7 VOLUME 88. No 0. South Amboy, N. J, Saturday, June 1,1918 Price Three Oentt. Any person in doubt as to where Coan received much applause after he should register should consult the Bis stirring address. Reckless Auto Driver local board in the place where he Councilman-at-Large Frank H. Cor mil K 2i permanently resides, or he may ob- C JL R. OBSERVES don, read the Gettyaburg address, BEDCB Injures Two Utifn tain the desired Information from after which tb« band again played the office of tbe mayor if he lives In "Nearer My God to Thee." This was An accident that was witnessed by a city of 30,000 population or over, followed by the salute fired, by six two thousand people, caused by reck* S? or in tbe office of the county clerk men of Company F, the same as leas speeding of a boy driving ma- or parish clerk It he does not live was executed at the Christ Church chine No. 100,556, occurred on the cemetery. This concluded the after In a city of 30,000. corner of Main street aad Broad* A SpletjJM Part*, Able Steaken BOOB'S ceremonies, and it was Indeed This City fxpecle. to Nearly DeuUe It la not anticipated that many will way on Tuesday morning. As the well carried out by those who were Dale lefare ike Uol Baan)- be delinquent. It Is hoped that none ie* GH* fcfcsk feitw«if the the $10,0MAr«artiit«.-The result 'of this accident two men In any way connected with it Mtairjl Mi Oivwity will be, but for those who do fail to OcosiM-Of Accaaataf Stfrny StJerffJ Rest* D«e la Hart! were injured, one somewhat serious* perform their duty Congress has ly. As the people were returning HR provided a very heavy penalty. Fail- Wark by CaBMittees-raU Re. to this city after the "send-off" for ure to register on June S constitutes father LuciU Celebrates part ii Beiag Taaalate.. the National Army boys at the ata* a misdemeanor punishable by Impris- the Aftcraeaa. tlon an automobile driven by Joseph onment for one year, and may result, His First Mass McCarrio of New Brunswick and Tbe Secretary of War authorises furthermore, In the loss of valuable As den. William 8 Truex Post, G, /^'Another knock at the Kaiser"— owned by George J. Bennett came up , the following: rights and privileges and Immediate* A, H,, with tbe little flower girls, After completing the course of pre- That Is tbe way that several of the the Broadway hill in excess of the With the signing by President Wil- Induction Into military service. Third Battalion Band, Company F paring tor the priesthood and re commltteemen In charge ot the Red speed limit, Officer Ryan gave to the / son of tbe bill aid proclamation deslg- and tbe Boy Scouts aasembled at celving a degree from Niagara Uni- Cross Drive In this city expressed boy a signal of warning that was aatlng Wednesday, June 5, as the day Post Headquarters Memorial Day versity at the Immaculate Concep- themselves when the returns from unheeded, hut when he got in the . M which all men who nave reached More Young Men morning, there was much disappoint- tion Cathedral at Albany, Father the local campaign assured them crowd he lost control of the machine the age of 21 since last June 5 shall ment, as heavy clouds hung 'over the John J. Lucltt, one of South Amboy's that South Amboy would not only and ran Into'the curb and on the register for military service, Provost Go To Camp Dixcity and It began to rain and a cold boys, celebrated hla flnt maas In St. go over the top of her quota, but sidewalk. Two men wen standing - Marshal General Crowder'* oflce Im- eaaterly wind prevailed. Owing to Mary's Church last Sunday morning would probably double It. With the there one being struck down and "medlately began preparations for tbe /'Last Tuesday morning another con- weather conditions, therefore, It was Father Lucltt received bis prelimin- reports from sevenl munition plants knocked unconscious, the other be* enrollment of the men. Instead of us- tingent of young men from this dis- thought best to postpone the parade ary training In St. Mary's school of where local men are employed yet ins; badly Injured in the leg. After ing the election machinery as was trict , left this city to enter the until afternoon, which proved a good this city, of which he Is a graduate, to be heard from In regard to their hitting the men he tried to prevent done last year, Gen. Crowder,, will Army at Camp Dix. move. He Is the son of Mr. and Mrs subscriptions, South Amboy has over the machine from going on the side* 1 call UBOB the local boards. It la be- The men