The Clinton Independent. VOL. XXX.—NO. 42. ST. JOHNS, MICH.. THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 30, 1896. WHOLE NO.—1554. HERE AND THERE. of the organization, but he was ruled Eaegle, James Cortrigbt, H. Cuddeback, E, 8. The Summer School .• Hummer. Doty, D. A. Utter. C. E Blakeslee, Wm. Sage, out of order. H. L. Pease, the power ­ The enrollment at the summer school PUREE VS. ANTI-PING! ful delegate from Essex, was persistent E. E. Vance, J. B. Randolph, Wm- H. Parker, Holmes T. Clark, Wm. A. Norton. H. E. Wal­ numbers 104, with others yet to enter. —See the old mill of ’46 on exhibition in his demands to have the Bingham bridge, H. P. Gage, John Mentor, Joseph Gif­ Work along all lines is being vigorously at VanSickles’ drug store. The Two Forces Came Together delegation unseated or their number di­ ford, Job T. Sleight. Are the Members of the Y. P. S. earned on, and the degree of attention vided equally between the two factions. —The Congregational Sunday school in the Republican Convention The following delegates were chosen 8. E. of St. Johns. and application on the part of the stu­ picnic planned for yesterday, was post ­ But be was also ruled out of order. He to the state convention : dents shows that they came for busi­ poned for one week. threatened a bolt from the convention W. A. Norton, H. P. Gage, E. P. Waldron, ness and are receiving it. Herbert Coillster. Wm. G. Hunter, W. H. Park­ —The Republics ns have called ttieir And Had Another Teat of Strength, Which unless fail treatment be accorded them. They Gave a Keceptiou Tuesday Evening Though there are several such schools Was First Measured In the Election of But this was regarded as a bluff. er, C. E. Blakeslee. L. K. Bond, David L. to the Student* of the Summer School —A convention for nominating county offi ­ Eaegle, L. H. Pease, Thomas P. Steadman. throughout the state, yet this one en­ cers for Thursday, September 3d. Temporary Chairman—A Heavy Protest The Pingree supporters made their Delegates to the senatorial conven ­ Good Attendance and Happy Time Had joys the distinction of being the largest, —C. DeRose, who conducted a whole­ Entered Against the Seating of the Bing ­ opponents this proposition in a peace tion yet to be called : by All. as it certainly is the best equipped and sale and retail fruit business in St. ham Delegation, But it Was Passed Un­ and harmony conference just previous Chester A. Jackson, O. M. Pearl, F. W. Red- managed. It lias several pupils from Johns for a year or more, has removed noticed by the Fellows Who Held the to the convening of the convention : fern, Daniel Turner, Marahall Hand, Wm. A. The pupils in the St. Johns Summer School were given a reception Tuesday other counties, and a few from the to Pontiac. Fort —Plngree Delegates Threatened to ‘Give us a solid Pingree delegation to Able, James Cortrigbt. Wm. Scbavey, Levi Owosso summer school which was partlow, H. E. Walbridge and B. E. Vance evening, by the members of the Y. P. S. —Despite all reports to the contrary, Leave the Convention Unless They Were the state convention aud we will pledge C. E. of the Congregational church,in the obliged to close down because of a lack Alonzo Dunn says he is still in the field Better Treated—Five Plngree and Six our support to George A. Steel for the OLD MILL OF '4H. Central School building, and it was a of sufficient attendance. for the nomination of sheriff on the re­ Antl-Plngree Delegates Fleeted to the nomiuation of State Treasurer.” Their The warm weather passes by largely The Most Complete Work of Art Ever success in every way. On entering the publican ticket. State Convention —Resolutions Favoring opponents at once thought they saw- unfelt because of the coolness ^nd Exhibited in St. Johns. building, each guest was labeled with a —We understand that the farmers' Hon. Geo. A. Steel for State Treasurer. trouble and danger in such a course, spaciousness of the beautiful school clubs of Clinton and Gratiot counties therefore they did not make the bargain A wonderful piece of relief woik rep­ slip of paper on which was WTitten the name of the wearer, and they were told building. The social side of the teach­ will hold a picnic at Maple Rapids, In answer to the call, the Republicans feeling all the time, no doubt, that resenting an old mill of 1846, is ou exhi­ ers’ qualifications receives due atten­ Thursday, August 26. they “didn’t have to. ” bition at VanSickles’ drug store. It is to shake hands with everybody and get of Cliuton county met here in couven- acquainted. This novel way of intro ­ tion, as Witnessed by the elaborate