The Dismissal Presbyter Go in peace to love and serve the Lord. St. Thomas’ 7th Sunday after Trinity People In the name of Christ. Amen. The Eighth Sunday after Pentecost Cathedral (CNI) Since 1718 4 August 2019 Postlude Allegro con brio F. MENDELSSOHN Op. 65, No. 4 (1809- 1847) ‘Centuries with Christ’ In the Diocese & City of Mumbai *Worship concludes with the Postlude. You are invited to sit and listen till the piece concludes.* A member of the worldwide Anglican Communion ~~~ Prayer Requests & Announcements for this Week ~~~ Sunday Services Your prayers are requested for: ▪ long-lasting peace and easing of tensions 7 A.M. Eucharist (said) in the Lady Chapel in the state of Jammu & Kashmir: for all whose decisions affect the lives of many, the common man, the law-enforcers & security personnel ▪ those who 8.45 A.M. Choral Eucharist 9.00 A.M. Sunday school are living in flood-prone areas & for relief agencies ▪ all the many faithful who made this Cathedral church their spiritual home and are now elsewhere ▪ in Weekdays The Cathedral is our Diocese, the Ambroli Gujarathi Church & the Revd Anandaraju ▪ the open from 7 A.M. to 6 P.M. Church of North India’s Diocese of Calcutta and the Rt Revd Paritosh Canning as he assumes his new Episcopal charge. Bishop Canning was recently transferred to the ~~~ W e l c o m e ~~~ Theme: Having compassion bishopric of Calcutta from Barrackpore. Calcutta, is of historical significance to the Church in India as it was the Mother Diocese of the Anglican Church in India (before the formation of the CNI in 1971) ▪ the Church of South India’s Diocese of Krishna Godavari & the Rt Revd |The Entrance Rite| George Cornelious ▪ in the Anglican Communion, the Church of the Province of South East Asia & the Most Revd Ng Moon Hing (Archbishop of South East Asia & Voluntary Prelude on the tune, „Laudes Domini‟ PETER LUTKIN (1858 - 1931) Bishop of West Malaysia.) ▪ We warmly welcome you to our worship and fellowship at the Cathedral. * All keep silence and prepare for worship. * Thank you for braving the rains and making it this morning! Do stay back for a time of fellowship after the service. Introit We worship and adore Thee, ▪ A couple of you have responded to the request for being a ‘Prayer Volunteer’ on a Sung by the choir bowing down before Thee, regular basis. Thank you! More volunteers are welcome. Please approach the Presbyter on how to go about implementing this important ministry. songs of praises singing, hallelujahs ringing. Amen. Anonymous ~~~ Birthdays this week ~~~ * The people stand. * May God bless you abundantly. Rohini Christie (8), Rohit Immanuel (9), Shane Ranjan (9), Vaibhav Salvi (10) Call to Worship Led by the Presbyter from the West Door. Diocesan updates Presbyter I lift my eyes up to the mountains, from where does * The Children’s ministry of the Diocese will be my help come? conducting an examination on the Sunday school syllabus today between 2 & 4 p.m. at People My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven various centres in the Diocese. and earth. The closest to us is St Paul’s Tamil Church, Byculla. Children who are interested may give their names Presbyter to the Sunday school teachers. We look not to the mountains or valleys, even heaven or earth, THE TRANSFIGURATION OF OUR LORD * A youth retreat will be held on 2 Oct (10 a.m. 6 August to 4.30 p.m.) at the Ambroli Gujarathi Church, People for God is found among us. Vile Parle (W). If interested give your names to, Christ did not glorify himself in Daniel Phillips (Youth Fellowship). becoming a high priest, but was Hymn at the Procession (all) 512 omit v.v. * 3, 4, 5 & 6 • When morning appointed by the one who said to him, gilds the skies “You are my Son, today have I begotten you.” * Please be seated. * HEBREWS 5. 5 Sacred space Reflections on Mark 8. 