Miss Verna ~. Weber, B~RGEN, Alta. PRAIRIE REGION SCHEDULE May 15 - 21,1949 Issued Each Week by the Canadian Broadcasting Corp oration VOLUME II No. 20 ISSUED AT WINNIPEG. MAY 6 Sc PER COPY-$l.OO PER YEAR This Week: Stage 49- Evelyn Waugh's Scoop (Page 2) * Music By Eric Wild (Page 4) eBe Wednesday* Night- Arnold Toynbee Rene LeroYI Flautist (Page 5) * Election Broadcasts (Pages 4, 7) * Colleen ~ o THOUSANDS of rural and urban listeners T on the prairies, the young lady surrounded by chicks in the picture is COLLEEN DAVIS, NEE COL­ LEEN JACKSON, of the CBC Farm Broadcast daily dramatic sketch, THE JACKSONS Al\'O THEIR NEICH­ BOURS. Spring has come around again, and with it the usual shipment of chicks from the city incuba­ tors. Colleen likes the little things, and makes caring for them her own special concern, as does many another prairie fanner's wife. She knows all the latest wrinkles in chick-raising, too. *** The Jacksons The theory behind the brief dramatic sketches heard daily on cnc Farm Broadcasts is basically that there is no better way to learn the lore of farming than by hearing day-to-day accounts of day story of the Jacksons has also another purpose Farm Commentators are well aware that they the routine life of a farm family, simply and enter­ -that of imparting useful information about the cannot keep the farm viewpoint or keep abreast of tainingly told. That the theory succeeds in practice latest farming methods in an informal and easily­ farming methods while sitting every day in urban is demonstrated by the very evident reality and digested way. Dollar Dick and his neighbours are offices, Peter \Vhittall, Prairie Region Farm Com­ vitality which "tJle Jacksons and their neighbours" no laggards when it comes to agriculture, and they mentator, and his two -assistants, Bob Knowles of have come to possess in the minds of large numbers let drop a hint now and then which may solve Winnipeg, and Bob Graham of Edmonton, spend of mral listeners in Manitoba. Saskatchewan, and many a difficulty for the prairie fanner. mueh of their time abroad in the rural districts of Alberta. This daily sketch has been going for four years, the Region. Knowles left 'Vinnipeg May 9 for a and is now approaching its 900th episode. tour of southern Manitoba to record material for Dollar Dick Jackson, who loves auction sales, his the Farm Broadcast. He will visit Pilot Mound, daughter Colleen (now Mrs. William Davis), his *** Bofssevain, and Brandon. Whittall leaves May 25 son Duddy, and his neighbours. are very real people Farm Commentators Abroad for Saskatchewan, and will visit Moosomin, Indian indeed to those who hear their daily adventures The Prairie Region Farm Droadcast serves the Head, Regina, Saskatoon, Melfort, Yorkton and on the Farm Broadcast. The author of the Jackson greatest agricultural territory in Canada. an Prince Albert. He will attend the Fat Stock Show sketch, Mary Rogers Pattison, has made the char­ immense, fertile region stretching from Winnipeg at Prince Albert. These are routine tours in the acters genuine and recognizable. Dut the day-to- to Peace River and Grande Prairie. Prairie Region busy lives of the CBe's farm commentators. Page 2 CBC TIMES Prairie Region foreign correspondent, one a mild little country gentleman who does a Manual Notes Radio's Sunday, May 15th, 1949 column on gardening. By a series of Limits In Teaching errors, Boot the gardener is sent to Appeal More Emotional Than In­ CBW, MANITOBA (990 Re.) (CDT) cover a revolution about to hreak out tellectual, CBC Supervisor Suggests B: 55 Musical Proqram 12:30 Way of the Spirit 6: 30 Chanson Paris in Africa. He not only covers the Radio, in the view of R. S. Lambert, 9:00 CSC News 1:00 CSC News 7: 00 Fred Allen news, but quells the rebellion also. 9:03 Weather, Interlude 1:03 Capital Report 7:30 Comrades in Arms ene supervisor of school broadcasts, 9:15 World Church News 1:30 ReHqlous Period 8:00 CDC News Evelyn Waugh's satirical and humor· is an emotional rather than an intel­ 9 :30 Sunday School of the 2 :00 CBS Symphony 8: 10 The Old Song_ ous novels have won him a wide Air 3:30 Church of the Air 8:30 Album of Familiar lectual medium. Hearing is the most 10:00 CBC News 4:00 Musical Proqram Music audience on both sides of the Atlanlic. primitive and deep-seated of human 10:02 Neighbourly News 4 :30 Critically Speakinq 9 :00 Stageo 49 He taught school and worked on Lord faculties. A new-born baby will 10: 15 Prairie Gardener 5:00 Alan and Me 10:00 Organ Music Beaverbrook's Daily Express hefore 10:30 RecHal 5:25 esc News 10:30 Wpg. Sunday Concert respond to stimuli of sound much 11: 00 Knox United Church 5:27 Weather 11:00 Classics For Today bking up authorship. earlier than he responw to stimuli of II :59 Dominion Time Signal 5: 30 Ozzle and Haniet 11:30 Vesper Hour CBW 9,00 p.m.; CBK 8,00 p.m.; 12 :00 Alan Mills S:OO Woekend Review 12:00 cac News light, shape and colour. 