40 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 10, 1907 EVELYN NESBIT THAW --T- HE WOMAN IN THE CASE father, Scott Nesbit, a lawyer in its high-price- d pews and its high-price- d K.vrlyn Nenblt Thw la the woman Pittsburg, with a penchant for choir. However, the move In the nw. Here l m little bunch of femininity tipping .the aralea at gambling, had died some years ment toward society was never omrthlnn lw than 110 pounds a before, and her mother went to of hair, a very successiui fiiM of feathern, a hank City, frivolity of frtnue, a pair of hit Allegheny and kept a lodg Along in 1905 a coldness seemed and a ing-hous- ryen. uch a artlt like, e. Later, when she mile that mean everything or noth- to spring up between Mrs. Wil ing. For thla woman the life of one earned that Evelyn was in de man woe eacrlnred. For thin woman liam and Mrs. Harry Thaw. Mrs. jeop- mand as an artists' model, she the life of another roan Is In Harry Thaw was not at the wed ardy. I the icame worth the elec- moved to New York with herson tric volte? ' nd daughter. And during these ding of Mrs. William Thaw s of W. R. days, wliiie posing as a model, grandchild, the daughter STEVENSON. BT FREDERICK BOYD Evelyn was trying to obtain. a po- Thompson, and there was talk of (Conyrlfcht. 11X17. by Frederick Boyd Steven- son.) sition on the stage. She finally a separation of the Harry Thaws. at the came all sorts of stones, and T THE first glance secured an engagement in "Flor-adora- ." Then Thaw murder trial in New these stories were followed by thf York one is impressed with the 'It was not an important en murder of Stanford White on the thought of sacrilege. Ten feet gagement, said she. "but I was evening of .Tune 2b 1!K)6. back of Harry K. Thaw, sitting not in the chorus. With the pos Now the Thaws may blame Eve plain wooden lyn Nesbit Thaw as much as they in the second row of ing ana tne floradora engage-- L same, time ehairs. is his mother. Her white ment, 1 made enough, money to please, but at the it mem- hair is accentuated by the red support our little-- family." mmm must be observed that other family have not flush on her face The lines on her At that time Evelyn Nesbit flind bers of the Thaw brow are painfully deep. On her her mother were living in two HP always been out of the sensational Mrs. There, for instance, right sits her daughter, rooms in an apartment-hous- e op- public priiits. George Lauder Carnegie, or some- posite the Casino Theater. Her is Mrs. George Lauder Carnegie, times her other daughter, the earnings were small and all her mimm. whose husband's name was con- Countess of Yarmouth. In. the stage and street gowns were made nected with the Esther Bartlett Evelyn Nesbit Thaw, divorce case. There also nest seat is by her mother, who exercised the t:::?.:W&-:r'::l''i- : :;.r:. ? Clarke and next to her is May McKenzie, greatest ingenuity in turning and ,vS5lf;x M:. is the Countess of Yarmouth. the show girl. These two exchange altering the materials she had to Just after her wedding the news- -j numerous confidences. They smile do with. Both mother find daugh papers were filled with sensa- lightly at each other. Their inter- ter were fond of going out to din- tional stories to the effect that the ests are common interests. They ner, but the mother was careful Earl of Yarmouth had held up the are in perfect sympathy with each that no detrimentals, as she mm? wedding party on the way to the other. But the mother looks termed them, should be the es church, demanding at the last mo- neither to the left, nor to the right. corts of her' daughter. To the ment a double allowance, of the She hears only the low, sonorous mother a "detrimental" meant a marriage settlements agreed upon tones of Jerome, the relentless man without money. Along about by him previously. Although a prosecutor, seeking to send her this period Stanford White was settlement was already drawn up son to the chair, and the pleading the "guardian angel" of the Ca- wherein he agreed to take as his voices of her son's counsel, seek- sino girls, and Evelyn Nesbit personal allowance $5000 a year,' ing to save hira from the chair. came under his guardianship. The Sill it was said he demanded .