Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC November 1963 Daily Egyptian 1963 11-24-1963 The aiD ly Egyptian, November 24, 1963 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_November1963 Volume 45, Issue 46 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, November 24, 1963." (Nov 1963). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1963 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in November 1963 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. EXTRA DAILY EGYPTIAN EXTRA SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY Volume 45 Carbondale, III. Sunday, H...... mber 24, 1963 Humber 46 All Classes Suspended On Monday; Special Memorial Services Planned • • All Activities SIU Students, Faculty To Join Are Suspended Nation In Day Of Mourning Southern lllinois University Students and faculty mem­ ·On Monday joins the natinn and the world bers on tbe Carbondale and All normal Btlldent activi­ in a day of mourning Monday Edwardsville campuses all ties will be suspended along for tbe late John F. Kennedy, .... ill join In tbe tribute to the witb classes during the day slain Friday in Dallas, Texas. dead President. and evening Monday,. accord­ The decision to suspend ac­ President Morris s a I d ing to John E. Grinnell,. vice tivities throughout the Uni­ classes, day and night, will president for operations. Car­ versity came Saturday from not meet at all Monday bondale campus. tbe office of the PreSident, throughout the university. Es­ Dr. GrlMell said all students Delyte W. Morris. sential housekeeping functions will be expected to observe President Morris announced will be performed, however. the national day of mourning that the memorial observance Normal university activities in cOMection with tbe death Is In keeping with proclama­ will be resumed at 8 a,m. of President KeMedy. tions by Lyndon B. Johnson Tuesday. President Johnsonofficially and lllinois Gov. Otto Kerner. T .... o periods of music medi­ declared Monday a day of tation have been scheduled national mourning.. A story Closed Circuit TV Monday and studentR, staff dealing with bis proclamation and the general public are appears on Page 4 of this To Let Students See invited to visit Shryock Audi­ Issue of the Daily Egyptian. torium on the Carbondale President's Funeral ~ampu8 and the main audi­ torium, at the Alton and East ROTC Plans A closed-circuit television St. Louis Centers. Appropri­ arrangement has been de­ ate music will be featured Memorial Rites signed to permit all SIU stu­ from 9 to 10 a.m. and from dents to watch President 2 to 3 p.rn. At Stadium Kennedy's funeral Monday. TeleviSion receivers will A military memorial serv­ WSIU-TV has arranged to be installed in the University Ice for tbe late President carry the CBS coverage of Center and in certain class­ John F. Kennedy Will be con­ Monday morning's events in rooms at the Carbondale Cam­ ducted at 10 a.m. Tuesday the nation's capital. In addi­ pus for the convenience of in McAndre.... Stadium, It .... as tion to telecasting on Channel students. aMounced by Col. George H. 8, closed-circuit TV will be A special military service Blase, commander of the offered in three SIU buildings will be hold at 10: IS a.m. Southern minois University to permit all students to watch. Tuesday In McAndrew Stadium .by the Air Force ROTC cadets. Air Force ROTC unit. Coverage will be started at Col. Blase said some 2,700 8:30 a.m. and will continue Similar observances are cadets, Including the ROTC Editorial: until tbe conclusion of the planned for the Alton and East St. LouiS Centers. In the event band, honor guard and firing President's funeral. squad, will participate In the of rain at Carbondale. the ceremony. Assassination Rlustrates In the University Center, service will be held in Shryock The entire student body Is the closed-Circuit TV will he Auditorium. Students. staff invited to attend the service. Necessity Of Compromise available in the Roman Room, and the public are invited to he added, pointing out that Olympic Room, 'Jallery attend. It will be held during the An orderly succession [0 In the one instance of real Lounge and Ballroom. WSlU (FM) and WSlU-TV scheduled leadership lab­ power is one of the glories breakdown in ability to reach Sets will be available in will continue to carry national oratory for ROTC cadets and of American representative consensus, Americans fought Home Economics Lounge and and local programming on the during the activities period government. Americans elect a bloody civil war. We still Rooms \02, 104, 106, 118, death of the President. WSlU for other SlU students. their President every four face problem