i . ■ r .......— -■■ ^assingcitf^cJc$irikksSomei 3 S 0 l i s t i '- -• y UT 8^115 r3~n ~~:y iMi t ..................... l U T .- S uinday; n d i Seplem betaanOW i ; i i} ^l8tyeaSa!271^^?*8 ' ' ’ ■'r'-' S m i i i '" ' * ' " ' - ~ 3gi?1v/H;y¥hvJ-fev-^ ___ _ _ ^ t ; r r T T ' lilSISSi I I I I '' ''' :' ^^■’‘ iiiirt » » j* f .^ i';,tl i^:»i5;.-l,ii; s: ^ I ^ H i l l ^ M HIKli By PA T MAIICANTdN ~ TJmeS'News w r ^ r _^' p g ® irtiw''^i^'TO ’ H :' ' TrflN PALLS '-Tin>o.’d^dM .agb.Tl|B@ ro S»^li!^ende]i;3talce.:o(.tIie ■ ’ the Idea of a ministersr: having‘to buy MEMffich^ys^ . ^ ■ m a l p r a c t i c e . insUranc H | Mih fronr'iawOTlts^ B duties mlgiit :have'slh ^ffiffij^^lni,to court? '7 ,^ '. ; ^ i'i B j pleasoutraKMUS;'r';v. k-im i?rfliitrlhe^.fteniiiU sB--t- I on B l s t 8 thfere,'heM V B ;;:/.vv.; ■•- -• it' .'d liu fB s 'H lm ,'' C a n c a ste r -- J ii S|gijgg|img^'m H i i T o d ^ ^ s .;nol“d n^.-l-for ^ .l»,gy 1^'” Hfl- what he see^ ..aa^lawyces— rr ••waitingIng oalvfhere'’. for ;8omi8on«»:|o, V- 'hey. advirtlse'th.aliit;wm'<^ . i ' Mglg^^^SE^SM ■ l l i e ' F irst: Melhbdlsi'ClCh^rch-'lipjl^ip. : "i tii^iUik' it’s a w ay of teliifig'cienie ^ tM' lhe church blbuildings. • s a y s sue. <They ■ FaHs;> td^'bany^^.tli a v e - (0 b e .very, p ro fw loIonal n . Tucker. ■ :.«•.■: :- ■ ■ " p w le ^••nolWijgloconta.ctthemV.i-.l^;. o i :■ }■ are iaiight: to Jove, oilr if H . be^ttM'.'cierip^fAra"^ i^hat theyxlo." Tuckersays.»• -I think that kind oiof p a rih o ia o v e r , jH 'rdaritsi;:’' les.-lo 'tu rn . Uie' other; c H e e ^ ” ; 'Y e t' no Instllullon; nol, even'tn-a -liabllly In'the eVentalj>f BQ a c c id e n t Is: . W hetber A m ericans . Is.exerhpt from a lawsuit,it. In going to hanipeMmailany.; p ro g ra m s . • ’ - “ yv®--' H a lidgious swiet^. lsjB loci. TucIucker’s church was the largarget Tucker says-.vi'donUU seefanythlng In , ai’some' percelvc as'-soclety^s- : * ^ ■ ' o f deb ate. A re )o (^ ilip and’fall" claim lart yeayeof-._thfe:pre8enL^tuaUon- n j*there:you ^an-lncUnWkll6n.Jd;l-sud lo J.may.. be-; .a .Jiy- :; to.rriress wroqt ^M ltltfd"ber6rr*ll reachiiched b£ck away from it.''. produc^-bictiof^Dddem mobllily. , -• -: mMi reacK ^-a poinl.wheiy in'-FailS'psychiatrist Richard n tenet of "Love TK^ N< The .escalating: cost fsaysr^^We live in a much nigre T W t e rep laced by ^fSueitlt; ^h^aijV i^ oV'othehvise.'«, of may come fo ' a po lent .society now.* R elatio n sh ip s • H , Tiicker-doi^'ttmle' tS'bas-affected his churchch In church can’t fund ot oreauperticlalnow .’.' .« ' ;- H j of1IhrisUah'’'br6lbcim iuieKA'ays; ^i T he; church’s Insuranranee Tucker soys; . '‘We ised tO'be^that ln small-toWn ■: B | when a minister-d^ids'lnsurance to 'carrler*r•-requires groups, especialdally every time wel_pla ici'-.nel^bdrs. knew cach other ' IH protect -himself.’ fr<l ir^nUatlons. lo^ow ^^^pofof whether we-have- P Tawsults filed by onedfl ■ & j.