“Keep the Cat Free” 15/03/13 Issue 1544 felixonline.co.uk HEAD TO HEAD6FLHQFHPHHWVGHEDWHLQWKHƬUVW RIRXUUHJXODUGLVFXVVLRQIHDWXUH Your magazine from the RCSU FREE Missing Science Examined: Britain’s lack of Eggstreme fun science in politics Couch potato Be educated when you’re lounging about; we look at Science and TV Annual Easter Egg review! Pages 12-13 A job at the Beeb? Can we tempt you? We take a dive into the world of Science We have one ticket to the Science Communication in our Careers Feature &KDOOHQJH)LQDO to give away! Issue 4 – March 2012 www.rcsu.org.uk/broadsheet Pick up your copy. Pick up your even be next to Felix... It may Medics to Inside... stage protest Halls woes continue >> over BUCS Garden Hall petition has over 1,100 supporters FASHION Management Board to meet on 20th March decision Cost of Evelyn Gardens refurbishment reportedly £10m for 33 years Aemun Reza News Editor College to answer students’ questions after Management Board meeting h e British Universities & Colleges Tim Arbabzadah Editor-in-Chief Sport (BUCS) acts as the national gov- erning body for higher education sport in the UK. h ey have decided that a h e halls saga continues, with Garden single educational institution should Hall, and the halls in Evelyn Gardens’ A roundup of the not be able to compete as two separate futures still unclear. As well as this teams. h is means that the current there is the possibility of new halls be- fashion weeks 18 system where Imperial College (IC) ing built in North Acton. Jeff Magee, >> and Imperial College School of Medi- Principle of the Faculty of Engineer- cine (ICSM) are separate teams will ing, discussed the halls in a meeting not be able to continue. of student reps. Discussing Evelyn h is rule is being applied to the fi ve Gardens, he said to the students: “h e TV institutions that compete with two proposition there is to convince the separate teams in the BUCS league. College to refurbish those halls for the h e institutions aff ected are Barts and 33 years, knowing at the end of it that h e London; Imperial; Guys, King’s you’ll lose that money,” which he stat- and St h omas’; Royal Free, Univer- ed was estimated at 10 million pounds. sity College and Middlesex; Cardiff . He went on to say that the main ques- In the aim to enhance student experi- tion being discussed by those at the ence in performance, competition and top of College was whether or not this participation, BUCS have released two was a good use of the money, stating options. that “in my view it probably is”. Dur- h e fi rst option is that the aff ected ing the meeting he was questioned by medical schools can continue as in- many students. He said that “nobody Who does run the dividual members so that ICSM and is trying to pull it fast on anybody IC are considered as separate >> 4 here. Property people have been >> 7 world? >>30 Salaries at the top: 273 SPORT Elections are closing members of staff at College Election report: page 6 paid over £100,000. Page 7 Aero students get funding for RC project Page 4 Imperial West launched Page 5 Imperial gets 20m from Hedge Fund donation Page 5 Football enter Union Council cancelled due to lack of agenda items Page 5 Dante’s Inferno >>47 2 FRIDAY 15 MARCH EDITOR’S PICKS FEATURES >> 8 BOOKS >>22 PUZZLES >>44 Cawfee Easter reading Two whole pages You’ll probably be needing a A roundup of the best books It’s the end of term, you need bit of a perk up at some point coming out for you to review. to fi nd some kind of way to dis- during the revision process. Maciej, the Books Editor, gives tract yourself from the exams Here is a guide to the best you fi ve books, as reading makes looming over you. What to do? places to do that. you feel like you’re revising. Nonograms. Obvs. CLASSIFIEDS HallHa so hard, College Volunteers wanted for experiments in- can’tca aff ordably locate vestigating balance and perception mem If you are interested in taking part you must be aged 18-65 and not suffering from vertigo, dizziness, bal- Tim Arbabzadah ance or hearing problems. The research is at Charing Editor-in-Chief Cross Hospital, takes about one hour. You will be reim- bursed for your time. nd we’re back to some New Campus lessly throw away heaps of money, more of the same. Yeah, sure, but don’t straightjacket them. I get it, I know, it’s been The new campus has been launched. The research project has been approved by London- going on for a while. But, This is for postgrads only. Much excite- BUCS, Elections, and exams Fulham Ethics Committee hey, if we all just forget ment for all as BoJo was chilling with thisA and say “this is boring now let’s talk the Rector and I was forgetting to bring A quick word on BUCS: it isn’t broke, why about the email storm or something my camera card. The fact that I felt a are they fi xing it? To fi nd out more, please contact Dr Ed Roberts: else” then we do a disservice to future bit underdressed aside, this could be The elections are coming to a close. students. It’s exactly what everyone at something great for