WWW.TEHRANTIMES.COM I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 16 Pages Price 20,000 Rials 1.00 EURO 4.00 AED 39th year No.13294 Wednesday JANUARY 2, 2019 Dey 12, 1397 Rabi’ Al thani 25, 1440 Homeyra Rigi named Iran’s anti-terror Yemen dream of Tehran intl. poster Iran’s ambassador measures beating Iran in exhibit to highlight to Brunei 2 praiseworthy 2 Asian Cup: coach 15 importance of water 16 Iran-India banking mechanism to Rouhani praises Armenian- start operation in few days: envoy ECONOMY TEHRAN — The on Monday evening, CBI website published. deskbanking mechanism During the meeting, the two sides in- between Iran and India is ready for opera- vestigated the current status of banking tion, Indian Ambassador to Iran Saurabh and trade ties between Iran and India. Iranians’ patriotism Kumar announced, saying that banking Facilitation of banking transactions and trade activities will be started between between the two countries and India’s the two sides in the next few days. investment making in Iran’s southeast- See page 2 The Indian envoy made the remarks in ern port of Chabahar were the top issues a meeting with Central Bank of Iran (CBI) discussed between the CBI governor and Governor Abdolnaser Hemmati in Tehran the Indian ambassador. MBS after escaping criticism by removing al-Jubeir: senior MP POLITICS TEHRAN — Chair- hatpisheh, ISNA reported on Tuesday. deskman of the Iranian Falahatpisheh said the recent develop- Parliament National Security and Foreign ments in Yemen and murder of journal- Policy Committee has said Saudi Crown ist Jamal Khashoggi have harmed Saudi Prince Mohammad bin Salman, known Arabia’s stability, security and political as MBS, has tried to escape criticism by status, adding that bin Salman is to blame changing the kingdom’s foreign minister. for these issues. “However, day by day the actions of the He further said the world is worried crown prince become more questionable about the emergence of another Saddam than before,” said Heshmatollah Fala- Hussein. International rights groups denounce Bahrain ruling on Rajab’s jail sentence Prominent human rights organizations deemed critical of the Manama regime and have denounced a ruling by Bahrain’s top the deadly Saudi-led war against Yemen. court that upheld a five-year jail term for “Nabeel Rajab’s conviction for his refusal prominent human rights activist Nabeel to stay silent on the government’s rights Rajab, with Amnesty International describ- abuses is further proof of the Bahrain au- ing the verdict as “utterly outrageous.” thorities’ flagrant disregard for human The Court of Cassation, whose verdicts rights,” said Lama Fakih, deputy Middle are final, on Monday rejected Rajab’s appeal East director of New York-based Human president.ir and upheld his prison sentence over tweets Rights Watch. 13 ARTICLE We need to understand religious communities with their religious character: Philpott REPORT Hanif Ghaffari EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW this”, Professor Philpott said the Tehran Times. and the general public -- to the importance Ehsan Kiankhah Political analyst By Javad Heirannia He also says “I do not think that there is a of religion in global affairs. I was part of a PhD in cyber strategic religious theory of international relations in working group of scholars that Huntington management TEHRAN — Daniel Philpott, a Professor of Po- general but I do think that we can make pro- helped to lead that sought to give momentum litical Science at the University of Notre Dame, gress in developing explanations of how religion to the study of religion in international affairs The government says there are many valid methodologies for influences international relations.” in 2000. We applied for a grant from a Harvard Cyber governance, studying religion in international affairs and When did the religious issues has been a institute for international relations scholar- shutdown: Another this includes empirical theory. matter of great in Theorizing of International ship that year but did not succeed in winning concept and Author of “Religious Freedom in Islam” adds Relations? it. Then, the attacks of September 11, 2001 Trumped-Up “the leading theories of international relations A: The study of religion in international came and nobody could dispute credibly any necessity over the past few centuries -- realism and lib- relations gained momentum in the early 2000s longer that religion was important in global problem eralism -- do not account well for the influence and has become a small subfield within the politics we applied for the grant again and this yberspace is a place for recreation, of religion in global politics.” discipline (in the West). Samuel Huntington’s time received it. By then, people were ready entertainment, marketing and in- onald Trump has recently threatened “We need theories, then, that understand book Clash of Civilizations of 1996 gained great to recognize that there was something wrong Cteraction. Cyberspace becomes the to close the U.S. southern border religious communities with respect to their re- notoriety, and, to be sure controversy, around with the secularization thesis, which had held main concern of people everywhere in any Dwith Mexico entirely if devoting ligious character and not simply characterize the world. Whatever one thinks of his thesis, that religion has disappeared from political position from personal usage to political the sum for building a wall there is not them as “non-state actors who pursue rational it woke people up -- and I mean both scholars affairs. 