r,".'.'i' • . ■ ■ ■ /'■■■.V . 'll* • ‘ '“ii - ■ r-- '■ ''■ ■ ■■'' '■ Averags Dally Cwedatioii For the Meath e f Joa*, IMO Mamhw Audit OlimSaMea* VOL. LIX~ NO. 840 S-Day Sale of 69e D. G. A. ^ Lady Pepperell ^ Final Clearance Sale on —Basement Specials— ' Silk Hosioi^ - Rlngleaa shear chiffons and ssrvice weights. All nsw Bummtr GKders— Sheets and Cases. Coats and shads*. Sizes 8H to lOH. 1940 Modal* with th* n*w front panal *llowing for *oft, X Comfortabl* ritUng position. AT JULY SALE PRICES 1 Regular $10.,98 Sport Coat, aize 16. ...n oiK $6.00 1 Regular $25. ,00 Dress Coat, alze 41. .. .now $16.00 pr. /12 pr. Boxed — Pre-Laandered 55c $1.00 $21.50 GUden ^ 3 Regular $19..75 Sport Coata,aize 16. .now $14.00 A tpeclal, 6 boxed and cordad edgad cushiona, ball-bearing hangers and coll ^ 2 Regular $16< .75 Sport Coats, size 18 .. now $12.00 aprlnga. ^ Reg. $1.59, 81x99 $ 1 .1 9 1 Regular $22 .75 Sport Coat, size 16. , . now $14.00 Meritzlirand^ Anklets 1 Regular $10..98 Suit, size 2 0 ........... ...now $6.00 Sixes 8 to 10^ Reg. $1.69, 90x108 _______ ... .$1.49 $27.50 Gliders 1 Regular $14. .98 Suit, size 14............. .. .now $8.00 Reg. $159, 81x108 ............... ........$1.39 1 Regular $16 .75vSuit, size 1 8 ........... .. .now $10.00 pr. S-cuahion, baU-bearing. ' $23.95 Reg. $1.59, 72x108 ...................... $1.39 1 Regular $16. .75 Suit, size 1 6 ........... .. .now $10.00 2 29® .. .now $10.00 I Reg. $1.29, 63x99 ......... ... $1.10 1 Regular $16. .75 Suit, size 20 ...... $29.50 Deluxe Gliders .00 Suit, size 16 s e e e 0 e .. .now $16.00 1 Regular $25. One-pi*ce seat cushion, thra* eushlon LWhite House Gets 39c Kelray Rayons back with adjustable arm cushiona. Plain or psncil strips tailored garments in Veats,^ PaatiMk $25.95 ^Defenders Take Toll Lady Pei^rell Pillow Caees Regular $7.95 Silk Print Dresses ins and Briefs. Teaross color. 42” x36” — 45” x36” Printed sheers and printed crepes. Also solid colors. U' W a $16.50 GUder 4 Billion Measure 3 for $1.00 a cushions, bell-bearing. $ 13 .9 5 3 99® Regular $5.98 Silk Print DrepdM 4 To Build Ujp Navy Of GerD lan Bombers; Complete Stock of $1.00 $16.95 Sun Tan JLounge EXTRA SPECIAL! LIMITED QUANTITY! Smart, small print patterns. / $5.00 Angla atael frame, large coaster Main Floor, Rear- Substandards of Regular 37e Pepperell Handl^ags wheOla for easy moving, Slmmoha innar- I-egislators Manifest De< j Congress Quickly Gives ■prlng cushiona.. Back lowers into' bed Ark Royal Is Target Fabric and simulated leather bags in all white or colors. Top poaitlon. Colors; red, blue, green. $14 .5 0 sire to Approve Re- ' Funds to Expand Fleet Percale Pillow Cases handle styles. Special! quest’ for Cash and Cotton Dresses Reduced Washington, July 11.—-OP)— Further Details Fitted , (Ticketed Auburn). Size 42” x36” Only. $18.95 Chaise Lounge Authorizations to Be­ Congress haa wrangled for Fat Man Loses His Pants 'Germans Turn Machine- c ea. weeks over many an appropria­ Into Rome’ s Account While Being Given Whirl Reg. $1.98 now $1.79 Reg. $3.98 now $3.29 79 One piece with heavy Inncrsprlng cush­ gin Expansion and In­ tion far smaller than the $4,- guns on Ovilians in ion*. Colors: red and blue. for $ Reg. $2.98 now $2.49 Reg. $5.98 now $5.29 000,000,000 fleet expansion bill. O f Battle o f Mediterra­ New Orleans, July 11.—(P)— 4 1.00 $ 15 .9 5 crease Army’s Forces. But when It came to this key Streets o f Towns; Few 25c Fine Quality C. T. Bruce, who weighs 205 A beautUiU quality percale, very soft and One. Slight oU Reg. $7.98... .now $6.98 defense measure— nean; W orld’ s Largest pounds, sjcccpted the offer of s Deaths Reported; At spots or inisweaves—nothing to impair the wearing quali- $2.98 Metal Ghairs Washington, July 11.— The'’ Senate debated it for Warship Reported Set roller skating team at a local ties. only -an hour yesterday and amusement park to give any Least Eight Nazi Raid­ Anklets Tubular frame with enameled back (AP)—A $4,000,000,000 Na­ paaaed it on a voice vote that and saat. val expansion bill was sent to Afire While Two Heavy spectator a whirl. ers Shot Down; Ital­ Regular 19c, 50% Linen Made by “Gordon" and "Trimflt", In medium.and light weight. $2.29 sounded unanimous. Faster and faster they turn­ i4ooverett68 Skirts All popular colors. Sizes 8 to 11. the White House today by The House debated scarcely Bombs Fall on Deck ed and Bruce’s body, rose to a ian Destroyer Sunk Congress. It was major por­ two bburs before approving it horizontal posiUon. Regular 590 Regniar $1.98 .. a O f Aircraft Carrier. Dish Toweling $1*69 $5.98 Cape Cod Lawn Chair tion of the defense campaign June 22, also by a voice vote Then—Bruce's belt spilt and In Sicilian Harbor. which produced no audible dis­ his trousers sailed into the A real buy! Heavyvy quality toweling that will wear for 3 pr. 69c High back and. curved seat—enamtied and legislators on Capitol Hill sent. Rome, July 11.