SHRI RAMKRISHNA BAJAJ Thereafter till 1961, he was ac- asked me whether I would like to get tivelyassociated with Indian National into business or enter into social Congress' youth activities. service. Kakaji said he would ar- range my education accordingly. My In 1961, Ramkrishnaji resigned mind has been from the beginning from the Congress in protest over inclined towards social service and the nominationofMr. Klishna Menon I told IGkaji so. He appreciated my as Congress party candidate to the views. I feel I should manage my Lok Sabha. This marked Ram- expenses from the interest earned krishnaji's exit from party politics. on whatever amount that may have Thereafter, he devoted his energies ftarilKtlsHNA 0A,AJ accumulated in my acount, and should 2291923-2'l 9 1994 as a social activist in the fields of devote myelf to the service of my education, social service, rural de- country. This alone would bring me velopment and consumer welfare. Born in Wardha Shri peace of mind and promote the Ramkrishna Bajaj, the son of noted At the time of passing away, he enrichment of my soul." Gandhian and prominent leader of was Chairman ofthe Shiksha Mandal And this is what Ramkrishnaji the pre-independence Indian National Wardha founded at by his father did right to the very end - placing Congress, Shri Jamnalal Bajaj, was Jamnalalji; the Jamnalal Bajaj Foun- himself at the service of the people. brought up under the personal guid- dation which gives three annual ance of Mahatma Gandhi and Vinobha awards for outstandingcontributions I came to know Ramkrishnaji Bhave. in the fields of rural development somewhat closely during a brief and uplift for women and children, encounter when he agreed to be the In 1941 at the age of L7 and a fourth award for outstanding Chairman of the Reception Commit- Ramkrishnaji plunged into the free- contribution in promoting Gandhian tee of a Festival'of Tibet we had dom when he obtained struggle values by foreign nationals; the Gita organised in 1990. The memories of Gandhiji's special permission to par- Pratisthan which propagates the mes- the few months,that this festival ticipate in Individual Satyagraha (the sage of the Gita, especially among enabled me to work with him ale Civil Disobedience movement laun- school children; and the Jamnalal warm. Extremely understanding of ehed by Gandhiji). Gandhiji himself Bajaj Seva Trustwhich runsVishwa- organisational problems he very gene- wrote to the Deputy Commissioner needam, a centre for International rously placed whatever infrastruc- Wardha that Ramkrishana would offer Sarvodaya Movement at Bangalore. tural facilities that were available to Satyagraha on 15th April 1941 and him at our disposal. I know for a fact also drafted the statement to be read Other activities indicative of his that the Dalai Lama was deeply out by Ramkrishna during his trial wide interest included his active impressed by Ramkrishnaji's trans- in court. association with the Council for Fair parent sincerity and humility. Business Practices, the National Ramkrishnaji was arrested four Centre for Quality Management and We salute an honest man who times between April and August 194 I the Hunger Project in India. like many honest men of pre- and imprisoned for 9months. There- independence vintage found thern- after he participated in the Quit India Though Head of the Bajaj Group se lves increas ingly uncomfortable in Movement in August 1942 and was of Companies - a name to be leck- the kind of value-less atmosphele imprisoned for 3 years. oned when one talks of Indian Indus- that has become the hallmark ofpost- try, Ramkrishnaji chose to devote independence. independent India. His departule On the eve of lri- life tu sel'vc [lre cotrrtuurri[y. An Ramkrishnaji was actively involved depletes an a lready emptying basket entry in his diary of 30th April 1938 in the was ofupright individuals who were indeed students'movement. He reads: a founding member of the All India the plide of our people. Students Congress (1946) and later .I had detailed discussior-rs with the National Union ofstudents (1948). Kal<aji about my future plans. He S. V. Roiu BIiTWEEN OURSELVES... This is electiort tirne and thelefole plou)ise-tiure. Andhra has reverted to Rs.2/- kg lice plovider NTR and Karnat,alia to JD who rode to success on the heads of the qual'l'elillg cats in the state Congress (I), prourisipg to eud col'rtlption and ellsul'e stability. Maharashtra, Gtrjalat, Bihar al.e dqe to poll iu Febluary al)d ol)e can expect mauy lnole pl'olnises fi'om contesting pal'ties. We thought it a good tiure to renlind readers of the ganres oul'elected Iegislatols play ol)ce electious al'e ovel'. Genelally speaking, for