Report front the NATIONAL COUNCIL ON F AMIL Y RELATIONS Volume 26, No.2' Ruth ]ewson, Editor May 1981 1981 Meeting Almost Finalized Don't forget the Pre-Conference Work­ shop on Work and Family (others will be 1981 NCFR announced later) and the Post Conference on Family Well ness (announcement else­ ANNUAL where in Newsletter). If anyone needs a room for a special meeting, please let me MEETING know immediately. The completed final program will be PLANNED FOR printed in the next Newsletter, and we will see you in Milwaukee. In the meantime if OCT. 13 -17. you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me: Sharon Price-Bonham, Dawson Hall, University of Georgia, Athens, Geor­ Marc Plaza Hotel gia 30602 (telephone: 404-542-2551). Milwaukee, Wis. Sharon Price-Bonham Families Act on Religion: Religion Theme: Program Vice-President Acts on Families-A Plenary Session I don't know what to say (if you can Participants for this plenary session in­ Acting and Reacting; believe that) regarding the 1981 Annual clude Donald B. Conroy, Mary Cline Det­ Meeting, "Acting and Reacting: Families in rick, Jerome Folkman, and Letha Dawson Families in the 1980's the 1980's." I believe the best description Scanzoni. Brent Barlow, Brigham Young . of what has been going on is evident in the University, is chair. Section Announcements. A fantastic pro­ gram is being finalized-and the Program Committee deserves much credit. The Program Committee met in Atlanta in March and excitement over the program was evident. The Plenary Sessions are still in the process of being finalized. (I have dis­ Donald covered this process takes about 4 times as Conroy long as anticipated.) The speaker for the Opening Plenary Session will be Elise Boulding, a Futurist, and Chair of the De­ partment of Sociology, Dartmouth College. There is an announcement regarding the In­ I n This Issue: ternational Plenary Session in the Interna­ tional Section of the Newsletter. The Plen­ Donald Conroy, Director of the Na­ NCFR Annual Meeting ............. 1 ary Session on "Religion Acts on Families: tionallnstitute for the Family, Washington, NCFR Election Results .............7 Families Acton Religion" has been finalized D.C., received a License in Sacred Theology President's Colu mn ..•......•..... 8 (see announcement). Because of the express­ from the Gregorian (Jesuit) University, Washington Report ...............8 ed interest in this topic we are arranging a Rome, Italy, and a Ph.D. from the Univer­ NCFR Affairs ........•.......... 9 session later in the week for those interested. sity of Pittsburgh. He served in three parish­ NCFR Family Resource/Referral Center 1 0 I know many of you are wondering es in the Diocese of Greensburg, Pennsyl­ Student News and Views........... 10 when you will hear about the acceptance of vania, as Representative for Family Life at I n Memoriam ...........•...... 11 your submitted paper, panel, etc. If you the United States Catholic Conference, and NCFR Affiliated Councils .......... 11 have not heard at this time you should in worked with the Catholic Coordinating Employment Opportunities ......... 13 the near future. Papers have been submitted Committee for the White House Conference News of Interest to Members .•...... 13 to a Blind Review Process, which does take on Families. He has taught in the Theology Calendar ..................... 14 longer. Also, we hesitate to accept presenta­ Departments of Duquesne University and tions until we are sure everything will fit Catholic University and has written exten- into the hotel (not an easy process). 2 REPORT FROM THE NATIONAL COUNCIL ON FAMILY RELATIONS, MAY 1981 sively in the area of family issues. He be­ Studies, Pontifical College Josephinum. He served as a featured speaker and panel mem­ came director of the National Institute for attended graduate school at the University ber at the Minnesota Governor'sConference the Family in 1980. of Michigan, received a Ph.D. degree from on "Battered Women: The Religious Re­ Ohio State University and a D.D. degree sponse." from Hebrew Union College. He served as Her topics usually relate to gender roles, Rabbi atTemple Beth Israel, Jackson, Mich­ self-esteem and human potential, human re­ igan, Temple Emanuel, Grand Rapids, Mich­ lationships, feminism, marriage and family igan, and Temple Israel, Columbus, Ohio. living, sex education, and sex ethics. Included in his many activities are Chair, Mary Committee on Marriage, Home, and Family, International Section Cline Central Conference of American Rabbis; Detrick President, Ohio Council on Family Rela­ The I nternational Section has arranged tions; Executive Committee, NCFR; Mem­ a Plenary Session on "Cross-Cultural ber of the Board of Governors, Hebrew Un­ Comparisons: Problems and Solutions." ion College; Member of