GOVERNMENT OF NCT OF DELHI DEPARTMENT FOR THE WELFARE OF SC/ST/OBC/MINORITIES B-BLOCK, 2ND FLOOR, VIKAS BHAWAN, I.P. ESTATE, NEW DELHI-110002 SANCTION ORDER Sanction of the Competent Authority is hereby conveyed for incurring an expenditure of Rs. 2,52,80,484/-(Rs. Two Crore Fifty Two Lakh Eighty Thousand Four Hundred Eighty Four Only) on account of "Merit Scholarship to College/Technical/Professional Institutions to SC/ST/OBC/MIN” in r/o 3649 SC/ST (Lot-2) students studying in various recognized Colleges/Institutions for the year 2014-15 (List Enclosed). This sanction has been accorded in exercise of the powers delegated by the Finance Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi and in consultation with the accounts of the department. The expenditure involved on this account would be debitable to Major Head of Accounts "2225" C-1 Welfare of SC/STs & Backward Classes C-1(3)-General, C-1(3)(2) Special Component Plan for Scheduled Castes, C-1(3)(2)(1) Scholarship for College and University students for SC/STs (SCSP) under Demand No 8 for the year 2014-15 (Plan) and Numerical Code is 2225 80 789 99 00 34. This issue with the approval of Pr. Secretary(DSCST), Govt. of NCT of Delhi vide their U.O.No. 1348 dated 31/03/2015. Sd/- (RP MEENA) DY. DIRECTOR (SC/ST/OBC/MIN) F.No. F11(82)/SCH/DSCST/2014-15/26143-54 Dated :- 31/03/2015 Copy to : 1) Add. Secretary (Planning Dept), Delhi Sectt.I.P. Estate New Delhi. 2) Deputy.Secretary (Finance Budget),DelhiSectt. I.P. Estate New Delhi. 3) Deputy.Secretary (Expenditure),DelhiSectt. I.P. Estate New Delhi. 4) Deputy Director(SCP), DSCST,VikasBhawan,New Delhi. 5) PS to Secretary, DSCST,VikasBhawan,New Delhi. 6) P.A.O-X, Delhi Sectt. I.P.Estate New Delhi. 7) DDO/AAO DSCST, VikasBhwan New Delhi.(ECS and Cheque detail attached) 8) Bill Clerk, DSCST, VikasBhawan New Delhi. 9) Cashier, DSCST, VikasBhawan New Delhi. 10) Account officer (Audit- Delhi, AGCR, New Delhi. 11) Sr. AO.(Audit-Delhi) AGCR, New Delhi. 12) Asst. Programmer, DSCST,VikasBhawan,New Delhi with the direction to upload on the website of the department. Note:- This Sanction is also available on the web site of the department i.e. www.scstwelfare.delhigovt.nic.in. Sd/- (RP MEENA) DY. DIRECTOR (SC/ST/OBC/MIN) Residential Address Name & Address of College/ Student Sl.NO. Name Gender DOB F.Name Phone No Institutions Course CATG %AGE Amount ECS Type 927 D Street No-14 Sadh Ahilya Bal Collage Of Nursing Promila Niwas 1 F 29121990 Nagar Palam Colony 9968309960 B. Sc Nur Sc 65 Hostellar 19440 1000001 Dhama Dhama NewDelhi-45 E-10/280 East Gokal Pur Guru Premsukh Memorial B.Tech Day 2 Rahul M 15091992 R N Singh Delhi-94 9250368004 College Of Engg. Sc 69 10800 1000002 Mech Engg. Scholar D-12 Extn Mohan Ahilya Bal Collage Of Nursing Devinder 3 Jai Shree M 27121992 Garden Newar Dwarka 9811370150 B.Sc Nur Sc 66 Hostellar 19440 1000003 Kumar Mod Metro Station Uttam D-1/1212 St No-30 Harsh Ahilya Bal Collage Of Nursing Rakesh 4 Monika F 9091993 Vihar Delhi-93 9873474235 B.Sc Nur St 68 Hostellar 19440 1000004 Kumar Arvind E-228 East Gokal Pur HMR Institute Of Tech and Sukhbir Day 5 Kumar M 4091991 Delhi-94 9968728610 Management B.Tech Sc 61 10800 1000005 Singh Scholar Dhirwal T-74/5 Kabul Line Sadar Ahilya Bal Collage Of Nursing 6 Rajni F 19081988 Shiv kumar Bazar delhi Cantt. 