![1954-04-29, [P ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Thursday, April SO, 1064 AUTOMOBILES FOB SME AUTOMOBILES FOB SME AUTOMOBILES FOB SHE AUTOMOBILES FOB SHE AUTOMOBILES FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES FOB SUE AUTOMOBILES FOB SHE AUTOMOBILES FOB SALE NASH HEWITT 2-DAY RAMBLERS many VACATION TIME IS NEAR! 1860hum Buickn>,uk SpecialOMAfal 196Srasa XalNTWxImo Manhattan 4-14- 1953 Custom hardtop; popular door; radio, heat- $.1 2QC BARGAINS black with rod top, rod 1954 2-docr;radio,heater J?J Today’fi Specials!! er and overdrive 1J J J FREE TRIAL 1953 Chevrolet 210 leather upholstering; 1863 Buick Roadmaster Riv­ hydramatic; whitewalls; 1961 Lincoln 4-door; radio, I960 Super Buick 1- MQC 2-Door, Two-Tons, Radio, Heater. iera 4-door; radio, $ | Ertfi Money Refunded If Not Satisfied in 48 Hours After Delivery Low milsags. A REAL CREAM few miles ........$1,795 heater; hydra- $ 1 OQC door; radio, heater »zJ heater,dynaflow I -/zz matte___________IXzJ PuH. And ONLY 1953 Custom hardtop; beautiful — (Twinging Tax, Title and License Plate Money). 1M7 Pontiao; radios >1 Qt two-tone gray and 1960 Oadillaa 63 Coupe; 196$ Mercury Monterey blue ..........$1,595 Plymouth heater, 4-door---------- I zz 1951 Dodge 2-Door..........................9 995 $1525 hardtop RX; 377QC Coupe; radio, 5 JACK 1952 Custom station wagon; hydramatic LL/J heater, Meroomatto L\TjJ 1951 Dodge 4-Door Coronet $1095 smart ivory ..............$1,195 1M7 CDnytier Convertible; 1949 Dodge 4-Door, radio, heater . $ 695 1941 Kait.r 4-De.r 1951 Custom station wagon; 1MT Cadillac Fleetwood 4- 1961 Nash AmbaeBidor 4- radio, Beautiful Midnight Blue. Radio dean; light blue ....$795 door; radtev boater; $OQ|C 1949 Pontiac 2-Door Sedanette . .$ 695 engineered door; radio, |7QE Hydramatic ______ VzJ heater------------ — and Heater. Here's a fins car heater, hydramatic /zJ 1949 Chevrolet Convertible Club. .$ 495 for ONLY 1961 Oldsmobile 96 Holiday 1930 LaSalle Convertible; ra­ STATESMANS dio, heater; IMG 1950 Buick 4-Door, Dynaflow..........$ 895 for the years 1961 Chevrolet Bel Aire Coupe; radio, || FAE 1949 Plymouth Coupe....................... $ 495 $295 1952 Custom sedan; hydramatic; hardtop; radio, $ 1AQE heater, hydramatic 1 JzJ hydramatic ——— 1 two-tone maroon and heater, powerglide IvzJ 1951 Plymouth Suburban.................$1095 beige; whitewalls . .$1,895 to come 1M0 Oldsmobile 98 4-door; 1947 Buick Super $2(K All Radios. Heaters; Some Automatics and Overdrives 1950 Chevrolet 2-Deor 1952 Custom 2-door; two-tone FOR 1961 Chevrolet 4-door; ra­ radio, heater; 6CAC Convertible —- zzz Radio and Hsatsr. This has been green; equipped ...$1,395 dio, heater; SQOlC Hydramatte_____ 50 More To Choose From well taken cars of and is OK 1951 Super 2-door ..............$795 • Floating Power Powerglide — OzJ 1963 Pontiac super Chief 1948 OidsmobUe mechanically. LOW PRICED at 1951 Custom sedan ........... $895 ECONOMY. Catalina; radio, 5O2QC *98” 2-door.------------ 1950 Super 2-door ..............$395 • Hotchkiss Drive 1940 Font Custom Club heater, hydramatic Lj a J IM? Ford 4-door; 87Q|^ $475 1949 Super 2-door ..............$295 • Oriflow Shock Absorbers *545 1962 Pontiac Super Chief radio, heater----------Zr/z 1946 Super 2-door ..............