Fia-Zone Centraleurope Calendar - Organisers 2016

Fia-Zone Centraleurope Calendar - Organisers 2016

Art. 13 of the Zone-Championship-Regulations FIA-ZONE CENTRALEUROPE CALENDAR - ORGANISERS 2016 CEZ HILL-CLIMB-CHAMPIONSHIP 2016: Date: Event: Organiser: Name/Address/Phone/Fax/Email: 14./15. Int. Bieszcadzki Automobilklub Małopolski w. Krośnie 05. Hill Climb ul. Tadeusza Kościuszki 49 Załuż/POL PL-38 - 400 Krosno, Tel./Fax: +48/ 13 432 17 29 Email: [email protected] Internet: 28./29. Kotor/MNE AFCG-SAMS Bar, MNE-85000 Bar, Popovići bb 05. Tel/fax: +382/30 344034; +382/67 615 515 Email: [email protected], [email protected] 04./05. Ecce Homo AMK ECCE HOMO, CZ-785 01 Šternberk, Nam. Svobody 7 06. Šternberk CZE Tel.: +420/604 336 635; Tel./Fax: +420/585 013 400, Email: [email protected] 09./10. Lovcen/MNE AMSK Lovcen, MNE-81250 Cetinje, Lovcenska bb, 07. Tel.: ++382/67 784 328, Email: [email protected] Internet: 17./18. Kruševac/ SRB ASK SPRINT RACING, SRB – 37000 Kruševac, Stanislava 07. Zakića 29, Tel.: +381 374 3829, +381 600 90 2014, Email: [email protected] Internet: 23./24. Čabar/CRO AKK „Petar Klepac“, Petra Klepca 21/1, 51300 Gerovo 07. Tel.: + 385 98 305-663, +385 99 2179-111 , Email: [email protected], [email protected] 30./31. Jankov ZTŠČ Motorsport, 07. Vršok/SVK SK-957 01 Bánovce nad Bebravou, K.Priehrade 786/3 Tel.: +421/905 484 196, +421/387 607 780, Fax: +421/387 607 780, Email : [email protected], 06./07. Cazin, “Krajiška Automobil Club EXTRA SPORT Cazin, 08. Zmija”/BIH BIH-77220 Cazin, Muslimanskih Brigada Br. 7 Tel.: +387/61 799 – 644; +387/37 514 762; Fax: +387/37 514 762, Email: [email protected] , Internet: 13./14. Lučine/SLO Avtomoto društvo Zvezda, Kavadarska 21, 08. 1000 Ljubljana; Tel +386(0)1 510 60 40; fax +386(0)1 510 60 42 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: 10./11. Krujar/ALB 09. 24./25. St. Agatha/AUT MSC Rottenegg, AUT-4731 Prambachkirchen, Weinzierlbruck 1 09. Tel./Fax: ++43 7277 27 462, Tel.: ++43 664 840 77 28 Email : [email protected] , Internet : 01./02. Cividale/ITA Scuderia Friuli ACU 10. viale Palmanova 216,I – 33100 UDINE Tel. +39/0432 603138- Fax+39/0432 524473 Email: [email protected]: Reserve event: 02./03.07. Baba/SVK CEZ-Championships - Events/Organisers 2016 file-date: 17 12 2015 1 CEZ HISTORIC-HILL CLIMB- CHAMPIONSHIP 2016: Date: Event: Organiser: Name/Address/Phone/Fax/Email: 23./24. Rechberg/AUT MSC Bruck/M./STAMK Sekt. Mürztal 04. A-8600 Bruck/Mur. Streitgarn 71 Tel.: +43/3862 532 61, Fax: +43/3862 577 33 Email : [email protected] , Internet : 14./15. Int. Bieszcadzki Automobilklub Małopolski w. Krośnie 05. Hill Climb ul. Tadeusza Kościuszki 49 Załuż/POL PL-38 – 400 Krosno, Tel./Fax : +48/ 13 432 17 29 Email : [email protected] Internet : 28./29. Verzegnis Scuderia Friuli ACU 05. Sella/ITA viale Palmanova 216,I – 33100 UDINE Tel. +39/0432 603138- Fax+39/0432 524473 Email: [email protected]: 04./05. Ecce Homo AMK ECCE HOMO, CZ-785 01 Šternberk, Nam. Svobody 7 06. Šternberk /CZE Tel.: +420/604 336 635; Tel./Fax: +420/585 013 400, Email: [email protected] 18./19. Gorjanci/SLO Avto Športno društvo SA-I (AŠD SA-I), 06. SI-1000 Ljubljana, Koprska ulica 98 Tel.: +386/1 422 24 94; Fax: +386/1 422 24 95 Email: [email protected] Internet: 25./26. Koponik/SRB 06. 