STATISTICAL POCKET-BOOK OF THE UNION TERRITORY OF GOA, DAMAN AND DIU 19 85 JIRECTORATE OP PLANNING, STATISTICS AND EVALUATION GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN AND DIU PANAJI NIEPA DC D03670- AHib. National Systems Unit, f^stirute of EducationtI ^ i A o inistration l ? 4 vS» I A v . l i GOA. DAMAN & DIU PKEFACE “■Stotiistical PCDcket Book'* is a regula publication of the Directorate of Planning, Statistic & Evalua­ tion, the current issue being the ninefenth in the series,. I.t presents in a compact fo3*m tseful socio- -economiic Informiation about the Unionrerritory of Goa, Dayman & E)iu thereby attempting;o fulfil the ever iinc:reasing demand for facts and :^ures about theii cHiamige;s whi^ch are t;akijig place inis economy. It iis ;hoped that this publication wi] serve as a useful! reference book of basic statisticfto all those seeMmg such information.. Thei EDirectorafte ackno wledges with latitude the co-opera.tion extended by the various k)vernment, aeini-GjOwenmieiiit and p rivate agencie in making availaible tlie statistical data presented! this refe- ren.ce bo«ok. Altitiouighi the currerat issue <Df the P<cet Book is for thie year 19S5, infiormationi regardii the distri- butionv o f vairioras portfolios .among t Ministers, namesJ o f th«e Secreltarles, Jit. Secretieg, Under Secretariies amd Hea(Ss of Dtepartmen has been u updated as on the date of sending this publiccation to the Press. Some additional information regaarding autonomous bodies, Central Grovt. and Semi Goovern- ment offices is also published in the current issiiue. Suggestions towards improvement in quaiityy and coverage of information in its future releasee are always welcome. J. N. Agrawatil Director Tel. No. 4J9355 Panaji, 29th July, 1986j SYMBOLS The folloving symbols and abbreviations have been ised throughout the Pocket Boob N, A .: Not available. N. A. S.: Not available separately. N. R .; Not reported. Nil or negligible. (P ): Provisional. (R ): Revised. (F); Final. LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Dr. Gopal Singh COUNCIL OF MINISTERS I - - Shri Pratapsingh Raoji Rane — Chief Phone Minister, incharge of the following numbers departments: (oi'fice) 3970 i) Home including Transport. 82U1 to E xt. 1 ii) Personnel and Administrative Reforms, to 3208 General Administration and Vigilance. iii) Finance. iv) Planning, v) Irrigation. vi) Forest. vii) Town and Country Planning. viii) P.W.D. including Water Supply, ix) Education and Art. X) Science, Technology and Environment. II Shri Shaikh Hassan Haroon 4 i n Minister for Law and Industries: 3201 Ext. 2 i) Law and Judiciary. to 3208 ii) Legislative Affairs. iii) Revenue. iv) Industries and Mines. v) Public Health. I ll — Shri Francisco Caetano Sartlinha 48333 Minister for Agriculture: i) Agriculture. ii) Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Ser­ vices. iii) Fisheries. iv) Food and Civil Supplies and Price Con­ trol. IV — Shri Harish Narayan Prabhu Zantye 484i45 -Minister lor Power; =>201^ E„t.