>--8ee9tHT-u«PaggAr^ - • M a n yr J a p ife2 se agre(jevvitlSI ■■-J ---- ^ j N a k a sso ie ’sn•emarks; on U.S ^ ,Y 6 u ( ^ ^p'bacicto 6 Bald—N akasone-w a^-referri f -------- RyltUMlKO MAKIHA d0mesuc--sentlmentsr—sale rrlng^-4he^-^- ^^^^i^hgcoffcieis . The Associated Press I Tanaka, a professocorAsiar8ian te lllg e rtc i:ieVenW pi Affairs ala^ Alchi Unlversi^, westt 01of was referHng. to> ttw textile mills,s,lumtM^ / TOKYO - Manyy iAmericans ac- Tokyo., - '•ra te .'' ■ •..' •’’■- mills, and faiimis, hold cused Japanese PrPrime Mihlster Iro spespeech last Monday, Nakasone(one ~n> th e sam e s p e«!t'<k'e ^ said , "In 9 | | H j ; Vasuhiro Nakasone of racism for ills describedied J a p a n a s “ having becomcime ' America, even todayfther« tl are many fa ^ H | l l ^ jB' youi head hhigh and-JM ffl ; • re m a rk s .la s t w eek' ataabout m inoriUes 'a highlyy e d u cated so ciety and a ver>teiV blacks who do not knonow how to read « » ■ iB E l say we did scsomething O jwW J - -brlnglng Uie-y.Si-UteK;eracy level-low er- InteHlgentent-society/i^and said “U hs!has-orwrlte.'V ------------ r thr ' stfttfmfnrtHifln pass 'Hcti nn Fridny, Nftkaw geed-foi^rkmericn.* ■ [mMM| f - ralsrtfew eyebrowsthere. he everyoneae In Jap^n because of ItiIts apology statement, (. ' Sociologists said 'f ^ a s o n e was on* bomogenesnelty." • ed his • remaHc dfidffrad^ .many ^ ^ H jl ISpI -Sen.PiPackwood s ___;._ly_expresslng,.what..ni...mwy..Jflpanese - In conlontrast, he said, ‘On thet h e . Amferlcains. f/ ■ believe. ..ttiat Japanin has benefited average,eTlfie d niref SOJesTnoweiwef^— ^Ja^haslTHIghiyir<fducat«a'b<^iF'^H | i ; . from .-•;» hbmogeaou>ous _ populaHoD. e of a c o n sid e ra b le num berr olof lation and claims a II r^ jtJn lu^k? i^ B B cent of Japan s 121 mlUilUlonpeo^ler icans.” films and foods are atabundant In roa- _;________‘*Nakasone*s re maarks a r apUy ex- Japaneaaese newspapers reportedrted ' . See JAPAN onl :------ ^-------^ ------ 4;,---------^--------- --------------- _ ; ' ; ■ ........... - r ;^--V ;------r r - r - = = iJC ^ ( o C M iime D a y ’ ■ 3 V * /• ' ^''!V w-toed;Bi»ck aiJtt much]icblbwer. ' w era^& ei^l^ • .Ttor to rally w as followed .by a sold->.-'/ sald?Tbe.<!|^W w;i2^tS iiftlilate diouer tbat wiU.p.^_:,. £31agli5U n^tlO Q ; Of*Tirtde‘nfefim d^fw s^lanblprand ^ ^ tr o lt, t^ clty,;!riU iS^irBfetboffllclde^te ^SttW -^highiratai^fa^ Wr&oi tnHng 'Sl J^r'daim t'the'ev ‘.ir:.-- P« -1 5 reveirt's-^jU -lciaa^ nmntpi, CTpfpiaUy- ^ o n g tir o u o g ,,;: - - - v; ly, Ma'yDrt^leibl /Detroit^ iM plred him >^]to; r iti; Ubanon; * ^ . roTiix^ -------; .tBy MOHAMMED'S MtDOO'4'fbv^gnty ov^ I tccWenl*! JJJigt-lovolved-Iii-No.Crtaia Day, paL.i«. Ht6^p?:rKaramr-said “ Inln'ra-*.r^fIiK«rha8-8ald:;d r ; TheAs^latedPn ned after a slmUar event >|n . Press S £ech. S it, the. opening of anm Iio--.cannot’provlde ado; •... doB't make our. kidsIs (dirty, • ,'te m e d r -Iilih;- ,-l.don't Ihlnlc Itl has marred (the ChicaiIcago.'