Journal of The American Institute of ARCH ITEcr·s PETEil HARRISON November, 1946 Fellowship Honors in The A.I.A. Examinations in Paris-I Architectural Immunity Honoring Louis Sullivan An Editorial by J. Frazer Smith The Dismal Fate of Christopher Renfrew What and Why Is an Industrial Designer? 3Sc PUBLISHED MONTHLY AT THE OCTAGON, WASHINGTON, D. C. UNiVERSITY OF ILLINOJS SMALL HOM ES COUNCIL MUMFORD ~O U SE "JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS NOVEMBER, 1946 VoL. VI, No. 5 Contents Fellowship Honors in The Ameri- Architectural Immunity 225 can Institute of Architects .... 195 By Daniel Paul Higgins By Edgar I. Williams, F.A.I.A. News of the Chapters and Other Honors . 199 Organizations . 228 Examinations in Paris-I .... 200 The Producers' Council. 231 By Huger Elliott The Dismal Fate of Christopher Architects Read and Write: Renfrew . 206 By Robert W. Schmertz "Organic Architecture" . 232 By William G. Purcell Honoring Louis Sullivan By Charles D. Maginnis, Advertising for Architects. 233 F.A.I.A. 208 By 0. H. Murray By William W. Wurster . 209 A Displaced Architect without Chapters of The A.I.A. 213 Documents . 233 By ]. Frazer Smith By Pian Drimmalen What and Why Is an Industrial News of the Educational Field. 234 Designer?. 217 By Philip McConnell The Editor's Asides . 236 ILLUSTRATIONS Tablet marking birth site of Louis H. Sullivan in Boston .. 211 Fur Shop in the Jay Jacob Store, Seattle, Wash .......... 212 George W. Stoddard and Associates, architects Remodeled Country House of Col. Henry W . Anderson, Dinwiddie Co., Va. 221 Duncan Lee, architect Do you know this building? ....... ................. 222 The Journal of The Am1rican Institute of Architects, official organ of The Institute, is published monthly at The Octagon, 1741 New York Avenue, N. W., Washington 6, D. C. Editor: Henry H. Saylor. Subscription in the United States, its possessions and Canada, $3 a year in advance; elsewhere, $4 a year. Single copies 3Sc. Copyright, 1946, by The American Institute of Architects. Entered as 1ccond-cla11s matter February 9, 1929, at the Post Office at Washington, D. C. Younqstown Stee l Pipe has Men u s~d succeulullyinrad1ant orp.tnel he.at1n9 H rv1 ce fo r m•n y yrM !I, d.s this old .adverlisiemt:n l shows. THIS is an advertisement published six years ago--three years after Denison Bing­ ham Hull, Winnetka, Ill., architect, had install­ ed a panel heating system in his new home. H e u sed Youngs to wn Steel Pipe and at that time state d that the system was performing 100'/o satisfactorily. Mr. Hull has just been interviewed again. He is still enthusiastic about panel heating-­ says the pipe and the rest of the system are still performing to his complete satisfaction after nine y ears. H e considers panel heating very economical--it saves him 20% in his annual h eating bills, compared to other types of syste ms. H e would certainly use this same system if he e ver builds again. Youngstown steel pipe, fully tested and prov­ ed d ependable in this service, is availabl now for radiant or panel heating jobs, as well as for conventional steam and hot water heating systems, water systems and all other piping needs. NJVERSITY OF ILLINOIS MALL HOM ES COUNCI L ,1LJMFORD HOUSE YOU CAN PUT ALCOA ALUMINUM Aluminum Skylight- resistant weather- RIGHT ON TOP ' easy to install. That's another place where Alcoa Aluminum shows to advantage-up on the roof where weather resistance is important. It can't rust. It can't rot. It can't warp. And ·its lightness makes it easy to handle. Put Alcoa Aluminum at the top of your material list now, for those buildings you are planning for the · fliture. ALUMINUM COMPANY OF AMERICA, 1992 Gulf Building, Pittsburgh 19, Pennsylvania. to BRllMEIT MORTAR Is More Durable To compare the durability of t1vo mortars, make a c:ylinder or block of .each, let them " cure" for a month or so, then free ~ e and thaw them forty or fifty times, with a l1:ttle water in the pan (the freecin{; unit of ·your elec tr ic refrigerator ?oill do) . Try this with Brixment Mortar! -And Durability Means Permanent Strength and Beauty For permanent strength and beauty, helps prevent the mortar from becom­ mortar must be durable- must be a ble ing saturated- therefore protects it to withstand the alternate freezing from the destructive action of freezing and thawing to which it is subjected and thawing. many times each winter. Walls built with Brixment mortar Brixment mortar is more durable. therefore retain their original strength This greater durability is due partly and appearance. Even in to the strength and soundness of Brix­ parapet walls and chimneys, where ex­ ment mortar, and partly to the fact posure