SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2017 Volume 31, Issue 9 Daily news updates ocomotive WWW.BLE-T.ORG LE NGIN ee RS & T RAINM E N N E WS Published by the BLET, a division of the Rail Conference,• International Brotherhood of Teamsters SPECIAL REPORT: NATIONAL CONTRACT UPDATE COORDINATED BARGAINING GROUP UNIONS REACH TENTATIVE NATIONAL CONTRACT AGREEMENT ail Unions making up the Co- ordinated Bargaining Group (CBG) announced on Octo- ber 6th that they hadreached Ra Tentative National Agreement with the Nation’s Freight Rail Carriers. The CBG is comprised of six unions: the Ameri- Transportation Workers (SMART TD). spective membership of each Union. 13.14% over the 5-year contract term (this can Train Dispatchers Association; the On Wednesday, October 4, the CBG’s The Tentative Agreement, which will includes the First General Wage Increase Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers full Negotiating Team met in Indepen- be submitted to the memberships of each of 3% implemented on January 1, 2015). and Trainmen (a Division of the Rail dence, Ohio, for a review of the terms of involved Union in the coming weeks, in- All benefits under the existing Health Conference of the International Broth- the proposed voluntary agreement. Fol- cludes an immediate wage increase of and Welfare Plan will remain in effect erhood of Teamsters); the Brotherhood lowing that review, each of the CBG 4.04%, with an additional 2.5% six months unchanged and there are no disruptions of Railroad Signalmen; the International Unions’ Negotiating Teams unanimous- later on July 1, 2018 and an additional 3% to the existing healthcare networks. While Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship ly endorsed the Tentative Agreement. On one year later on July 1, 2019. In addition, some employee participation costs are in- Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers, and Help- Thursday, October 5, the involved Gen- wage increases of 2% effective July 1, 2016 creased, the tentative agreement main- ers; the National Conference of Firemen eral Chairpersons of SMART TD, BRS and another 2% effective July 1, 2017 will tains reasonable maximum out-of-pock- and Oilers / SEIU; and the Transporta- and BLET met as well and those groups be fully retroactive through implemen- et protections for our members. The TA tion Division of the International As- also unanimously endorsed the Tentative tation, for a compounded increase of also adds several new benefits to the sociation of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Agreement for consideration by the re- 9.84% over an 18-month period and Continued on page 4 • ON APRIL 6, 2017, a BNSF Railway intermodal train bound for Barstow, Calif., meets another freight train headed to Bakersfield, Calif., at the Tehachapi loop during TEHACHAPI an unusually green and mild spring season. The Tehachapi Loop is a 0.73-mile long spiral, or helix, on the Union Pacific Railroad Mojave Subdivision through Tehachapi Pass, of the Tehachapi Mountains in Kern County, south-central California. The line sees about 40 trains each day, making it one of the busiest single-track mainlines in LOOP the world. Photo: courtesy Chase Gunnoe BLET President’s Message Guest Column: National Contract Contract Summary It’s Time for Straight Talk An open letter from BLET VP Read a synopsis of the tentative on Contract Negotiations pg. 2 & NLR John P. Tolman pg. 4 national contract pg. 5 Register• for News Flash email alerts at: www.ble-t.org/newsflash Follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/BLETNational• 2 WWW.BLE-T.ORG BLET PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE BY DENNIS R. PIERCE It’s Time for Straight Talk on Contract Negotiations his edition of the Lo- ment worthy of your consider- comotive Engineers & ation. Our bargaining group Trainmen News fo- represents railroad employees cuses on the Tenta- from one end of the railroad pay Ttive Agreement between the na- scale to the other, and has been tion’s freight carriers, the BLET, the model for Union Solidarity at and five other Unions making the bargaining table. In consid- up the Coordinated Bargain- eration of all that confronts us, ing Group. By now, those mem- the bargaining teams from all six bers eligible to vote on the Ten- of these Unions unanimously en- tative Agreement should have dorsed the proposed agreement, received a letter from me ex- as did the General Chairmen of plaining how the bargaining each Union. round has transpired, and It is also worth noting that for where we now find ourselves the first time in my 40 years of when it comes to our options. railroading, all operating em- As I said in my letter, BLET ployees will vote on the same is at a crossroads in these nego- contract at the same time. BLE/ tiations. On the one hand, the BLET and UTU/SMART TD members will be given the dem- have been