^ E i) Power. ii) Social Welfare including Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and other backward classes. iii) Sports and Culture. iv) Inland Waterways. V — Dr. Liuis Proto Barbosa — Minister 8!19D1 for Urban Development: ^ i) Urban Development including Municipa­ lities and excluding Town Planning. ii) Housing including Housing Board. iii) Co-operation. iv) Weights and Measures. v) Protocol. vi) Tourism. vii VI — Slri Vaikimth Goviad Desai — Mi- 4277 ni^ter for Labour & Employment: 3201 Ext. 3 to 3208 i) Ltbour and Employment. ii) Irformation. iii) Paichayati Raj and Community Deve- loiment. Iv) PDvedoria and Public Assistance. The lepa.rtnients which are not included in this list shall contnue to be under the Chief Minister. G O A , DA.M.A]S'% A ’S'D Spea Shri Dayan and (Ganesh IDeputy Dr. Samjl IBhikha Name of the SI. No. Assem bly Name of the elected mermber Constituency 3 BARDEZ 1. Calangute Shri Malik Shrikant Keshaw 2. Mapusa Shri Diucar Chandrashekar Shivram 3. Siolim Shri Naik Ashok Tukaram 4. Thivim Shri Narvekar Dayaniand G^anesh BICHOL.IM 5. Bicholim Shn Prabhu Zantye Harishi Narayan 6. Pale Shri Verenkar Chsnd'.rakantt Vishwanath DIU VtI>HAN SABHi ker Phone Nos. Narvekar Office;— !) 5492 (Panaji) ii) 2591 (Mapusd) Res.:— i) 5494 (Panaji) & 4050 3i>eaker ii) 2791 (Mapusa) Solanki Office: — 3932 (Panaji) Res.:— a) 3985 (Panaji) ii) 1 (Diu) P arty Phone affilia­ Residerial address num bers tion (residential) 4 5 6 M.G.P. -Savdtri Niwa' Building 5244 (Panaji) Anto-PoiTorn, Bardez-Goa M .G.P. 2(64-A. ShivranNiwas, F eira Alta, 2558 (Mapusa) Mapusa, Baii.ez-Goa M .G .P. H.. Nro.-979, Tachi Bhat, Slollm, 27 (Siolim ) Bardez-Goa I.N.C. H. Mo. 127, Dier, Mapusa, 5494 (Panaji) Bardez-Goa I.N.C. Bich^olim-Goa i) 4713 ii) 3648 (Altinho, P anaji) iii) 48 (B icholim ) I.N.C. S'under Petli, fiiiqueliiM-Goa GOA, DAMAN /AND Name of the SI. No. Assem bly Name of the elected mffimtber Constituency 1 2 3 CANACONA 7. Canacona Shri Gaonkar Vassu Paik MORMUGAO 8. Cortalim Dr. Barbosa Luis Proto 9. D abolim Shri D’Souza Simon Peter 10. Mormugao Shri Shaikh Hassan Harocon PERNEM 11. Mandrem Shri Khalap Ramakant Dattaaram 12. Pernem Shri Bandekar Shambhu Bhnau PONDA 13. Marcaim Shri Gaunkar Babusso Samvldo 14. P onda Shri Naik Ravi Sitaram 15. Shiroda Shri Shirodkar Subhash AiUkcush X{ DIU VIDIIAX SABHA (c o n t d .) Party Phone affilia­ Residential address numoera tion (residential) 5 6 I.N.C. Zlltawadi-Gaondongrem, Canacona-Goa I.N.C. H. No. 156, Cansaulim-Goa 64 (Cansaulim) I.N.C. Lotas Apartments .Francisco 3366 (V asco) Luia Gomes Road, Vasco-da- -Gaaia, Goa I.N.C. H. No. 178, D r. F rancisco L uis i) 3169 Gomes Road, Vasco-da-Gama, ii) 4732 Goa (A ltinho P an aji) iii) 2267 (V asco) M.G.P. 188-A., Feira Alta.Mapusa, 2695 Bardez-Goa (M apusa) I.N.C. H. No. 418, M uddavadi, Sallgao, 1) 21 Bardez-Goa ii) 34 (P em em , C /o R . Deshprabhu) M.G.P. Wadi Talaulim, Post Durbhat, Ponda-Goa M .G.P. Sadar, Ponda-G oa 108 (P onda) I.N.C. a. No. 1144, Bhatwada, Shiroda, Goa xli GOA, DAMAM AND- Name o f th© SI. No. Assem bly Name of the elected mennber Constituency 3 QUEPEM 16. Quepem Shrl Desai Voikunt Govind SA TA R I 17. Satari Shri Rane Pratapsing