FREE Volume 4, Number 37 Locally Owned & Operated Thursday, Sept. 14, 2006 ON-GOING • Sally Foster Giftwrap Sale to ben- Inside: efit Highlands School. Pick up order sheets Riverwalk ordered to stop work Letters pg. 2 at the front office of the school, talk to a Wooldridge pg. 4 student, or go on line at A stop-work order, effectively stop-work order by Highlands Wa- Gantenbein’s misgivings about www.SallyFoster.com to order use code immediately, has been issued the tershed Administrator Larry Gan- the project. Redmountain pg. 5 number: 605265. All orders will be deliv- developers of RiverWalk. tenbein. The final word on findings Another View pg. 6 ered to Highlands School. Wednesday morning, River- Monday’s inspection of Riv- and potential penalties by Kevin Events pg. 22 • Thursdays at the Barn: If you would Walk of Highlands, LLC in Atlan- Classifieds pg. 25 like a walking tour of the new property on erWalk by the state Division of Barnett with the Division of Wa- which will sit our new Fine Art Center, join ta and its general grading contrac- Water Quality and the state Land ter Quality and Rick Allred with Police & Fire pg. 26 us any Thursday at 5 p.m. for a personal tor on site were both delivered a Quality Division substantiated •See RIVERWALK page 2 tour. Meet us at the Crane Stable Barn on Oak Street. • Every Tuesday evening, Spiritual Condo high- County’s case Cinema Circle at The Instant Theatre Com- pany at 7 pm. Suggested donation: $5, Beverages and snacks available for pur- rise a maybe dismissed chase. On Wednesday, Superior • Live music nightly at ...on the Ve- on U.S. 64e Court Judge Dennis Winters dis- randah at 7 p.m. Chad Reed plays missed the county’s case request- Wednesday - Sunday night and Sunday A rumor involving the ing the right to appoint ETJ mem- Brunch; Angie Jenkins plays Mondays; development of a 12- to 14-floor bers to the town’s planning and Paul Scott plays every Tuesday. • Live piano music with Hal Phillips condominium complex going up zoning boards. at Skyline Lodge & Restaurant every Fri- on 19 acres on U.S. 64 east across The town had filed a motion day and Saturday night and Sunday from the Community Bible Church to dismiss the county’s case on the brunch. has been confirmed. grounds that the county didn’t • Live music at Fressers in Helen’s County Building Inspector Jack have standing in the suit. Barn. featuring Cy Timmons Wed. through Morgan said permits haven’t been “The judge ruled that the Sat., 6 p.m. until. issued, but developers have been in county commission wasn’t a real • Live music at Cyprus Restaurant contact with him concerning party of interest in the case,” said every Friday at 9:30 p.m. building restrictions on the site. “The County Attorney Rick Moorefield. • Highlands Wine and Cheese Shop: only restrictions other than building “But the case is still alive as relat- Wine Flights Saturday from 4:30-6:30. • Live music at Wolfgang’s Bistro ev- codes involve the watershed which ed to Daniel A. Bryson, as plain- ery Sun. and Mon. it’s Momo on Piano; •See CONDOS page 10 tiff, but not as a county.” every Wed. it’s Paul Scotts Trio; and ev- Highlands High School English teacher Catherine McIntyre- Moorefield said the case be- ery Thurs, & Fri it’s Rickey Dean on pi- Ross with Superintendent Dr. Frank Yeager and Macon tween the county and the town ano. Results help County School Board Chairman Kevin Corbin at the banquet was never about the right to ETJ Sept. 14 Monday night. McIntyre-Ross was named Highlands School “but rather the right of the county • At …on the Verandah, a French Cre- Teacher of the Year. Photo by Kim Lewicki to pick the representatives on the ole Dinner with McKinnon’s Louisiane. Call chart future boards.” 828-526-2338 for tickets and reservations. Members of the Town Board • PTO meeting at Highlands School at have said in open meetings they 6 p.m at hospital McIntyre-Ross named • Male Chorus accompanied by pianist would likely let the county con- Angie Jenkins at PAC at 8 p.m. Tickets are By Susanna Forrester tinue to appoint the ETJ members $10. Call 526-9047. Reporter HS Teacher of the Year to the zoning and planning Sept. 14-21 Though it’s not the only thing boards. • Book Fair at Highlands School. it revealed, the result of October By Susanna Forrester Year by the Highlands School Moorefield said an email Sept. 15 2005’s survey of residents in the Reporter faculty and staff is a great highlight from Town Administrator Richard • At the Bascom-Louise Gallery Fine Highlands and Cashiers areas has Macon County school in my teaching career, and the Betz dated June 27 only guaran- Art Center: Beaded Woven Pouch, 10 substantiated a need for more pri- system’s Teacher of the Year credit for this honor goes to all of tees their appointment for their a.m.