assembled at tbe City At I o'clock tbe weather cleared Maurice Lucltt, seventeen thousand dollan to ItaWik and turned and ran head-on lieved tbat their experience during Hall, where a line was formed and somewhat and a line waa formed at At tea o'clock, with the church credit. y[ into tbe side of a Dodge tournlng car : the yaat year haa peculiarly fitted headed by a platoon of police, the K. or P. Hall, when the parade start- filled with his friends and relatives The local quota was ten thousand that waa coming from the P, R., R. to handle tbe new retlstratloiy Mayor and City officials and Third ed, beaded by Mayor Kerr, Chief of Father Lucltt as celebrant conducted dollars and one week previous to station. economically and efficiently. * ^ Battalion Band marched to tbe Penn- Police McDonnell and Patrolman Glea- the maas, Father Carroll, of Scran- the campaign Chairman Van Pelt call- August Scbwarich was the man Goa. Crowder baa eitlmated that sylvania Railroad station to board a son and City officials, on the march ton was arch-deacon. Father Hayes ed together the men and organized who was badly Injured and he was /probably three-quarters of a million special train leaving at 9.05. Many toward Christ Church cemetery, where was deacon, and Father Qulnn sub- the committees, One of the most immediately rushed to the office of awa will, be added to tbe American parties In automobiles followed la the graves of departed comrade* deacon. Mr. Kelly, who Is connected Important committees was tbat of Dr.. B. A. Meacham where medial . Army by tbe new reglatratlon. Hli the rear of the procession, By the were decorated. The members of the with tbe Knights of Columbus In the house to house canvassers, with attention was given. Joseph Grava* •atlmato la based on tbe (act that at- Una (Or arrival of train several O, A. R, and the clergymen ot thi North Carolina, acted as master of Donald W. Reed at Ita head. It is lotteo was cut on the leg. awet 10,000,0*0 men registered last thousand people had assembled sad city were conveyed in limousine*, f ceremonies. Father Lucitt expects due to this committee that auch The driver, who had his Jersey year. VrhlV e number Included all be- hundreds of automobiles were, park- At Christ Church cemetery, a patrt. his appointment soon. aplendid subscriptions were received. license for only a few days, was . tweef f tbe agea of .1 and 31, and ed on the station grounds. The boys otic 'anthem waa played by tbe'band, o • Atter organlilng the teams the city taken in custody by Officer Novack statistics collected by Gen. Crowder'* seemed to be la good aplrita and after which Mayor Kerr read Order AUTOS COLLIDE. was divided up Into fifteen sections and escorted to the City Hall where oSc* show that a little more than 10 promised to get tbe Kaiser. /I Number 11 of 1868. Upon request of with a team to each section, and charges were made1 against him, A Either through careless driving or per coat of these men were 11 As tbe tnln left many sorrowful Commander George Seward, 8r., Com- early Monday morning of the 20th session In the city police court followed. mistaken signals an accident oc yean old. On that bails it la estt- mothers, fathsrs, sisters and sweet- rade Aaron Stlllwell decorated the everybody started working. Before The city was represented by Its at* curred on Stevens avenue Tuesday sated by draft officials tbst the total hearts were noticed shedding tear* grave of the late R. P. Mason, Sr,, night nearly one-half ot the city's torney, Leo J. Coakley, and the de- which caused three machines to be registration will exceed 1,000,000, of in loving regard for the dear boy* who was one of the brave men who quota waa either subscribed or pledg- fendant by John Lovely. The driver damaged. Joseph Cannon, who was Which 7M.O0O wUl be available for soon to go on tbe battlefield. took up arms In '(1 in defense of ed. Tbe industrial committee got waa Ined tirenty-nve dollars on tbe driving a car operated by the United ^aUlltary service/This makes proper /Among thoae from this city who his country. busy and adopted the slogan "one charge of carelese driving and ex- States Ordnance Department, turned allowueWH«flSr pbyilctl defectives, left for Camp Dix were: George Commander Seward Introduced Rev. day's pay for the Red Cross." Thla ceeding the apeed limit, and on the. in toward Scully's Garage on Stevens exemptions because ol dependents/ J°»eP» Hart, Henry W.
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