7 decisions. accepted. ends” or some generic, empty description like In fact, the world is changing and dis- The increasing threats were announced tances are shortened and the cyberspace seven days after the government shutdown. as an attractive place with extraordinary Trump is still demanding billions of dollars India exempts rupee payments for Iran oil from hefty taxes facilities and its rapid changes leads to in federal spending for wall construction India’s finance ministry has exempted rupee that is deposited in an Indian bank account is to crude oil. That means it does not apply to passive affirmative and negative decisions. along the U.S.-Mexico border. payments made to the National Iranian Oil Co subject to a withholding tax of 40 percent plus imports of other commodities, such as fertilizer, Unfortunately, the conformity of cy- “We will be forced to close the South- (NIOC) for crude oil imports from a steep with- other levies, leading to a total take by the au- liquefied petroleum gas and wax. berspace and its exciting services with ern Border entirely if the Obstructionist holding tax, according to a government order thorities of 42.5 percent. India, Iran’s top oil client after China, has present and future national interest and Democrats do not give us the money to reviewed by Reuters. That made the agreement unworkable for turned to paying for Iranian oil in rupees as major foreign marketing, which is now possible finish the Wall & also change the ridicu- The exemption, put in place December 28 Iran and led to the freeze in payments by the banking channels dealing in global currencies with less effort and more profit, is done lous immigration laws that our Country but backdated to November 5, will allow Indian refiners until the exemption could be introduced. are closed off by the U.S. sanctions. without any holistic approach. is saddled with,” Trump said on Twitter. refiners to settle about $1.5 billion of outstanding Iran will be able to use the rupee funds for “Passing of this notification eases constraints The general orientation at the back stage “The United States looses [sic] soooo payments to NIOC. Those have been building a range of expenses - including imports from for Indian refiners to make payment,” said Sanjay of the fanciful cyberspace, reminds us the much money on Trade with Mexico under up since Tehran was put under stringent U.S. India, the cost of its missions in the country, Sudhir, joint Secretary in India’s oil ministry. story of “The Wizard of Oz” where, a deceitful NAFTA, over 75 Billion Dollars a year (not sanctions in early November. direct investment in Indian projects, and its fi- An official from India’s top refiner and Iran’s emerald city which was in fact is a usual including Drug Money which would be The two countries on Nov. 2 signed a bilateral nancing of Iranian students in India, according top customer in the country, Indian Oil Corp, place, in which wear green tinted spectacles many times that amount), that I would agreement to settle oil trades through an Indi- to another government document reviewed by said his company would start making payments in order to see a perfect beautiful place. consider closing the Southern Border a an government-owned bank, UCO Bank, in the Reuters. It can also invest the funds in Indian to Iran from January. The finance ministry did The blight of cyberspace, with its glob- ‘profit making operation,’” Trump said. Indian currency, which is not freely traded on government debt securities. not respond to a request for comment. Indian al coverage, is spreading the illusion of “Either we build (finish) the Wall or we international markets. Payments to start soon Oil Corp and UCO Bank also did not respond. perfectness and being overtop worldwide. close the Border.” However, the income of a foreign company The tax exemption order, though, only refers (Source: Reuters) The cyberspace with all of its good char- Last week, many government agencies acteristics, which leads to accelerating were shut down in the United States. That the life quality of people, is like a dirty was due to their funding being expired as dishware, which turns any medicine turn a result of Trump’s decision.
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