9910725917 B.Sc. Sc 69 Hostellar 19440 1000006 Shashi 214, Gali No-7/3 Shakti Ahilya Bal Collage Of Nursing Hari Charan 7 Kumari F 22031993 Vihar Meethapur 9868463167 B.Sc. St 71 Hostellar 19440 1000007 Meena Meena Badarpur New Delhi-44 Shambhu Flat no-71 Sec A-5 PKT- Delhi Technological University Jyoti Day 8 F 12061994 Singh 6 Police Colony DDA 9871149297 B.Tech Sc 78 10800 1000008 Bagrania Scholar Meena Flats Narela Delhi-40 Narender E-432 Navjeevan Camp Desh Bandu College Kalkaji Day 9 Kumar M 26121992 Ram Tirath Govind Kalka Ji New 9811825063 B.A(Prog) Sc 65 5040 1000009 Scholar Gautam Delhi--19 59/59 Indira Gandhi Acharya Narendra Dev College Rati Lal B.Sc. (H) Day 10 Shyam Lal M 25081992 Camp-3 Sri Niwas Puri 7503432918 St 71 5040 1000010 Mandal Botany Scholar New Delhi--65 F-6 Gali No-10 Raja Pur Acharya Narendra Dev College Uday Veer B.com(Hons Day 11 David M 21021997 Uttam Nagar New Delhi- 9718377926 Sc 64 5040 1000011 Singh ) Scholar 59 Rz-52 Gali No-25B Indra Maitryi College(NCWEB) Day 12 Preeti F 10031997 Mohan Sah Park Palam Coloni New 8285989642 B.A. St 72 5040 1000012 Scholar Delhi-45 Page 1 Block-H , Street No-16 Acharya Narendra Dev College Day 13 Manoj kumar M 25111994 Dudhnath Sangam Vihar New Delhi- 9717511970 B.Sc.(H) Sc 74 5040 1000013 Scholar 62 373 DDA Janta Flats Pul Acharya Narendra Dev College Sunil Kumar Shri Ram B.Sc (H) Day 14 M 19061994 Pehlad pur New Delhi-44 7428908792 Sc 71 5040 1000014 Chauhan Chauhan Electronics Scholar H No-204 Gali No-4 L Acharya Narendra Dev College Babu Lal Day 15 Sandeep M 24081996 Block Sangam Vihar 9968212514 B.Sc(Hons) St 79 5040 1000015 Meena Scholar New Delhi-80 31/A B Block Gali -1 Maitryi College(NCWEB) Day 16 Karishma F 8111995 Pale Ram Shivpuri-2 Deenpur 9899173560 Pol.Sci.(H) Sc 85 5040 1000016 Scholar Najafgarh New Delhi-43 29 A/1 B Block Shiv Puri Maitryi College(NCWEB) B.A 1st Day 17 Deepika F 3021997 Amarpal Part-2 Deenpur 9871017889 Sc 80 5040 1000017 Year Scholar Nagafgarh New Delhi-43 N-3 D-268 Wazir Pur Ramjas College Hoshila Day 18 Vijay Kumar M 8051991 Indl Area Delhi-52 8802822371 B.A(H) Sc 62 5040 1000018 Prasad Scholar S-167/377 Harijan Basti PGDAV College Santosh Day 19 Shalini F 25021996 Netaji Nagar New Delhi- 8285080312 B.A. 1st yeat Sc 66 5040 1000019 Kumar Scholar 23 A-5/105 Rajveer Colony PGDAV College Mahender B.A.(Prog)1 Day 20 Shalini Singh F 20031995 Gharoli Ex. Delhi-96 8882283211 Sc 71 5040 1000020 singh st Year Scholar 1818/11 Anar Kathi Lakshmi Bai College B.A. 2nd Day 21 Manju F 6041992 Shiv Jattan Malka Ganj Delhi-07 9210444087 Sc 63 5040 1000021 Year Scholar 1327/8 Govindpuri Acharya Narendra Dev College Bhagat Day 22 Nitika F 6081996 Kalkaji New Delhi-19 9717165793 Botany(H)-1 Sc 74 5040 1000022 Singh Scholar A-221 Gharoli Dairy GNIT Manjeet Day 23 M 11111992 Jeet Singh Farm Mayur Vihar-3 8447526219 B.Tech Sc 62 10800 1000023 Singh Scholar New Delhi-96 66/4D /sec-2 KB Marg Maitryi College(NCWEB) Lizanie B.Sc. 3rd Day 24 F 14041990 Pius Bilung Gole Market NewDelhi- 8800145239 St 61 5040 1000024 Bilung year Scholar 01 Ram