■■T Food for Thought T h e W e n U i e r I- At the Hilton, Inoreaslngr cloudliiM^f mild tonight; low nMr"40. Cloudy, mild with chalice of ahowera to^ 4 morrow; fUgh near M, Friday: Manehetterf^A City o f Village Chorm Cooter, ahowera. y VOL. x a . NO. 128 (TmtlTY-TWO PAGES>.TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CON|^., WEDNESDAY, BIARCH 1, 1972 (Ohualllad Atfrairtiiiiw m PRICE FIFTEEN craiTB jbr Troop Cut Pulls 5,000 Home «A«30N tAP) — The U.8. support, he said. One American th ey fired B40s (rockets) and Command announced the sec­ and one enemy soldier were three of our guys were hit.” ond biggest troop cut of the killed and five Americans Were The Americana reported kill­ Vietnam war today, leaving wounded, the spokesman re­ ing one enemy soldier. fewer than 10,000 American ported. To the north, U.S. B52 bomb­ combat infantrymen 'had artU* The third fight broke out ers cthiUnued pounding North lerymen in the Saigon, Cam about 40 miles east of Saigon in Vietnamese base camps. Hie Ranh Bay and Da Nang re* Long iOianh Province. \ command reported lO'mlsMons glora. ^ “Our guys were on patrol, by the big bombers ovendglit, Among the units hududed In spotted some enemy in the more than half against enemy the 4,040-man reduction was the ' Jungle and tried to set up a camps and storage sites south- 2nd Squadron of the Uth Ar^ hasty ambush," said a military mored Cavalry Regiment The source. “ Shots were exchanged. (8ee Page Fifteen) nigdit before one of Its 1,000 men .wrais klXed and four were wounded in a clash 24 miles northeast of Saigon. i The squadron was the only remaining' American armored unit in the Srd Military R^don Israelis• Push j and was attached to the Srd Brigade of the 1st Air Oavalty Division; .the other Mg unit was the Render Attacks &UI RattaUm, 42nd Artillery, whose IBBmm towed howitsen TE3L AVIV (AP) — Israeli terrorists the fact that we do supi |d the 8rd Brigade. Rs. forces croeaed/the border to at- not Intend to tolerate attacks authorised strength was MO tack today fOr the fifth day in .. carried out by Syria or men.. ' • less than a 'week as fighter- from her territory,” a state- Rsilroad tracks lie twisted around tree where flash flood raged through Buffalo Creek hollow in .West Virginia Saturday. (AP photo) In ail, 32 Army units and one bombers strafed and bombed ment warned, small Air Force detachment Ahto guerrilla camps in the yhe attack into Syria—the ■f :• were phased out The Army desert of southern Syria. first since Jan: 24—came after units Included half a dosra heli- Hie Syrian army placed the four days of Israeli operatioiis copter companiee and squad- assault 60 miles south of the against Arab guerrillas In Year rons with a total of mon than c^ tal of Damascus and said sou th east Lebanon. Israel 100 aircraft based in the Ms- tbioe guerrillas and two Syr- claimed ■ about 60 terrorists kong DMta, the Saigon’ a rcs lans were Jdlled. were killed in the Lebanese op- at .■ .Mil k . ***' artillery assault eratlon, which ended Monday. Was m * reprisal attack against Today’s raids awieared to ®*’‘**^ ^’.2??w"*****’****m .*^L!!I « guerrillas based in Syria who have the same aim as the at- B MW?******” **' *” **’ ****** " ***** 'fired at Israeli positions in tacks into Lebanon—to break Warning Unheeded bad 8,900. occupied Golan Heights 13 up guerrilla concentrations and Real t Bust The U.8. Oommand said It times in the past four days, the to force the Arab government’s was the largeat Bingle reduction Israelis said. to clamp down on g^uerriUa op- MIAMI (AP) — Bored buxom By THC ASSOCIATED PBBSS ' The Oasette had the Hmes art L. Udall went to Hidett C. since last July 1, when 6,096 Hie Israeli military com- eratlons beauties served up plenty of The U.S, Geological Survey said letters reportlhg Davies’ Smith, then governor, of West talk tnR UfUe tMq> Tear aothm Warned five yeaih a go that 10 findings—but hot hia full, re- Ifirgti^; all other members of- b^ks to^y w ^ed total U.S. safely, de^ilte Arab claims of harassing Israeli po- for a batch of wealthy bach- West Virginia dams constructed port—wera Btmi to public state’s oongressifsial dele- clols throu^MMit the survey gation; md county arid local of- I? * "^ 5 ii!S i B ^ Intonslve a n ^ r cr a ft fire. Sev- and s e tU e i^ ts with b ^ rion .whs Competed for the egg of coal mine wastes were un­ ^ guerrilla centers c^e „„rtars and gunfire Nils Instead of the blondes. stable or could he hreaobod by area .including a score in WeM ficlals. high watM*. two nswHMqpen re­ ^^iShila. Adked about, the 1987 warn- ** "^*** «*e fuU knowlege and ap- If Odpid was aboard Hr. Syd­ ^ IK. “** Syrian author- ported today. One of the letters went to .told die Oasette: “I began his withdrawal program. Israel accused the Syrian .