$10,000 Her life has been the life of the Nesbits then moved into more mmm and that, the Countess' fortune, good wife and the good mother. pretentious .apartments, .Evelyn upon her death, should go to the association with this estates instead of her Her enforced wore better clothes, soon had a if Hertford potpourri of a criminal courtroom 'thinking part" in "The Wild family in the event of there being lias cut her pride to the quick. Rose," and later was in the cho IT no heirs. Harry Thaw, it was re- lint how about Evelyn Nesbit rus of a play at the Madison ported, jumped into a cab and Thaw, the wife? Square Theater. She was only 15 sought the family lawyer, and If, by some psychological phe years old when she entered the 4 while he was gone bis mother is nomenon, one's soul might follow 'Floradora" company, but even A P Li said to have come to the terms of the ritual of the believing Mahat before this she began to get press the Earl to avoid a scandal. ma and become merged with the notices that were the envy of girls No attempt is made, however, to entity of another soul, one might who had beenten and more years gloss over the shortcomings of see that other life from an nnsus in the theatrical business. And Evelyn Nesbit Thaw. We have pected viewpoint. it is easy these press notices began soon af- seen that her environments were enough to say: "A weak, vain, ter the guardianship of Stanford not the best. We have seen that foolish woman " It is easy enough White. Ask any theatrical man- her education was not the educa- to say, "She sees it as a player ager or the friend of a theatrical tion that makes toward the build- - sees it." manager, and, if he be so dis mg up oi cnaracier ior a nigu-minde- d It is easy enough to say all that posed, he will tell you how it is young woman. We have and' more, but until one passes done. Thus we read back in 1901, seen the attributes and the sur- through the horrors of that night in a New York evening paper, be- roundings that have produced this on the Madison Square Roof Gar neath a flattering photograph: woman who is stared at in tke den. until one looks on the solemn Miss Evelyn Florence Nesbit Is. Der-- criminal courtroom today. jurors in box, un haps. the prettiest girl of 15 that ever is only 22 faces of the the delighted the eyes and Inspired the art Here a woman years til one gases on the morbid ists of this city, for whom she has posed as old, who should be in the full a model. She is a dainty little classic, crowds in the courtroom, and un bright of conversation and with a talent X flush of womanly beauty, but who smile for music. Such artists as Carroll. Beck-wit- b. 40. til one receives the sunken Levy. Carl Blenner. Irvinir Wildes. is as faded as a woman of Yet of the prisoner, who should be the Church and Randall Phillips declare her even now with all the worry, with a well-nia-- li perfect type of maidenlv nearest of all on earth to one, one beauty. They have made portraits of all the strain upon her nervous judge. ner. which will be exhibited at the cannot forthcoming exhibition. Miss Nesbit energies, there are still to be,seen Rather than to condemn too comes from one of the most prominent traces of that great beauty which ramuies in Pennsylvania. Her father hastily, let us. then, follow out was the late Winfield Scott Nesbit. one FAVORITE PHOTOGRAPH OF EVELYN NESBIT THAW she possessed when a child. Per- of the leading- lawyers of Pittsburg. Her this idea of the Mahatma and mother was Evelyn Florence McKenzie, haps there is no beauty fading a noted beauty of Richmond. Miss Nes- look into the inner life of this - model became sub- Thaw met Evelyn Nesbit, ever had in his life. When though may be as difficult to bit hopes some day to be a sreat actress. "Mr, Harry- , Thaw, ma'am," tists' and the Harry it woman. Do not judge her by the was the answer. ject of Chas. Dana Gibson's "The Harry Thaw was no angel. Harry Thaw's family cut him define as that of Harry Thaw's t Then, when she left the studios ' woman you see in the courtroom "Well, you take it right back Eternal Question," which is said As far back as 1897 we began off with an income of $2500 a wiie. for the stage, to take part in the one day cast down and gloomy, to Mr. Harry Thaw, with my com- to be one of his great triumpsh.
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