SEPTEMBER 16, 1988 — THE DECREE — PAGE 3 Controversial film captivating By GLENN AMBROSE and JACK PENNEFELD On Sept. 6, a group of curious Wesleyan students ventured to Review aleigh to view the controversial move, “The Last Temptation of v'hrist.” A group of protestors was seen become a divine, raOier than one picketing the Cardinal Theater in an about a man who was superior to man Utempt to persuade potential movie and could not understand sin at all.” i ^'iewers to avoid seeing the movie. The student liked the movie and sug­ Fhe dedicated Christians cited vari- gests that one should sec the movie if )us scriptures from the Bible. These he is curious. )rotesters said that seeing this movie, Boyd Holder said, “The movie would be a sin and you will go to was not as bad and unscriptural as the :iell.” protestors said, however, tliis movie docs not portray the type of Jesus that The movie is based on the novel MOVING DAY — Bellemonte, a 19th century house on U.S. 301 north of Rocky Mount, was donated to we Christians are used to worship­ -ly Nikos Kazantzakis. The movie Wesleyan College recently and moved to campus last week. Once restored, the house will be used as the ping and I would not recommend this lakes place in Israel. At the beginning president's office, visitors' center, trustees meeting room, and conference room. )f the movie, Jesus Christ portrayed to anyone. I personally do not feel ■)y William Defoe, is very unsure of you will go to hell by watching it. If lis purpose in life. In his mind he you are firm in your belief, this will laitles with painful thoughts. Christ not effect you.” Joes not know whether the messages The end of the film drew the ma­ Big time in Roanoke Rapids .■ome from God or Satan. jority of the protester’s objections. In one scene Mary Magdalene is There Jesus dreams of a life as a By MARK BRETT “oldie,” sounded as good as ever, and jc'ing stoned by tlie towns people; mortal and not having to fulfill the the new tunes sounded good enough Icsus steps in and asks the crows. role of the Messiah. Finally, though, When I was told that Joan Jett and to let me know that his band has Lot he who is without sin cast the Jesus is crucified in accordance with the Blackhearts were playing in nothing to be ashamed of. Highlights irst stone.” This is the first instance scriptures, and it seems clear that the Roanoke Rapids, I was a little skepti­ Review included “I Love Rock and Roll,” )f the film depicting Jesus as he is protestors are protesting one man’s cal. “Sure they arc. And tlie week “Crimson and Clover,” the group’s jortrayed in the Bible. interpretation of Jesus’ last thoughts. after they’re here, the Rolling Stones encore tune, and my personal favor­ Director Martin Scorsese has We thought the protesters efforts are gonna kick off a secret reunion ite, “Everyday People,” an anti­ hown Jesus with a lot of weakness in to dissuade potential movie viewers tour here. Do I look like an idiot?” “W on’t Got Fooled Again,” and at prejudice song that, considering the haracter. The biblical Christ, how­ were a little extreme. However, we Apparently so, bccause on Sept. the really long primal scream (the area and part of tho audience, took a ever is very sure of himself. do feel tliat the love scene between 2, Joan Jett and the Blackhearts best primal scream in rock history, lot of guts to perform. Some of the Wesleyan students; Jesus and Mary Magdaline, despite played to a packed house in Roanoke by the way) Joan Jolt and tlie Black­ All in all, Joan Jett and tlie Black­ f different religious denominations, the fact it was depicted as a dream, Rapids. They played at Ick’s the only hearts bound onto tho stage and lit up hearts were loud, raunchy, and excit­ lad opinions about this movie. was a bit explicit. The sound track by Honost-to-God nightclub in town, tlie crown. ing. They really kicked butt all over Todd Utter, a Catholic, said “I Peter Gabriel was both invigorating and the show was set to start at 10 The crowd remained lit up for the tlie stage and even managed to slip in lidn’t like it and I wouldn’t recom- and entertaining as well as appropri­ p.m.. remainder of tlio show, around 90 some social commentary