May 17, 2018 Toll free 1-800-803-5201 Vol. 183, No. 20 Informing. Inspiring. Connecting. www.thealabamabaptist.org INSIDE Bible reading marathon brings believers from all denomina- tions together Page 3 Photo by Carrie Brown McWhorter Senior adults challenged to self-evaluate, IMPORTANCE OF serve Lord ‘wholeheartedly’ Pages 4–5 social skills Having strong in-person, interpersonal communication skills can help recent grads By Anna Keller today possess strong in-person and outside of their generation as well.” “They give so much because they Correspondent, The Alabama Baptist interpersonal communication skills, They also tend to be a group of fully believe in our vision and mis- ollege grads preparing helping them interview well, build hard workers, said John Roland, di- sion and are our best brand ambas- to enter the workforce relationships with co-workers and rector of development and market- sadors.” are armed with lots give and receive feedback in a ma- ing at The Foundry Ministries. He Where does this generation fall of knowledge when ture manner. goes as far as to call younger work- short? Faith & Family it comes to subject ers “the hardest working employees According to Sides, they need to — Facing fears: Cmatter or trade-specic know-how, Hard-working group we have.” be better about making themselves Learning to live but having strong social skills can “They seem to listen well to feed- “I have been incredibly blessed available to nondigital communica- free in a fear- be just as critical to landing — and back and communicate well with with the young people I directly tion during the interview process. inducing world keeping — that rst job. their managers,” said Sides, who work with who are completely “So many don’t include a phone The good news, says human has worked in human resources for dedicated to our mission and who number on their resumé, and yet Pages 7–10 resources professional Tiffaney 25 years. “For the most part, they selessly serve the volunteers and hiring managers want to have a Sides, is that many young people seem at ease working with people program participants,” he said. (See ‘Younger,’ page 12) To watch the videos from this week’s issue, visit our YouTube channel or use the HP Reveal app on your phone or tablet and hover over the segments marked “AR.” PAGE 2 / THE ALABAMA BAPTIST / MAY 17, 2018 COMMENT Are You an Apostle? postle” is not a term often used in Baptist “shaliah” in Hebrew and their functions were circles. For most Baptists the word con- similar to apostles in the Greek language. They A notes the Twelve disciples of Jesus who usually traveled in twos, preached and taught in are called apostles in Matthew 10:2–4 and Luke the synagogues and collected taxes to support the 6:13–16. Luke says that Jesus chose the apostles Jerusalem temple, scholars say. — Simon Peter, Andrew, James and John (the Interestingly, Matthew 10:5 says that after se- sons of Zebedee), Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, THOUGHTS lecting the Twelve and calling them apostles Jesus Thomas, James (the son of Alphaeus), Simon the sent them out. They were to preach the kingdom Zealot, Judas (the son of James, also called Thad- By Bob Terry of heaven is at hand and they were to heal the daeus) and Judas Iscariot — from among a larger sick as evidence of that new kingdom. The pattern group of disciples. Jesus used elsewhere was to send the disciples in This point is made again in Acts 1:21–22 when pairs like the “shaliah.” Peter stipulated that candidates to replace Judas Jesus used a term and a pattern with which all Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus and then committed pearances includes an appearance to James (1 Cor. were familiar. But His was not a political commis- suicide, had to be believers who had traveled with 15:7). There is no evidence that James believed in sion. Jesus gave a religious commission to carry Jesus from His baptism to His ascension follow- Jesus prior to that time. Certainly he was not one out the purposes of God for man’s salvation. ing the resurrection. Matthias and others evidently of the original Twelve Apostles. The commission of the Church was not limited met this quali cation. Yet in Galatians 1:18, Paul tells of a visit to to Jesus sending out the disciples prior to His But the New Testament refers to others as Jerusalem to get acquainted with Peter. He adds, cruci xion, however. The early Church clung to apostles. Most notably the Apostle Paul refers to “But I did not see any other the commission given by the himself as an apostle. Acts 9 tells the story of Saul of the apostles except James, “Jesus saw Himself as sent Resurrected Jesus. The clos- of Tarsus (later known as Paul the Apostle) meet- the Lord’s