-.--.-..'-,.. BbanoB .Prime dKwMBlJtad agrlcultiu-al lairlir.ln foroortbem Isr^lI O M sta r - ' - : ^ -BErRUT, Lcba £ i ^ ^ - ‘ris‘ -beading': tb< a :p r enbancwl It. * life n iln ed a t 16, ' ' Minister RastildId K a ra ra l: vU ited tbepo: ': " cbniply with th«: Seifecuflty COBDCU^T :.?rhDma K S ’SLci.resiluUiuUon. reaoTntloo.- ae.Day:acthrlUesria a oei age;]ast;makesrme Md. and- tt;. I : MDtbern X ebahoo . -A tlsSlpy. Ttt p»|ite SiknIkes a;ii6t of other people sad,” . expressed support O.N r~Lejjiail««rgpv^ SJStictedtodngp\iA^» ■ wile. ;oto.u Dmassaldearilez:. , > ' Jity: Council reso lt al1 bun-k„n eyearahffim^'tai*? * ° S S S ^ S T ” vthat Israel wlltadth d r a w v 3 u ® » > ' 5 ^ n ^ ^ ; - t b f i -FBI’reported ^liertT . ^ ,?fr6mL«b«non;. ?: r « ' ^ boim cldes .p<ir 100,000 jtto?; iB<3n&''(baf#6ea.'& j ttl3^irt$l?off^ty.: . '5 Kapaml.‘. ff-Smunni ii .Uoslera; i3^ ^ l^ lt^ ^ tb e highwl rate in^; . the iiral-.Ubane»lese bead • of. gov- Lebah y ^ \ / . • a h : f i . ^ M ( M r ? > ernm ent .to v isitt scso u th s Lebanon , ' IsTa iurt^^theVf^ « 6^.; :: since the U.N. peapeaceKeiplag force:; »eworlljF:;^SK^irBlc6'#iip l w e j s . v ^ jlIiU te re w e *}>pa8deployrt thereereInM4rchI978;_,,.. mUw-e r« iae,'.w b m 'tt''wIllidreWii D(he'the^ comahder-*of fte Ir ol lto‘ tte lM 'lD Jube 1985,IW tlngeftnb th^fTDNf^'ii)terlai' ) Porc«->-: '.O w H edt^^'fatal-sbootinmr accordlog- - t U.N..- Securtfr bulk-. < breakibi^nd^te& g'; '.n statlsUcs'CompHed ^ the Detrsft;*' ons that recb^iie thrwBe years'.- after Invaduadbnr In Lebanon (UNIFIL 'eSgt CbristopherBuck_saldlald. placed the Dumbcbergs’ aarSm ^^t: •|c;s.3 ss;n , - J ,i i 4 ^ ! U ld UM.djure was. FreeFeePress. t- '*' • -./-n •'nr-l . '' .Oneite 8uspwtjwas-ln,cus^y,.b^,.but no 15.000,• b u t police a Jfax— z = ^ X la u irc h J tifeto_charg^edwithI assault - are of the leoerai - • iromPageAl 'paymo!iioVe. M o re,th an 6 m illion .woiwork- tra $120 billion shar _• Continued £ro idhfldaatooyer the, .';SEA*]JATTliE (A ? ) - T h ree mlembers. en cburch memberss dujclng the plcntci secutoiluiprsaw . ; ;-.i; rraf^, bits tbose’Iqgimnoin< fam U lM wlU be- takenin ,Offi ;iaix:burdeo from Indl 'Or the next-tiro bburs,-tbe Uy»«/ - ; TheliHI cutrf ta x ri IU biB'.-oext/flvo- yeare.;:1-Tbe -.Inve8t|nent of a chchurch have.biwo charged,-ed.wllh. and. sprayed-wa<«tar-on 80/Astreturff— >For lUy^odging taxtt,:::the':lac<acbm«ax:.roU8. .Rates; WlU _ lhe bulldiogt,' King, menn '-'repeatedly stritck (the boy).’on.' I who have been legaUy nt 5fr.'crtdit, a -Job^reaUrting inm tlve 'for, s^ uull lt for allegedly- beaUng ''a 9- ru g li). o o e of. Ihi t« • rteJtera. .'dit fotot most pMpIe; the present 1 ProseciitoriCathiyD -the.I.
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