w "~ ~ ~° h~- h~ ~<~~~~5~ ° The Official Publication of the Worldwide TV-FM DX Association o ~ ~' ., ~ H p APRIL 1995 i0 ~a ee ° ~~'~ ~ ~~~ ~ moo .: P' c c~te~~ rcnM~'. oaaH ~~o ~p~~~ r ". N s a N ~ N O ~~ `a n OHF-'v~UlL~ 2 bU~J~ °off ~~3 a v°, O c~ H 0 m a (/~ p ~~~~~-~-r . - O _ _~\ ca CJ r W n 0 ~ i 0 <.V.~ ~® .. ..._,., ~Erquicq ~'F'175~~~ "Check this out. .I found it up on the roofl Like. .what do you think it's for, anyway?" CONSTRUCTION PERMITS WORLDWIDE TV-FM DX ASSOCIATION TV News GRANTED FOR NEW STATIONS SERVING THE VHF-UHF DX ENTHUSIAST Doug Smith 1385 Old Clarksville _St Ch ERP HART City THE VHF-UHF DIGEST IS THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE WORLDWIDE TV-FM DX AK 4 .965 ASSOCIATION, DEDICATED TO Pleasant View, TN -179 Ketchikan THE OBSERVATION AND STUDY OF THE (TL 55`20'59"N, 131 ° 40'12"W) PROPAGATION OF LONG DISTANCE TELEVISION AND FM BROADCAST SIGNALS AT 37146-8098 SD 23 13 .3 53 .8 Sioux Falls VHF AND UHF. W.T.F.D.A. IS GOVERNED BY A BOARD OF DIRECTORS : TOM BRYANT, (TL 93 ° 32'07"N, 96 ° 44'39"W) GREG CONIGLIO, BRUCE HALL, DAVE JANOWIAK, AND BILL THOMPSON . (to relay KUSD-2) EDITOR/PUBLISHER ; BILLTHOMPSON COMPTROLLER ;DAVEJANOWIAK Abbreviations used in this col- FM NEWS: GRE G CONIGLIO CONVENTION CO-ORDINATOR : TOM umn : CHANGES ON THF; AIR BRYANT ERP= Effective Radiated Power in TV NEWS: DOUG SMITH PSB: BILL HEPBURN SATELLITES: GEORGE JENSEN kW St CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: DANNY BUNTIN, GREG CONIGLIO, TOM BRYANT, BILL HAAT=Height Above Avg . Terrain Ch Call City HEPBURN, GEORGE W, JENSEN, TIM MCVEY, FRED NORD6IUIST, DOUG SMITH, nc= no change DE 12 WHYY Wilmington THOMAS J. MINGLING, JR., STEPHEN WEST. COVER DESIGN. HARRY HAYES. TL= Tower Location PA 69 WFMZ Allentown CP= Construction Permit FROM THE STAFF " Pr= Province (of Canada) = Non-commercial CALL LETTER CHANGES CRTC=Canadian Radio-Television Commission Was Now City, state BOARD APPOIN12~2TTS : The WTFDA Board of Directors is now up to DBS= Direct Broadcast Sat . new KASW-61 Phoenix, AZ the full complement of five with the recent additions of Grea SS := Spanish language new KNSO-51 Merced, CA W61BL WVEA-LP ConiQlio of Williamsville, NY and Hruce Hall LPRT=Low Power Relay Transmitter Tampa, FL of Brantford, ON (Canada) W19AW KBTR-LP Haton Rouge, LA Caaada . Both are active members of the club, avid DXers, and TBD= To Be Determined WSNR-93 WNYS-43 Syracuse, NY nice fellows . Their willingness to accept the open positions on WFIL-21 WWMH-21 Florence, SC our Board is much appreciated . APPLICA`T'IONS TO CHANGE Note the Phoenix calls ; my specula- tion that KASW was the Tolleson CP OTF~I2 APPOIN2T~tJT NEWS : The WTFDA needs a volunteer to fill the CONS'TRIiCTION PERMITS on channel 51 has proven wrong . position as representative of our organization to ANARC Thanks to Fred McCormack for the NY and (Association of North American Radio Clubs) which was recently 3t Ch ERP AAAT Call City SC changes, which explain two mysteries in the UPN/WB lists . vacated by Stephen Sprachman . Thanks to Steve for his service ; AZ 61 2500 541 KASW Phoenix (TL 33 ° 20'01"N, 112 ° 03'44"W) and for filing reports on ANARC activities . Ideally, the person (KTVK-3's tower on S . Mountain) NEW STATIONS ON who assumes this responsibility should be in a position to CA 51 4160 680 KNSO Merced THE AIR attend meetings and conventions hosted by other clubs, (TL 37 °31'59"N, 120 ° 01'36"Wj Hot Springs, AR : KVTH-26z : Membership in other ANARC affiliated groups would be an asset . (somewhere near Mariposa, 35 km) 1920kW/258m, (NE of Merced . Cc-owned with) 39 x22'17"N/93 ° 02'16"W Appointment of a new editor for the "TV PHOTO NEWS" column is (KCSO-19 .) South of Hot Springs, near Lake pending at this time . This popular feature has been absent from Hamilton . NJ 62 250 125 WACI Atl . City Seen by the pages of the (T'L 39 ° 21'01"N, Darny Oglethcrpe or. WD far too long, and getting it back in print 79`26'55"W) February 15, with ID bars . This (WTTH-96 .1's tower west of) is is one of the Board's top priorities . the former KRZB-26 and is not tech- (Atlantic City ) nically a "new (was SOOOkW/133m) station" . 