$145 SEE Catalina; radio, $!4QC CANNING'S 1946 Chrysler Windsor • Safety-Rim Wheels I960 Ford Custom 2-door; heater, hydramatte IvzJ Dodge-Plymoufh Dealer Open Evening* 4-Door. Radio, Heater. This is the AMBASSADORS • Safeguard Hydraulic Brakes ECONOMY ££ *695 This is our 45th year ideal family car, good dependable 1953 Custom sedan; official's 14401 Euclid Ave. SEStiS1-S300 transportation for car; new car • Centrifuso Brake Drama guarantee ........$2,595 Serving Clevelanders! $195 1852 Superior sodan; hydra­ • Cydebond Brake UnInga matic; light green . .81,895 • 100 HJ—7.1 to 1 Compreeeton 1950 Mach Ambassador 1951 Super sedan; Ratio ?■■■■■■ hydramatic ..................$995 12645 4-Door. Original lustrous Hue fin­ r ■ ■ : 1950 Super 2-door; hydramatic • Positive Pressure Lubrication ! HARMON ish. Loaded with extras. REAL •UCLID (several) ..............$595 JUlCi •GOODWILL- BUY at 1947 Super sedan ............... $175 • Oil Bath Air Cleaner conon Always a largo selection of all USED CARS $625 Nash models on display. Low • Aluminum Alloy Pistons — .A. 1-7641 down payments, extended terms. Piston Rings Z - 4 OPEN EVES. TILL 9 ‘ 1948 Chevrolet 4-Door Immediate delivery to out-of- • Valve Boat Inserts DELUXE. Radio, Heater, many town buyers. extras. Here's your money's • Micronic OH Filter worth at OPEN TILL 8 EVERY EVENING $395 • By-pass Water Osculation • Presume Radiator Cap EAST END OK 1952 Chevrolet 4-Door • "Follow-Thru" Starter 1954 STUDEBAKER Commander V-8 Hard Top Convertible, LOW mileage by one careful • Extra Capacity Generator Equipped With Overdrive, Radio, Heater, Directional Sig­ owner and shows It. Plenty of extras and thousands of unused NASH • Oilite Fuel FUter 48-Hour nals, White Walls, Chrome Wheel Discs, Beautiful 2-Tone miles. Seo this one today! 13829 Euclid Aw. LL 1-5300 Finish; Driven Less Than 100 Miles, Full 16229 Euclid Ave. LL 1-5309 • Floating Oil Intake List $3111.81 — Our Price..................................... $1095 • Automatic Choke Free Trial TO W. T. GRANT DEPT. STORE 1950 DE SOTO Custom 4 Door Sedan; Automatic C£Q£ 1949 Packard 4-Deer • Ignition Key Starting This one is loaded with equip­ Transmission; Radio, Heater, D.L.; was $995 ... yVvv Specials Every Car Must Be Sold In 30 Days ment, has original blue finish, is • Chain Camshaft Drive 1952 FORD V-8 customline 2-door sedan. Equipped with OK mechanically, good rubber, • Automatic Spark Control 1951 CHEVROLET NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED! Overdrive, Radio, Heater plus full factory and you can drive it away for Buy Here Sport Coupe. This beautiful blue the LOW price of • Sea-leg Mounted Rear Shock car. No. 281, that was a new car Easy Terms! Only $5.00 Down! equipment. Exclusive Special............................. ^11 vv $ $ save $ $ trade in and carefully driven by Abeorbers one owner. Equipped with Chevro­ $395 1953 Ford Fordor 1849 Dodge 4-Door 1951 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER Newport Hard Top Con­ 15 SPECIALS let famous Powerglide. Fully war­ • Sway Eliminator ranted. Specially priced at 1953 Plymouth 4-Door 1949 Dodge f'Door vertible, Power-Torque Transmission, Radio, Heater, Direc­ 1961 Ford 4-Door $895 1952 Nash Station Wagon 1949 Plymouth Club Coupe tional Signals, Back Up Lights, numerous other conveni­ 1946 Nash........... $396 • Rubber Body Mountings 1951 Dodge 4-Door 1949 Plymouth 4-Door Shiny black finish, VERY CLEAN SUPER 2-DOOR ence accessories. This is a real luxurious car. 1 owner. inside and out. Has all extra Radio, Heater, Overdrive 1951 Chevrolet 2-Door 1949 Plymouth Suburban • Wide Double-channel Side Rails 1950 PLYMOUTH 1849 Ford Custom Focder Previously owned by a very prominent family and can equipment. This is a real buy for Special DeLuxe 2-door sedan, car 1951 Plymouth Club Coupe 1950 Oldsmobile $795 • Splay-mounted Rear Springs, with No. 370 is pearl-gray and really a 1951 Nash 4-Door 1949 Plymouth 4-Door be purchased for l/a of original cost. $745 "98" 2-DOOR aide mounted ahead of spring solid car. Exceptionally dean. 1951 Studebaker Starlight Coupe 1849 Ford Custom Fordor Hydramatic, Radio, Heater Equipped with radio, heater. Out­ centers standing value at 1951 Dodge 4-Door 1849 Dodge Meadowbrook 4-Door 1950 Dodge 4-Door GOODWILL BUYS Most Cars with Radio, Hooter! Low 1951 Hudson . $695 1949 Dodge Club Coupe SUPER SEDAN • Independent Hand Brake S72S 1950 Ford Club Coupe Mileage Now Car Trade-ins! Your Radio, Heater 1948 Plymouth 2-Door "YOU JUST CAN'T BEAT" 1950 DeSoto 4-Door 1948 Dodge Club Coupe Present Car Will Servo as Down Pay­ 1949 CHRYSLER "8" 1950 Dodge 4-Door LARGE SELECTION e ALL MAKES & MODELS ment! Balance Easy Terms! 1950 Dodge.........$645 New Yorker club coupe. This is a 1847 Plymouth 4-Door DE LUXE 2-DOOR 1950 Studebaker 4-Door 1847 Dodge 4-Door first series and carried a 1949 title. 1950 Nash 4-Door 100 Other Reed Buys! Radio, Heater Outstanding In appearance and me­ 1947 Fraser 4-Door PLUS . chanically A-l. Truly a fine, big, 1950 Chevrolet Fleetline 2-Door 1951 Dodge.........$895 proven automobile. Don t fail to 1950 Plymouth 4-Door 1947 Pontiac 4-Door Harmon Pontiac Wo Have Good Carsl CORONET SEDAN see this beauty at 1950 Chevrolet 4-Docr 1947 Buick 2-Door Sedanette Radio, Heater Added Features Wo Roally Trade! $595 1950 Chevrolet 2-Door 1947 Plymouth Sedan Open Evaaia*, 1950 Buick.........$895 1950 Buick 4-Door 1946 Chevrolet 2-Door ROADMASTER SEDAN 1950 OLDSMOBILE 1950 Chevrolet 2-Door 1846 Hudson 4-Door DHavlaw 1-2400 Mayfield at Dynaflow, Radio, Heater "88" 2-door sedan, Futuramic trans­ 1950 Bifick 4-Dooc 1946 Pontiac 2-Door Sedan Coupe HEWITT AT NO EXTRA mission, radio, heater; light green 1951 Mercury . .$995 in color; low mileage; one care­ SPORT SEDAN ful owner; Immaculate Interior; Do Luxe Radio, Heater, Overdrive fully warranted. Really a high-class Most All Can Have Radio, Heater, Automatic Transmission or Overdrive COST! automobile Chevrolet 1950 Chevrolet . .$695 $945 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS DE LUXE 2-DOOR Radio, Hooter Gribble Motors 15201 Euclid Ave. UL. 1-3307 1950 HUDSON Milt Miller Motors, Inc. 1951 Ford "8". $985 e New Two-Tone Pacemaker "6” 2-door sedan in 14461 Euclid Ave. UL. 1-3305 CUSTOM CONVERTIBLE beautiful completely repainted DODGE • PLYMOUTH DEALER "For A Good Used Car JU The Radio, Heater blue-gray. Exceptionally e 1 e a n Colors! throughout. Equipped with radio, 22480 Lake Shore Bird. 22580 Lake Shor* Bird. OPEN EVENINGS 1951 Buick.........$995 heater, seat covers. Specially priced Right Price!" SPECIAL DE LUXE SEDAN 1951 STUDEBAKER Commander V-8, over-drive, radio Radio, Heater REdwood 1-7300 Open Till 8 P.M. e Special Chrome and heater, a low mileage CftQK 1951 Nash........... $795 CUSTOM SEDAN car only ................... ..................................... Hydramatic, Radio, Heater 1949 PONTIAC "9“ Trim! Chieftan 4-door sedan, a high- 1952 Mercury 1949 FORD Custom Fordor, radio and heater, overdrive.
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