J-25/1 Saurabh Vihar Maitryi College(NCWEB) B.Sc. 3rd Day 25 Rubi Kanojia F 1041993 Charan Badarpur New Delhi-44 9311977730 Sc 61 5040 1000025 year Scholar Kanojia Page 2 B-177 Kundli Near Sabji Maitryi College(NCWEB) B.Sc. 3rd Day 26 Pooja Gautam F 1031995 Prem Chand Mandi Delhi-96 8800256711 Sc 61 5040 1000026 year Scholar A-52 harsh Vihar Hari Acharya Narendra Dev College Angad B.Sc. Life Day 27 Premlata F 2011997 Nagar Part-3 Badarpur 9911962307 Sc 73 5040 1000027 Singh Science Scholar New Delhi-44 535 DDA Flats Badarpur Kamala Nehru College Mahima Day 28 F 25071995 Linus Tigga New Delhi-44 9540844953 2nd Year St 67 5040 1000028 Tigga Scholar A-907 Jahangir puri Rajdhani College B.Com 1st Day 29 Hari Om M 1081994 Bhola Nath Delhi-33 9643942594 Sc 73 5040 1000029 Year Scholar 8/89 b Ram Gali Vishwas Maitryi College(NCWEB) Rakesh B.Sc. 3rd Day 30 Divya Rakesh F 6081993 Nagar Shahdara Delhi-32 7838176470 Sc 65 5040 1000030 Kumar year Scholar F-300 Gali No-1 Chand Diet Darya Ganj Deepak Diet 1st Day 31 M 20061997 Suraj pal Bagh Delhi-94 9968885849 Sc 87 7560 1000031 Kumar Year Scholar 2094 Sah Street No-19 Delhi College Of Arts And Akash Dhara B.A(Hons) Day 32 M 25041996 Prem Nagar new Delhi- 8375966307 Commerce Sc 72 5040 1000032 Nandan Singh 2nd Year Scholar 08 463 B Devli Village New Acharya Narendra Dev College B.Sc. 2nd Day 33 Gaurav M 10021994 Rishipal Basti New Delhi-80 7838208209 Sc 72 5040 1000033 Year Scholar Rz-A-25 Ground Floor Acharya Narendra Dev College Day 34 Ketika F 11081996 Anil kumar Old Som bazar Road 9911103004 B.Com(H) 1 Sc 72 5040 1000034 Scholar Mahavir Enclave New 1805 IMLI Mohalla Diet Darya Ganj Shivangi Ashok D.El.Ed 1st Day 35 F 2051997 Chowk Shah Mubarak 7053259009 Sc 92 7560 1000035 Narain Narain Year Scholar Sita Ram bazar Delhi-06 B-1162 Sangam Vihar Acharya Narendra Dev College Day 36 Sushma F 6061995 Ram Kumar New Delhi-62 9540358766 B.Sc.(H) Sc 64 5040 1000036 Scholar B-609 Gali No-7 Rajveer Acharya Narendra Dev College Day 37 Jyoti F 4061996 Shishpal Colony Gharoli Extn 7531828608 B.Sc.(H) Sc 65 5040 1000037 Scholar Delhi-96 H No-149 VPO Nangal Aditi mahavidyalaya Shyam B.H.J 1st Day 38 Arti Khatak F 29091992 Thakran Delhi-39 9560497345 Sc 62 5040 1000038 Singh Year Scholar Page 3 H No-134 VPO Katewara Aditi mahavidyalaya Shri B.H.J 1st Day 39 Chitra Anjali F 13101995 Delhi-39 8882852290 Sc 79 5040 1000039 Dharambir Year Scholar Vijay H No-Rz-27 Gali No-7 Aditi mahavidyalaya Shanti B.El.Ed 1st Day 40 F 24041995 Kumar Nangli Vihar Najafgarh 9990790768 St 70 7560 1000040 Kumari Year Scholar Shah New Delhi-43 Ram Rz-221 Sayyed Gaon Aditi mahavidyalaya Mamta BHI(1st Day 41 F 26011997 Sajiwan Paschim Vihar New 8373929250 Sc 60 5040 1000041 Pankaj Year) Scholar Pankaj Delhi-87 J Block 1282 Jahangir Aditi mahavidyalaya B.El.Ed 1st Day 42 Rakhi F 27021997 Niranjan Puri New Delhi-33 9654291912 Sc 89 7560 1000042 Year Scholar G.No.-66 H No-2540 B Aditi mahavidyalaya Brijpal B.El.Ed 1st Day 43 Anshul Rani F 1071996 Block Delhi-84 9211255601 St 66 7560 1000043 Singh Year Scholar H No-E-1/23 Sec-11 Aditi mahavidyalaya B.Com 1st Day 44 Divya Jyoti F 18121996 R.N.
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