criticized for years by ocratic right to vote on a pro- some for not working together. posed voluntary settlement of President Pierce addresses the Secretary-Treasurer Class This time we have and that is our contract. On the other hand, at the BLET Training Center on September 26, 2017. why so many things are NOT in if the membership rejects the for straight talk on our pro- agreement will in all likelihood roactive application of any wage the Tentative Agreement — in- Tentative Agreement, we will in posed contract: place the final disposition of our increase, and no back pay. cluding harmful work rule all likelihood be saddled with a 1. BLET served Section 6 No- contract in the hands of the Fed- 4. The employee’s monthly changes. Despite the Carriers’ contract crafted, and potential- tices on the Rail Carriers in De- eral Government under the terms cost-sharing contribution is fro- best efforts to change rules to ly imposed, by the Federal Gov- cember of 2014. Those notices in- and conditions of the Railway La- zen at its current rate of $228.29. make you do more work for less ernment under the remaining cluded a long list of improvements bor Act. All references to the employees money, your bargaining team steps of the Railway Labor Act, to our Collective Bargaining Here is more straight talk paying 15% of the Carriers’ achieved an agreement that re- and Congressional authority un- Agreements, many submitted di- about what is actually in the Ten- monthly premium payment are jects all of their proposed chang- der the Commerce Clause of the rectly by members and officers of tative Agreement: eliminated, and in application, es—existing rules remain as-is United States Constitution. BLET Local Divisions and Gen- 1. The January 1, 2015 GWI is the employees will be paying and, unlike what happened after In an effort to ensure that all eral Committees of Adjustment. part of this deal. The 2011/2012 closer to 10% of that payment PEB 219, there is nothing forc- BLET members have the infor- 2. All of the items in those Sec- National Agreements for all by the end of the term of the TA ing either Union to negotiate on mation that they need to make tion 6 Notices were also put on Unions accepting that GWI in- due to increased premium costs. crew size. an informed decision, we have the bargaining table and propos- clude a Side Letter that makes Under the TA, all of those in- The Agreement before you added comparisons of the po- als were submitted to the Carri- clear that (1) the January 1, 2015 creases are the responsibility of provides real wage increases, lim- tential outcomes of both paths ers in an effort to obtain the re- GWI would be paid during the the Railroads. its any increase to your health noted above to the BLET Web- quested improvements. No stones period covered by the current Ten- 5. While there are no chang- care costs, and protects you from site at www.ble-t.org/pr/pdf/ were left unturned in our efforts tative Agreement, and (2) that it es to the coverage provided by an overreaching contract crafted CBG-NCCC_TA_BLET_Slides. to obtain every possible item im- would become the GWI for the the insurance benefits, there are by the government. Our bargain- pdf . I would again ask that you portant to the BLET membership. calendar year 2015 if the dispute adjustments to who pays those ing group has shown solidarity review those comparisons to 3. As with any contract nego- were to be presented to a PEB or costs at the “point of service”. from the beginning, and I for one better understand the choice tiations, both sides bring a long arbitration board. Even with these adjustments, the am proud to be a part of such a now before us. This edition of list of demands, and this round 2. On an increasable base sal- TA requires that the railroads diverse group of railroad employ- the News also includes member was no exception insofar as the ary of $100,000 per year, the total continue to pay 90% of those ees. Compared to what certain and officer comments and per- demands brought by your em- value of the five (5) GWIs covered costs on average, which is con- Rail Carriers would still like to spectives about the proposed ployers. during this contract term is over sidered “Platinum Plan” cover- gain via a Government Settle- settlement, and I would encour- 4. After two years and 10 $33,000 per employee. The value age under the ACA. ment, we’ve achieved a lot at the age you to read them as well. months at the bargaining table, of the already paid January 1, 2015 6. All Carrier demands for bargaining table, and I will not When I became National Pres- your negotiating team reached a GWI is approximately $15,000 of work rules are off of the table in apologize to anyone for giving ident of our proud Union, I prom- proposed voluntary settlement that value, but the four addition- the Tentative Agreement.
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