Council Plans Man Rescued From Cave-In, I I College St. 'Darned Lucky'; By DON KLADSTRUP Although an oxygen supply and ~oJ St.H Wrlt.r resuaitator were available, they Parking Lot An Iowa City man was trapped were not used. Fredrick was able beneath 10 feet of dirt and mud for to breathe due to an air pocket that By DALLAS MURPHY about 45 minutes Wednesday when formed around him. St.ff Wrlt.r a side of the »foot-ditch in which Approximately 50 people watched A resolution calling for the acquisition of the land at the south half he was working caved in. as firemen and police tried to free of College Street between Linn and Dubuque Streets for a municipal Gary Fredrick, 21. 426 S. CUnton Fredrick. Some of the more curl· parking lot was passed unanimously by the City Council in a special St .. was laying tile for the Frantz oua observers were waved away meeting Wednesday afternoon at Construction Co. near Highway 6 from the edge of the ditch by Aast. the Civic Center. businessmen expressed the opinion and Sycamore Street when the ac­ Fire Chief Adrian Rittenmeyer 88 The area included by the resolu­ that measures must be taken to al­ cident occurred. tion had previously been acquisi­ a prevention against another JlOII­ leviate the downtown parking prob­ Fredrick, obvioualy shaken, walk· , , lioned by the city for the construc­ lem, although they could not agree sible cave·in. Working condJtiOl\8 tion of a 260-stall parking ramp. on exactly what these measures ed away under his own power after were quite poor, he said, referring The council's decision come after should be. rescuers finally freed him. He was to the muddy ground. consideration of estimates which taken to University Hospital where fixed costs for lhe ramp upwards BEFORE PASSING THE new Tu:enty-one year-old Gary Fredrick was trapped for 4.5 left). Fredrick gr;1TIilCes as firemen and feSCtle workers try Rescuers had to work around a resolution, the council was required he was reported in good condition. large steam shovel which hamp­ of $1 .2 million. Because these esti­ minutes Wednesday in a caoe-in 1lear Hig1ltooy 6, 111 south /0 pull his legs free of the dirt (right), and the youth walked mates were much higher than had to repeal a resolution which it had "He's darned lucky," one ob­ ered their rescue efforts. The been anticipated. the council held passed Feb. 4, ear-marking the loW(} City. Rescuers dig a hole to th e trapped man (arrow, away from trle near-disaster without apparent erious injury. server said. "He was really land for use as a parking ramp. shovel could not be moved due to an informal public meeling Mon­ - Ph%s by Joe Lippincott buried." the danger of sliding mUd. ·RECORD day . According to City Atty. Jay Hono­ At that time, several Iowa City han, the repeal was necessary be­ cause of a lega l technicality which would have ruled out using the land for any other purpose. Hughes Blasts The municipal lot will provide Cloudy parking space for 150 cars as op­ P.rtly eloucty and w.rmer ....." ViOliN CONCERTOS. One of posed to the 260 spaces which with 1C.tttr.d show .....1Id thuII· 2 stirring pieces. Pub. at $4.98. would have been prov Ided by a (1 d.rttonnl. Turning cooler ..... Iowa Remap, ramp. Mayor Richard Burger, how­ it owan High. tod.y 60 northea.t to 7h ever, mentioned the possibility of Serving the State UniOMaUu of lowo---~ and the People of 10fD(J Clf" 10UthWHt, I"''''.'"'LU piano pieces magnificently purchasing an additional land bloc at $4.98. for a parking lot of equivalent size. 10 CeJltl Per COpy Iowa Clly. Iowa - Thursday, April 2, 1964 2-Year Term "Iowa City's parking facilities lilting pieces for the Ilute. Mario Gov. H a r 0 I d Hughes assailed are quite inadequate, but a park· ing ramp isn't feasible at present at $4.98. Iowa's governmental structure here Tuesday night as one "design­ for financial and planning rea­ I , .. ed to work in the 18005." sons," Honohan said. Prof. Mason, Incl. rarities by Buxtehude, Gab­ In comparing the state govern­ CITY MANAGER Carsten Leik· -Brazilian President Flees- telemarm Society. Pub. at $4.98. men t to a business enterprise void sa id at Monday's meeting the Hughes said that no sensib le busi­ main financial problem is that an Wile 'Fair' . I nessman would run his business expenditure of more than a million BACH. Only available grouping the same way the state of Iowa is dollars tor a parking ramp would Sym. No.5, J. C. Bach: Sym. run. leave lhe city with no funds for After Wreck D Minor, etc. Kohr condo Chamber Hughes addressed an audience expansion of parking facilities in of approximately 1,000 people at the next 10 to 15 years. Planning Hospital sources said Wednesday the annual farmer - businessman difficulties involved are the (raific associate