Raojji SANGUEM 18. R ivona Shri Velip Prakash Shanka.r 19. Sanguem Shri Naik Vassu Pand,u SAX.CETE 30. Benaulim Shri Cruz Francisco Mont® Fiedade 31. Cuncolim Shri Fernandes Manu 22. Cvirtorlm Shri Sardinha Francisco Gaetano 23. M argao Shri Bhembre Uday Laximilkant 24. Navelim Shri Faleiro Luizinho xlii d r : v i b k a n s a b h a ( contd.) Party Phone aflilia- Residential address numDers tion (residential) 5 I.N.C. V oyleniol Xeldem , Quepem-Goa 4037 (M argao) I.N.C. Sanquelim-Goa i) 4170 ii) 4995 (A ltinho P anaji) iii) 40 (Sasiquelim) M.G.P. Adnein, Balli, Cuncolim-Goa I.N.C. H. No. 16 Bazar, Sang,uein-Goa I.N.C. 33, Amonte, New Market, i) 2105 M argao-G oa ii) 3277 (M argao) iii) 3377 iv) 2022 I.N.C. Sabina Cafetaria Bus Stand 3709 (M argao; Margao-Goa. I.N.C. Ungirim -Curtorim , Salcete-Goa 4971 (A ltinho) Inde- Gosalia Building, Margao-Goa. 3572 (M argao) pendent Goa H. No. 63, Aquem Balxo, Narelim, 3779 (Margao) Congress Salcete-Goa GOA, DAMA-N ANE Name of the A ssem bly Name of the elected miember Constituency 1 2 3 TISWADI 25. Cimibarjua Dr. Jhalmi Kashinath Gowind 26. Panajl Shri Gonsalves Joao Baptista Florino 27. Santa-Cruz Shri Branco Francisco Affonso 28. Santo-Andre Dr. Cuncoliekar Shripadi Laxmar DAMAN 29. Daman Dr. Prabhakar Jivanbhaii Somabhai DIU SO. D iu Dr. Solanki Shamjibhal Khlkha Besides, the Central Government has ; nominate 81. — Smt. Phyllis T. Virginia D’Souza -F aria 82. — Smt. Sulochana K atkar 33. — Smt. Sangeeta Gopal Pairab .......... - ■ J I.N.C. — Indian National Congress M.G.P. — Maharashtra Wadi Gomantak Party OIU VIDHAN SABHA (concld.) Party Phone affilia­ Residential address numbers tion (residential) 4 6 6 M.O.P. Near Shrl Chitra Mandir Chlmulwada, Marcela-Goa I.N.C. Mala. Fanajl-Goa 3950 (Panaji) Inde- H. No. 299-199, St. Inez. 4036 p»ndent Panaji-Goa (St. Inez) I.N.C. Boca-de-Vaca, Panajl-Goa 3150 (PanaJl) I. N. G. Ghati Sheri. Kathirla, i) 456 \ Nanl-Daman. Daman 11) 457 / I.N.C. H. No. 1612, Choro Mangal. 1 (Diu) Ghoghla-Dlu the Gott AssemDiy three women representatives; — I.N.C. Morod, Mapusa 250.T (Mapusa) I.N.C. Bandora, Ponda-Goa 165 (Ponda) I.N.C. Near Town Hall, Pernem-Goa. xvl SECRETARDfiSl SI. No. Name 1 2 1. Shri P. P. Shrivastava. 2. Shri G. C. Srivastava. 3. Smt. Adarsh Misra. 4. Shri B. P. Misra. 5. Shri V. V. Bhat. 6. Shri/Dr. S. K. Gandhe. 7. Shri S. Krishnan. 8. Shri M. Raghuchander. 9. Shri H. L. Thlamuana. 10. Shri M. P. Tyagi. xvii THE GOVERNMENT Designation Phone numbers (office) a 4 Chief Secretary. 3168 3201 Ext. 7 to 3208 Development Commissioner. 5332 3201 Ext. 10 to 3208 Secretary (Health and Education) 5497 3201 E^xt. 32 to 3208 Secretary (Finance) 4362 3201 Ext. 46 to 3208 Secretary (Revenue) 3201 Ext. 64 to 3208 Special Secretary (Planning) 3193 3201 Ext. 51 to 3208 Secretary to L. G. ' 3447 Secretary (Law) 4640 3201 Ext. 13 to 3208 Secretary (General Administration) 3600 3201 Ext. 47 to 3208 Jt. ^ Secretary (Planning and 3759 3201 Ext. 12 to 3208 Development) xviii UNDER SECRETARIES SI. P h on ie 2io. Name D epartm ent numbe»rs 2 3 1.
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