MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS STANDARD REFERENCE MATERIAL 10100 (ANSI and JSO TEST CHART No. 2) DOCUMENT RESUME ED 202 841 4 SP 018 229 TITLE The Athletics Plan for the Eighties. INSTITUTION Hawaii State Dept. of Education, Honolulu. Office of Instructional Services. REPORT NO RS-81-0824. PUB DATE Apr 81 .NOTE 49p. EDRS PRICE MF01/PCO2 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Athleticsy Governance; Long Range Planning; Physical Education Facilities; *Program Effectiveness; *School Recreational Programs; Secondary Education; *State Programs; State School District Relationship; *Statewide Planning IDENTIFIERS *Hawaii ABSTRACT ft Hawaii's InterscholasticAthleticsprogram involves 38 high schools in a voluttary program designed to develop' athletically talented students and to foster student andcommunity identity with the schools. Although the .ten-year old program offering sixteen team.and individualSports has been suCcessful, several issues remait7unreSOlVed in. the areas .of governance, activities-- offered, state financial support, athletic facilitiese'and qualified coaching' staff. .The exemplary interscholastics-program,planned.foe the 1980s is based on recommendations solicited from coaches, athletic directorsejarincipals,' parents,...and*udents. Recommendations include: 1) EffortS should be.made to explore and implement sports that are indigenous to HaWaii, allowing equal access for_girls and the physically hatdicapped;(2) The policy-Making structure govertingzthe program:should continue-with-some changes;. (3) The state should provide 'full funding for.transportation:and compensation- for athletic staff salaries; .(4) All scho9ls Should have certified 'athletic directors selected by .the principlasyand'N Every high school should have minimum:athletic facilities, including: fields for football/soccer, baseball .and track; tennis courts; swimming pool; gymnasium; and Weight training and wrestling . facilities. (FG) -S .4 .******************************4*************************************** .* Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that.can be made . *. * - from the original doCument.' *. *********************************************************************** "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC." ± u 110 OFFICE OF INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES/OCCUPATIONAL DEVELOPMENT & STUDENT SERVIIWS BRANCH DEPARTMENT OF.EDUOATION o STATE OF HAWAII o RS 81-0824 o APRIL 1981 r. C e FOREWORD The'AthleticsPlan for the Eighties has been developed to serve as the foundation for the improvement of interscholastic ,athletics it,114w01: The.document'attembts to identify.and address. 4 -issued and demands that interscholastic athletics. will be facing in the 1980 deCade.-,... As a' visible and viatn.pari ofifhe educational.progtam,. j.nterscholastic athletics. plays a majcir role in developing yoUng athletes as well l-Ss in:engendering School-community-spirit-and cooperation am confident that this plan will guidSthe Department. ___*_proviOing_am:sxemplarylniericholasfid-athletiCs program for our Stlidents.- .Charles G. Clark Superintepdent 0 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The State Department of Education Wishes to'exprese itsappreciation and gratiMpde,to:the'manY dedicated individuald and7groUpi whobe.support and assist _ ance made:this-document possible. The members ,of the working and reaction committeek,provided expertise and Support.which,eilabled the Department to com- plete'chis difficult and complex task. ,The Department wishes to acknowledge the many prinCipalsi teachers,athleticdirectors, coaches, students, parents aud'the following for their effortsi Dr. Herman M. Aizawa Mr. Ronald Kula Assistant.Bnperintendent Principal. Office of Instructional ServiCes Mblokai High School Mt. Aono Mrs. Irene Naka Director Secretary Budget Btanch Student Personnel Services Section Mrs.. Evangeline Barney Mr. Thomas Nakai Educational ,SPecialist Director . Student PersOnnet Services SeCtion Facilities & Support Services Miss Marlyn Burke Mr. Shuilki Nakamura Athletic. Director Fiscal Specialist Campbell: High School Accounting Section Mr. Ichiro rukymoto Mr. William S.Bhithe Director Educational Specialiat Planningl valuattpn Services Br. Athletici Program. Mr. Ted Fslcushina YlOra Takekawa Athletic Director Educational Specialist Kaiser Hikh School Studentictivities Program _ Mr. Eddie.Bami;da Mt. John Velasco Athletic Director Athletic Director Iolani 'School Radford High SchOol Mr. Edwarellasegawa Mrs. Florence Yamada, Safety & secnrity Specialist Secretary Office of Business Services Aiea High School Mr. Dan Rironaka Mr. George Yamamoto Athletic Director .District superintendent Aiea High school Windward Oahu District Dr: Law rence A. Inaba . Mks. Katherine yaMane Educational Director Educational Specialist Occup. DeveloP. Student Services Br. --PhysiFal-Bducation PrOgram . .