PHARMACY • Prescriptions Ask about the • Over-the-Counter Products es for our "f\November the cord • All drug plans honoured contest! On Campus: 3rd floor in the SUB 884-3101 • Johanne Fortier B.PH,L.PH. Canada still a country Parizeau under heatfor "ethnic" comment KATHY CAWSEY and Canada that the "next time could come Cord News more quickly than we believe." Alberta Few Canadians have experienced a night as Premier Ralph Kline said that changes would tense as this past Monday. have to be made in Canada. He called for The Quebec Referendum resulted in one of decentralization and greater autonomy for the the closest political races in history. At the end provinces. of the evening, Federalism squeaked by with In the end, however, Quebec Premier only a 1 percent victory over the Separatists. Jacques Parizeau upstaged all the other actors Television viewers across Canada watched of the evening. In an exuberant speech to 'Yes' anxiously as the blue and red bar at the bot- supporters, Parizeau pointed out that 60 per- tom of the screen wavered back and forth cent of francophones voted 'yes'. He then went across the 50 percent mark all night. on to predict that "we will have our own coun- With a final result of 50.6 percent to 49.4 try," and, in a speech that scandalized many percent, the Federalists didn't feel very victori- observers, blamed the loss on non-francopho- ous about their win. Prime Minister Jean nes and especially "ethnic" Quebecers. Chretien concluded the evening with a call for "It is true that we have been defeated, but change. by what?" he demanded. "By money and the "We have heard you, Quebecers," he said ethnic vote." in a televised address to the nation after the Only three pockets of ridings voted 'no' - v No' victory was final. "Canadians must recog- Montreal, the area south of Montreal, and nize the distinct nature of Quebec society." western Quebec near Ottawa. The rest of the the ~No' and "Yes' final tallies. Five million Parizeau stated that he is resigning because Other political leaders also called for province voted almost overwhelmingly 'yes'. Quebecers - over 90 percent of possible voters he has done as much as he can for the cause change in the speeches given after the In general, anglophones and allophones - cast their ballots in Mondays Referendum. of Quebec separatism. Commentators specu- Referendum. (voters whose mother tongue is neither Fallout from the referendum began as lated that Bouchard may take over the leader- Bloc Quebecois leader, Lucien Bouchard, French nor English) voted'no'. Most francoph- soon as Tuesday, when Parizeau announced ship of the Quebec nationalist party. Parizeau stated that his party would bow to the will of ones voted 'yes'. The number ofrejected bal- he will be resigning from the leadership of the offered no apology for his comments on democracy. However, he warned both Quebec lots was larger than the difference between Parti Quebecois and the Premiership. Monday night. Laurier Students join Canadian patriots EDWARD VONK all worked very hard and were seeing three generations coming Cord News greeted with manykind words." together to show their love for a VONI The city of Montreal encountered a Over the weekend the students country which includes Quebec," tense weekend as the Referendum went to two rallies where Jean said Robert Scheiflay. "From four- EDWARD campaign came to a close. Over Charest, Daniel Johnson, and year-olds bearing signs, to three hundred university students Lucienne Robillard gave speeches. University students handing out fly- from across the province, including When the students were not attend- ers, to the elderly shouting for PICTURE: eleven from Laurier, went to ing rallies, they handed out leaflets national unity, there was truly a Laurier students showed their support for Canada in Montreal Montreal for the weekend to ask in downtown Montreal. Cars travel- desire for a united Canada." Quebec to stay in Canada. ing by honked their car horns and The trip had been planned for a waved - ifthey were federalists, that month and a half. Adrienne is. Separatists generally gave stu- Montreal Canadiens and the Referendum Montgomery, President of the dents the finger. Ontario Progressive Conservative Some Quebecer's thanked the TODD BISSETT shown a fall and rise of surprising where the real action had to he - Campus Association (OPCCA), and students for showing up and being McGill University proportions. support of Canada here has to start Chris Barns, the Vice President, active. One Quebecer, close to tears, SPECIAL TO THE CORD A month ago, with the pre-sea- with support ofthe Canadiens. And organized it as a means for Ontario thanked them "with all her heart." Here in Montreal, the heartbeat of son just wrapping up, the most as the