12: 15 Just Mary S:15 John Fisher 12:10 Weather CBX 7,00 p.m. These factors have to be weighed CBK, SASKATCHEWAN (540 Ke.) (MDT) when broadcasters are considering the ORGAN MUSIC place of radio in teaching, and they B: 55 MusIcal Program 12:03 Songs and Singers 6: 30 Comrades in Arms 9:00 CBC News 12 :30 Religious Pmiod 7:00 CBC National News Al Bollington, organist. From Tor­ have learned, Mr. Lambert says in a 9:02 Neighbourly News 1:00 CBS Symphony 7: 10 The Old Songs onto. Bollington is a native of Derby, manual for teachers and parents 9:15 Prairie Gardener 2:30 Church of the Air 7:30 Album of Familiar 9:30 Recital 3:00 Capital Report Music E:lgland, who came to Canada last recently pubHshed by the School Aids 10:00 BBC News 3:30 Critically Speaking 8 :00 Stage 49 year to work in J. Arthur Rank's and Text Book Company, of Regina 10:15 World Church News 4:00 Alan and Me 9:00 Ozzie and Harriet 10:30 Qui&! Music 4:25 CBC News 9:30 Wpg. Sunday Concert Odeon theatres. He was for some and Toronto (Radio in Canadian 10:59 Dominion Time 4 :27 Weather 10:00 Classics For Today time a pianist with orchestras aboard Schools) > that by associating emo­ Signal 4 :30 Harmony Harbour 10:30 Vesper Hour tional experience with intellectual 11:00 Alan Mills 5:00 Weckend Review 11:00 CBC News the Cunard-White Star liners, and II:15 Just Mary 5: 15 John Fisher 11:10 Weather iater played theatre organs in Black­ experience, listeners' receptivity can 11 :30 Way of the Spirit 5: 30 Chanson Paria 11: 15 Tales of the Trails be greatly heightened. 12 :00 CDC News 6: 00 Fred Allen II :30 Prelude to Midnight pool and London. In London he per­ formed on a number of BBC; pro­ A rule·of·thumb suggested by Mr. CBX, ALBERTA (1010 Kc.) (MST) grammes, and also on the European Lambert for the guidance of those 7:55 Musical Proqram 11 :03 Sonqs and Singers 5:30 Comrades in Arms commercial station, Radio Luxem­ concerned with school broadcasting is, 8 :00 CBC News 11 :30 Religious Period 6:00 esc National News 8:02 Neiqhbourly News 12:00 CBS Symphony 6:10 The Old Songs bourg. He logged 3,000 hours flying "Never try to do through the ear what 8:15 Prairie Gardener 1:30 Church of the Air 6: 30 Album of Familiar time with the R.A.F. during the war, can be better done through the eye." 8:30 Recital 2: 00 Cepital Report Music Radio is no substitute for the black­ 9:00 BBC News 2:30 Critically Speaking 7: 00 Stage 49 flying in India, Burma, West Africa, 9:15 World Church News 3:00 Alan and Me 8: 00 Glnie and Harriet and in Nonnandy and Holland, some­ board. Nor can it take the place of the 9:30 Quiet Music 3 :25 CBC News 8:30 WP9. Sunday Concert times with distinguished passengers fUm, the fllm.strip or the ordinary still 9:59 Dominion Time 3 :27 Weather 9: 00 Classics for Today picture; these remain superior to Siqnal 3:30 Harmony Harbour 9:30 Vesper Hour such as the king and queen, Princess 10:00 Alan Mills 10:00 CBC News radio for conveying descriptions of 4: 00 Weekend Review 10:10 Weather Juliana of Holland, Anthony Eden, 10:15 Jusl Mary 4:15 John Fisher 10: 15 Tales of tho Trolls and Viscount Montgomery. places and things. 10:30 Way of the Spirit 4: 30 Chanson Paris 10:30 Prelude to Midnight 11 :00 CBC News 5:00 Fred Allen CBW 10,00 p.m. But radio broadcasting is simpler. 11 :55 CBC News cheaper and speedier than motion pic­ eBC DOMINION NETWORK (MDT) ture production, and this helps to WINNIPEG SUNDAY CONCERT 3: 30 Aldrich Family 6 :30 Henry Morqan 8:15 Bod's Scrapbook make up for its limitations. Radio 4:00 Hawaii Calls 7:00 NBC Theatre 8:30 Don Wriqht Chorus CBC \Vinnipcg orchestra conducted. excels in the "achJality"-live or 4:30 Canadians at Work 9:00 Dominion News by Eric \Vild; Therese Deniset, so­ 5:00 Talking to the Stars 1:30 Smoke Rinq, recorded broadcasts about the news 5:30 Amos 'n Andy 8 :00 Chapman & Webb 10:15 Chapman & Webb prano; Maurice Burchell, announcer; and current events, presented for their 6:00 Life Begins at 80 (Man.) (Sosk.
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