A.P. Møller - Mærsk A/S Sustainability Repor t 2014 3 CONTENTS Overview Unlocking Responsible Assurance and growth conduct performance data Introduction Enabling trade Workplace and Data 04 This is Maersk 10 Unlocking trade growth human rights 38 Performance on social, 05 Foreword by the CEO and opportunities for 18 How we integrate environmental and economic development human rights economic indicators Governance 20 Safety is a and materiality Measuring our continued priority Assurance 06 How we govern and report impacts on society 24 Developing a diverse 40 Independent on material issues 12 Understanding talent pipeline assurance report the impacts of trade 26 Working to ensure over- Delivering on our sight and consistency in sustainability strategy Climate change global labour relations 2014–2018 and energy efficiency 08 Our sustainability 14 Decoupling trade growth Environmental strategy from CO2 emissions performance 09 Group performance 28 Reducing our highlights Investing in education environmental impacts 16 Lifting local skills and 30 Mitigating oil spills development Promoting responsible business practices 31 Fighting corrupt behaviour and demands 34 Zooming in on critical suppliers 36 A responsible approach to tax Our approach to reporting Following G4 Sustainability Web-based sustainability reporting How we report on progress Reporting Guidelines The report covers all of the Maersk Throughout this publication, we report on Maersk uses the Global Reporting Initi- Group’s material sustainability issues. the progress made against targets and ative’s (GRI) G4 Sustainability Reporting In some places, references are made ambitions using the following categories: Guidelines to determine content and to further background information on quality in terms of materiality, stake- www.maersk.com. Our website provides Satisfactory – Final and/or interim holder inclusiveness, context, complete- additional information on how we man- results are in line with ambitions ness, balance, comparability, accuracy, age issues, explaining implementation, and corresponding timelines. time liness, clarity and reliability. GRI- progress and relevant commitments and specific disclosures are not applied. frameworks. The website also includes Unsatisfactory – Final and/or an overview of the UN Global Compact re- interim results are not in line with quirements describing how Maersk fulfils ambitions and corresponding these (Maersk COP), as well as the Group’s timelines. Sustainability accounting principles. 4 Contents Overview Unlocking growth Responsible conduct Assurance and performance data 5 Introduction | Governance and materiality | Delivering on our sustainability strategy 2014–2018 This is Maersk FACTS Foreword by the CEO The Maersk Group is a worldwide conglomerate operating in $47.6 billion 130 countries. In addition to owning one of the world’s largest revenue shipping companies, Maersk is involved in a wide range of $5.2 billion Our efforts in sustainability rest on one “Unlocking growth activities in ports, logistics, and the oil and gas industries. profit premise: they must support both society and our business activities. This was also The Maersk Group has five core businesses 1. through trade has 89,200 the case five years ago, when Maersk employees joined the United Nations Global Compact a large potential (UNGC). We then became one of a group of companies publicly committed to for helping social corporate sustainability. This has proven development while a worthwhile decision, as the UNGC prin- ciples guided us in determining where to strengthening our focus our efforts and explore the broader A leading global container An international oil and A specialist in offshore A global port operator A provider of shipping- impacts of our business activities. We will business.” shipping company gas exploration and drilling for oil in ultra- related services through production company harsh and deepwater four industry leading continue our commitment to this initiative. environments business units Interests in We must improve on safety 619 251,000 21 64 Includes: Long before we adopted our more com- vessels barrels of oil equivalent offshore drilling units port and terminal Maersk Supply Service prehensive approach to sustainability, we per day (entitlement across the world and facilities across (58 supply vessels) knew that the safety of our employees is we do this by providing our employees in CO2 emissions, has raised the bar and production) three under construction the world and seven Maersk Tankers our responsibility. We are, however, still low- income countries with an education, committed itself to the 2020 target of under construction (113 vessels)2 not living up to our own expectation of as we do in Angola, or by cleaning up highly reducing the average CO2 impact per con- Svitzer (434 towage zero fatalities. In 2014, 11 people lost their contaminated areas and reclaiming natural tainer by 60%. and salvage vessels) lives in 11 separate incidents while work- habitats when we build ports, as was the Damco (manages the ing in operations under our control. This is case in Brazil. Our efforts