professor emeritus of Goulart Falters Before banquet in Iowa City's Montgom­ origin and destination study being journalism, Edward F . Mason, 78, plays these ery Hall. conducted by the State Highway and his wife, Dora Belle Mason, Hughes also attacked Iowa's two­ Commission and the city's plans 67, oC 32 Olive Court, remoin in year governor's term. He said that for urban renewal. fair condition at University Hos­ pital. our of VivaldJ's 10vUest works. he had only been in office for 10~ Councilman Max Yocum asked String Orch., condo by Reinhardt. months before he haO to start if the terminology used In the new The Masons suffered head injur­ campaigning again. He added that resolution would legally restrict the ies and shock after their car over­ Anti-€ommunist Rebellion turned on Interstate 80 near West two years is not enough time for city to using the land only for a RIO DE JANEIRO UP! - Rebel moving on Port Alegre. The rebel ters of (he Third Army, indicated The rebels claimed the Soviet the doy two rebellious armies were any newly elected governor to get Liberty about 5 p.m. Tuesday. municipal lot with surface park­ military leaders announced Wed­ chiefs also ordered troops to meet that Goulart's brot1ler-ln-Iaw, Leon­ Union had suffered a debacle in tlJe moving on Rio. At least eight HARPSICHORD. Zollan Janey his political appointees in office ing. Cedar County Sheriff Richard nesday the fall of lefUst President the Goulart threat in Brasilia. el Brizola, had taken command of Western Hemisphere. There were states were lined up against him. delicale sonatas. Pub. at $4.98. and to properly institute his own Barden investigated the accident Joao Goulart before a massive anti­ political pOlicies. According to the city attorney, One of Goulart's first acts on ar­ the troops. The anti-Goulart gov· reports that Goulart had fled the the council would be required to and said no charges would be filed. Communist crusade to keep Brazil riving in Brasilia was to sign a ernor, lido Meneghetti, was said country_ Bloodshed was apparently light Hugbes said that he was sur­ hold a new public hearing and pass He attributed the wreck to a steer­ from becoming another Cuba. decree nationalizing all gasoline to have disappeared. Then Goulart's chief aide went in the two-day revolt that broke prised to learn that farms are a new resolution if it ever wanted ing failure. working in "direct competition" But Goulart fled to Brasilia and distributing firms. This evidently A war Ministry announcement on television in Brasilia and an- out in the neighboring state of to return to its original plan and 111,,/ ' an aide said he would fight on with was done to show that he con­ said Goulart had resigned and had nounced that Goulart was there and Minas Gerais Tuesday and spread wit h the individual farmers in use the area for a ramp. Sub-sur­ Reinhardt condo the Bamberg Iowa. He said many state inlititu· army bupporters and nny volun­ sidered himself still president and been replaced by Paschoal Ran­ would resist the revolution with rapidly. face parking could be constructed teer~ lie can Olll$ter for a ueming­ i:l Ml .exet'cJie oC his authority. ieri Matzilli, president of the Cham­ elements of Brazil's Sfd Army. Two students were Irchestr'al music. PUb. at $-ua. tions are buying their supplies without a new resolution, he said. .. Britisher pro-Goular~ from commercial sources while Iy desperate 'last stand in that in­ REPORTS FROM Rio Grande do ber of Deputies ana constitutionally WHEN THE climax came and reported killed in a clash with Property owners in the area des­ land capital 600 miles northwest of Sui , Goulart's home and headquar- in line for the job, [Sensuous and exciting choral work running their farmlands as inde­ Invents he fled Rio de Janeiro earlier in troops at Recife. pendent businesses. ignated for the municipal lot will Rio de Janeiro. condo Vienna Chamber Choir and be given another opportunity to 'Housewife' Goulart also had support In Gov. Carlos Lacerda of Rio's sell their land to the city before • Porto Alegre, an Atlantic port in state of Guanabara, a bitter foe of a sheriff's jury begins Its apprais­ LONDON IA'I - The wife of his home state of Rio Grande do Goulart and believed a mastermind Low Prices als. the man who has invented a Sui in Brazil's deep South. of the revolt, declared In an in­ great works including the terview: "We conquered in this THE SHERIFF'S jury, a group mechanical housewife laugh­ Schwengel Demands performs on the famoua Siber- Diplomatic sources said Goulart ed off the suggestion Wed­ immense territory of Brazil the Irk Farmers of private citizens selected for had left Brasilia for Porto Alegre.
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