RATHER MISGUIDED A Response To Tījānī Samāwī's Then I Was Guided Adapted from Bal Ḍalalta by: Shaykh Khālid al-ʿAsqalānī WWW.MAHAJJAH.COM Contents Foreword 1 Introduction 5 Preface 7 Chapter One - Sunnī-Shīʿī divergence on classifying the Ṣaḥābah 9 Definition of Ṣaḥābah 11 Definition of munāfiq 11 The True Shīʿī Classification of Ṣaḥābah 11 Refutation of the Shīʿī Categorisation of the Ṣaḥābah 14 Chapter Two - Treaty of Ḥudaybiyyah 31 Tījānī’s position on the Ṣaḥābah at Ḥudaybiyyah 32 The Ṣaḥābah at Ḥudaybiyyah 34 Refuting Tījānī on the Ṣaḥābah at Ḥudaybiyyah 43 Tījānī on ʿUmar at Ḥudaybiyyah 48 Refuting Tījānī on ʿUmar at Ḥudaybiyyah 48 The reluctance of the Ṣaḥābah to release themselves from Iḥrām 52 Reasons for the delay in executing the command of the Prophet H 53 Tījānī on ʿUmar’s role at Ḥudaybiyyah 54 The Prophet’s H Final Days 57 Tījānī on the Thursday calamity 69 Refuting Tījānī on the Thursday calamity 70 Tījānī on the accusation of senseless speech 77 Refuting Tījānī on the accusation of senseless speech 77 An alternative perspective 77 Tījānī on the knowledge of ʿUmar 78 Tījānī on the Prophets H treatment of ʿUmar 79 Refuting Tījānī on the Prophets H treatment of ʿUmar 79 Tījānī on the Battalion of Usāmah 91 Tījānī’s objectivity 100 Chapter Three - Tījānī’s Claim that the Qur’ān Dispraises the Ṣaḥābah 109 1. Tījānī’s first proof for Qur’ānic Disparagement of Ṣaḥābah 111 2. Tījānī’s second proof for Qur’ānic Disparagement of Ṣaḥābah 121 Context In Which Verses Were Revealed 122 Qur’ān Teaches And Admonishes Ṣaḥābah 123 Ṣaḥābah’s Contribution To Tabūk Campaign 125 Divine Pardon 127 Shīʿī Scholars On This Verse 128 Repercussions Of Wanton Tafsīr 130 Allah’s Replacing Of Those Who Disobey 132 Allah Loves Them And They Love Him 135 The Prophet’s Companions And The Mahdī’s Companions 137 Tījānī On The Division Of Ṣaḥābah 143 Were The Ṣaḥābah Disunited? 148 3. Tījānī’s third proof for Qur’ānic Disparagement of Ṣaḥābah 150 Tījānī’s Distortions 151 Qur’ān Encourages Ṣaḥābah 152 Chapter Four - Tījānī’s claim that the Prophet H Dispraised the Ṣaḥābah 155 1. Tījānī’s claim that the Prophet H Dispraised the Ṣaḥābah 155 Refuting Tījānī’s claim that the Prophet H Dispraised the Ṣaḥābah 155 Tījānī’s distortion of text 156 Sunnī interpretation of these Aḥādīth 157 Shīʿī scholars do not apply it to Ṣaḥābah 158 Shīʿī imāms exonerate Ṣaḥābah 160 Further responses to Tījānī’s reasoning 163 Variant wordings in the Aḥādīth 164 Tījānī’s claim that “most of the Ṣaḥābah substituted and changed” 171 Refuting Tījānī’s claim that “most of the Ṣaḥābah substituted and changed 171 2. Tījānī on the Companions competing for worldly motives 172 Refuting Tījānī on the Companions competing for worldly motives 173 Incoherence in Tījānī’s reasoning 173 Ṣaḥābah’s spending 174 Tījānī’s sources 179 Chapter Five - Tījānī’s claims that the Ṣaḥābah Vilified One Another 183 1. The Ḥadīth of Abū Saʿīd al-Khudrī on ʿĪd prayers 183 Refuting Tījānī’s claim from the Ḥadīth of Abū Saʿīd al-Khudrī on ʿĪd prayers 183 2. Tījānī’s claim that the Ṣaḥābah Altered the laws of Ṣalāh 187 Refuting Tījānī’s claim that the Ṣaḥābah Altered the laws of Ṣalāh 188 Tījānī's referencing 188 Background to the Ḥadīth of Anas 188 Response to