to ensure human We will use this target to sustain our efforts logistics of 3.2 million unacceptable and each of these lives lost and labour rights in our supply chain by at decoupling growth from resource con- containers (TEU) is a source of deep regret for me. assessing and auditing suppliers in China sumption. For the first time, our projections APM annually) TERMINALS and South Korea or by fighting corruption show that this is possible also over the There is no excuse for serious or fatal work in all our businesses are other examples. period up until 2020. Consequently, we place injuries. That safety comes first in our are raising our 2020 Group-wide target for operations should not be doubted for one Decoupling growth improving our CO2 efficiency from 20% to second, and every employee or visitor or con- and CO2 emissions 30% (2010 baseline). DAMCO tractor on our premises needs to know and Unlocking growth through trade has a MAERSK LINE feel that this is the case. This must be given large potential for helping social develop- Motivated to carry on continued priority by all management teams. ment while strengthening our business. True to our name and values, our business is about more than the bottom line. It is MAERSK CONTAINER INDUSTRY Another key priority is improving process 700 million fewer people now live below about improving peoples’ lives, and our safety related to prevention of oil spills. In the poverty line compared to twenty years sustainability efforts help us do just that, MAERSK TANKERS our offshore business, we have improved ago. Trade and better integration of low- and at the same time drive our competi- our performance and are seeing fewer income countries into the global economy tiveness and secure that our company will incidents. Nevertheless, this remains a have helped drive that transformation. thrive in the long-term. MAERSK SUPPLY SERVICE continuous area of emphasis, one where With 90% of world trade travelling by sea, we can never let down our guard. we have an important job to do. MAERSK OIL MAERSK DRILLING SVITZER Business-driven solutions However, we are committed to growing Our approach to business will improve living responsibly. To achieve this, Maersk Line, Nils S. Andersen conditions for many people. For example, which accounts for around 80% of our CEO of the A.P. Moller - Maersk Group 1 Besides the five core businesses, the Group has also strategic investments, which are also included in this report; amongst others Maersk Container Industry. 2 This number includes owned and TC-in – but not commercially operated vessels 6 Contents Overview Unlocking growth Responsible conduct Assurance and performance data 7 Introduction | Governance and materiality | Delivering on our sustainability strategy 2014–2018 GOVERNANCE AND MATERIALITY businesses, but the challenge is greater revenue, compliance and reputation, and issues have become more or less impor- How we govern and report in more labour-intensive businesses such correlating this with the estimated level tant to the stakeholders and/or because as our ports and container terminals. of importance to employees, customers, our analysis has become more mature. on material issues regulators, the media, investors, local Our method and process communities and NGOs. The importance of process safety has When we determine materiality, we look been rated higher, due to a reassessment Governance is instrumental in driving progress. As part of our governance at both risks to and the impact of our Maersk’s most material issues and which highlighted that process safety risks processes, we analyse and define the Group’s most material issues business, and consider the importance priorities remain strengthening process should be given increased visibility and every year for reporting purposes. of the issues to our stakeholders as and personal safety, avoiding major oil attention. While such incidents happen reflected in our issue owners’ and busi- spills, and ensuring responsible business very infrequently, they can have major nesses’ ongoing interactions with them. practices. This report focuses on issues consequences for people, the environment In this way, we integrate input provided indicated in the top right-hand box of and the company. Personal safety and our How we govern The Group’s Governance framework, How we define by our key stakeholders, including cus- the matrix. Other issues are covered due goal of zero incidents remain our top prior- sustainability issues Commit, comprises all policies, rules and materiality in Maersk tomers. A workshop was conducted with to the Global Compact’s importance to ity and is a value-based priority. guidelines issued by the Group. Sustain- Group programme owners to align and A.P. Moller - Maersk commitments or Maersk’s Sustainability Council has ability programmes and guidelines are Materiality varies from industry to in- verify the quality of the assessment in regulations. SOx emissions increased in both business been and continues to be an important integrated into these. dustry, and business to business. Issues 2014.
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