««. Tenorlst activities ney Sacks*. sumptuous house­ One of the dams menfioned in Arch A. Moore Jr., then a not governor at the thne. i. boat Tuesday n l^, he may govenuimnt rf and ‘ gyriaa territory are the report, at liorado on Buf­ ■member o f the U.S. House of aware of whether any bases In ThaUamL^ai^ 16,000- encouraging the guerrillas. rtrioUy simervtoed by Dem- have, .been dodging cigarette falo CreMc in Logan Oounly, Representattvw apd now gwer- ofilclai was given that Ipfonna- Butts undjar. the. bubble burst under the backup of wp-: nor:iqC":Hftttt V li*t^ ^ | h e tton.*> ^ V ' ohljettfDpoittiinS off .the coast. defense force action is to bring bafh In t)iw. ‘ eiitdien l^ m ra tor from Im v y rains eoriy Sat- : The Ctoaetto tfnd the Louis- The cammand ' aold <4 the home to the Syrians and to the (See Page FIfleen) urday and die torrent of water pttiec' letters sent by, fOfmer v troops remalntng In j Vietnam, ’ A ttSilna i^ i^ ihaur, the pitt* wiped oat 10 ooAl cainpa ’ Secretary of the Msrior Stow- , (See Page Tsrelve) about 60,000 are oombat and -------------------------------------------------------- - tgr tailed By Bachelon hiter- Seventy-one persons ara oonttMU auppoH troops—in­ ihUlonst tnentben as a “ Lei«> known dead. cluding r lafantrymMi, ortU- Tear (Sata*^ aeemed to gd The dhaiibatoii Gasetto said a letymsn, ebsnbat .engUisets and snidoiiiiy—1.— _ ^.... Aa ia - - tM|oiipi«- w- 1967 survey by federal geologist arm^' and Air Force aviators— Rham Towns Defeat Half of t e eliA’a SS memhera UTUiam Oavtos of U idate and and fewer than 10,000 Of. these ‘TAowed i«i lit the expaisHra vel- earth dams in West Virginia actually do any ground fight­ Vat Jaokatp or afPty knitted described the dam ix torado as ing. T te other 70,000' ore emn- f>o4y “imatable.’’; -bot service siqipact troope, in- K-6 Re^onal Plan year plus salaries make easy Davies' survey foltowed a cl.u’d'tng supply pMsonnel, By ANNE H. EMT mended that the present 7-12 for tbam to afford. coal mine waste bank sUde at l^ldiers maintenance ' men, j loakers. Aberfiun- .Wales, which claimed (Herald Oomspondent) Regional District 8 (Rham High Mxoit poWNinr' mlUtla seigeaht hi Armagh, cooks and clq^.. Also making the scene ware the Uvea o f 121 penons in 1966, BlBLFAttr (AP) — Gunmen President________ ___ Nixon h u ordered Testordaya referendum on SohoM) be expanded in the ftbout as iitternathmal Ipveliea the Oasette eald. tolled one mlUtlaman In front Jdst hefora nddnii^, then burst this h»ce cut to M,000 by May ^ Regional Study Committee’s towns to include K-12, and since who dtapigyed a lot Of bosom, a The OeuMtte said Davies da-> pf his daughter '^esday night In and shot him in the head. recommendation tq. fully re- fUing Its recommendaUon Uttle lag and ths ttdokest false scrUied 80 of the 88 dams as and murdwdd aiiothm- one to­ HU ll-year-ol4 daughter wit­ The In which the ar- glotutUM^the school systems in the State Board of EducaUon eyalaobes money could buy. As Downey Fate unstable or subject to braaoli- day as he dhnbed into his car. nessed. the killing and was mored cavalry squadran suf- towns of Hebron, Andover last October had racelved prearranged,, they dtdlfidly en­ . big in periods of high water. T e r ro r is ts also seriously wounded In the leg. fereii its casuMtiea'wak one c f and Mariborough was resound- strong iqposiUcHi in all the tered their tel^ilwne numbers The New Talk Hmes report­ wounded a policeman and a totee fought Tuesday by units “igly defeated in aU three towns. ^ In clu d e d In British soldier 'tUsvday. Ounmen hiding . on the Ip the “quest book.” ed, however, that iDaviea’ 1967 grounds of a factory in Newry from the 1st Air Cavalry IHvl- to 1,096. Aa Imodale Richards, (But as Miami’s fabled moon report .described Qie Lorado The'ettacks were blamed on shot a policeman In the head, Sion in the. Saigon regton. One already chatoMhn of the Regional Board ahoOe q glimmering pathway Peking Talks dam as staMe, but that he the Irishi BepuMlcan Army and and a sniper in the little Dia­ j^ e r ic a n and two of the ene- support Rham High School cm pMBlducation. said last night, it niy were WUed and eight Amer- * reglmial basis.
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