— (AP)— years and is very absorbent.•orbent. Colored borders.lx 2 for $1.00 Regular $2.98 .. $2*49 In green and orange. /Were manifesting a desire to crowd. London, July 11.— (AP) — $4.88 In the fltat major naval encounter between B rltlsh and Italian forces, both sides claimed "victory” Bomb hits on two of .the approve President Rodsevelt’s Bruce’s shorts were varl-col- Germany’s bombers, in unre­ Baby Shop Specials although Italy acknowledged losses greater than those claimed by England. Map indicates location mightiest units of the British ored but his face was just, one lenting raids, blasted Eng­ request for $4,848,171,957 in Of prinetpei encounters, and maneuvers as reported by belllgerenU’ sUtemenU. ’The most spectacular fleet— the battle <#uiser Hood color—red. 15c yd. $ Folding Lawn Chair fight, It was reported, occurred in the Ionian Sea near the bottom of the Italian "boot” land from coast to coast with 2 ,9 8 cash and authorizations to and the aircraft carrier Ark All Sportswear Reduced Reg. $1.19 Girls* Dresses With metal frame, canvas back and C O V l f t Bombs Found bombs today and turned ma­ Regular 29c 22”x44’' start this expansion and to Royal— were announced to­ Sheers and broadcloth in prints and atripes. Blue, rose, red a*at, in color combinations. increase greatly the Army’s chine-guns on civilians in the and yellow. Sizes 3 to Sx. day by the Italian high com­ streets of towns, but Eng­ Children’s Summer Children’s Summer land and air forces. Close to Site Ask Rumania mand, fitting further details Nazis Prevent Cannoi^J^th Towels The Defense Commission ' an­ land’s defenses took a steady Folding Yacht Chiiir nounced meanwhile that it had Axis Asserts Hungary into the Italian account of toll. The government reporfc- H ats Dresses 9 9 With varnished frame and heavy awn­ let $100,000,000 in omtracta in re­ Of Conventibn To Send Envoy Monday’s and Tuesday's Bat­ Daladier Going ed“ a few” deaths. for ® Straws aad Felts ing cloth seat and back. cent day* for new warplanes for tle of the Mediterranean. The At least eight Germaa raider* 4 95 Regular $1.00 — Reduced To Regular 81JM .. $ 1 *99 $1.29 the Army and Navy. Other con­ Now In Common Front 42,100-ton Hood, the world’s were reported shot down—three in Soft, absorbent Cannon towels in all white with colored tract* are being negoUated, it was. Two Powerful Dynamite borders in blue, peach, green and gold. LArge bath size. Reg. $1.98 Sheer Dresses For Nazi Talk largest warship, was said by To Assembly the southwest, five from ona south, Regular $1.19 ..... 99 C said, with a view to adding 25,000 coast port—by British fighters aad 7 9 c Sizes 1 to 14. Printed batiste and dottedlotted rwiss. CoColors: Maize, blue, red Lawn Settees planes by July 1942. Missiles < Discovered the Italian communique to coordinated anti - aircrari! firs Special Purchase! Substandards of Regular 29c and green. Haavy wood alata bolted to metal lags WaoA Deubl* Si*« et Navy Near Hall During Re- " m p u have been t afire, while two which kept the attackers high In Cotton 3hop. and back. Berlin Wants to Discuss eSlSh At Envoys Return Former French Premier •the sky. Solid Colored Hand and Face Size The N$yy expaarion faaaur*. hMyy bombs fell on the deck $2.25 •ant to th* Whit* Houa* (or Preai- pujilfean Party Session And Other Leaders Be­ British warfSsnes, strlUag Foreign Policy, Partic­ of thd 22.000-ton Ark Royal. against Italy, were reported by tha A Beautiful Assortment Of , dent Rooaevelt’a signatur* by un- Ths British Admiralty iasusd s $1.69 $3.50 anlmou* House agreement to mi­ ularly in Light o f To TeU Stand lieved in North Africa Admiralty to have sunk aa Italian Ciuinon Towels Swinging Hammocks Bulletin! formal denial of the-Italian claim.) destroyer and a depot or stor* nor 8«a*te changes, would virtual­ Attack On fuesday Regular $1.98 Broadcloth and Spun Rayon ly double the size of the present PhUadelphia. July 11—<A0— Hungarian Demands. Denied Transport. ship in a Sicilian harbor. Made of closely woven fabric with $4.25 Philadelphia offIclaU contra­ ‘ Taken by Axis The attack waa deliver^ Tues­ Summer Millinery pillow and fringed valance.
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