0 NEW YORK HEKALD, SATURDAY, {SEPTEMBER 23, 1S71.-TK1J'LB SHEET. 5 cracked meru months before; * messenger statement. I learned on good anthority that the Hceable darlnii the pant twelve or flrtoon jean, to oT street anil other IN MEMORIAM. which may be a<l<l«U thin now feature. came to m mo oa Sunday morning id reference THE JERSEY CITY "RING." widening Moitigoiwry Improve* SANDWICH ISLANDS. crater u( to lue Election bureau. uients will be uushe4 through linuifdiaiely after the The Mukuaweoweo, at the Hnminlt of damn.Those vouchers elections at a float to the city of nearly Mnnnaloa. wai noticed to t>e very active on th>i 7th To District Atterney Inst., more so than at any time iiDce tne the names of Uarvey, Keyser A Co.,containedand FIVB MILLIONS 01 UOLLARS, Unvellina ml the UmoIu Statae la of great otMra. so that no time must foe lost In arousing the people earthquake April, iiwh. Scientist* may t»e able to TWmMOKY OP CHABLtfl K. O'OONNOB. Frands Under tlie to a sense of the future that awaits tneui If they do Oration. Philailelpifln.ThePnHicnlarN ol" tho C»:'«nt connect the volcanic eruption of tno 7tU Hint, witii Sweeping not. anae and be*tlr themselves. The statae which naa been erected In Pairmonnt tlx: Hurricane of tnoitth. The volcano won ht.ii Charles N. O'Connor, a clerk In tbe Comptroller's llarriimne. at tho latent <late«. office, sworn.I was In tne Comptroller's onioe one Government, The reoorter tiiule adieu, and left Mr. Abbett to Park, Philadelphia, In honor of the memory of the active not rememoer Bnrustedcoiumnne with himself over his il^uies. ao whethar Saturday or lato President was nnvelied with and auud tnat uigbt uu two o'clock In the Lincoln, Sundtj, ceremonies in the of a morning; 1 aaw no person that nignt about tbe place THE POLITICAL CAMPAIGN IN HOBOKEN. yesterday presenceappropriate Destruction of TIIE COUR T S. oxoept those who had nusiuess; I was writing; I *o Vouchers, Mo financial Statement, Ho Tax large assemblage or people, numbering, It In said, Great Property. sever stayed so late la tbe oittce before. The Democratic Kxccutive Committee of one hundred thousand. The In The witness was not cross examined. the military paraded Volcanic Eruption. Levy and Ho Eooponoibility.How City count; have ordered the primary elections, strong force, and the colored regiments Informers' Violation or ibi TK8I1M0ST OK IfAK Y COKWAT. Loaded with Hudson Moieties.Alleged Mary Conway, servant girl, waa tbe next witness la Being and the wirepullers are hard at work. The made a due appearance. At the especially Post Offl;e Ia^vs.Pasiing Counterfeit Money. manswer to Judare Garvin she said:.I am not with Mr. Leon Abbett. otioice of an Assemblyman in llobokeu seems time Professor Charles J. Hi lee, iionoi.ui.it, august 1871. woman; I w.u» in tbe service of Mr. andamarnedMrs. Debt.Interview appointed 2c, A rase Arising from the Jnly Riots in Hagertv, as cook and doing general nousework; ^to rest Willi the democracy, unless they out of the Lincoln Monument Association, appearedPresident Il is my province to onroniole orio of the inoni on Suuday morning, loth 01 September, 1 got up forward a dishonest m&u allied to some of the on the speaker's stand and made a brief address, hurricanes thut ever passed over this tin General Session*.Other Pro ux and seven Mrs. In last destructive hall-past o'clock; betweenIt was etaiod Monday's Hejiam) that tlio giant corporations that plunder the people. The explaining that the memorial was erected from the that ia within the memory ot one now r.MtilinP'tt R/ifnr.i Jniim H»Hfn, d child waa sleeping with me; 1 got npHagerty'son which rules gronp any account ol the duld; Mrs. Hagerty came into my administration Jersey City ha<l become Hoboken Land Improvement Company has already voluntary contributions of the people, and that the living upon these islands. Hawaii was the tint room in her night dress and aaid it was too early to so corrupt that the citizens were organizing for the procured the passage of an act cutting off a large object of the association now completed the Island to feel Its force. From the or the waa being valley get up; l said, as I up, 1 would dress purpose or obtaining the protect.on of the Courts. portion or Hoboken belonging to them, so as to work was turned over to the Park Commissioners. myself; I heard a noise, and I said to Mrs. the imposition of taxes on their property preventand Waiplo letters nave been received mating mat mo UNITED STATES DI3TBI07 COUIIT. a noise and it At a large public