s that are con­ 120 and 122. (FM) is planning a rebroad­ years, following Constitu­ sequences of that ware- cast of portions of the con­ Religious Groups tionally defined practice. When Americans no longer In Old Main, closed-circuit tinuing reports on the activ­ Assassinations and coup close ranks once a decision TV sets will he available in ities on Monday from the ABC Plan Services d'etats that mar many other has been made, representa­ Rooms 102 A, 104, lOS, 106, radio network while WSIU-TV 107, 108, 301, 302, 303, 305, Religious centers serving attempts at democratic gov­ tive government in the United will offer Similar coverage ernment are rare in the United States no longer will be safe. 305 A, 306, 306 A, 307, 308 from CBS. SIU completed plans Saturday and 313. for special services in mem­ States. Should a sizable element of ory of PreSident John F. The assassination of Pres­ this nation come to accept WSIU-TV does not telecast Football Season Kennedy. Ident John F. Kennedy on Fri­ assassination and co u p on Saturday and Sunday but it d'etat--rather than the bal­ The Newman Center plans day Is a breakdown in that will return to the alr on Mon­ for SIU Ends lot--as legitimate means of High Masses for the reJllse orderly succession EO pres­ day wltb tbe special coverage SIU's final football game of idental power. We deplore it. changing a government they of tbe PreSident's funeral. the season with North Texas of the soul of the late Pres­ dislike, democracy will be The University's radio sta­ State Saturday was cancelled ident, to he held at 10 and A mer i can s traditionally doomed. 11 a.m. Sunday. Anotber Hig" make their decisions at the tion, WSIU-FM, picked up the because of the death Friday Mass will he held at 10 a.m. The assassination of Pres­ ABC broadcasts shortly after of President Kennedy.. ballot hox and through their Ident Kennedy on Friday is Monday. congressional representa­ the President's death and will Head Coach Carmen Piccone an instance where at least continue its up-to-the minute said the game will not be The Student Christian Foun­ tives. After other profound one individual felt orderly dation and the Wesley Foun­ splits of opinion they have repons throughout the ....eek­ rescheduled. thus SlU's foot­ processes of change were end. ball season has ended. dation will adapt their Thanks­ ralIied around the prevailing inadequate. giving services to memorial Side. The assassination must services for the President .. Rather than provoke Civil serve as a reminder that dis­ St. Andrew's Cburch plans war, Samuel J. Tilden ac­ CUSSion, give - and - take' and President Morris Pays a requiem celebration of the quiesced to a decision which compromise are necessary in Holy Communion at 12 noon made his opponent, Ruther­ American political life. The Tribute To Kennedy Monday In metllOry of the ford B. Hayes, PreSident in ways of extremism are nO( During this period of mourning for President KeMedy President. The Rev.. W;. John the disputed 1876 election. for U8, no matter what the I trust we can profit from contemplation of a good and Harris will be the celebrant. After vigorous debates on the issue, national or interna­ courageous life. reflectin& his concern for his fellow men. question of entering World tional .. Whether the .... ay was easy or bard he lived by his Library Open Wars I and n, Americans If President Kennedy's ·prlnciples. rallied to the deciSion to fight. death serves to remind Amer­ It was heartening to have him on our campus to share Morris Library will be open Social changes of vast signifi­ ica of this--that the way of the .... armth of his empathy with the morally based • regular hours today and cance, such as federal income moderation and compromise intellectual life for which we strive. Monday. tax and social security, were is the way we must choose-­ He will live on wilh us if we but open our hearts [0 There is a possibility. how­ accepted only after long de­ his death wlll not have been embrace the significance of the profile of courage he ever. that it will serve only bate--but they were accepted in vain. leaves with us. as a study ha1l 4 peacefully. Nick Pasqual Delyte W. Morris Page 2 Noyemb.r 24. 1963 _ House Speaker John McCormack Kennedy's Career Is Next In Line Marked By 'Firsts' The youngest man ever to be elected PreSident, A veteran Massachusetts the first to face the immInent possibility of nuclear legislator is now first in line war, the first Catholic chosen for the highest office for the presidency of the of the U.S.-- this Wl!S President John F. Kennedy. United States. Inaugurated on Jan.
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