1995 WTFI)A CONVENTION : Host Peter George reports that plans are Tice, coming along nicely for the August 4, 5 and 6 gathering in the FL : WRXY-TV-49z : APPLICATIONS TO CHANGE Here's another one whose on-air sta- Boston area . He has enlisted the assistance of Scott Fybush to tus had been in doubt . This reli- help with plans for the event . Although the exact location has EXISTING STATIONS gious station applied for an operat- not been finalized at this time, a Brockton, MA site is at the ing license in early March. Facili- top of the ties : list . It's not too early to start making your St Ch ERP HART Call City SOOOkW/312m, 26 ° 47'08"N/81 ° 97'91"W vacation plans . .so be sure to reserve the first weekend in ZN 59 4500 304 WXZN Indpls . near Tuckers Corner, about a kilome- August for a trip to 'Bean Town' . (900kW vertical) ter from the WFTX-36 tower . (was 2090 kW/302m) NH 21 nc 320 WNHT Concord OT_uc"? GONVENT?ONS- Kannapolis, NC : WKAY-64- : If you are unable to attend our Boston (was 399m) 2570kW/412m: 35 15~ OS"N/80 ° 41'15"W convention ; you might want to consider dropping in at either the very close to, if not on, the WUNG- NRC (National Radio Club) 58 tower at 805E Hood Rd ., Char- convention Labor Day weekend in CHANGES GRANTED TO Denver ; or the IRCA (International Radio Club of America) lotte . Independent ; Matt Sittel noted convention July 14-16 in Boise, ID . For more information on CONSTRUCTION PERMITS program listings in the Charlotte either of these events, contact Tom Bryant . Observer in early March. St Ch ERP HAAT Call City SC 63 13 165 WQHB 3umter (TL 33°54'52"N, 80 °17'39"W) (was SOOOkW/343m) (Other Stuff, contd .) In Columbus, Nebraska, CPs sion affiliates WVEA-LP Tampa UPN, and WB are _not officially net- were granted for 16 new LPTVS, to NETWORK CHANGES (formerly W61BL) and W638H Orlando works under FCC rules!) the same or related owners . Chan have sold for a total of nels used are 17, 21, 29, 31, 33, Station Waa Now 51 .02million . To be honest, I For example, in Monroe, La ., 39, 99, 46, 98, 50, 52, 59, 59, 63, WLNE-6 New Bedford,NA CBS AHC highly doubt most LPTVS would fetch where there are only CBS and NBC 65, and 69 . I'm sure this will be WPRI-12 Providence, RI ABC CBS that kind of price ; these are un- affiliates, ABC is required to offer a wireless-cable system, like the usual by serving large Hispanic mi- "" 20/20" first to independent sta- ores in parts of Minnesota . norities in cities with no full- tions KARD-19 and KMCT-39 . 0`1'}IER STUFF power Spanish-language stations . Another set of auctions is be- FORUM Extensions of time to build The National Association of ing proposed . The Clinton adminis- were also requested by WQHB-63 (in Broadcasters' Board cf Directors tration, in its budget, is proposing John Combs, Orlando FL : connection with their power reduc has come out opposed to a Senate allowing the FCC to auction broad- tion), KLXO-7, and WRXY-99, who ap- proposal to radically deregulate cast call letters when more than one Regarding my reference to parentl"; didn't need much more time! broadcast ownership . station wants the same set . At the WJCL-22 as a NBC affiliate in Febru- Extensions have been granted to same time, issuance of calls start- ary, John asks if there's a network WD7.E-52 and WATC-57 . All of these This plan would repeal all ing with letters other than K and W change I haven't mentioned . Nope, CPs should be considered still ownership rules . It would allow one would be permitted . (under interna- it was a typo . WJCL is indeed alive . company to own any number of T`J tional regulations, the only other still ABC . stations nationwide or in the same letters allowed would be N and A. At the suggestion of a member city, or to control multiple sta- When A is used, the next letter must One of Orlando's more exotic who said (accurately!) that my ad- tions through a LMA . be between A and L ; a call such as LPTVS has switched to something less dress was hard to read in the logo, "" AWAY" would belong to India .) exotic . W97AL had been programming I've changed it . My Internet ad- FCC officials have proposed a only on Friday and Sunday evenings . dress wi.ll appear at the end of the less-radical plan which would allow Here's someone who'd better Video was a still picture of a juke- column . ownership of any number of staticns not bother applying for a construc- box and an announcer taking oldies nationwide but not allow any company tion permit . During the G-7 eco requests 6 holding the station phone I've conflicting reports on to reach more than 50- of the audi- nomic conference on Feb .
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