Price 25 Naye Paise Incorporating the cFree Economic Ret'iew' AN lNDEPE..lWENT JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC AND PuBLIC AFFAIRS WE STAND FOR FREE ECONO:\IY AND LffiERTARIAN DEl\IOCRACY MAKE ENGLISH THE LINGUA FRANCA OF INDIA Vol. VII No. 13 IN TIDS ISSUE August 1, 1959 PAGE PAG£ EDITORIAL 1 Communist China's Foreign Policies by T. L. Kantam 11 4 Behind The Aews DELHI LETTER 14 The President's Letter to the Prime Minister NEWS DIGEST 17 by M. A. Venkata Rao 6 HUMOUR 21 ECONOMIC NOTES 22 Swatantra Party's Opportunity by M. N. Tholal 9 LETTER TO THE EDITOR 23 EDITORIAL It is all intelligible from the standpoint of fear and TIBET national self-interest narrowly interpreted but sadly contradictory to the far-seeing, idealistic viewpoint to whic? Indian representatives lay claim when advising T HE Tibetan problem so far as India is concerned Russia and USA to cease from cold war attitudes. remains unsolved. Further developments after the Dalai Lama's residence in Mussoorie as India's The alternatives before India are 1. to recognise guest ~ignify a retreat on the part of India as champion the truly ruthless character of Red Imperialism in of Tibetan freedom. Dalai Lama's cautious assertion Ch~na reinorced by her alliance with the totalitarianism that the Tibetans recognise the Government of Tibet of Russia and resolve to defend herself with the help wherever his Ministers and himself reside in contact of Western democratic States like the USA and Britain with each other has drawn a demurrer from the or 2: to throw herself at the mercy of China and be­ Government of India that they do not recognise any come her satellite and agree with her doings however exile Government of Tibet on Indian soil or anywhere outrageous they may be such as the rape of Tibet and outside Tibet. This is clear waming that India is not the genocide of her nation. There is no middle way. prepared to allow the Dalai Lama to function an "exile government" and to rally support for the recovery of . The h~pe of maintaining neutrality in the expecta­ freedo~ by his country from the world at large, just as tion that 1t would spare her from the hostility of China Repubhcan Spain at death· grips with Rebel Franco in the future is foredoomed to disappointment. Chou elicited support from volunteers from outside. En lai has already referred to the outstanding "carto­ graphic" problem or the claims of China for territories India is not so heroic and far-seeing as a devotee of in Assam and Ladakh in warning tones. He means democracy or the freedom of small nations or neigh­ that India should cease meddling with Tibet if she bours or even of panchsheel to put herself out to wants China to be considerate to her when the border trouble for the sake of her expressed ideals. areas come to be taken up for negotiation with India~ The hope that India might re-open Tibet's case at the UNO is also dashed to the ground by Delhi' re­ The way in which China has suppressed Tibet and ~usal to ~o so. The agenda of the UN Assembly when her national Entity killing over 80,000, destroying It meets m September next does not contain any topic monasteries, settling Chinese in Tibet in lakhs, machine connected with Tibet. gunning crowds, setting buildings on fire, sending Tibetans to Chinese provinces in thousands, torturing On the contrary we find India entering a resolution for the seating of Red China in the UNO as usual at thousands etc. has resembled Russian action in sup­ pressing the Hungarian freedom struggle in 1956 in the ~ginning .of every Assembly sessions for yean since the mauguration of the Red regime in the mainland eyery particular. of China! The unceremonioti way in which the article on local autonomy in the Tibetan Chinese Treaty has been Mr. Jayaprakash Narain {who is both in and out of flouted by China should be a warning that all treaties the PSP) is an exception in sponsoring the cause of with China become "scraps of paper" as soon as they Tibetan freedom among front rank politicians. He cease to reflect the interests of the Red Power in its has held a Tibetan Convention to match the ctle orga­ pursuit of world domination in alliance with Russian nised openly by the Reds on behalf of Chipa in Cal­ communism. cutta. He is trying to rally world opinion. He has There is no hope that any subservient attitude of gone the length of calling on foreign embassies at New <Jurs to her in the days of peace will serve to safeguard Delhi to sound their opinion on this subject. our security in times of war and that China and Russia Of course fellow travellers like Mrs. Rameswari will respect our neutrality in war-time. Nehru and her Afro-Asian group led by international It is therefore