brother” (v. 19). ing verses of Matthew record ing the Lord on the road to Damascus. Evidently the early church by God for man’s salvation Jesus charging the Twelve to Paul argued that like the original Twelve, his viewed James as an apostle “go therefore and make dis- too. calling came directly from Jesus (Gal. 1:1) and and commissioned His ciples of all the nations.” Luke Romans 16:7 expands the that he had a speci c mission. He was an apostle 24:47 quotes Jesus as saying, group known as apostles even to the Gentiles (Rom. 11:13). disciples to proclaim that “Repentance for forgiveness more. There Andronicus and New Testament examples Junias, who were believers message. The Christian of sins should be proclaimed Our preconditioned interpretation of the word before Paul, are described as in His name to all nations.” “apostle” sometimes causes us to miss that the “outstanding among the apos- Church has understood John 20 may expand the New Testament refers to others as apostles. For tles.” These two whom Paul group receiving Jesus’ com- example, Acts 14 twice refers to Barnabas as an calls his “fellow prisoners” these commissions as mission beyond the Twelve apostle. The clearest reference is verse 14. In Lys- were known as outstanding Apostles. Mary Magdalene tra, Paul and Barnabas were thought to be incarna- apostles. binding on all Christians.” may have been present. So tions of Roman gods. The Bible says, “But when Evidently there were others may have been others who the apostles Barnabas and Paul heard of it, they who claimed to be apostles. Paul is blunt when he were in the group that fol- tore their robes and rushed out into the crowd.” writes in 2 Corinthians 11:13: “Such men are false lowed Him from baptism to that very moment. To That reference helps us understand verse 4. Paul apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves these Jesus says in verse 21, “As the Father has and Barnabas were teaching in the synagogues in as apostles of Christ.” sent Me, I also send you.” Iconium. Their preaching caused a division in the Obviously the New Testament indicates the Acts 1:8 records the instruction to be witnesses city. Verse 4 says “some sided with the Jews and term “apostle” was used more widely than the for Jesus “to the ends of the earth.” some with the apostles” — a reference to Paul and original Twelve chosen by Jesus. Jesus saw Himself as sent by God for man’s Barnabas. When Jesus chose the Twelve and appointed salvation and commissioned His disciples to pro- James, the brother of Jesus also is called an them apostles, He did not invent a new word for claim that message. apostle. The list of Jesus’ post-resurrection ap- their new charge. Rather Jesus chose a term al- ready in common use. Understanding of that word Final directives is provided in 2 Corinthians 8:23. The Christian Church has understood these In the passage, Paul commends Titus and other commissions as binding on all Christians. These “brethren” to the Corinthians. Of them he writes, nal directives make a lifelong claim on the “They are messengers of the churches.” However, lives of all who have seen the Resurrected Lord the word translated “messenger” in this verse is through eyes of faith, who believe Jesus paid the the same word for apostle. That is the key. price for sin and His resurrection ushered in the According to the Interpreter’s Dictionary of the kingdom of God. Bible, the Greek word for apostle means “a title Understood in this light, all Christian believers denoting a commissioned messenger or ambas- are to be disciples of our Lord, messengers of His grace and apostles of His salvation. Order your copy of sador.” “The Alabama Baptist: No, we are not like the Twelve whose names Celebrating 175 Years of Informing, Inspiring Jewish life employed the same concept. Priestly and Connecting Baptists.” Visit www.wmustore. leadership of the temple in Jerusalem regularly will be written on the 12 foundation stones of the com and search for “The Alabama Baptist.” sent out emissaries to visit the wider Jewish New Jerusalem but we are all charged to be mes- population. These representatives were called sengers — to be apostles — of our Lord. MAY 17, 2018 / THE ALABAMA BAPTIST / PAGE 3 of “If ye continue in My word, then ‘Movement God’ ... ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:31–32 Bible reading marathons bring believers from all denominations together (ISSN 0738-7741; USPS 011-080) By Grace Thornton © The Alabama Baptist, Inc. The Alabama Baptist is published weekly except for Local students and teachers read Scripture one week in July and December ou may think that sharing Jesus is on the square in downtown Troy on May 3.
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