the Executive Board The primary aim of this session will be to of Central Conference of American Rabbis; present and discuss problems and solutions Member of the Ed itorial Board, "Highlights in cross-cultural comparisons. Participants Mary Cline Detrick, ordained Minister, for Children"; and member of the Board of will discuss theoretical, methodological, Church of the Brethren, received her Mas­ Trustees, United Community Council. He and technical problems incurred when ters of Divinity and Christian Education has received the B'nai B'rith, Sanford Lakin comparing families in different cultures. from Bethany Theological Seminary, Oak Award for outstanding contributions to the Participants include: Irving Tallman, Wash­ Brook, Illinois. She is presently employed at cause of Judaism and the general commun­ ington State University, Laszlo Cseh­ the Church of the Brethren General Board, ity; the "Outstanding Contribution to Ed­ Szombothy, HungarianAcademy of Science, Elgin, Illinois, and is on the staff for Life ucation" Award, Central Ohio Chapter, Pi Budapest, Hungary, Wilfried Dumon, Cath­ Cycle Min istries, Person Awareness and Lambda Theta; the Governor's A ward, State olic University of Louvain, Belgium, and Youth/Young Adult Ministries. I n her work of Ohio; Excellence in Teaching Award, Carolyn Atteneave, University of Washing­ she serves as a consultant, workshop leader, College of Arts and Sciences, Ohio State ton. trainer of leaders, and resource person for University; and the Distinguished Citizen­ The International Section is also pre­ the Church of the Brethren. Life Cycle Min­ ship Award, Ohio State University. senting: a panel session on "Child-Care," or­ istries include youth, ministries with famil­ ganized by Orjan Hultaker, Uppsala Univer­ ies, single enrichment, marriage enrichment, sity, Uppsala, Sweden; and aging concerns. The Person Awareness A panel session on "Family Affect: In­ portfolio promotes liberation and identity timacy, Nurturance, and Affection," organ­ concerns of women and men. ized by Floyd Martinson, Gustavus Adol­ She has also served as a member of the phus College, Minnesota; National Council of Churches Justice for Letha A panel session on "The Family in Lat­ Women Group, the Religious Committee for Dawson in America," organized by Bron Ingoldsby, the Equal Rights Amendment, and the Na­ Scanzoni Kent State University (participants in this tioml Advisory Committee for the White session will include Ana Ferreira, The Puerto House Conference on Families. In addition, Rican Families Institute, Inc., New York, she was an official observer for the World Ramona Marotz-Baden, MontanaState Uni­ Council of Churches to the United Nations versity, D. Wayne Brown, Jr., Brigham Mid-Decade Conference on Women in Cop­ Young University, and Elaine Jenks Salis­ enhagen, Denmark. Letha Dawson Scanzoni is a full-time bury, Brigham Young University); professional writer, specializing in religion A panel session organized by Margaret and social issues. Her articles have appeared Arcus, on "The Family in Canada" (topics in, among others, "The Christian Century," to be included are "Marriage and Family in "Christianity Today," "Daughters of Sar­ Canada," Parvez Wakil, University of Sas­ ah," "The Reformed Journal," "Medical katchewan, "The Family as a Focus for So­ Aspects of Human Sexuality," "Radix," and cial Policy: The Ontario Experience," John Jerome ''The Other Side." Nywenning, Secretariat for Social Develop­ D. She has been a guest lecturer at the in­ ment, Government of Ontario, "The Family Folkman stitute for Sex Research at Indiana Univer­ in Canadian Economic Development," sity, the 1975 "Continental Congress on the Thomas J. Abernathy, Jr., University of Family," the 1975 and 1978conferencesof Saskatchewan, and "Families in French­ the Evangelical Women's Caucus, and the Canada," Gelles Chagron, University of Ot­ "Human Sexuality Workshop" at Indiana tawa); and University Southeast. She chaired a plenary A panel on "Divorce," organized by Jerome D. Folkman is Rabbi Emeritus. session of the special inter-faith gathering of Wilfried Dumon, Catholic University of Temple Israel, Columbus, Ohio, Adjunct religious leaders meeting in Washington, Louvain, Belgiu m (members of this panel in­ Professor, Department of Sociology, Ohio D.C. on "The Religious Leaders Consulta­ clude some of the persons who will partici­ State University, Visiting Professor at Otter­ tion on the World Conference ofthe United pate in the Leuven Seminar on Divorce in bein College, and Lecturer in Religious Nations Decade for Women, 1980." She August-September, 1981. This seminar was REPORT FROM THE NATIONAL COUNCIL ON FAMILY RELATIONS, MAY 1981 3 organized by the Committee on Family Re­ search
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