,508 WlNTRINGHAM. EAST RIDING YORKSHIHE. (KELLY'S LINTON, 3 miles east from "Wintringham, is a hamlet, Letters through York arrive at 8. 30 a. m, The nearest money comprising a large farm, the property of Sir Tatton Sykes order & telegraph office is at Rillington bart. and is said to have been the site of a nunnery subject WALL LETTER Box cleared at4.30 p.m. week days only to the Gilbertine priory at Old Malton; its area is 433 School (mixed), for 55 children ; average attendance, 40; acres. Miss Susanna. Walker, mistress CARRIRRS TO MAT.TON.-Cooper, passes through on sat. with Parish Clerk, William Kiddle. 1 bus for passengers ; Thomas Yates & George Towse, sat Cholmley Alfred John B.A., J'.P. Place Dale Thomas, farmer, Linton Kiddle William, farmer Newton Errington William, farmer Tate William, farmer, Newton wold Grayson Richard, farmer " Thompson Richd. joiner &; blacksmith COMMERCIAL. Hartley William, farm bailiff to Alfred Towse George, farmer Baker James, farmer, Church farm John Cholmley esq Watson Robert, farmer, The Common Beal David, farmer, Raysla.ck farm Haxby John, miller (water) Yates Jn.&Dvd.frmrs. Wintrnghm. wold Braithwaite John, farmer Heseltine Saml.farmer,Thorndale farm Yates Thomas, shopkeeper & carrieJ.: Creaser William, boot & shoe maker Jackson James, farmer, Shardale WITHERNSEA is a township on the sea coast in the Eastern Railway Co. at a. cost of £ I0,530, was purchased civil parish of Hollym, with a terminal station on the N ortb in I892 by I<'rancis and James Reckitt e.sqs. of Hull, and Eastern railway, 5 mil~s north-east from Patrington, 13 presented by them to the chairman and committee of the east from Hedon and 18 east from Hull, in the Holderness Hull Royal Infirmary, together with 3~ acres of garden and division of the Riding, south division of the wapentake grounds, for the purpose of conversion into a Conralescent of Holderness, South Holderness petty sessional division, Home; the property has been given "on the understand· Patringwn union, Hedon county court district, rural deanery ing that other institutions in Hutr and the East Riding, as of Hedon, archdeaconry of the East Riding and diocese of well as private persons, may enjoy its privileges, provided York. The village of Owthorne was in 189r, by an order their maintenance is defrayed by subscriptions or other pay· of the Local Government Board, included in the township ments," and the donors also suggest that as the building of Withemsea, and the agricultural part of Withernsea was will probably be available for from roo to 200 patients, transferred to Owthorne. Withernsea is lighted with gas vacant beds might be filled by patients from beyond the from the works of the North Eastern Railway Co. The Riding, the full cost in such ca.ses being always pa1d. Sir pier, opened in 1877, by the Witbernsea Improvement Com­ 1''. A. Talbot Clifford-Constable hart. D.L., l.P. of Hurton pany, was originally 1,196 feet long, with entrance gates, Constable Hall, is lord of the manor. The principal land· but has been so much damaged by gales and collisions, owners a.re Mr. E. Robson J.P. Mr. H. H. Ayre, Ald. I.L. that its length is now only about 300 feet ; Mr. David Seaton J.P. and Mr. George Cammidge. The area is about Murray is the present owner. A sea wall has been built 330 acres of land; rateable value, £3,724 ; the population and strong projecting groynes fixed so as to resist, as far as in 188 I was 332, in x8gx was 922; this is exclusive of summer possible, the encroachments of the sea. The Royal National residents who have houses, and will make an addition of 6oo Lifeboat Institution has a station here, and there is also a or 700 in the summer months. Board of Trade Life-Saving Rocket Apparatus; the boat Parish Clerk, John Greensides. house was erected in 1882 and presented to the institution A School tBoard (the Owthorne School Board) of 7 memben by members of the Victoria Club in memory of Admiral the was formed July 6th, 187 5, for the united distr1ct of Hon. Henry J. Rous. Tb.e church of St. Nicholas is a build­ Owthorne, Rimswell, Elouth Frodingham, Waxholme & ing of rubble, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles and an Withernsea ; Park & Son, Hedon, clerk~ to the board embattled western tower containing one bell : tha stained Board School Hull road (mixed), with dwelling for the east window is a memorial to the late Mrs. Fewson, who master, erected in I87], for r66 children ; average attend· died in 1877: the church was unroofed by a storm in r6og ance, 130 ; J oseph Sissons, master and remained in ruins till its restoration in 1859; during PosT, M. 0, & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office. some later alterations a stone was found in the nave inscribed -George Hunter, sub-postmaster. Letters through to William Copland esq. ob. I491 : there are 350 sittings. Hull; delivery commences at 8.IOa.m. & ~-IS p.m. week The register dates from the year 1564. The living is a days & g.xs a. m. sundays; box cleared for dispatch 10.45 vicarage annexed to that of Hollym, average tithe rent­ a.m. & 6 p.m. week days & 5 p.m. sundays charge [29, joint gross yearly value£ 36, with 250 acres of PILLAR Box, South Cliff road, cleared at 10.30 a. m. & s.IO glebe, in the gift of Colonel Hague, and held since I864 by p.m. week days only the Rev. Charles Day B.A. of Lincoln College, Oxford, J.P. PuBLIC EsTABLISHME:STs :- who resides at Hollym. The chapel of ease here, erected in Coast Guard Station, John Davis, commissioned· boatman .185o by Mrs. Swann, at a cost of £250, is an edifice of in charge, & I man brick, consisting of chancel and nave ; it was restored in Rocket SL!ltion, Henry Cammidge, saptain .1883 at a. cost of£ 120, and in x8go a chancel was added at Lifeboat Station, Peter Parkinson, coxswain the cost of £roo~ the chapel affords 100 sittings. There are Police Station, William W. Johnson, sergeant also Wesleyau and Primitive Methodist chapels ; the latter Withernsea Literary Institute, II. H. Ayre, president; was built in r87g, at a cost of 1, r,3oo, and will seat 445 LT. Woollons &W. Gledhill, hon. secs.; Hugh Gallaher, persons, and in 1892 additional school rooms were erected at curator considerable cost. The fine hotel erected here by the North Railway Station, Charles Storey, station master PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Howe Mrs. Caxton cottage Spink George, Prmcess avenue Ayre Horatio Harriman, Esplanade Ingram William, Kirkfield house Stears Mrs. Ivy row, Queen street Best Henry, I Southcliff road Jackson Henry, King street Stra.chan George, 6 Queen street Biglin Thomas, 3 Southcliff road J ohnson J oseph, Eaton villas Straker John Biglin, Vicwria villas Brooke Robert, Waiter street King Mrs. Westbourne terrace Strong Alfred, Souihcliff road Brown Joseph, Southcliff road Lundy Frederick R. Princess avenue Tal bot Rev. EphriamLMeth.],Espla.nade Burnham Mrs. 1 Eaton villas McCrea Heorge, Eaton villas Thompson Charles, 2 Eaton villas Cammidge George, Cam midge street Manley Francis C. Eaton villas ThompsonChristopher,Owthorne house, Charlesworth James, Cammidge street Mars hall W m.Thundercliff, Kingston cot Hull road Chiverton-Brown Martin, East view Martin Robert, Southcliff road Thompson William French, Esplanade Clubley Mrs. Glen Helen Medd Mrs. Anvil cottages Thornton William, Esplanade Crosby Mark, Prmcess avenue Middlemiss Robert, South view Vickerman John Robert, Princess aYen Cundell Ed ward, Southcliff road Nicholson Frederick A. Esplanade Vivian Richard, 5 ~outhcliff road Elder Mrs. Princess avenue Oglesby Mrs. Cammidge street Ward Job.n, Railway crescent England William, Hull road Pickering Richard Smith, Albert villas Wild Thomas, N orthcliff terrace Fellow Charles, Southcliff road Priest Mrs. Princess avenue Wilson Mrs. Westbourne terrace FletcherRev.Richard[Wes. ], The Manse Robinson Mrs. Ivy house Wilson Mrs. Hull road Gardam Frederick John, Gowerfield ho Ricbardson Mrs. Holmpwn villas Winter Richard, Thorncliff cot\age Garner Mrs. Swiss cottage Robson Edward, I Queen's terrace W oollons John Thomas, South cliff Gleddhill William, Hull road H.udd WilliamAskwith, Hull road Yates James Henry, Princess avenue Hagestadt Wm. Arendt, 5 Queen's ter Sandbrook Daniel, Eaton villas Youngs James, Esplanade Haigh Thomas, Princess avenue Ser~eant Robert, Hull roJ.d COMMERCIAL. Halter John Henry, Esplanade Shaw Thomas, Southfield \'illa Ashburn John, ship owner Hailer Thomas Heaion, Hull road Shenton Richard, Bantry house Atkinson William Edward, plumber • Barman Henry, Albert villas Sibree John David, South cliff glazier, Uladstone villa Harrison Capt. Rich'lrd, Walter street ~impson Charles, Princess street Austin Charles R. watch & clock maker, Harrison 'Villia.m, Cammidge street Sleight Miss, Arthur street Queen street Hodge Mrs. Beaconsiield terrace Sulby Mrs. St. Hubert'.s, Princes:> st B:.~.rrett Richard, bricklayer, Hull road Hornby Robert. Wray, Queen's terrace Sowarsby Mrs. Railway crescent Bee be J ames, fruiterer &w ' .
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