meeting last Halurdav night Mr. Tne monument was then and at the same commenced to be felt at about seven o'clock on Hagerty, I bear seeaaa as saddle all expense on the poorer oltlxena ol llobokeu. unveiled, Kale A Mlinrp Coaiem for Informer** Xnlriliit-Tbc H It waa at the Comptroller's door; I Leon Abbett made some disclosures which startled They also have a large number of the poorer class instant a flag was hoisted to the summit of the the morning of the 9th inBt., the greatest force of went down and aaw Charley liaulch at the his hearers and aflorded the of t'ne city holding shanties at the mercy or the corporation, Hmnulliii Cum1. door and are taxpayers staff above, and as It floated out a shower of small wind being experienced at eight o'clock, the gale or Comptroller's called out, "Murnhy, serious matter for reflection. "Not lie and, of course, the oppressed individuals cannot The readers or the llciui.i> have not foi(t< tt<>n tue yoa there)" shortly alt.rwards 1 went down stairs only," wald, afford to vote against the i»et candidate of the flags concealed in its folds fell among the populat e hnrrioane lasting an hour and a half. The direction we saddled with Ita<1«*UiVe diamonil -nm^nnn cane, In which the again and I saw the Comptroller's door open and "are being an enormous debt, but company. It is rumored now that oneImprovementamid their huzzas ana a mlvo or artillery from an of the wind was down the valley. After lh" force of Haulch It on the outside, and w» ol the caudidatos for has to do ban been cli.it with into<icfcn<tant Charley holding open WO IIIITC uu IliCOUS IU Willi I. UAltllt Mltlb Assembly promised ($>><1 having brought 1 saw Mr. come out a bunale of auunilJH adjacent bill. the gale was it was round that twenty-eight Hagerty with moro dirty work for the company In case they TUB ORATION spent tbH port lrout l.omion a quantity of valuable papers id his hand and carry it up to am oearoom: debt la being dally augmented, for there tdiould help hlui to Trenton. In case he be houses had been blown down and destroyed and as each packu^e 01 bad a piece of arouuu are no vouchers whatever." that was Colonel William who diamond:* without paving the duty require] by law. paper tape It appears the shrewd republicans will probablynominated pronounced by M.Miohuel, many more partially destroyed. Hardly a tree or It; 1 saw another man going to Mr. IUgerty's several citizens to the In dcleatitiK hiiu. Aldcrinau curran offerssucceed as follows:. The charge wan compromise! by the payment to lie Uad on be bad another prominent applied spoke 'tush is leu In the From being on<> door; ttrey clothes; ''adroom for himself as an Independent democratic candidate, In lellow wiio lovcil standing valley. the government <>t ti./ioo. a man namotl K-onoml handle ol papes; I afterwards saw tbeuian wtth City Comptroller Information, and aRked for the and could certainly the unless your presence, cttlzons, him, of the most little nooks on t!ie island it claimed 10 b»* the with a carry convention, on this chosen spot, in t;ie clioseu city where (tiu charming informer and «>iftitie«| to a ninety the gray clothes go n^ down stairs, bag, production ef the vouchers, if any; but the corruption should be at v rrk. It is imposing to Bee ol that money, .nut a similar oiitm was like a pill w case tilled apparently wiui papers; the other candidates to so much nation was born in whose cause he died, aim in the litis become a dreary-looking waste, The prefeireil Haulchlooktag whether unwilling or unable, produced willing spend ol whitner his has we by Colonel Whitley, Chief of the Ncciet Service that were carried up. 1 ueard Cbarley say Comptroller,money and to umue so many saorlllcos for the good night lieavca, spirit ascended, were paralysed for a time and businessInhabitiintsof all With resuect to these rival <Maiius to the man with gray clothes, on going down stairs, none. This a very uneasy feeling the nnveil tuis statue of the greatest man or our tune. Department. engendered ut city or Hoboken. We tinve lived in an era iruiitui in historic events kinds haa been brought to a standstill. The j*aio Conimi.-.sioncr Ohikhu too* » large amount "Coqm this way." I knew it was cuariey Baulch among the taxpayer*, several of whom waited upon nn>i by hla voice, because 1 knew aim along time. and marked by the achievement* of mazier minus. ivas felt at Kohaia, on the same island, at about Uio of te.iUnionv, (lu.ttly reported mat, Ksmond, as Mr.
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