CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. DECEMBER 2, DISPA.TCTI FROM MAY-RID· account of the delay at .the other end of the Capitol. I the1·efore move that the Senate adjourn. · 1\h. SUMNER. :Mr. President, I have in my hands a cable dispatch The motion was agreed to; and (at one o'clock :mel sixteen minutes from :Madrid, which I found on my table upon. my arrival at \Vash­ p.m.) the Senate adjomned. ington, purporting to · b~ sirrned by several members of the Spanis]J. Cortes. I have prepared a literal translation of it, and find that it is addressed to "Senators Sumner and Cameron." On consultation with the Senator from Penn ylvania, and at his .suggestion, I ask the unanimous-eonsent of the enate to road thffi dis.patch. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. 1\Ir. SHERMAN. Mr. President, in my judgment, it would lie unwise at this time to read any document which may precipitate ~IOND.A.Y, December 1, 1_873. remarks and debate on a subject-matter now under negotiation. I mu t object to the reading of any paper on that subject. It is a This being tho day prescribed by the Constitution for the ~eetin(J' matter that we ou~ht to consider in executive se sion, if at all. of Congre , the members elect of the House of Representatives f0~ Mr. SUMNER. 1 think the Senator would regret his objection, if the Forty-third Conn-re s assembled in their Hall, and at twelve he were aware of the contents of the paper. o'clock m. were called' to order by Hon. EDWABD McPHERsox, Clerk 1\fr. SHERMAN. I think not. of the last House of Representatives. fr. SUJ\INER. I think the Senator would be glad to hear it. The C~RK. The time having arrived for the meeting of tho The PRESIDING OFFICER, (1\fr. M. mo~ry in ·the chair.) Docs Forty-third Congress of the United States, it becomes the duty M the Senator from Ohio object to th~ -reading of the paper the Clerk of the House of Repre enfatives of the Forty- econd Con­ 1\Ir. SHER:aiAN. I do. It is not in the nature of a petition i nor gre to read the roll of the members elect returned to him in pursu­ do I think it wise now to discuss the matter to which it relates. ance of law. Gentlemen whose names are called mil plea-se answer 1\Ir. COYKL.ING. I think we shall be able to restrain our curiosity in their order. until we get the President' messa<Ye, at all"events. · The roll was then called, and the followinn- members answered to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objection being made, the paper their names : o cannot be read. li.A.INE. John H. Burleigh. James G. Blaine. 1\lr. CilfERON. It seems to me that there would be no objection William P. lrye. Eugene Hale. to roadin$. this paper if it was understood. It does not look to legis· lation. 1t .is a communication from abroad-from Spain. l\Ji:W H.d.li.PSHIRE. William B. SmalL Hosea W. Parker. 1\fr. SHElliAN. I would object to any comm.unica:tion from any­ Austin F. Pike. body, a ·m m.ber of a foreign government. ·It is contrary to the rules VEP..:llO:XT. of the enato to receive such a paper even as a petition, much more Charles W. Willard. George W. H endee. as a mere matter of information; especially when we are about to ~uk.e P. Poland. receive information of an official character on the subject-matter. I M.A.. S.A.CliUSETTS. hone my friend from Pennsylvania will see that there is indelicacyin James Buffi.nton. E. Rockwood Ho:ll'. Benjamin W. Harris. John M. S. Williams. bringing np the subject here now in any way. Remarks might be Henry L. Pierce. made in regard to the contents of this paper when it was read which Samuel Hooper. .Xf~~ec~~~~~· might be injurious. Daniel W. Gooch. Henry L. Dawes. Mr. C.Al\IERO:N. Tho Senator has certainly a rio-ht to make his Benjamin F. Butler. objection. I see that very plainly; but I do not see that there is any IillODE ISLAND. nue against it. Of course I shall not persist as the Senator has made Benjamin T. Eame ·. James M. Pendleton. an objection. CO)l1-.-r:ECTICUT. The PRESIDIKG OFFICER. Does th~ Senator from Massachu­ Joseph R. Ha'l\ley. llenry H. Starkweather. setts ask to have the document read at the desk Y Stephen W. Kellogg. William H. Barnum. Mr. SUMNER: r asked the unanimous consent of the Senate to NEW YORK. read it. I understood the Senator from Ohio to object. Henry W. Scudder. RobertS. Hala. John G. ~chumaker. William A. Wheeler. Jlfr. EDMUNDS. As I understand, however, the only objection is Stewart L. ·woodford. one of the order of the l?usiness of the ~~ate, and it is ·not implied Philip S. Crooke. if:~ ~ll~~horn. by any gentleman who has spoken that 1t 1s. out of any ·disrespect to William R. Roberts. Clinton L. Men.