- Mr. Hu X\ Mr. Alex Rane . Yoshida' Athletic Director . Athleticirector'. kailila..High School.' Leilehuaigh School Mr.-Edward S. Klyuna 'Mr. Nelson Yoshioka Educational 'Specialist District EduCational Specialist Athletics program (Chairperson) Honolulu District.Office o TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Page, The Interscholastic Athletics Program 1 Historical Background 1 Winition of-InterscholasticAthletics. 2 Philosophy of the IntiirscholasticiAthletiCs Program 4. Goals & Objectives -of a Flan foi Interstholastic Athletics 7 Current Program 8 8 . Program Description,' . "program Offerings 8 Issues *.... 9 . Program Participation:and Size 9 . program. Organization '10 IssUes 12 Organizational Chart 13' 'Program Finances 14 Issues 4 14 Fatilities % 15 15 Issues Iersonnel 15 Issues 04.1e. 16 Summary. 16 The Exemplary Interscholastic Athletics Progrim 17' program Offerings and Prrticipation 18 Governance 20 . Leagues 20 r State AsSociation :21.. Page Funding 21 Personnel 22 Athletic Directors 23 ,Coaches' 24 e tainers 24 League Executive Secretaries. .25 . fl Athletic Pfogram - Ten Year Financial Projections 26 Athletic Program - Ten Year Financial Projections Based on Exemplary Prdgram 26 Facilities411 27 Recommendations for the 80's . 30 Progtam-Offerings ;30 Governance 30 Funding ,31 31 Personnel, a .Facilities 31 AttachMent 1 - Current Athletic Policy and Regulations 32 Attachment II - HHSAA Executive Secretary's Duties and Responsibilities' 34 Attachment III - The 4thletic Director'sDuties and .r Responsibilitiei 35 Attachment IV-- League Executive Secretary'sDuties and f .4 Responsibilities 36 Attachment V- Minimum AthleticFitcility Standards 37 Attachment VI - AthWiciField and Facilites Utilized fin. 313 Interscholastic Game Sites , I THE INTERSCHOLASTIC ATHLETIC S PROGRAM INTRODUCTION Historical Background-. InterscholastiC athletics in, Hawaii has received different emphases In the course of itp.development since the early 1900 s."It.began'As a non-curricular activity, later unfolding into an extra- curricular activity and most recently into a curricular activity: io comitantly, the emphasis of interscholastic athletics shifted from meeting the recreational needs of the community, to an , extension of the physical education program, and finally to a distinct program s for the physically fit and. skilled sportiperson - a program that'addressess one . of the purposes outlined in the Master Plan for Public Education (1969)Andthe .State.Edueational Plan-(1980.- the acquisition of -the skills and attitudes that. .. ,contribute to the .physical well,beini of an individual. P .:. , With the recognition of ineerscholaatic athletics'as an integral part of the educationeWprOgram? the Department in 1970 developed AnInterscholastic4 - . Athletics Plan for the Seventies which attempted to provide not .only a philosophi. I. cat:ba-Se for athletics in education but to outline the administrative and operS7 tional arrangements' necessary to implement a viable program in all the public. high schools. , Although positive steps have been implemented to address many of the issues that were delineated in An.Interscholastic Athletics Plan for the Seventies, the 4 o /. FTogram continues to facecriticism and problems. Problems ranging from generalized statements about.the'lack of Department ofEducation control over athletics to charges of the over-zealousness of coaches have remained. Stillfurther,.the enactment of Title IX (Education Amendments of 1972) and 4 . other federal legislation such as.Section 504 of the. Rehabilitation Actof 1973 . have...intensified the need to review she interscholastiC athletics program and to . IltN.....e4; 13 address basic programmaticconcerns to resolve recurring'issues and to meet new -:_ demands. Definitionof Interscholastic Athletics: lnterscholgstic athletics is a, valiintary program forst udents-in grades 9 -12.' The.program provides opportunities for students with athletic skills and ta4ents to develop and use these abilities in organized competition with students of similar capabilities from other high schoOls. The .intersoho- laatic athleticsTrogram includes team and duel sports of a wide variety to serve, both common.and specialized needs of students. 0, ''When oonducted 'properly., interscholastic 4hletics can Serve ,as an educational medium thrcugh which the optimum growth ofiphysical, mental, emotional, social, andmoral.values Of the participanta may.be fostered. Through the many arduous practice sessions andthe variety .Of situations that arise during the heat. ofthe contests, the'players:ineAtably experience growth changes botal. emotionallyand physically: :ro ensure that these
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