the part of wisdom to cease to rely communism, as all the world knows, -have frowned on on the policy of neutrality which implies too great a Mr. Jayaprakash. Mr. Nehru too has naturally dis­ trust in the communist camp and to openly align our­ couraged him privately though he has not so far ex­ selves with the Western world which is after all more pressed himself on this matter in public. dedicated to democracy than the socialist camp, in Mr. Jayaprakash Narain is a Member of the Inter­ spite of the remnants of imperialism surviving in national Executive of The Congress Of Cultural Free­ Algeria and Africa. dom which body is strongly anti-communist. But 'it is Among political parties it is Jana-Sangh alone that doubtful if he will be permitted to pursue his indepen­ has urged such a radical change in India's foreign !ela­ dent line and rally support from the rest of the world tions. Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Jan Sangh Member of in men and money and to actually mount a movement Parliament, asked the Prime Minister in the Lok Sabha for the liberation of Tibet. That requires sterner stuff to grant die status of Exile Government to the Dalai than is evident in Nehru 'to permit and Narain to push Lama and allow him to rally world support for re-. through in terms of deeds. Both are men of words covering the freedom of his nation. He asked that and silver eloquence but more is needed for action in India should send volunteers to fight for Tibetan free­ the political world, (specially when the ground is dom even as China sent volunteers to fight for North shaken by revolt and conquest) than oratory and. Korea! He offered himself as the first volunteer! The sentiment. Pr~e Minister was shocked at such extreme sentiments! H. V. KAMATH ON THE BORDER PROBLEM He forgot that freedom demands audacity and self­ sacrifice for survival in strength. India today exhibits Mr. H. V. Kamath (who resigned from the civil the timidity and lack of resource and the staleness of service during the -national liberation struggle before old age and not the vigour and faith of Youth. Independence a.nd was a Member of Parliament in the India has also forgotten that democracy is indivisible. last two sessions) has issued a statement. after a tour It is betrayed when our neighbour is attacked. Our of the Himalayan regions of Nepal, Sikkim and Bhutan. strength to defend ourselves when we ourselves are He reports the prevalence of a strong Chinese propa­ :attacked next will have been atrophied. ganda in these areas trying to win the peoples of Mon­ golian origin here for a New Himalyan Federation con­ sisting of Ladakh, Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan and the Tlu~ North-East Frontier Agency. Indian prestige has suf­ Indian Libertaria11 . fered grievously irr this part of the world on account Independent Jwrnal of Free Economy of the strength displayed by China in the suppression and Public Affairs · · · . of Tibet in despite of Indian displeasure. Everything Edited by Miss KUSUM LoTWALA depends on the resolution and courage and tact and skill displayed by Indian diplomacy backed by the Published on the 1st and 15th- of Each Month Indian Government and people for retention of the Single Copy 25 Naye Paise loyalty of these peoples for India. Mr. Kamath says Subscription Rates: that the propagandists c1aim territory up to Silguri in Annual Rs. 6: Half Yearly Rs. 3 Assam as belonging to China! ADVERTISEMENTS RATES Full Page Rs. 100; Half Page Rs. 50; Quarter Page NEPAL Rs. 25. Nehru visited Nepal recently and elicited sympa­ One-eighth Page Rs. 15 One full column of a Page Rs. 50. thetic attunement of the Nepalese King and people BACK COVER .................. Rs. 150 with India. It is clear that-China is exerting pressure SECOND COVER ............... Rs. 125 on Nepal to cease alignment with India. Some border THIRD COVER .................. Rs. 125 check-posts along Nepal's- northern border were man­ • Articles from readers and contributors are accepted. Articles meant for publicataion should be type­ ned by Indian military personnel. China objected to written and on one side of the paper only. their presence and had them removed! The ancient • Publications of articles does not mean editorial en­ understanding between India and Nepal in virtue of dorsement since the Journal is also a Free Forum. which the two countries act like one in most common • Rejected articles will be returned to the writers if accompanied with stamped' addressed envelope. affairs is now sought to be disrupted by the Chinese. Write to the M{JIIager for sample copy They show no tenderness to Indian susceptibilities.
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