02./03. Baba/SVK 07. 09./10. Lovcen/MNE AMK Lovcen, MNE-81250 Cetinje, Zagrablje Bb, 07. Tel.: ++382/67 260800, Email: [email protected] 30./31. Jankov ZTŠČ Motorsport, 07. Vršok/SVK SK-957 01 Bánovce nad Bebravou, K.Priehrade 786/3 Tel.: +421/905 484 196, +421/387 607 780, Fax: +421/387 607 780, Email: [email protected], 06./07. Cazin, “Krajiška Automobil Club EXTRA SPORT Cazin, 08. Zmija”/BIH BIH-77220 Cazin, Muslimanskih Brigada Br. 7 Tel.: +387/61 799 – 644; +387/37 514 762; Fax: +387/37 514 762 Email: [email protected] , Internet: 13./14. Lučine/SLO Avtomoto društvo Zvezda, Kavadarska 21, 08. 1000 Ljubljana; Tel +386(0)1 510 60 40; fax +386(0)1 510 60 42 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: 17./18. Buzetski Auto-moto klub “BUZET”, 09. Dani/CRO HR-52420 Buzet, Korenika 27 Tel.: ++385/52 495 939, ++385/95 8268 773 Email: [email protected] Internet: CEZ-Championships - Events/Organisers 2016 file-date: 17 12 2015 2 CEZ RALLY- CHAMPIONSHIP 2016: Date: Event: Organiser: Name/Address/Phone/Fax/Email: 01./03. Eger Rally/HUN Laroco Motorsport Egyesület 04. or HUN-8200 Veszprém,Gábor Á. u.2/c 08./10. Tel.: +36/ 88 407639, Fax: +36/88 407639 04. Email: [email protected] 15./17. Rally 04. Maribor/SLO 28./30. Wechselland Stengg Motorsport Fanclub, A-8234 Rohrbach, Bahnhofstraße 5 04. Rallye/AUT Tel: +43/664 25 21 151, Fax: +43/3338 23 31 20 Email: [email protected], Internet: 27./29. 50th Rally Automobilklub Ziemi Kłodzkiej 05. Dolnośląski Kłodzko/POL 17./19. Rally Agrotec autoklub v AČR, CZ-693 01 Hustopeče 3, Brněnská 74 06. Hustopeče/CZE Tel.: +420/519 402 435; Email: [email protected] , Internet: 01./02. Rally Automobilklub Rzeszowski, PL-35-111 Rzeszów, 07. Železniki/SLO ul.Wyspiańskiego 2 Tel.: +48/17 853 31 39; Fax: +48/17 853 31 60 Email: [email protected] Internet: Media contact: [email protected]; Media Tel.: +48/601 966 305 29./31. Rally 07. Székesfehérvár/ HUN 26./28. Friuli Venezia 08. Giulia/ITA 02./04. Rally Auto 4x4 Club Sarajevo, 09. Sarajevo/BIH BIH 71000 Sarajevo, ul.Ante Fijamenga 2 Tel.: +387/61 130 330; +387/61 160 330 Email: [email protected] 09./11. Rally Autoklub Košice, SVK-040 01 Košice, Hroncova 3 09. Košice/SVK Tel.: +421/917 67 17 77, +421/903 64 43 41 Email: [email protected] 23./25. Serbia Rally Automobile and Motorcycle Association of Serbia, AMSS 09. AMSS/SRB SRB-11000 Belgrade, Ruzveltova 18 Tel.: +381/11 333 1137, Fax: +381/11 333 1104 Email: [email protected] Internet: 07./09. Croatia