6^^" S S ART BOORS V'" I i™ MASTERPIECES Of From the Library of Frank Simpson Permanent Reproductions OF THE WORKS O? Sir EDWARD BURNE-JONES, Bart, G F. WATTS, R.A. DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI HARRY BATES, R.A., Homer and other* HAGUE GALLERY, a Selection from. By F HoLLYER, Jun. ALBERT MOORE, and other Artist* CAN BE OBTAINED OF FREDK. HOLLYER, 9 PEMBROKE SQUARE, KENSINGTON, LONDON. Illustrated Cataloj^ue^ Post Frett 12 Stamps. THE STUDIOS are open to Visitors daily, from lo a.m. to 6 p.m., and on Mondays, from lo a.m. to 10 p.m. PORTRAITS FROM LIFE are taken on Monday* only. An Appointment is advisable. — Telephone N«. 1117, MAYFAIR. CLAUDE & TREVELYAN, THE CARLTON GALLERY, PALL MALL PLACE, LONDON, S.W. BUYERS AND SELLERS OF FINE PICTURES AND OTHER WORKS OF ART. VALUATIONS MADE FOR PROBATE AND OTHERWISE. From "TJie Connoisseur,** "If you are in London at any time, and are interested in fine Old and Modern Pictures, Antique Furniture, Old Clocks, Watches, and China, try and find the Carlton Gallery; it is somewhat difficult to find, but it is worth your while to find it. You will find the Gallery down a small alley leading from Pall Mall (opposite the Guards' Club) to King Street. You will see two curious old carved wood animals seated at the entrance to the Gallery. There i« no Bhop window. H.M. The King recently honoured the Gallery with a visit, and the visitors' book will show you that nearly everybody of note visits the Gallery. If you want anything valuable restored—be it Pictures or Antiques of any descrip- tion, and of an especially difficult character—send them to the Carlton Gallery if you want them done well and at a reason- able charge." From a note by a Connoisseur. "THE ANTIQUARY'V'SsSS'i.) r«cHvX' MANCHESTER, la the most interestinr Shop la Lancashire to all who wish to Buy or Sell GENUINE ANTIQUES. FREE TO CONNOISSEURS ky Illustrated Catalogue. Goods PoTchased unseen Returnable if DIsapppoved. Small Items sent on s^pro. to satisfactory applicants. 660 Ever-ohanglngr Pieces of Old China anti Pottery always on hand. C(»mOISSEm The . Connoisseur Creaffi on ofl suSjetfA intttt&tms io Cotkciota anb iptr&onb of cuWure* THE articles are written by acknowledged experts, and are illustrated by unique photographs and drawings of im- portant examples and collections from every part of the world. The high standard of excellence by which the magazine has been distinguished during the three years of its publication is fully maintainedi and when bound it forms a standard work of reference. If you have never purchased a copy, do so, and you will be struck at the lead that Great Britain has taken, at any rate, in the production <^ a really artistic, and at the same time, thoroughly instructive and lateresting publication. — Is. Nbt. 12s. P*H AnMUM, op all BOOKSKLUKRa. 16a. Post Phek for thb United KiNQooiia 17s. Post Fbbk pgr Abroad. Publishers: t Carmelite House, E.G. Advertising & Editorial Office*: 95 Temple Chambers, E.C Where to get Oowans's Art Books Abroad. l*rance.—Frederic Gittler, 2 Rue Bonaparte, Paris. Belgium.—Spineux & Cie, 62 Montagne de la Cour, Brussels. Holland.—KiRBERGER & Kesper, Amsterdam. Jas. G. Robbers, Amsterdam. A. Abrahams, The Hague. Italy.