is particularly severe. Brixment that Brixment is water-proofed dur­ mortar will almost never require re­ ing manufacture. This water-proofing painting. LOUISVILLE CEMENT CO., INC., LOUISVILLE 2, KENTUCKY CEMENT MANUFACTURERS SINCE 1830 I NDI A N A LI M EST O N E • R E B OR1, W F. NTW ORT H, D EWEY & M CCOR M ICK • ARC H ITECTS "In the vaunted works of art The master-stroke is NATURE'S part" -EMERSON In architecture, Nature's master-stroke suited to modern quarry methods and is stone-beautiful Indiana Limestone machine finishes, and available direct more often than any other on this from our companies, ready for posi­ continent. tioning. It is free of cleavage plane, homo­ Our Technical Division, with a cen­ geneous in strength and texture, highly tury's experience in every building resistant to temperature extremes, application, offers you personal coun­ fireproof (calcines above 1500°F.) and sel on questions unanswered by our moderately priced. For it is uniquely Sweet's File Catalog. INDIANA LIMESTONE INSTITUTE P. 0. BOX 471 BEDFORD, IN DIANA You are invited to forward plans and specifications to the Institute for competitive cost estimates by our member companies Fellowship Honors in The American Institute of Architects By Edgar I. Williams, F.A.l.A. CHAIRMAN OF THE JURY OF FELLOWS, A.I.A. ELLOWSHIP in The American activity might bring forth sugges­ F Institute of Architects is a tions for changes in the procedure high professional honor. Over the if anyone has suggestions to make. years the directors of The Insti­ As the procedure is followed tute have established certain guid­ today, nominations are made at the ing principles underlying the be­ chapter or region level but never stowal of fellowships and they have by the Institute Jury itself. The provided an orderly procedure for Jury's action is prescribed by defi­ making selections. nite rules of procedure, and while Each year a list of nominations deliberation is confidential, it is for fellowship honors is turned never star-chamber. over to the Jury of Fellows, whose Americans as a rule "play the job it is to weigh all the evidence game" fairly, and are seldom self­ presented and to recommend candi­ seekers of honors. I think it is dates to the Board of Directors. especially true of architects that The Board of Directors confers the they are generous in praising their honors. The whole procedure is fellow practitioners and happy necessarily handled behind closed when honors are received. While doors and in consequence takes on there may be disagreement with an a hush-hush character. The closed­ award, it is a safe gamble that bad door policy of deliberation is as it taste will not be shown. In carrying should be, but a few observations out the procedure by which candi­ concerning the award of fellow­ dates are elected to fellowship or ships might help to dispel any lurk­ not elected, there is always the ing dissatisfaction with the whole possibility that disappointments business if such exists. A frank dis­ will occur. And while there may cussion of this delicate Institute not be open complaint, there are JOURNAL OF THE A. I. A. 195 in a great State, in bringing the automatic after, say, twenty-five governor, senate and assembly to years membership in The Insti­ recognition of our profession, is tute? Should there be some distinc­ more important than the efforts of tion between the fellowship of a one in a simple community who in­ designer, an engineer, an organizer, stills a desire for collaboration and or one who has brought greater ethical understanding among his respect and strength to The In­ fellow practitioners. What counts stitute? is whether or not an architect has These and other questions have significantly helped the cause of not been answered. Rulings have good architecture and the honor­ not been made to guide the Jury able practice of his profession. of Fellows on all points which I have not heard anyone ques­ such questions raise, and I do not tion the very foundation of the think it is possible to do so. practice of selecting fellows but I A tabulation of the number of dare say there are those who do. fellowships based upon the listing Mind you, I am not begging the in the last Annuary shows 325 question, but since the intent of fellows in a total membership of this article is to brush away the 4,810. (The Institute is larger clandestine or holy-holy atmos­ than that now, I know.) This is phere which I believe surrounds 6.7 3 . One chapter is 13.1 % fel­ the bestowal of Institute fellow­ lows. In four chapters, fellows ships, the comment seems to me in make up 12.5% of the member­ place.
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