268 Appendix I Leicestershire Landed and Political Society, 1422-1485 Acton of Potters Marston Aderston of Witherley Adyngton (Alyngton of Harborough?) Appleby of Appleby Ardern of Knipton Assheby of Lowesby Assheby of Lubbesthorpe Assheton of Swithland Astley of Nailstone Attewell of Foxton Attewell of Drayton Aubrey of Osgathorpe Bailly of Higliam Barnevile of Thrings ton Baresby of Catthorpe Baresby of Thorpe [Satchville] Basset of Great Bowden Bate of Barkestone Baude of Lubenham Beaumont of Overton Belgrave of Belgrave Belgrave of North Kilworth Bellers of Eye Kettleby Berkeley of Wymondham Blaby of Blaby Blackfordby of Ashby-de-la-Zouch Blaket of Noseley Blount of Allexton Blythe of Mowsley Boneton of Billesdon Boseworth [of Market Harborough?] Boson of Hars ton Bothe Boydell of Stretton-en-le-Frith Boyville of Stockerston Brabesson of Eastwell Bradgate of Bradgate Brokesby of Frisby Brokesby of Oadby Bugge of Thurlas ton Burdet of Thrussington Burgh of Burrough-on-the-Hill Burton of Loughborough Byngham of Shangton 269 Chaumbre Chapman of Ashby-de-la-Zouch Charnels of Snareston Chaumbernon of Worthington Chaworth of Medbourne Chesilden of Allexton Cheyney of Rolleston Chirche Clerk of Medbourne Cok of Hinckley Colard of Walton and Kilworth Conway of Lutterworth Coote of Market Harborough Coton of Thurcaston and Keyham Coton of Rearsby Curson of Mowsley Curteys of Bowden Danet of Gaddesby Danet of Bromkinsthorpe Dansey of Somerby Danvers of Swithland Derby of Gaddesby Desford Dewy of Newton Burgoland Donton of Withcote Draper of Fenny Drayton Draper of Hose Dunham of Long Whatton Dygby of Tilton Dyson Egge of Desford Entwysell of Dalby-on-the-Wolds Erdyngton of Barrow-on-Soar Eryston of Castle Donington Essyng of Slawston Everyngham of Newhall Farnchere of Ratcliffe-on-Wreake Farnham of Overhall (Quorndon) Farnham of Netherhall (Quorndon) Fermour Ferrers of Groby Fielding of Lutterworth Flaunders of Sheepy Folvile of Rearsby Fouleshurst of Glenfield Freeman of Witherley 270 Freman of Lutterworth Frank of Wymeswold Gaddesby German of Cossington Gerveys of Harby Gissing of Slawston Goldsmyth of Melton Mowbray Grene of Kegworth Grote of Market Harborough Gryffyn of East Langton, Smeeton and Gumley Grymmesby (heir of Moton) Grysley of Appleby Gryston of Castle Donington Halydey of Glen Magna Harcourt of Bosworth Hardewyn of Bredon Hardewyn of Leicester Haryngton of Glooston Hasilrigge of Noseley Hastings of Kirby Muxloe Herryson [of Thornton] Heton of Knaptoft Hichebone of Barkby Holewell of Ashby Folville FIotoft of Humberstone Humbuston of Leicester Hunt of Burbage Hunt of Barkestone Hunton of Muston Hylley of Stretton-en-le-Frith Ilyff of Walton [by Kimcote] Ivers of Somerby Ingold of Great Bowden Jakes of Odstone Joye of Stathern Keble of Rearsby Keble of Humberstone Kendale of Twycross Keynsham of Blaston Knyvet of Dunton Basset Kynsman of Knaptoft Lago of Lubenham Langham of Gopsall and Wymondham Langham of Kilby 271 Langton of West Langton Lathum of Melton Mowbray Leek of Knipton Lesson of Ashby-de-la-Zouch Longeburgh Malkyn Malleston of Peatling Parva Malory of Walton-on-the-Wolds Malory of Saddington Malory of Croxton Malory of Kirkby Mallory Mannyng Marmyon [of Cold Newton] Marshall of Kilby Maunsell of Newton Mayhew of Fleckney Mayle (Mayen) of Leicester Mercer of Norton Merbury of Cotesbach Mernyon (Marmyon) of Frolesworth Michelson Moton of Stapleton Moton of Peckleton Mountford of Ratcliffe Myryell of Bitteswell Myton of Hallaton Neele of Prestwold Neville of Keythorpe and Holt Neville of Rearsby Newby of Leicester Noble of Scalford Norwyche of Bringhurst Noveray of 11lston Orgar of Melton Mowbray Othehall of Sutton Page of Illston Page of Glen [Magna] Pakeman of Queniborough Palmer of Holt Palmer of Frolesworth Parker of Hose Parker of Donington [-le-heath] Payn of Bosworth Paynell of Sproxton Pegge of Loughborough Perynge of Othorpe 272 Perwych of Lubenham Phelip of Hallaton Plaunte of Claybrook Magna Porter of Elmesthorpe Poutrell of Ratcliffe Prat of Claybrook Pulteney of Misterton Purefoy of Fenny Drayton and Wellsborough Purley of Stapleford and Wymondham Pyke of Barsby Pykewell of Leicester Quenby of Quenby Racy of Leicester Reynolds of [Montsorrell Roos Rote of Cotesbach Rows of Hose Ryddynges of Prestwold Ryggemaydon Sampson of Walton-by-Kimcote Scotte of Newton Seympere of Welham Shepey of Osbaston Sherard of Stapleford Shirley of Staunton Harold Skeffington of Arnesby Skeffington of Skeffington Smyth of Odstone Somerville of Cossington Sotehill of Stockerston Stanford of Medbourne Staunton of Castle Donington Staunton of Sutton-on-Soar (Notts.) and Hathern (Leics.). Stevecle of Glen Magna Stoneham of Barkeston Stonesby of Knip ton Sutton of Osbaston Syde of Thurlaston Symmes of Galby Taylor of Melton Mowbray Temple of Sibson Wellsborough Thorpe of Leicester Tottesdon Truethal [of Loughborough?] Trussell of Elmesthorpe 273 Trussell of Muston Trussell of Sharnford Turnar of Ratcliffe-on-Wreake Turpyn of Knaptoft Turville of Normanton Turville Aston Flamville Vernon of Nether Seal Villers of Brooksby Wales Walsh of Wanlip Walshale of Frolesworth Warde of Frisby by Galby Ware of Thurmaston Warmyngton of Market Harborough Waver Webster of Whetstone and Braunston Weston of Carleton Whatton of Mountsorrel Willoughby of Cossington Woodford of Ashby Folville and Sproxton Woner of Walton Wryght of Swinford Wymondham of Claxton Wytham Wyvyll of Stonton Wyville APPENDIX II The Leicestershire Gentry, Income and Office Holding, 1422-1485 INCOME SHERIFF M.P. LE ESCHEATOR COMMISSION CORONER TAX OF ARRAY COLLECTOR KNIGHTS BEAUMONT £100 * * BERKELEY £90 * * * * ERDYNGTON £170 * * FERRERS £100 * FIELDING £58 * * * * HARCOURT 0011 * HASTINGS * * * * MERNYON (Marmyon) £40 MOTON £66+£262 * * * * * NEELE * * * NEVILLE of Holt £120 * SHIRLEY £100+£92 TRUSSELL Of Elmesthorpe £100 * * WOODFORD £40+£26 * * DISTRAINEES ASSHEBY of Lowesby £30+£10 * * * * ASTLEY £22 * BELLERS [£13] * * BOYVILE £100 * * * BROKESBY £230 * * * DYGBY £40 * HASILRIGGE £5+freehold3 HOTOFT £24 * * * * MALORY of Walton £20 PALMER £46 * * * * PULTENEY £33+£13 * * * * STAUNTON of Sutton-on-Soar £30 * * WYVYLL £20 INCOME SHERIFF M.P. LP. ESCHEATOR COMMISSION CORONER TAX OF ARRAY COLLECTOR ESQUIRES ACTON £9 * * ADYNGTON (ALYNGTON?) £20 APPLEBY BA T rnE BELGRAVE of Belgrave £13 * BRABESSON £26 * BUGGE 094 * * BURGH £26 * * * CHARNELS £5+freehold CHESILDEN £315 COTON of