-4 p.m. Pin-loom weaving. Create a mary care physicians at the High- banquet was held on Sept. 12 at the team work and ongoing current three-year term. woven pouch with novelty threads first day. lands-Cashiers Hospital (HCH). the Mill Creek Country Club in support I get from our faculty and Meanwhile, he said the coun- Bead it second day. $120. ($85, FRIENDS) Sept. 17 “There were no big surprises Franklin. This year, Highlands has staff,” said McIntyre-Ross. “I feel ty still has the right to appeal the • At …on the Verandah, a special 25th from the survey,” said Skip Tay- two reasons to be proud. extremely lucky to work in an decision in the Court of Appeals anniversary celebration from noon-6 p.m. lor, marketing director of HCH. Highlands School Teacher of environment in which colleagues in Raleigh. “That’s up to the Coun- It’s free! “We suspected we needed more the Year is high school English want to help you and see you ty Commission to decide,” he said. Sept. 18 primary care physicians and that’s teacher Cathy McIntyre-Ross. succeed.” • At the Bascom-Louise Gallery Fine one of the things the survey Macon County’s Teacher of the McIntyre-Ross graduated Weekend Weather: Art Center: Beaded Woven Pouch, 10 showed. But why people don’t use Year is Teacher of the Year for from the University of Georgia in a.m.-4 p.m. the primary care physicians here Franklin High, history and Athens with a Bachelor’s Degree Sept. 19 and why they leave the mountain philosophy teacher John deVille. in Journalism in 1976. She • Audubon Field Trip to the Blue for that service that we don’t DeVille is a 1980 graduate of received her teaching certification Ridge Parkway to view fall migrants. Meet at 7 a.m. in the parking lot next to the Hi- know.” Highlands School. from Georgia State University in ghalnds Town Hall to carpool. •See HOSPITAL page 2 “Being named Teacher of the •See TEACHER page 8 Page 2 - Highlands’ Newspaper - Thursday, Sept. 14, 2006 ... RIVERWALK from pg 1 the Land Quality Division haven’t been is- sued yet, but the team was complimentary • THE PLATEAU’S POSITION • of Gantenbein’s enforcement policies and the penalties levied against the develop- ment thus far. Gantenbein has issued sev- eral notices of violation and seven penal- • HAWK’S EYE VIEW • • LETTERS • ties totally $3,500 but RiverWalk is appeal- ing them. The stop-work order lists failure to Throw them out in properly design and install on-site storm water controls, continuing failure to prop- November! erly maintain on-site controls following Dear Editor, rain events, failure to implement on the I hate to voice my political opinions ground many of the stormwater controls on you but I’ve had enough. Last week, required by the Aug. 18 stormwater con- our “do nothing” Congress decided to trol plan and recommendations of River- put illegal immigration on a back burner Walk’s environmental engineers McGill for the rest of this year. That’s the straw Associates, failure to protect the buffers that broke this camel’s back. along the stream flowing down to and I beg you, I implore you, whether across the Daughtrey property. you are Democrat or Republican, use Though questions had been raised con- your vote this November to kick out your cerning the legality of RiverWalk develop- Congressman. This is not a Democratic ers opening up too much land at one time, or Republican issue. Democrat’s, go Gantenbein said the state’s team seemed ahead and vote a Democratic nobody more concerned about the size and loca- into office and Republicans, go ahead tion of silt ponds. and vote a Republican nobody into office. “They don’t believe the location of the They couldn’t do any worse that the silt ponds on site are big enough to handle worthless bunch that are in there now. It’s the stormwater flow or match the location time to clean house. on the revised erosion control plan deliv- What happened to Social Security ered by McGill & Associates on Aug. 18,” reform? he said. What happened to tax reform? Furthermore, the stream that enters the What happened to homeland property through a pipe under the old road security reform? The “do nothing” list is bed that travels across the property onto endless. the Daughtrey property and into the Cul- Yet, we reconvene Congress in recess lasaja River has now been classified a pe- to decide whether a woman in a rennial stream by the state.
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