and a mov­ iicnd it unless it cost a dollar.” ate to the cultural setting. The band didn’t actually got out minutes’ wortli of blistering chain- ing love song or two. In other words, However, when one of the pro- Along with the religious nature of on stage until about 10;20 but I didn’t saw, blow-torch rock and roll. Joan they did everything tliatrock and roll cstors made a comment that the Uie film and the fantastic special ef­ really care because the DJ was play­ and tlio boys cranked out all the old does best. What more could you ask move presented Jesus as a sinner, a fects, Scorsese retained the realism ing some good old fashioned favorites, as well as a few cuts from for? tudent replied, “I find it more inspir- of the story with captivating charac­ rock’n ’roll for a change. After going tlie new album. Up Your Alley. And, by the way. I’ll be looking ng to watch a movie about a man ters. Overall we gave it a “two through some Dylan and a little The oldies,, if you could really for Mick and the rest of the Stones ho sinned and overcame that to thumbs up!” Kinks, he crankcd up the Who’s call anytliing by this group an any time now. Inxs' concert short but memorable By MELANIE BOLLING Then the stage became brightly ages. To add to the stage presence, hold out his microphone at times to illuminated and with the audience Michael Hutchins never stood still. lot die audicnco sing. Inxs, one of 1988’s most popular cheering madly and on their feet, He began tho concert wearing a large To show their oxcitoment, practi­ lands, performed the “Calling All Inxs began witli some songs from a sliirt and wearing his hair in a pony­ cally llie entire audicnco danced at 'ations” tour at Oie Dean Smith previous album, “The Swing,” in­ tail. By tlie end of the concert, he had tlioir seats during the whole perform­ enter in Chapel Hill Friday night cluding “Original Sin.” They also let his hair down and taken off his ance. 'opt. 9. Ziggy Marley and tlie Mel- played tlie most popular songs from sliirt to wrap it around his waist. As Finally, an element of surprise )dy Makers were the opening band. tlie “Kick” album, such as “Devil one member of the audience com­ was that Inxs’ performance was rela­ Performing in an almost full area, nized dancing to the music. How­ Inside,” “Mediate,” “New Sensa­ mented, “Michael Hutchins had a tively short, and they did not return iggy Marley and the Melody Mak- ever, anticipation was in the air as tion,” “Need You Tonight,” and groat, energetic stage presence.” for an encore. / rs, a reggae band, began the concert everyone awaited Inxs’ appwarance. “Never Tear Us Apart.” Aside from tlie visual aspects, However, the concert as a whole )laying songs from their “conscious During the intermission follow­ audience participation was part of the was fun and exciting. As a member The entire concert was energetic arty” album, including the two ing Ziggy Marley, the arena quickly performance. Hutchins made several of the audience said, “It was the best and intense witli outstanding smoke ongs that have received radio play: became packed. Inxs made tlioir en­ comments about Chapel Hill and concert I tliink I’ve ever been to.” and lighting effocts; loud, but dis­ 'Tomorrow People” and ‘Tumbling trance on a pitch-black stage, and North Carolina to spur enthusiasm. Tho arena was full of energy and tinct, sound; and audience participa­ 'own.” tliey were definitely well worth tho He also threw a drink into the audi­ Inxs had a great stage show. Thoir tion. Some people in the audience en- wait. Smoke and fluorescent lights ence, and during “mediate,” he tlirew “Calling All Nations” tour will be on oyed dancing to the music, and filled tlie stage as Michael Hutchins, The lighting was unpredictable, large cards with the words of the tho minds of many concert goers for .iggy’s two female back-up singers the lead singer, was outlined in ranging form rainbow type lights to song written on them, much like tlio some time, even when tlie tour is idded interest with thoir synchro­ purple by tlie lights. white lights projecting laser like im­ cards used in tho MTV video. He also over..
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