Rally CCKF, Avenija Dubrovnik 10 – 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia 10. Poreč/CRO Tel.:+385/ 1 6551 349 Fax: +385/1 6551 352 Email: [email protected] Internet: CEZ-Championships - Events/Organisers 2016 file-date: 17 12 2015 3 CEZ HISTORIC RALLY- CHAMPIONSHIP 2016: Date: Event: Organiser: Name/Address/Phone/Fax/Email: 17./19. Rebenland MSC-Wolfsberg, A-9431 St. Stefan, Bogenweg 2 03. Rallye/AUT Tel: +43/664 42 57 300, Fax: +43/4352 82596 Email: [email protected], Internet: 29.04./ Historic Vltava PAMK Klatovy v ACR 01.05. Rally Dobrovského 154, CZ-339 01 Klatovy Klatovy/CZE Tel.: +420/376 310 180, Email: [email protected] 27./29. 50th Rally Automobilklub Ziemi Kłodzkiej 05. Dolnośląski Kłodzko/POL 11./12. Historic Rally Dolomiti Motor Sport Promotion, 06. Dolomiti/ITA ITA-32020 Selva di Casore (BL), Via 4 Novembre, 22 Tel.: +39/23 088 890; +39/348 070 4994 Email: [email protected] 01./02. Rally Automobilklub Rzeszowski, PL-35-111 Rzeszów, 07. Železniki/SLO ul.Wyspiańskiego 2 Tel.: +48/17 853 31 39; Fax: +48/17 853 31 60 Email: [email protected] Internet: Media contact: [email protected]; Media Tel.: +48/601 966 305 21./23. Rallye Rallye Club Steiermark, 07. Weiz/AUT A-8614 Breitenau am Hochlantsch, Am Strassegg 16 Tel.: +43 664 22 40 788, Fax: +43 3866 2035 Email: [email protected] , Internet: 29./31. Rally 07. Székesfehérvár/ HUN 27/28. Hist. Rally Alpi Scuderia Friuli ACU, ITA-33100 Udine, viale Palmanova 216 08. Orientali/ITA Tel.: +39/0432 603 138 Fax: +39/0432 524 473 Email: [email protected]: 09./11. Gorica/SLO 09. 23./25. Serbia Rally Automobile and Motorcycle Association of Serbia, AMSS 09. AMSS/SRB SRB-11000 Belgrade, Ruzveltova 18 Tel.: +381/11 333 1137, Fax: +381/11 333 1104 Email: [email protected] Internet: 07./09. Mecsek Pécsi Sport Nonprofit Zrt. H-7633 Pécs, Dr.Veress E.u.10. 10. Rally/HUN Tel.: +36/72 312111; Fax: +36/72 315285 Email: [email protected] CEZ-Championships - Events/Organisers 2016 file-date: 17 12 2015 4 CEZ CIRCUIT- CHAMPIONSHIP 2016 Date: Event/Circuit: Organiser: Name/Address/Phone/Fax/Email: 28./30. Hungaroring/ Fönix Motorsport kft., H-2151 Fót, III.Béla kir.u.5 04. HUN (2 races + Tel.: +36/28 444 475, Fax: +36/28 444 473 endurance) Email: [email protected] , Internet: 13./15. Red Bull Ring/ MSC-Wolfsberg, A-9431 St. Stefan, Bogenweg 2 05. AUT Tel: +43/664 42 57 300, Fax: +43/4352 82596 (2 races + Email: [email protected] endurance) Internet: 04./05. Airport USĆE Belgrade, Auto Moto Association of Serbia 06. Batajnica, SRB-11000 Belgrade, Ruzveltova 18 Belgrade/SRB Email: [email protected], [email protected] (1 race) 11./12. Poznań/POL Automobilklub Wielkopolski, PL-62 081 Przeźmierowo, ul. 06. (2 races + Wyścigowa 3, endurance) Tel.: ++48/61 814 35 11, Fax: ++48/61 868 22 68 Email: [email protected] Internet: 17./19.

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