Tījānī’s accusation on ʿUthmān and ʿĀ’ishah 191 3. Tījānī’s claim that the Ṣaḥābah M Testified Against Themselves 195 Refuting Tījānī’s claim that the Ṣaḥābah M Testified Against Themselves 196 Chapter Six - Tījānī’s Criticisms against Abū Bakr 201 1. Tījānī’s Claims that Abū Bakr Condemned Himself 202 Refuting Tījānī’s Claims that Abū Bakr Condemned Himself 203 Tījānī’s referencing 203 The meaning of Abū Bakr’s statements 205 2. Tījānī’s condemnation of Abū Bakr on the issue of Fadak 212 Refuting Tījānī’s condemnation of Abū Bakr on the issue of Fadak 213 Ibn Qutaybah 214 Al-Imāmah wa al-Siyāsah 215 Sunnī’s denouncing their scholars 217 Shīʿah propaganda tactics 218 Meaning of Shīʿah 219 Were al-Ṭabarī and al-Nasā’ī Shīʿah? 221 Ḥadīth of causing harm to Fāṭimah J 224 Ḥadīth of ʿĀ’ishah 225 Did Abū Bakr intend to harm Fāṭimah? 230 Relationship between Abū Bakr and Fāṭimah 232 Tījānī’s reasoning for the infallibility of Fāṭimah 238 Refuting Tījānī’s reasoning for the infallibility of Fāṭimah 238 Ḥadīth of hurting Fāṭimah and infallibility 240 Tījānī and the verse of purification 241 Tījānī’s emotional outburst 248 The burial of Fāṭimah 250 Tījānī’s predisposed hatred for the Ṣaḥābah 252 3. Tījānī’s debates on Abū Bakr 256 Ḥadīth of Muwaṭṭa’ 256 Libertine translation 257 Reason for Abū Bakr’s crying 258 Reliable Aḥādīth on Abū Bakr 258 Consequences of Tījānī’s interpretation 261 Commentators of Muwaṭṭa’ 262 Tījānīs Ḥadīth criticism 268 4. Tījānī’s enlightenment and his attitude towards Abū Bakr 276 Responding to Tījānī’s enlightenment and his attitude towards Abū Bakr 277 Nomination of Khalīfah 278 The Ḥadīth of Ghadīr 280 Response to the Ḥadīth of Ghadīr 281 Context of the Ḥadīth 281 Why did the Prophet H say this? 282 The Meaning of Mawlā 282 How was it understood? 286 The alleged congratulatory procession 288 Integrity of Tījānī’s Quotes 291 Requirements for Valid Bayʿah 298 Shīʿī Scholars Refute Tījānī’s Allegation 300 Tījānī’s claim that ʿUmar Objected to Abū Bakr’s Appointment 301 Responding to Tījānī’s claim that ʿUmar Objected to Abū Bakr’s Appointment 302 Tījānī’s Claim That ʿAlī objected to Abū Bakr’s Appointment 303 Responding to Tījānī’s Claim That ʿAlī objected to Abū Bakr’s Appointment 303 5. Tījānī’s proofs for the superiority of ʿAlī over Abū Bakr 306 Responding to Tījānī’s proofs for the superiority of ʿAlī over Abū Bakr 307 6. Tījānī criticises Abū Bakr for applying the Law of Allah 335 Context of the ḥadīth cited by Tījānī 336 Fighting those who refuse to give zakāh 336 Sunnī Explanation 337 Shīʿī Explanation 339 Tījānī’s Conundrum 340 ʿUmar’s Questioning 341 7. Tījānī’s condemnation of Abū Bakr for how he dealt with Khālid ibn al-Walīd 350 Refuting Tījānī’s condemnation of Abū Bakr for how he dealt with Khālid ibn al-Walīd 351 Chapter Seven - Tījānī’s Criticisms of the Second Khalīfah, ʿUmar ibn al- Khaṭṭāb 369 1. Tījānī’s claim that ʿUmar Contradicted the Sunnah 371 Refuting Tījānī’s claim that ʿUmar Contradicted the Sunnah 371 Shīʿī scholars accept these narrations 377 Tījānī forges aḥādīth 378 2. Tījānī’s claim that ʿUmar was Unjust 381 Refuting Tījānī’s claim that ʿUmar was Unjust 382 3. Tījānī accuses ʿUmar of ignorance 384 Refuting Tījānī’s accusation of ignorance 