1 If you would like to contribute towards the flowers in the sanctuary for Sunday worship In the Gospel this morning, we are given a glimpse of Jesus’ tender and/ or on Festival Days; please get in touch with the Presbyter. concern for the crowd. You could do this to commemorate a loved one or your birthday/ wedding anniversary. Jesus sees the distance each of us have come and looks at us with compassion. Let us allow ourselves to be nourished as Jesus offers us insight. S T . T HOMAS ’ C ATHEDRAL The Presbyter-In-Charge: THE REVD. AVINASH T. RANGAYYA The disciples looked and saw their lack; Jesus asked them to look 3 Veer Nariman Road, Fort, Mumbai – 400 001 again and see the possibilities. Let me look at my life with Jesus, allowing myself to see and appreciate anew. ~ Excerpts from a blog by the Irish Jesuits. Tel: (Vestry) 2283 9783,(R) 2207 1275, 98207 50090 Website http://stthomascathedralmumbai.com Please silence all electronic devices. Contact the Presbyter for pastoral visits and administering Communion to the housebound. 4 Join us for fellowship in the porch after the Service. FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION ONLY. TAKE THIS SERVICE BULLETIN HOME WITH YOU. TAKE THIS SERVICE BULLETIN HOME WITH YOU. ✠ The Service begins on pg. 350 of the Book of Common Prayer. ✠ |The Offertor y| An offering is received to support the Cathedral’s ministry of sharing |The Ministry of the Wor d| God’s love with the world. The altar is prepared for Holy Communion. The Collect for the Day pg. 532 The Presbyter Hymn at the Presentation 408 • Immortal love for ever full The Lesson 1 Kings 17. 8 pg. 532 All say the Offertory Prayer pg. 357 * Please be seated.* Psalm v.v. 49 - 56 pg. 216 sung by the choir to a chant by JONES 119 The Epistle Romans 6. 19 pg. 533 * All stand and sing. * |The Prayers of the Peop le| The Gradual “Where is bread?” (to the tune #568, Daily, daily) Invocation (all) Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me, 1. Where is bread? We know their yearning; all his wonderful passion and purity, every day, we wish for more. oh, Thou Spirit divine, all my nature refine, God, in time, we're slowly learning: till the beauty of Jesus be seen in me. Words: ALBERT ORSBORN (1886 - 1967) ▪ Music: REVD T. M. JONES, arr. RICHARD HAINSWORTH all we own can make us poor. Our possessions can possess us, Intercessory Prayers pg. 358 leaving hunger deep inside. Christ our Bread, come now and bless us; at your feast, we're satisfied. |Preparation for Communio n| pg. 361 2. "Where is bread?" the call is rising; |The Consecratio n| pg. 363 millions cry who must be fed. God, your answer seems surprising: |The Communio n| pg. 368 During the distribution of the Communion, we sing: "You, my Church, you give them bread." Bread to fill each hungry spirit, Hymn 484 • Take up thy cross, the Saviour said bread for hungry stomachs, too! Give us bread and help us share it. THE TRANSFIGURATION OF OUR LORD falls on 6 August. Richly blest, may we serve you. REVD CAROLYN WINFREY GILLETTE. On this day the Church commemorates that Jesus revealed His glory before his chosen witnesses and filled with divine splendour * Remain standing for the Gospel & Creed.* the human flesh in which he is one with us. The Holy Gospel St Mark 8. 1 pg. 533 The Presbyter And so with joyful hearts we echo on earth the song of the angels in heaven as they praise His glory without end. The Acclamation (all) Count your blessings; name them one by one. Count your blessings: See what God has done! Anthem “Rejoice, the Lord is King” Count your blessings, name them one by one; by the choir Words: CHARLES WESLEY (1707 - 1788) [Hymn # 476] Music: MALCOLM ARCHER, b. 1952 And it will surprise you what the Lord has done. Words: REVD J. OATMAN, Jr. (1856 - 1922) ▪ Music: E.O. EXCEL (1851 - 1921) |The Thanksgiving| pg. 371 All recite The Creed pg. 354 All sit for The Sermon * All stand and sing the Gloria in Excelsis.* Welcome & Announcements The Blessing The Presbyter * The people stand.* Christ, whose glory fills the skies, fill you with radiance |The Sharing of the Peac e| and scatter the darkness from your path. And the blessing of Presbyter Christ will transfigure our human body and give it a God almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be form like that of his own glorious body. We are the among you and remain with you always. body of Christ. We share his peace. All Amen. The peace of the Lord be always with you. *All stand and sing.* People And also with you. The people greet one another with a sign of God’s peace and then join in Hymn at the Closing 376• Come, let us join our cheerful songs singing the hymn. 2 3 .
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