For Sale—Beautiful 9-hole golf course located % mile from city of Two Rivers. "Coolest Spot in CLASSIFIED ADS Wisconsin". On main highway leading to Door County Peninsula, Wisconsin's summer playground. For Sale. A nine-hole golf course, in central Ohio, Address: Edward Kastrosky, Two Rivers, Wis. located one mile from a thriving city of 10,000, For Sale—International "Fairway" Tractor, A-l and in one of the best of surrounding communities. condition. $500. Address: Ad. 721, % Golfdom. A well laid-out course of 3250 yds. for nine holes For Sale—450 bu. C54 Old Orchard Stolons. These or 7500 yds. for 18 holes, in very good conditon and stolons are out of fall crop ; will be ready for de- being improved each year. Bent grass greens, livery Aug. 10 from Old Orchard Nurseries, Madi- good sprinkler system, beautiful landscape, small son, Wis. Direct inquiries to: John C. Mander- clubhouse, pro-shop, residence, tool house, shelter houses on fairways, completely equipped with trac- scheid, Our Country Club, Salem, Wis. tors, mowers, and all necessary tools. The club is Wanted: Pro and Wife to manage Country Club in a membership and semi-public club with 200 mem- small Midwestern City. Must be able to take com- bers and about 250 greens fees players. Doing a plete charge, including food service. Living quart- nice profitable business, an excellent opportunity ers furnished. Address: Box 778, Great Bend, for two young men looking for a future. Will sell Kansas. at a reasonable price of $39,000.00. Address: Ad. Pro-Greenkeeper Architect, with excellent record, 710, % Golfdom. desires change. One of the best all around men Pro-Greenkeeper wants position with Club in South- in the golf business. Thoroughly dependable, eastern States. 16 years' experience: Class A Mem- pleasant personality, sober at all times. Class A ber PGA. More information and good recom- member PGA; also GSA. Address: Ad 701, % mendations upon request. Address: Ad. 711, % Golfdom. Golfdom. Wanted: Pro-Manager, preferably with wife who can Hickory Shafts. Want to buy a large number of handle dining facilities. Club in town of fifteen good hickory shafts for iron clubs. Kenneth Smith, thousand people, Piedmont, North Carolina. Ad- Box 41, Kansas City 10, Missouri. dress: Ad. 702, % Golfdom. Pro Manager for past ten years, 16 years as pro, Po-Greenkeeper or Pro-Manager. Fine teaching desires position. 36 years of age. PGA member. and excellent course maintenance and improvement Excellent credit and references. Will consider lease records on both northern (bent-growing sections) on course. Address: Ad. 708, % Golfdom. and southern (rye and Bermuda) sections. Best Expert Club Repair Service. Clubs refinished, rebuilt. reference as to character and work. 39 years old Quick service on all types of repair work. Write —30 of these spent in golf. Address: Ad. 703, % for price list. E. L. Wilson, Twin Oaks, Route 1, Golfdom. Box 31, Batavia, Illinois. Wanted: To Lease, nine-hole course in south, south- Driving Range Owners. Have three prewar ball west or west. Address: Ad. 704, % Golfdom. recovering machines for sale which you can keep For Sale: Fully euipped sporty nine-hole daily fee your golf balls in playable condition for only a course located miles from town of 14,000 in few cents a ball. Enough material to cover thous- Northern Indiana; highway on both sides; ap- ands of balls with fully equipped machines. Price proximately 60 acres. Address: Ad. 705, % Golfdom.. $200.00. Prewar price $300.00. Address Ad. 714, c For Sale: Good 9-hole golf course located in central /o Golfdom. Wisconsin city 12,000 pop. Only club here. Com- For Sale: Toro Fairway tractor on rubber—over- plete with equipment and clubhouse furnishings. hauled and painted. Address: Ad. 716, % Golfdom. Clubhouse has bar with club liquor license. Good Son of well known Pro, out of service, eager to membership with large ground fee play. Bent learn golf profession in service of progressive golf greens and fairways. Address: Ad. 706, % Golfdom. pro. Has had one year's experience. Alert, will- Position Wanted—by greenkeeper with 25 years of ing and industrious. Please Address: Ad. 712, % experience as greenkeeper and club manager. Em- Golfdom. ployed now; available Sept. 1st. Prefer middle Able Experienced Operator desires, after 3 years west. Married with 3 children, sober, reliable, can in war plant, position as pro or greenkeeper at furnish good reference. Address: Ad. 707, % medium sized club, or as assistant at larger club. Golfdom. Experienced in all phases of pro shop sales and service and greenkeeping. Address: Ad. 715, % Pro or Pro-Manager Position Wanted: Ex-Army Captain desires position as pro or pro-manager in Golfdom. any section of the United States. Age 27, with Am seeking lease for winter operation of golf club 11 years' experience in golf and business. Not a in Florida or other good golfing section of South. tournament golfer, but an excellent instructor and Also interested in contacting clubs in southland business man. Now Professional at Eberhardt interested in pro-manager with excellent record to Golf Course in Mishawaka, Ind. Available now or handle their club through winter season. Record next spring. Write Gifford H. Hampton, Jr., % and references gladly submitted. Address: Ad. Eberhardt Golf Course, Mishawaka, Indiana. 713, _% Golfdom. Greenkeeper Supt. desires position in New England Professional desires position for winter months; or Middle Atlantic States. 50 years old ; married; available Oct. 1. 18 years' experience in every no children. Over 30 years' experience in construc- phase of game. Practical knowledge clubmaking, tion and maintenance. Desirous of first-class greenkeeping, club management. Teaching a spe- place. Active member GSA. Address: Ad. 709, ciality. Age 34, married. Member PGA, top credit % Golfdom. rating. Veteran; excellent reference. Address: Ad. 720, Golfdom. ATTENTION CLUB OFFICIALS: Are you looking for a qualified greenkeeping superintendent? Our Pro, Pro-Mgr. or Pro-Greenkeener with excellent association has on file men who can qualify for record and highest recommendations desires south- that position. Some are returning veterans who de- ern club for winter months. PGA member. Class sire to again enter this field. Address: The A; college education. 13 years' experience, Age Greenkeeping Supts. Assoc., Secretary's Office, St. 33, married, no children. A-l credit rating. Ad- Charles, 111. dress: Ad. 718, Golfdom. RAINBIRD SPRINKLERS SIX HIT PROGRAMS (Heads Only) FOR ALL OCCASIONS Ladles' Nltrhta, Conventions, Holidays, No. 70—Covers to 170 Ft. $7.90 ea. Picnics, etc. Full evenings of sparkling laughter-packed originality. Everything Requires 35 Lbs. or More Pressure. furnished. Success absolutely guaran- teed. Shipped anywhere: very low cost. PAUL E. BURDETT Thousands of Clubs say "Smash hit—best ever." Write for Book of Programs, SEEDS —FERTILIZERS-GOLF COURSE SUPPLIES references and guarantee. P. O. BOX 241, LOMBARD. ILLINOIS The Party Guild, 1415 Bryn Mawr. Chicago 24. III. July, 19 It 6 81 .
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