384 4. Tījānī accuses ʿUmar of contravening revealed text 387 Refuting Tījānī’s accusation of ʿUmar contravening revealed text 387 Mutʿah of Ḥajj 387 Mutʿah of women 389 Tījānī’s accusation regarding the knowledge of ʿUmar 395 Refuting Tījānī’s accusation regarding the knowledge of ʿUmar 395 Tījānī’s accusation on ʿUmar concerning the meaning of Kalālah 397 Refuting Tījānī’s accusation on ʿUmar concerning the meaning of Kalālah 398 Tījānī’s accusation on ʿUmar concerning the distribution of zakāh 400 Refuting Tījānī’s accusation on ʿUmar concerning the distribution of zakāh 400 Tījānī’s accusation on ʿUmar preventing Abū Hurayrah from transmitting the ḥadīth of glad tidings 401 Refuting Tījānī’s accusation on ʿUmar preventing Abū Hurayrah from transmitting the ḥadīth of glad tidings 402 Tījānī’s allegations against the Ahl al-Sunnah concerning the infallibility of the Prophet H 405 Refuting Tījānī’s allegations against the Ahl al-Sunnah concerning the infallibility of the Prophet H 406 Tījānī’s accusation on ʿUmar concerning the Devil fleeing from him 407 Refuting Tījānī’s accusation on ʿUmar concerning the Devil fleeing from him 407 Tījānī’s accusation that ʿUmar altered the rulings of the Prophet H 410 Refuting Tījānī’s accusation that ʿUmar altered the rulings of the Prophet H 410 5. Tījānī’s Claim That ʿUmar Testified Against Himself 413 Refuting Tījānī’s claim that ʿUmar testified against himself 414 6. Tījānī’s position on ʿUmar in the discussion, “A conversation with a scholar” 417 Refuting Tījānī’s position on ʿUmar in the discussion, “A conversation with a scholar” 418 7. Tījānī’s objections to ʿUmar’s khilāfah 419 Refuting Tījānī’s objections to ʿUmar’s khilāfah 419 Chapter Eight - Tījānī’s Criticisms of the Third Khalīfah, ʿUthmān ibn ʿAffān 423 Tījānī claims that the Ṣaḥābah unanimously conspired to kill ʿUthmān 428 Refuting Tījānī’s claims that the Ṣaḥābah unanimously conspired to kill ʿUthmān 429 Narrations negating the involvement of the Ṣaḥābah 430 Shīʿī scholars deny the Ṣaḥābah’s involvement 435 Who killed ʿUthmān? 437 ʿĀ’ishah’s role 438 Roles of Ṭalḥah, Zubayr and Muḥammad ibn Abī Bakr 440 ʿUthmān’s burial 443 Prophetic inheritance 444 Tījānī criticises ʿUthmān’s Ijtihād 445 Chapter Nine - Tījānī’s criticism of Sayyidah ʿĀ’ishah, the Prophet’s H wife 451 1. Tījānī accuses ʿĀ’ishah of sedition and provoking rebellion 456 Summary of Tījānī’s argument 457 Underlying principles 458 The purpose of ʿĀ’ishah’s departure was for reconciliation and not battle 459 Tījānī accuses ʿĀ’ishah of adopting the ways of Jāhiliyyah 460 Tījānī asserts that ʿĀ’ishah held a grudge against ʿAlī 461 Was ʿĀ’ishah responsible for bloodshed? 463 Tījānī lies about ʿĀ’ishah hating ʿAlī 466 Tījānī asks why ʿĀ’ishah ignored ʿAlī’s merits 468 Who was wrong? 471 Tījānī’s slanderous comments 474 Why respect ʿĀ’ishah? 478 Tījānī’s insolence 484 Tījānī accuses ʿĀ’ishah of lying 489 Chapter Ten - Tījānī’s Criticisms of Ṭalḥah and Zubayr 491 Tījānī claims that Ṭalḥah and Zubayr gave false testimony 495 Refuting Tījānī’s claims that Ṭalḥah and Zubayr gave false testimony 495 Chapter Eleven - Tījānī’s criticisms of Muʿāwiyah ibn Abī Sufyān 501 1.
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