season started, tilings were students to get involved. In keeping The trip was emotional for the Quebec, there is but one religion - common response to the looking bad. With five straight losses with this idea, anyone who wanted Laurier students as everyone real- hockey. In a city which has a church Referendum would have been in their first five games, Canadiens' 1 ' to could go on the trip, regardless of ized justhow deep the feelings ran. on eveiy corner, the greatest shrine "what referendum? In class, at support was coming apart, and the political affiliation. Tara Barry, a 2nd yr. of all is the Montreal Forum The work, on the street - there was "Yes' side was gaining. "The main purpose of our trip to Communications student comment- fortunes ofthe people who live here hardly a word to be heard of the From inside Quebec, this was Montreal this weekend was to join ed, "Canada has always been per- seem to rise and fall on the success impending vote. There was a gener- not a campaign of rallies, nor of with students from across Ontario ceived as a country without a tie of the team al sense of apathy around McGill - massive demonstrations of sepa- and show Quebecers that the youth that binds. This weekend as we all It's not surprising, then, that now and forever a federalist strong- ratist support. It was a nip and tuck in Ontario and across the country joined together, I felt that we did all hockey formed the meter by which hold - regarding what was then battle of words and wits from both truly care about the fate of our have something in common, we the 'No' side in the Referendum assumed to be a resounding x No' sides. But from the first loss on the country," said Alex Lawson, a 3rd yr. cared, we showed we cared, and could be measured. As the fortunes win. link, all we heard was one gaffe Political Science student and the most importantly we are all of the Montreal Canadiens have But despite this general assump- after another from the "No' camp. President of the Laurier PC dub. "I Canadians." gone up and down this season, so tion of a federalist victory, those of Faulty predictions, outright believe the trip was a success as we "Nothing is quite as moving as too has the federalist campaign us who were raised in this city knew Continued on page 3 News 2* Opinion 6* Features 8* Sports 10 * Entertainment 14 • Classifieds 18*NSK 19 M "The lie that binds since 1926 • VOIUMK XXXVI • ISSl i: lAYI-LYi; • YVi;i)Ni;si)AY, NOYI-MM-ll 1,1995 • WLU S ll DI VI PiJBI JCATIOMS NEWS Student jailed after assault at Ezra party Former WLUstudent to servejailterm on weekends SABRINA SACCOCCIO his own. Silva said she cannot Hafemann has also said that he Cord News accept Kwok's apology. was concerned that WLU is withold- Last Ttiesday, former WLU business "I know he's sorry and that he ing Kwok's business degree for student, Erik Kwok, 23, was sen- made a mistake, but it's not going to which he has completed all the tenced to a 90 day jail term and change the situation I am in right requirements, because of the crimi- ordered to perform 500 hours of now," explained Silva. "There is no nal charge. He said that Kwok will community service. Kwok pleaded explanation for his actions.... 1 would likely follow up legal action against guilty to assaulting WLU Co-op stu- never do something like that. I don't the university for detaining his dent, Linda Silva, 21, at the Ezra care what the circumstances were, I degree. Street Party in April, 1995. couldn't harm someone like that." "This matter is one of great seri- Kwok caused Silva bodily harm Hafemann defended Kwok by ousness," said Arthur Stephen, after throwing a fist-sized piece of saying that he immediately returned Assistant VP of University Affairs at concrete in her direction. The inci- to the scene of the crime against the WLU. "Even though I have not been dent occurred on April 23, the day advice of his friends, and told a part of the hearings on the issue of of the infamous Ezra Street Party; authorities that he was in fact the witholding Kwok's degree, I would however, it did not happen on Ezra offender. assume that it will be witheld at Avenue but at a nearby house on Assistant Crown Attorney Bill least until the deliberations of the King St. North. Wilson informed the court that with- criminal case are complete." Silva had left the street party out Kwok's testimony, the crown Dean Nichols was not able to because it had gotten out of control, would have had "a very difficult comment on the status of Kwok's and went to her boyfriend's house time" proving who it was that actu- degree at this time because he sat in on King Street to call her cousin for ally threw the piece of concrete on the deliberations, and thus must a ride home.
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