-Utm. Samuel S. Cox. l<;llis H. Robert . the authors of this communication or hostility to the subject. It i Thomas J. Creamer. \Villiam E. Lansing. merely a point of order. John D. Lawson. R. Holland Duell. Mr. SUMNER. It is an aspiration for peace. David B. Mellis~ Ch_a.r~es D. MacDougall. The PRESIDING OFFICER. There is nothing before the Senate. Fernando Wood. William H. Lamp01·t. Clarkson N. Potter. Thomas C. Platt. A.)IEXD::\IE:XT OF RULES-SALARIES. Charles St. John. H . Boardman Smith. John 0. Whitehouse. George G. Hoskins. · ~h : ED:llUNDS. As it may be some time before we ru:e able to go David M. DeWitt. on wtth the regular busine s, and be informed of the organization of Eli Perry. ~~f. ~!~~~ns. the House; and so on, I move t.b.at the Senate take a recess for half an James S. Smart. Lynian Tremain. hour. 1 NEW JERSEY. John W. Hazleton. William Walter Ph lp . Mr. WRIGHT. I ask my friend from Vermont to withdraw that amuel A. Dobbin . Marcus L. Ward. motion for a moment until I make a statement. · - Amos Clark, ,jr. Isaac W. Scudder. 1\Ir. EDMUNDS. Certainly. Robert llamilton. Mr. WRIGHT. It ,;ill be remembered that near the close of the PE~SYLV .A.NIA. last session of Congress I introduced certain proposed amendments to Samuel J. llandall. John A. Magee. Charles O'Neil. John Cessna. the rules of the Senate. Upon my motion the further consideration Leonard Myers. R. Milton Speer. of tho e amendments was postponed until this day. My pmposc, as William D. Kelley. Sobieski Ross. then announced, was to.have the proposed amendments referred to a Alfred C. Harmer. Carlton B. Curti . committee. As the committees have not yet been organized, of course James S. Biery. Hiram L. Richmonrl. \Vashin~n Town end. .Alexander W. Taylor. I cannot press the motion at this time, but I give notice now tlu'tt Hiester vlymer. .Tames S. Negley. when the committees shall be organized, those propositions of amend­ .A.. H err Smith. Ebenezer McJunkin. ment shall either go to the committee upon the general order or upon John W. Killinger. WilliamS. Moore. my own motion. • John n. Storm. Lemuel Todd. Lazarus D. Shoemaker. While I have tho floor I wish to state ;mother thing. I had the Jame D. Strawbridge. 8~ w~~~~~td. honor, this morning, to intmduce a. bill to repeal the act of March 3, Jobnll. Pa.cke1·. 1873, touching the subject of salru.ies. If the subject shall not be dis­ DIJ:LAWARE. posed of before next Monday, and I can get the floor, in moving its James L. Lofland. reference to a committee I propose to address the Senate on the gen- MARYLAND. eral subject. · Ephraim K. Wilson. Thomas Swann. RECE S. Stevenson .Archer. William J . .Albert. Willliun J. O'Brien. Lloyd Lowndes, jr. Mr. EDMUNDS. I now renew my motion. The PRESIDING OFFICER, (1\fr. CARPE.."'ITER in the chair.) The VIRGIXIA. James B. Sener. Thomas Whitehead. Senator from. Vermont moves that the Senate do now take a recess James H. Platt, Jr. John T. Harris. of half an hour. J. Ambler Smith. Eppa IIunton. The motion was agreeu to; and at twelve o'clock and forty-five William. II. II. towell. Re se ~- Bowen. minutes Jl· m. the Senate took a recess till one o'clock and fifteen .Alexander lU. Davis. minutes p. m., at which time it was again called to order. · KORTII CAROLINA. will Clinton L. Cobb. James M. L eech. Mr. EDMUNDS. l\lr. President, I think it not promote the Charles R. Thomas. Thomas S . .Ashe. public interest for us to remain here longer to-day. We shall not be Alfred M. Waddell. William M. Robbins. able, evidently, until ;-ery late, to obtain the Pre ident's message on William A. Smith. Robert n. Vance. 1873. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. l·5 SOUTH CAROLINA. OP..EGON. .Joseph H . Rainey. Robert B. Elliott. .James W. Nesmith. Alonzo .J. R:msier. Alexander S. Wallace. Richard H . Cain. KANSAS. .. GEORGIA. David P. Lowe. William .A. rhillip . Stephen A. Cobb . Morgan Rawls. .James H. lllount. WEST VIRGTh~ Philip Cook. Pierce M. ll. Young. Henry R. Harris. Alexander H. Stephens. Frank Hereford. .James c ..lfreeman. Hiram P . Bell. l.""EV.ADA . ALAJl.i.liA.. Charles w. KendalL Freuerick G. Bromuerg. .John H. Caldwell. NEBr...ASKA. .James T. R.apicr. .J o eph H.
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