oul elected legislators, plornises al'e rlot to.J<eep. By a coincid ence, Itiluirt:;rreu.nl cal'ried an al'ticle by Mr. Madhu Lirnaye ou a sinrilal'topic rvhich he was kind euough to share with Mr. Masani who, in tur.n, snggested we cal.l'y alongside our. Founder it lead story with Mr'. Liuraye's pel.urissioll. Minoo Masani Editors Readers will be intelested to lead how two ol)servet's, separated by S. V. Raju alnrost 50 yeals of age, view Gandhiji's autobiography. R. Stinivasan And hele is an announcement which l.eadel.s please kindly note: Associate Editor Jehangir Patel Effectiue January 1, 1995, Freedont First will be pttblislted by the Inclian Counittee for Cultur.al Free<Iorn fr.otrr. tlrc following aclclress: Advisory Board Sumant Bankeshwar Freedom First, Arwind Deshpande TIr.e Irt<Iian. Contntittee for Cultural Freedont, Geeta Doctor Srcl floor, Arny & Nuuy Builcling, Nissim Ezekiel 748, Malt,atnra Garrdhi Road., Yogesh IGmdar' Bombay 400 001 Aeiz Madni S. A. A. Pinto Plrcne: 281 34 16. Nitin Raut We shall shal'e rvith l'eadel's Abe Solomon the reasons fol this chang-.e in the next issne. Ajay Varadachary S. V. Raju, R. Srinivassn Cover, f[ustrations and Layout Contents Oclobcr-l)cccnrl>cr, I 9t).1 M. G. Talwadekar No.423 Many Voices 2 Publishers Democratic Resealch Serwice Of Cabbages & Kings 4th Floor, Maneckji Wadia Bldg. Privileged Parasites J. B. D'Souza 5 12?, Mahatma Gandhi Road Bombay 400 023. The Enemy Within Madhu Limaye 7 'Tel:27 39 14 Making Democracy Work Y. D. .. 11 Altekar t Published by J. R. Patel fol the Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi Democratic Research Service and Two lnter-Generational Assessments plinted by hirn at Itarsiana Publical.ions Pvt. Ltd., lJ00 Perin Nalirnan Street, One Step Towards Gandhi Renuka Sinha 13 Bombal'400 001. Gandhi - His Trials and Triumphs Nagindas Sanghavi 14 Tlpeset at Pnge Grophics Gandhi's Place in Today's Politics Adi H Doctor 17 59, Dr. V. B. Gandhi Malg, Fort, Bombay 400 001. The Swatantra Economy Tel:204 60 18 - 2U4 2G 19 - Obstacles and Challenges Gangadhar Gadgil 19 Single Copy : Rs. 15 Why Socialism Failed Mark J. Perry 21 Annual: Rs.50 Are there lndians in lndia? Bhamy V. Shenoy Life: Rs.500 (add Rs.10 foroutstation chequesl Secularism - The Debate Continues Plato Knew his Onions Sheryar 27 Overseas (ll Class Air llailt Ookerjee a7 .\rrrrrr,l: lli I r) ur "L? Stet:s arc Scci,:lar i.,l-i l,:,-tie. r rL ULIUir.151rl Life: ol f70 $100 Which Fundamentalism ? lan Trckle 31 Cheques to be dr.awn in favour of Lord Acton G. N. Sarma Frceclonr Firsf and rnailed to publishers Vinda Karandikar at address listed above Poet, Critic, Translator Jatin Wagle 37 Book Reviews 39 fs: "'l'he deep tilouns ntund y'illt nruuy voices. Conte, myfriends ''I'is not lott Iulc lo scek u ncwer world" -'I'ettnysott Modern day parliarnentatians have blought to life Today's poliicians, even as they adrnonish one and the apocalyptic oracle made by Plato that "the time all for not propagating llindi and Hindutva, happily is not far when the Government shall be the recoul'se send theil own panlpeled plogeny to English mediuru of men lewd in character and midget of tlust in schools. conduct." Cotnmeut in the Iruliurt, Il.tprcss, Abu Saqib in a letter to February 2, 1993 'l'lt.c I)iotrc.ct', Juue 6, 1993 Politicians and VVIPs should be debarred fi'om vis- Until recently the very sight of a VIP used to make iiing hospitals as they make life difficult fol the the bile rise. patients undelgoing tleattnent as well as fol the Ranjit Lal, 'l'lte l)ionccr, doctols attending to theil duties. July 1, 1993 Mr'. S.'N. Kabla, in a letter to tJne Itttliurr. Iixpt't;ss, February 2, 1993. If there is ever a joint parliamentary committee into the assets of our MPs, its report would be an instant Parliamentaly plivileges ale intended to safeguald bestseller. the rights and fi'eedoms of the people by allowing Tavleen Singl'r, Itt,cliun Exprcss, their servants fi'eedorn of speech and othel privi- July 2, 1994 leges. These plivileges lose their legitirnacy when perceived as rnal<ing nrenrbels a plivileged class over' the rest of the people. politician When a decidls to live in a hut to dem- Fornrer- Secretary of tire Lok Sabha, onstrate that he is one with the masses, it can turn Mr. Sublrash C. Kashyap,'l'h.e. 'l'int<:s of lttttiu, May out to be a pretty costly affair for the Govelnment. 20, 1994 Comment in the ,,t,,J:::.U::i:;;i "I have myselffelt and explessed on several occasions my concel'n about public invonvenience caused by Indian ministers, whose frequent jaunts abroad could over-elaborte police and security au'angenlents.
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