re­ —It is not generally known that rats vention last Monday for the purpose of It is positively asserted that had it painted so naturally that the mill is ception held in the high school rooms canuot resist sunflower seeds. A trap not been for the treachery of certain actually in motion and a stream of liv­ duction proved most satisfactory to all. of selecting eleven delegates to the State After a season of hand-shaking and Tuesday evening. While it is the in­ baited with these seeds is the most ef­ convention to convene in Grand Rapids, Pingree delegates who are aspiring to ing water furnishes the motive power. tention of the management that there ficacious method of catching rats. positions on the county ticket, and trem­ Myron McPherson, who is the artist, visitiug all w ere invited to take seats August 5th. iu the high school room, where a pro ­ shall be more certificates won than —Max Blank, of the Penny Store, is For some time both the Pingree and bled and weakened at the statement of and lias been engaged in that work in matches made, yet enough attention painting and papering and fixing up the Mr. Norton that the antis had a clean Wisconsin, lias taken up his residence gram would be rendered. D. II. Hunt anti-Pingree factions, each with the full acted as master of ceremonies, and in­ will be given to the social phase to make basement under his store for the dis­ determination of downing the other, majority of the delegates to the county in this village, where he will continue the session one long to be remembered play of a flue line of Christmas goods. nominating convent ion,aud turned from the work. The above mentioned paint­ troduced Miss Harriet Yreeland, who had been actively at work manipulating gave a reading in her usual pleasing pleasantly by all in attendance. —On July 22,1896, in Buffalo, N. Y., township caucuses and securing pledges their principles, the Pingree faction ing is for sale. Call and see it. What with the' singing of patriotic occurred the funeral of James S. Irwin, would have achieved a victory in this manner, after which came a song en­ for support in the control of the county titled, “Bingo W’as His Name,” by the songs twice daily, the marching to and the oldest known Odd Fellow in the convention. convention. from classes to the music of the piano, world. His age was 91 years and 3 mos. According to the statements claimed choir. The names of each of the in­ The Pingree men either made errors structors of the Summer School, Profs. and the ringing of the large bell to an­ —The common council, of Carson to be made by E. II. Lyon, O. C. Whit­ nounce the opening and close of recita­ in their figuring or calculations, or Monroe and Plunkett and Prin. Stone, City, granted a franchise to the Crowley they were deceived aud betrayed by taker and R. T. Brown, officers of the The Free Silver Men Will Hold tion periods and to call students from Bengal township caucus last spring, no were cleverly woven into this song. Telephone Compauy last week, and the those who had pledged themselves to One Here Next Week. their rooms, the south-west corner of work of putting up the poles will begin delegates were chosen to this conven ­ Mr. Hunt here announced that the the town is indeed the centre of rhythm their support, for it is claimed that if evening's entertainment would be di­ at once. tion, but to the convention to select and movement, and life in St. Johns at eyery delegate had done his full duty A Committee Appointed at the Meeting vided into sections, and after the next —The officers of school district No. 5, delegates to the state to send delegates present. Welcome to the summer and carried into effect his obligations Last Evening to Make Arrangements — performance a season of hand-shaking Riley, have acted wisely in engaging the Pingree forces would have had a to the national convention, and to the school. Good Speakers Will be Present. would ensue, after which the balance John Gallagbarto teach that school, for majority in this convention. The county nominating convention when called. of the program would be given. —Anson Clark is putting in a cement he is in every way fitted to give prompt leaders acted in accordance w ith his un­ Then followed a pantomine, illustrat­ and yaluabe service. shaken faith. The Pingree forces seem to be untir­ At a regular meeting of the Union walk for John Hicks on the south and ing, and the more they are rubbed the Silver Club last evening, Henry Wal­ ing the song, “Clementine,” which was east sides of his residence, corner of —The St.
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