-ir-i-i mmmmm MMU nt uBushmaster s turn out City rivals Elegant brunch gi atunefu l GD, 8A clash, 1C for Easter, 1B H^iJ'^tT. i^l- T-r $^.iJ3.*£• ' i 1n Volume 27 Number 87 Monday.Aprii-"- «nro V/r>- "-nrt, M ^hia? 40 Pagss Fifty Cents fe^Kll^"'"'.'; «1992 Suburban CommuolcatKKii Corporaiio/i a w life of fear, pain DarrollCiom agony she has endured since she was Jf writer shot at 5:40 p.m. Jan. 15 at the Ran­ places som residence on Bakewell Street, Janice Ransom has lived in fear, /Southwest of the Wayne Road-War­ and faces •/steal pain and emotional distress ren Road intersection. ee she was shot three raonth3 ago She has Watched in fear as attqr^ _ h a .12-gauge shotgm ^ neys for her husband navef repeated­ MOST TRAFFIC ' •ler fear has stemmed from wqr* ly tried to conyinde 18th District. offenders will pay.'an additional i that her husband, Harry Wayne Judge Gail McKnIght to lower his $5 In fines, starting next Monday, nsom, who's charged with trying $250,000 cash bond. They tried again April 2"d. -.ill her, could be freed from jail. Thursday, though unsuccessfully. The extra money will be used I'm afraid that he would come af- Attorneys have focused on the 37-. for 4he State Police Secondary r me again," the petite 36-year-old year-old man's health problems. He Road Training program/said a man said. has diabetes and Is awaiting a kidney Westland District Court . ler physical pain, caused by a sln- transplant. He had a quadruple heart spokesman. : shotgun blast that wounded her bypass several years ago. Attorneys The $5 was tacked on to p and stomach, has forced her to and friends have described his condi­ moving violation traffic fines by .ndergo four surgeries and spend 33 tion as potentially life-threatening. the state Legislature. lays in a hospital. She limps and be­ But Janice Ransom . wondered ; A court spokesmarrsald many comes tired if she stands for long pe­ Thursday why court proceedings and of the current fines will be riods. She can't return to Work. news reports have focused on her unchanged but the Increase will "I'm in almost constant pain," she husband's problems, overshadowing affect offenders convicted for the mental and physical torture she speeding, Insurance violations, ^aid. -' '•;.••. ' • has endured. seat-belt violations and oth§rs. Her emotional distress has been shared by her parents, her two sons, "I'M THE victim, not him," she ages .14 and 17, and other family said quietly. "I'm the one who was members and friends. shot. I'm in almost constant pain. I IN OTHER money haven't been able to work. I still matters, the Wayne-Westland "It's been really bard on my famk -have pellets coming out of me. I'll Family YMCA will hold its ly. This has hurt them a lot," she probably have pellets coming out of annual Invest in Youth dinner said. "•'•. me for the rest of nay life." April 30 to launch its annual In an 'interview Thursday, Ransom campaign to help low-Income spoke out for the first time about the Please turn to Page 2 families take part in Y programs. The dinner will honor Y .volunteers Jo Johnson and Hank Goudy for their contributions to the organization. The recognition Man found guilty dinner will be atffew Hawthorne Valley banquet hall, oh Merriman north of Warren/Tickets are $20 a jjerion. Call the Y at 721-7044 for tickets, in s -By-OawelLClim of three children,. 2¼-month, old THE WILLIAM Ford staff writer Marshal)., who was delivered several VocaUoTtal=Technieal£.enter In weeks early. Wcstland received $37,050 in Samih Saleh, accused of firing a "It's hard to look at Marshall and equipment recently, thanks to fatal shotgun blast into hl3 older think that he'll never get to see his Gcrber Scientific Products' brother's stomach, has been convict­ father because of that idiot (Samih educational donation program; ed of involuntary manslaughter by a Sateh),': she said.; The equipment Is an automated Detroit Recorder's Court jury. Saml Saleh also left behind two lettering and design system, one Saleh wept as he was led from the older children in his 13-year mar­ of flve^iven away annually by courtroom afteFlhe Jury returned Its riage: Chad, 9, and Molly, 12. And he Gerber. The donation will verdict just before 5:30 p.m. Thurs­ had eagerly awaited the birth of his Introduce the center's design day, after deliberating most of the third child, Jane Saleh said. : students to state-of-the-art day. He could be sentenced up to 15 "He was ecstatic," she said. "This equipment, said a Gerber years in prison by Judge Gerald ine has been real hard." spokeswoman. Bledsoe Ford on May 1. Samifi Saleh had.denied killing his