—Rosenberg & Sellier, 18 Via Maria Vittoria, Turin. B. Seeber, 20 Via Tornabuoni, Florence. Fratelli Drucker, Verona and Padua. Switzerland. -E. Frankfurter, 12 Grand-Chene, Laus- anne. Scandinavia.—A, & O. Schedin, Lund,' Sweden. Portugal.—Ferreira & Oliveira, Lda., Rua do Ouro, 132, Lisbon. Canada.—MussON Book Co., Ltd., 23 Richmond Street, West, Toronto. United States.—Frederick A. Stokes Co,, 5 East i6th St., New York. Germany. —WiLHELM Weigher, Windmiihlenweg L IIL Leipzig, has commenced the publication of an edition with German text, as " Weichers Kunstbiicher," GowANs's Art Books, No. 1 The Masterpieces of Rubens Portrait of Himself F, Han/staengl, Photo. iUffizi, Florence) THE MASTERPIECES OF RUBENS Sixty reproductions of photographs from the original paintings by F. Hanfstaengl, affording examples of the different characteristics of the Artistes work GOWANS & GRAY, Ltd. 35 Leicester Square, London, W.C. 58 Cadogan Street, Glasgow 1906 First Edition^ October, igo4. Reprinted, Decetiiber, jgo4, April, igoj, Aiigifst, igoj, January, igob, August, igo6. "J^HE Publishers beg to express their tJiaiiks to Mr. Franz Hanfstaengl for the readiness with which he has per- mitted the>n to make use of his valuable colleciiou of photographs. Many lovers of Art will no doubt wish to possess larger copies of some of the pictures than tiiose given in this little book, ivhich are neces- sa?'ily very small. The Publishers beg to refer siuh readers to pages 6j et seq., for particulars. Portrait of Isabella Brandt F. Han/staen£;l, PJwto (RuBENs's First Wife) {Royal Gallery, The Hague) 7 Rubens and his First Wife in F. Hanjstaengl, PJiota, AN Arbour {Pinakoihck^ Munich) Helen Fourmewt F. Han/staeng^t, Phofo. (RuBENs's Second Wife) {Royal Museum, Amsterdant) ) Helen Fourment in Bridal Attire F. Hanjstaengl, Pholo {Pinakothek, Munich Helen Fourment f. Hanhtaen^^l, Photo. {Windsor Castle) II Helkn Fourment beneath a Portico F. Hanjstaengl, Photo. {Pinakofhek, Munich) Helen Fourment F. Han/sfaenj^-l, Photo. {Imperial Gallery, VientitA Portrait of Rubens's Second Wife F. Hanfstaengl, Photo {Gallery 0/ Count Czernin, Vienna) 14 Portrait of a Child of Rubens F. Hnnf%taengl, Photo. {Royal Gallery, Berlin) 15 A Child of the Artist F. Han/staengl, Phofc {^Spencer Collection] ±6 The Painter's Two Sons F. Han/staengl, Photo. {Liechtenstein Gallery, Vtenna) 17 19 Elizabeth of France, Quern of Spain F. Han/starngl, Photo. (The Hermitage, St. Petersburg) CiiARLKs The Bold F. Han/siaengI, Photo. {Imperial Gallery^ Vienna) 21 Emperor Maximilian I. F. Han/staengl, Photo, {Imperial Gallery, Vienna) 23 St. Pipin, Dukb of Brabant, and his F, Han/staengl^ Photo. Daughter St. Bega {Imperial Gallery, Vienna) Isabella d'Este F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. {^Imperial Gallery, Vienna) 25 Bishop Maldeus of Antwerp F. Han/staengl^ P/ioto. {Buckingham Palace) 26 Anthony Van Dyck F. Han/staengl, Photo. {Spencer Collection) 27 Jacqueline van Caestre F. Hanfstaengl, Photc. {Royal Gallery, Brussels) z8 Tiberius and Agrippina F. Hatifstaengl Photo. {Liechtenstein Gallery ^ yienna) 29 Bust of a Young Man F. Han/siaengly PJtoto. (Cassei Gallery) 30 An Old Bishop F. Hanfstaengl, Photo, (Royal Gallery t Dresden) 31 Portrait of an Old Lady F. Han/staengl, Photo. {The Her^nitage, St. Petersburg) The So-called "Oriental" F, Hanfstaengl^ Photo. (Cassel Gallery) 33 Photo. Portrait of a Lady F. Han/staengl, (The Hermitage, St. Petersburg) 35 Portrait of a Young Man F. Han/stacngl, Photo. {Pinakaihek, Munich) 36 Head of a Boy F. Han/staengl^ Photo. {Liechtenstein Gallery, Vienna) 37 Portrait of a Lady with Plaited Hair F. Hanfstaengl, Photo, (Royal Gallery, Dresden) 38 Head of a Bearded Man F, Han/staengl, Photo. {Liechtenstein Gallery, Vienna) 39 The "Chapeau de Paille" F. Han/siaengl, Photo. {National Gallery, London) 40 / The Toilet of Venus F. Han/staengl, Photo. {Liechtenstein Gallery, Vienna) 42 The Coming of Age of Louis XIII. F. Han/staengl, Photo. Paris) {The Louvre t 43 Henry IV. departing for the War F. Han/siaengl, Photo. AGAINST Germany {The Louvre, Paris) Bishop Ambrosius forbidding the F. Han/staengl^ Photo. Emperor Theodosius to enter the Church {Imperial Gallery^ Vienna) 45 Saint Ignatius of Loyola healing F. Hanfstaengl^ Photo. THE Sick {Imperial Gallery, Vienna) 46 47 48 49 " It is Finished" F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. {Pinakotheky Munich) S2 The Descent from the Cross F. Hanfstaeng:!, Photo. {The Hermitage, St. Petersburg) 33 The Virgin and Child F. Han/staengl, Photo. {The Hermitage, St. Petersburg) 54 Virgin with the Infant Christ F Han/staengl, Photo. {Royal Gallery, Brussels) ss The Adoration of the F. Han/staengl, Photo. Shepherds {Pinakothek^ Munich) V.56 Thk Virgin and Child surrounded F. Han/staengl, Photo. BY Saints i^The Lowre, Paris) 57 S8 St. Andrew F. Han/staengl, Photo. {Imperial Gallery., Vienna) 59 62 63 64 85 A Complete List of Published Photographs of RUBENS'S PICTURES to be had oj Mr, Fran% Hanfstaengl, 1 6 Pall Mall East, London, SJV. SIZES AND PRICES OF PHOTOGRAPHS— F = Folio (lo^x 8") Silver Print, i/6; Carbon Print, 3/- 5" R = Royal (1 XI 2") - - „ 6/- 1 = Imperial (21" X 16") - 12/- Facs = Facsimile (28" X 20^") - 30/- E = Extra (34y'x 26") - - „ 50/- Average Dimensions are quoted. In ordering it is essential that both Gallery and Order Number are stated as well as the Size. Ordkr No. Rijksmuseum Clmon and Pera (Filial Loto), Amsterdam F R I Fac8 Helen Fourment, F R I ima Maria, Archdachess of Austria, .... Ohriirt bearing his Cross, - FR Noli me Tangere, . • . I 31x Collect.) Christ between the two ThleTes, Antwerp Museum The Adoration of the Magi, Saint Theresa delivering Bernar- din do Mendoza from the Karnes of Purgatory, - Christ in the Manger (Triptych,?tych^ centre). The Holy "Virgin (right wing),ig). \ St. John the Evangelist (ieftj wing), Gomsattsiion of St. Francis ef Assiaei, The Education of the Virgin, • The Iacred*llty of St. Thomas— Triptych centre, Portrait of Nicolas13 Rockox, the.the., yo«Bger, Buiirgomanter of | Antwerp (righthtwing), - V Portrait of the WifeViU of the for- j xaer (left wing), 66 ORjDXK No. TTie Vlrgia with the Parrot, Antwerp Museum Christ on the Cross, . The Trinity, The Triumphal Arch, called de la Monnai* (front view), The Triumphal Arch, called de la Monnaie (back view). The Triumphal Car, The Descent from the Cross, Portrait of Gaspard Gevartius, - Portrait of a Gentleman, Jupiter and Antiope, The Dead Christ bewailed by the Holy "Women and St. John, - Triptych: The Ere«tion of the Cross, - Antwerp Cath.
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