Thurcaston £11 COTON of Rearsby £10 * DANET of Gaddesby £26 * * * DANET of Bromkinsthorpe £22 DANSEY £26 DANVERS DERBY £11 ENTWYSELL * EVERYNGHAM * * * * FARNHAM of Netherhall £17 * * FOULESHURST £5+freehold * * GERMAN £6 GRYMMESBY * HETON £40 * * KEBLE £1266 * * KYNSMAN £20 * LAGO £26 * LANGHAM of Gopsall LANGTON £20 MARSHALL £12+£5 MAYLE (MAYELL) £20 MERBURY NEVILLE of Rearsby £6 * PAYN £26 * PERWYCH * SHERARD £53 * * * INCOME SHERIFF M.P. J.P. ESCHEATOR COMMISSION CORONER TAX OF ARRAY COLLECTOR SKEFFINGTON of Skeffington £26 SOTEHILL * * * * STAUNTON of Donington * TEMPLE * * TURPYN * TURVILL VILLERS £7+£6 * * * * * WALSH £13 * WALSHALE WHATTON £6+£13 * * * GENTLEMEN BELGRAVE of North Kilworth * BLABY £6 * BLACKFORDBY £5 DRAPER of Hose * FARNHAM of Overhall £6 GERVEYS * HERDEWYN of Leicester £8 * LANGHAM of Kilby £6 * NOVERAY £6 * POUTRELL £6 PURLEY SAMPSON £5 SUTTON £5 WONER £5 SUB GENTRY ADERSTON * ARDERN * ASSHEBY of Lubbesthorp * ATTEWELL of Foxton £5+freehold * ATTEWELL of Drayton * BAILLY * BARNEVILE £6 BARESBY of Thorpe Satchville * INCOME SHERIFF M.P. LI. ESCHEATOR COMMISSION CORONER TAX OF ARRAY COLLECTOR BASSET * BLYTHE * BONETON * BOSON * BOYDELL * BRADGATE £5 * BROKESBY of Oadby BURTON £6 CHAPMAN COK CONWAY COOTE CURTEYS DEWY DUNHAM £6 DYSON DRAPER (of Fenny Drayton) EGGE ERYSTON ESSYNG FANCHERE FERMOUR FREMAN of Witherley FREMAN of Lutterworth FRANK GISSING GOLDSMITH £5 GROTE GRYSTON HALYDAY HARDEWYN of Bredon £5 HICHEBONE HUNT of Burbage HUNT of Barkeston HUNTON HYLLEY ILYFF INGOLD INCOME SHERIFF M.P. I.P. ESCHEATOR COMMISSION CORONER TAX OF ARRAY COLLECTOR JOYE * KENDA LE £5 LATHUM MALLESTON * MALORY of Croxton * MALORY of Sadington £6 * MA UNSELL £5 MAYHEW * MERCER * NOBLE * OTHEHALL £5 PAGE of Ilston * PAGE of Glen PAKEMAN PALMER of Frolesworth * PARKER of Donington PORTER PRAT PYKE QUENBY £6 ROTE ROWS SEYMPERE SHEPEY SMYTH SOMERVILE STANFORD SYDE SYMMES TAYLOR TRUSSELL of Sharneford TRUSSELL of Muston * TURNAR WARDE WARMYNGTON WEBSTER * WESTON WRYGHT WYMONDHAM FOOTNOTES TO APPENDIX II 1 Incomes in square brackets are based on inquisitions post mortem. 2 Where two amounts are shown this indicates the income of two members of the one family such as mother or father and son. 3 Those seised of freehold worth £5 and more per annum but who failed to appear before the tax commissioners (El 79/240/269). 4 This is based on Elizabeth Bugges income of £13 and assumes that her dower right amounted to one third of the family income. Amice Chesilden was taxed in 1436 on her income of £31 (E179/192/59). A family income of £93 appears unlikely in this case. 6 In all calculations, Kebles income has been taken as £26. The 1436 tax return separately records £100 as income derived from Kebles position as feoffee of James Ormond (Butler). Note: Most incomes have been drawn from the tax return for Leicestershire though, where necessary, the returns for neighbouring counties have also been consulted. APPENDIX III MANORS AND LANDS HELD BY THE LEICESTERSHIRE GENTRY IN THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY FAMILY LEICESTERSHIRE HUND. OVERLORD WHEN HOW WHEN HOW LOST LEICESTERSHIRE HOLDINGS REFERENCES MANORS
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