Imperial – that is, Results will hopefully be announced on [email protected] the top wants us to do: just forget it, if we use it wisely. The aims of it are Friday. If you haven’t voted yet, and, sta- get absorbed in our work/life, and let to built an excellent research centre tistically the majority of students haven’t, them just do whatever they want. (obviously, why would you aim to build then vote. Really think about it, and Here is a serious question: is it really a shit one?) that turns research into a make an informed decision. You can al- 10 million pounds to refurbish Evelyn money making venture. Whilst that ways RON and abstain if you really have LOLCAT OF TEH WEEK: Finding these is a perk of the job Gardens? If it is then that is surely statement may be so souless that it no clue where to place your vote. Re- worth it. 10 million pounds for thou- will probably be cast in any new Twi- member Uncle Ben’s words: “with great sands of students’ welfare? It is a lot of light movies, it doesn’t have to be all power comes great responsibility”. Good money to us, but not to a big institu- bad. Making money isn’t in and of itself luck to all of the candidates that are run- tion like Imperial. They made ten times an evil thing. It’s what you do to make ning. It’s the end of term and I will be in that much in just one year. Of course money that can become a bit sketchy. Metric watching it all unfold, or attempt- it’s not as simple as that as they are It is worrying as this ideology of mak- ing to read my phone doing that ‘one eye investing in other things, but surely ing money from science could lead to closed’ thing you do when wasted (it all student welfare, and the chance for more catastrofucks like the Life Sci- depends on when I fi nish all the deliver- all students to be able to have a great ences cuts that happened two years ies and choose to clock off). experience, is worth it? On the subject ago. I am worried that researchers Two terms in and one more to go for of Garden Hall, what more can be said: will feel on edge, and as though they me, and elections has made me remem- a lot of students have got behind the must immediately be showing some ber this time last year. There are some campaign. They’ve really gone all out kind of amazing money spinner from things I still really want to do with Felix, on this, and the message to College their research. The truth is that sci- and I am now, in public, pledging to give is clear: it is the most oversubscribed ence for science’s sake often produces it my all for just one last term, in the hope hall, it is cheap and close to campus, that result. What I’m saying is this: we of making Felix all I wanted it to be. Have it is what students want. You wanted can’t go bankrupt, but let the scientists a great holiday everyone and good luck if student input, you got it. breath a little bit. Don’t let them care- you have exams! Felix, Beit Quad, Prince Consort Road, London SW7 2BB. Email: [email protected]. Tel: 020 7594 8072. Fax: 020 7594 8065. THIS BROUGHT Printed by Iliffe Print Cambridge, Winship Road, Cambridge. Registered newspaper ISSN 1040-0711. Copyright © Felix 2013. WEEK WASTO YOUBY Editor-in-Chief Tim Arbabzadah Deputy Editor Saskia Verhagen Assistant Editor Matt Colvin News Editors Aemun Reza, Nida Mahmud Features Editors Caroline Wood, Stephen Smith Business Editor Deepka Rana Science Editors Philip Kent, Laurence Pope, Philippa Skett Politics Editors Padraic Calpin, Marie-Laure Hicks Food Editors Carol Ann Cheah, Sophia Goldberg, Yiango Mavrocostanti Comment Editors George Barnett, Navid Nabijou, James Simpson Fashion Editors Saskia Verhagen, Alice Yang Arts Editors Eva Rosenthal, Meredith Thomas Books Editor Maciej Matuszewski Music Editors Mark England, Ross Gray, Simon Hunter Television Editor Lucia Podhorska Film Editors Katy Bettany, John Park, Lucy Wiles Games Editor Ross Webster Technology Editors Jason Parmar, Maximilian Eggl Coffee Break Boss Matt Colvin Travel Editor Veronika McQuade Sports Editors Oli Benton, Sorcha Cotter, Margot Pikovsky Online Editors Philip Kent, Jonathan Kim Puzzles Commanders Louisa Byrne, Sotirios Karamitsos Copy Chief Annina Sartor Copy Editors Thomas Lim, Thomas Bell Illustrators Hamish Muir, Outi Supponen, Sam Lav Massive Bellend Simon Worthington ‘I looked down the microscope and saw a vampire.’ Dr Ralf Britz Ichthyologist and discoverer of the Dracula fish Free 30-minute talk Weekdays 14.30 Weekends and school holidays 12.30 and 14.30 Check the website for today’s topic www.nhm.ac.uk/nature-live 4 FRIDAY 15 MARCH News Editors: Aemun NEWS Reza, Nida Mahmud [email protected] Aero students given funding to build RC plane Tim Arbabzadah Editor-in-Chief rience in a project at an early stage.” Meanwhile Filip Karasiewicz said: Group shot of the students involved “fi nally something that is a proof of A 35 strong group of students, led by Imperial’s global position and reputa- Edward Kardouss, Areonautics Year 1 tion”.
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