. which came as they indicted a “The special investigation team built a house of fantasy.” David-Charles was also suspected close friend of Park and two of her concluded that based on the evi- Presidential Blue House spokes - of faking documents, although he former aides, are likely to spur dence secured to date, the president man Jung Youn-kuk said the prose- declined to divulge details. stronger calls for her to step down was in complicity with Choi Soon-sil, cutors’ announcement was “deeply Continued on page 2 or be impeached. An Chong-bum and Je ong Ho- Continued on page 10 Fugitive Was Working With Australian Police By Janelle Retka Learn4Life school, in October of said in an August interview at the the cambodIa daIly last year. provincial prison. An Australian fugitive who recent- According to Mr. Eglitis, it was According to an exchange of ly finished a year-long prison sen- suspected that Mr. Scotcher’s actual emails between Mr. Eglitis and Pe- tence in Siem Reap province for identity was David Shom, an Aus- ter Sloan, a Western Australian Po- stealing a passport and camera while tralian fugitive and suspected pedo - lice Child Abuse Squad detective, posing as an Interpol agent was phile who fled the country almost the private investigator sent a copy working at the behest of an Aus- two decades ago, whom he was help- of Mr. Scotcher’s passport to Aus- tralian police detective, emails show. ing Australian police track down. tralian police in late September last Guido Eglitis, 69, a private inves- “Field reports went to the vari- year. Kem Sokha Says People, Not tigator who went by the alias James ous appropriate authorities back in “James, we have completed pre- Wall, Must Protect Borders An, was arrested and charged with Phnom Penh and Australia, and in liminary checks on the passport and Page 3 robbing British national David fact I’ve worked with Australian po- it appears that SCOTCHER is in fact cambodiadaily.com Scotcher, then the director of lice on a number of occasions,” he Continued on page 2 មានដំណឹងបែែសមែួលជាភាសាខ្មែរនៅខាងក្នុង The Daily Newspaper of Record Since 1993 2 The Cambodia daily monday, noVembeR 21, 2016 ANd AlSo NEWSMAKERS Mo Fake Money, Mo Problems nRapper kanye weSthas come out in support of Republican President- elect donald tRumP, drawing boos and whistles from fans. West told ReuteRs agency said in a statement. u.S. and Peruvian agents have the audience at a concert in San Jose, California, on Thursday night that Fifty thousand fake euros were he didn’t vote in the November 8 u.S. presidential elections “but if I seized a record $30 million in coun- also seized and 48 people arrested in terfeit dollars in the biggest netting would have voted, I would have voted for Trump.” The rapper remained the raids, called Operation Sunset. quiet during the acrimonious 2016 election campaign while Hollywood of fake greenbacks ever by the Peru is the world’s largest man- stars and other music heavy hitters like Beyonce, katy PeRRy and u.S. Secret Service, the agency ufacturer and distributor of fake BRuce SPRingSteensupported Democrat hillaRy clinton. “I hate the said on Thursday. u.S. currency. Six counterfeit fact that because I’m a celebrity, everybody told me not to say that I The stash was discovered when plants were shut down, eight man- loved the debates,” West said, in videos of remarks posted by concert more than 1,500 Peruvian police, ufacturing presses were seized and goers on Twitter and YouTube. “I loved his [Trump’s] approach,” along with Secret Service agents, more than 1,600 printing plates and added West, who last year declared he was considering running for carried out searches and arrest negatives of denominations were u.S. president himself in 2020. (Reuters) warrants on Tuesday in Lima, the found, the Secret Service said. bodians,” Mr. Thea said. “She per- internet. And thank you to the uni- dia,” he said. Surrogacy... suaded them to do the surrogacy verse for sending us Tammy.” Sam Everingham, director of and told them that there is no harm.” The arrests come after Health Australia-based advocacy group continued fRom Page 1 A meeting involving authorities Minister Mam Bunheng an- Families Through Surrogacy, “It’s like the work that our author- from the anti-human trafficking nounced a ban on surrogacy—part called on the Cambodian govern- ities do on cases where ringleaders unit, the justice and health min- of a wider proclamation officially re- ment to guarantee “the safe exit of persuade women to go to China,” he istries, the Australian Embassy and leased by the ministry—to repre- newborns and their new parents.” said of the surrogacy trade. pregnant surrogate mothers would sentatives of Cambodia’s medical “This is a clear message from Ms. Davis-Charles, who charges be held on Thursday to figure out community on October 31. the Cambodian authorities that clients around $50,000 for her serv- what to do next, Mr. Thea said. That decisions came shortly after they are serious about their recent ices, moved her business from Thai- “We have thought about the Justice Minister Ang Vong Vathana announcement of a ban on surro- land to Cambodia last year after the risks that could happen afterward. called for a law banning surrogate gacy arrangements,” Mr. Evering- military junta shut down surrogacy We have thought about them and pregnancies. The Health Ministry ham said in an email. clinics in the country, he said. already prepared for them,” he has clarified that the current ban will “unfortunately, the arrests of Ms “She has done many in Thai- said, adding that specific duties remain in place until a law regulat- Charles and others will be very wor- land,” he said. “When Thailand and responsibilities would be de- ing the practice comes into force. rying for the surrogates she has closed it down, she came to do it in cided during the meeting. Justice Ministry spokesman Chin employed and the many intended Cambodia.” Ms. Davis-Charles is set to be sent Malin said yesterday that the law, parents on her books—most of Five surrogate mothers have giv- to the Phnom Penh Municipal Court meant mainly to protect the Cambo- those being Australians,” he said. en birth to six children in Cambodia today while the two Cambodians dian surrogates and children, was “Cambodian surrogates may be this year after receiving payments were questioned at the court yester- being prepared, but he was unsure concerned for their own safety and from between $10,000 to $12,000 day and would return today, he said. when it would be ready. take matters into their own hands. through Ms. Davis-Charles’ com- The Fertility Solutions PGD web- “They are studying and learning The Cambodian government must pany, which had also made ar - site contains numerous positive tes- from experiences from other coun- immediately provide reassurance to range ments for about 20 surrogate timonials from clients, including one tries that have prepared this law and pregnant surrogates that they will mothers who are still pregnant, Mr. from February in which a couple how they enforce them and we are not be prosecuted.” Thea said. named Duncan and Erin are quoted going to see how we should prepare (Additional reporting by George “She said she helped poor Cam- as saying, “Thank goodness for the it to align with the context of Cambo- Wright) that.” Mr.
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