In reaching its verdict, the jury re­ older brother and blamed the death YOUNGSTERS 9 and jected a charge of first-degree mur­ oh an accident. In court testimony, younger will take part in the der that could have resulted in a life he said he only meant to scare Saml community's annual "Cottontail sentence for Saleh, 38, of Westland. Saleh with a .12-gauge shotgun be­ Hunt," featuring marshmallows, Saleh had testified that he shot his cause the older brother had made at 12:80 p.m., Saturday, at 46-year-old brother, Saml, by acci­ "macho" gestures toward htm. Central City Park, directly ART EMANU EL£/8teff photoflfaptw dent during an Aug. 4 dispute at the behind Bailey Recreation Center; defendant's Westland apartment. SALEH TESTIFIED that the shot­ f he.marshmallows will be Saml Saleh's widow, Jane, had gun slipped in his hand and acciden­ sprinkled on'the grounds, with Bunny brunch hoped for a murder conviction.' tally discharged when his brother came toward him in the hallway of 'separate, roped-off areas for Brittriey Marie Johnson, 16 months old, gets department and several civic groups will co- "I'm not real pleased, but there's different age groups. not much you can dp," she said. Still, Samih Saleh's Westwood Circle Apt. a pre-Easter treat by sitting In the Easter sponsor another holiday event, the annual she remained hopeful that Judge No. 204, on the southeast corner of : •- The event Is co-sponsored by "Cottontail Hunt," at 12:30 p.m. 8aturday at the recreation department, Bunny's lap during a "Brunch With the Bun* Ford will give Samih Saleh the max­ Joy andllix. Civltans, Cultural Society, ny" program held by the Westland recre­ Central City Park. imum 15-year prison term. But prosecutors pointed to festi- jaycees and Rotary. ation department and the Civitan Club. The It still haunts Jane Saleh that her husband will never see his youngest PloasoturntoPago2 MADISON SCHOOL has named 12 students as its top ;"cHlzens of the month" for Neighbor to stand trial in sex abuse case •March. The students, honored for a.varlety of achievements, are By Darrell Clem Check, who has pleaded not guilty, could near Cheek's Falrchlld Street residence, West- In another case, 25-year-old Robert West of terry Osborne, Terrl Sagert stalf writer face a maximum sentence of 15 years In pris­ land police Sgt. Laura Moore said. Westland is scheduled to appear Thursday In NicoleShbtwell, April Grigowski, on If convicted. He is scheduled to be ar­ Wcstland police arrested Cheek In Hillsdale 18th District Court for a preliminary examina­ Jessica Saen?, Joshua Howe* A 64-year-old Westland man referred to as raigned April 23 In Recorder's Court. A trial County, where police said he had fled after he tion on a six-count warrant of first-degree Matt Berent, Ann Cox, Angela "the neighborhood grandfather" has been or* date will be set later. • had been accused of sexually abusing the criminal sexual conduct. Elliott, Samanta Snabes, Jeremy dercd to stand trial' on a charge he sexually young girl. ' 'Kapla and Shannon Gouitas abused a 3-year-old girl he was baby-sitting. Check has been charged with two counts of Cheek remained In the county Jail Friday on Like Cheek, West has been charged with sex­ Robert Kenneth Cheek, 64, was bound over second-degree criminal sexual conduct on a a 120,000 cash or surety bond on each of the ual abuse involving a girl he was baby-sitting. •two counts, meaning he would have to post The charge Involves oral sex, attempted Inter­ MARIA DKROSIA of for trial in Detroit Recorder's Court after he March 11 warrant accusing him of molesting waived a preliminary examination Thursday the 3-year-old girl while baby-sitting hen The $40,000 to be released. On Thursday, McKnIght course and attempted sodomy with ari 8-year- Westlarid is one of 31 recipients rejected a motion to reduce the bond.v , .. old girl, Moore has said. of a Karla'Schcrer Foundation before 18th District Judge Gall McKnIght. incident occurred at a residence on a street scholarship. She Is a lin John mmmrdmmmmmmmlmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmm GlehnHIgh Sctiool padua^ whr attends the University of MichlgJfn-Dearborn whw sh* it what's inside Studying business administration Deputy school chief ready Roping to receive a degre* m finance and accounting .Classifieds. ,Scc. B.C.D SPRING.., ^Tthe schoUrshlpe are awarrfH Auto . ...... Soc.D to women pursuing «n Crossword .50 Undergraduate degree or Employment . Soc. C,D It's time f6r fixing to accept Flint job offer graduate business degree wahsr indox.
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