Closing the Digital Divide Bridging the digital divide: a three-pronged approach by Waleed Al Sayed, Deputy CEO, Ooredoo Group According to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the United Nations’ specialist agency for communication and information technologies, an esti- mated 51.2 per cent of the global population, or 3.9 billion people, would be online by the end of 2018. While this progress is significant, the latest UN State of Broadband Report expects the gaps in Internet avail- ability between developed and developing countries to widen even more. The UN predicts that some 52 per cent or 3.7 billion of the world’s population currently remaining unconnected, with many of those living in remote, rural or isolated regions of the world. These statistics indicate that while mobile connectivity is spreading rapidly, it is not spreading equally. Without interven- tion, such a trend will only continue to escalate the growing digital divide, magnifying the disparities of today’s globalised world order. Waleed Al Sayed, Deputy CEO, Ooredoo Group Waleed Al Sayed was appointed as Deputy CEO, Ooredoo Group and CEO, Ooredoo Qatar in November 2015. Through his managerial and board duties at Ooredoo Group companies, Waleed has developed extensive experience in the infor- mation and technology sector, both in Qatar and the wider region. He was previously Chief Operating Officer of Ooredoo Qatar and currently serves as Chairman of the Board of Ooredoo Tunisia; Chairman of the Board of Ooredoo subsidiary STARLINK – Qatar; and as Board Member of MEEZA (a technology joint venture between Ooredoo and Qatar Founda- tion). Waleed was previously Deputy Chairman of Ooredoo Algeria. He holds an Executive Masters in Business Admin- istration from HEC Paris with full honours. Broadband connectivity is much more According to the International Telecommu- is everywhere. With a handful of excep- than connecting people to the internet, it nication Union (ITU), the United Nations’ tions, all countries have at least two mobile has the power to transform lives and specialist agency for communication and networks. The second factor is the afford- reshape economies in our globalised world. information technologies, an estimated ability of telecom services. Lastly, citizens Broadband provides access to vital 51.2 per cent of the global population, or must be equipped with the right digital information, education, healthcare, 3.9 billion people, would be online by the skills, fostered through training and educa- entertainment and enables economic activi- end of 2018. While this progress is signifi- tion. Users cannot be merely granted access ties that creates jobs, while empowering cant, the latest UN State of Broadband to the internet but armed with the ability to people to innovate and be more competitive Report expects the gaps in Internet explore how internet use can be optimized globally. Today, broadband connectivity is availability between developed and and harnessed to maximize the benefits it no longer viewed as a luxury, but an developing countries to widen even more. brings to them and their communities. essential tool that societies and economies The UN predicts that some 52 per cent or need to develop and grow. 3.7 billion of the world’s population The current status quo presents a great currently remaining unconnected, with opportunity for stakeholders to be proactive Digital lives many of those living in remote, rural or in innovating and investing in ways to isolated regions of the world. These narrow the digital divide and build a Internet access can revolutionize the status statistics indicate that while mobile connec- sustainable digital ecosystem for all. quo and transform everyday lives. For tivity is spreading rapidly, it is not spread- Admittedly, this is a colossal task which example, online classrooms create access ing equally. Without intervention, such a cannot be undertaken by individual provid- to knowledge and education for youth in trend will only continue to escalate the ers alone. To succeed, this will require the rural and poor villages, facilitating growing digital divide, magnifying the cooperation of governments, the right learning. Mobile money services, such as disparities of today’s globalised world policy settings on an international and Ooredoo Myanmar’s M-Pitesan and order. domestic level, sizeable increase to invest- Ooredoo Maldives M-Faisaa, also provides ments and establishment of partnerships access to financial services and microfi- Three factors are crucial when looking at between the private and public sector. nancing for previously unbanked individu- the development of telecom services. The als, helping to tackle poverty. first is its availability, which is a critical element of national growth. Today, telecom AME I | 2019 . 12 Closing the Digital Divide Setting the foundations right a testament to the success of these invest- their knowledge of Iraq with the rest of the ments, many milestones were achieved world. The first step to closing the digital divide across the region. In 2018, Ooredoo Qatar would involve expanding and building the launched the world’s first live 5G network Collaboration is key to closing network infrastructure to deliver affordable on the 3.5GHz spectrum band, upgrading the digital divide broadband access and services, particularly its core and its network in the process. In to those living in rural areas. The availabili- Kuwait, Ooredoo conducted a network The bridging of the digital divide is a ty of this infrastructure is a key determinant upgrade in more than 1,100 locations across challenge that involves many stakeholders. of economic growth in our globalised Kuwait, aimed at increasing network capac- Successful partnerships and collaboration world. No one single entity – be it individu- ity. Similarly, in Oman, Ooredoo’s invest- between governments and industry is key als, corporations, industries or countries, ment in a major upgrade implementation and must be underpinned by the right can achieve its full potential without the saw it increase its 4G LTE network cover- incentives. Governments and policy makers presence of a world-class telecommunica- age by over 50% countrywide within a year, play a key role in creating an enabling tions infrastructure in its proximity. successfully covering 95% of the popula- regulatory environment and encouraging a tion by September 2018, allowing more level playing field that fosters competition Within the Middle East, there is still much people to enjoy the internet. and innovation. While investment in work to be done for infrastructure develop- telecom networks was once considered to ment. According to Statista , while internet Harnessing connectivity for be the realm of governments, it has evolved penetration rate in the Middle East leads at social progress over time to become a shared responsibility 64.5% against the global average of 54.5%, with the private sector. Today, telecommu- the level of development across countries With lower costs and geographic flexibility, nications are a partnership between the and communities within the region remains mobile networks are key to enabling operators and the government. In our unequal. For instance, in two of Ooredoo’s internet usage and closing the digital divide. experience of building and managing markets, Qatar and Palestine, Qatar reached According to the World Economic Forum, networks across frontiers and emerging 171% mobile penetration and 83% broad- mobile access is a key enabler of sustain- markets at Ooredoo, we have witnessed the band household penetration rates, while able growth and essential in the delivery of central role that governments can play in Palestine lags behind with 92% mobile the 17 United Nations Sustainable Devel- facilitating these investments. penetration and 41% broadband household opment Goals. Mobile is also the predomi- penetration rates. Countries like Qatar nant broadband platform in many Middle As digital technologies continue to prolifer- continue to advance quickly and make Eastern countries. Leveraging on mobile ate, it is important that the industry, policy headway in 5G developments, with connectivity, we have seen how innovation makers and the investment community Ooredoo most recently making the first has successfully brought about solutions to foster inclusive growth by making these services accessible and affordable. At the successful international 5G Call in the Arab improve people’s quality of life, offering Region in Qatar. But there is still an the promise of social and economic same time, we need to invest in education increased urgency for developing markets progress in unprecedented ways. and training to increase digital literacy, to to play catch-up to prevent an exponential empower those with access with the ability widening of the digital gap. There need to Mobile connectivity can create jobs and to fully utilize the digital resources be strategic in planning and executing empower the entire workforce – particular- available to them. Innovation also has an infrastructure expansion, to reach the ly women. In Oman, Ooredoo partnered important part to play, as providers continue less-or-unconnected areas and seek to level with the Ministry of Civil Service and the to develop solutions that leverage on the playing field, has never been more British Council to kickstart the Springboard mobile and network advancements to apparent. In Palestine, for example, Programme, aimed at driving empower- generate greater social and economic
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